What do you think Stinkfist means?

Tool - Stinkfist Meaning

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Album cover for Stinkfist album cover

Song Released: 1996

Stinkfist Lyrics

Something has to change
Undeniable dilemma
Boredom's not a burden
Anyone should bear

Constant over stimulation
Numbs me
But I would not want you any other way

Just not enough
I need more
Nothing seems to satisfy
I don't want it

  1. Nakita
    click a star to vote
    Dec 9th 2007 !⃝

    I think that the song Stinkfist is about addiction to drugs. Part of addiction could be feeling bored without that high as in "Bordom's not a burdan anyone should bare". "It's not enough,I need more nothing seems to satisfy, I don't want it I just need it, to breath to feel to know I'm alive." That would be needing the drug, he's addicted but doesn't want to be, because he needs it. In the song it makes it so that you can understand the gradual addiction. It starts off finger deep in borderline, then moves all the way to elbow deep. I don't know that's just what I think, personally I don't believe it is about anal sex.

  2. anonymous
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    Aug 7th 2007 !⃝

    Well for starters I would like to say that I am a new tool fan thanx to my moms husband to be I now have access to all of tools cds and a dvd wich I would have never been interested had I not played in a battle of the band and herd a band in the open catigory play schism wich I instantly fell inlove with thus starting my passion for tool...any way my iterpritation

    in this song we hear two diferent voices , or reather MJK voice in two different tones so its seams to be a conversation or one person talking with himself. I think it could be tool saying that the world is becoming desensitized and now needs this selfless mindless violence to cure their own boredom
    ( I said, I don't want it. I just need it.)
    in MY opinion (not saying I'm right and need anyone attacking me for this like some like to do as I've read many interpretations to increase my tool experiance) tool has used the imagry of fisting to show us just how desensitized we really are and we listen to this song, sing it, play it over and over, 50 years ago people would have burned this cd for its content now we praise the artists for making a song about fisting. In not saying that's all the song is about, if you think that you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed. I'm just trying to say that I think tool ment to show that as we evolve as a culture we have truely strayed form our morals that we once had. now as we have newes broadcasting form allover the world we see many thing so in this sense (How can it mean anything to me,
    if I really don't feel a thing at all?)
    this is talking about that and how we feel no pain or grievance from events happening around the world they are just another news story to keep use from being bored. we need to be entertained and that need has desensitized us all.

    on another note I think that this could also be about a drug adiction as it grows pulling you in deeper, it becomes not a want but a need, and you get used to the side affects
    ( This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to.)
    (Something kinda sad about,
    the way that things have come to be.
    Desensitized to everything.
    What became of subtlety? )
    is talking about the way people come to live on the streets with their adiction being the only thing that runs thier life. could this be tool saying that its sad that people end up homless because of their drug adictions.

    any way that's about all I got out of this by this point if more comes to me ill be sure come back.

  3. anonymous
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    Jun 20th 2007 !⃝

    I don't know why anyone hasnt mentioned this yet (unless I just haven't read through properly) this song is about the desensitization society as mentioned earlier the entire ÆNIMA album is about the evolution of society and the human body/soul.

    If anyone has heard third eye live they will know that MJK mentions people needing to think for themselves by questioning authority. but anyway I'm getting off track here.

    The fisting is JUST A METAPHOR for this desensitization of society around us.

    As the song plays through it changes from "Finger deep" to "Knuckle deep" "Elbow deep " and lastly "Shoulder deep" inside the borderline.

    These references are just once again being used as a METAPHOR (not literally) about how the media and internet are desensitizing us all.

    "Something kinda sad about the way that things have come to be" it is now clear what has happened to the world and it is uncertain whether it will ever change.

    Thanks For Reading (its just a metaphor)

  4. anonymous
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    Jun 12th 2007 !⃝

    Well first off when stating your interpretation of ANY Tool song you should NEVER say you're right or other people are wrong. Maynard has said on record a billion times that he leaves all his songs open to fans interpretations. So I'm impressed by everyones take on this song. This first few times I heard this song I thought maybe it was kind of about someone being on the verge or "borderline" of insanity. It makes sense but now I pretty much interpret it a bunch of different ways while I listen to it. depends on what kind of mood I'm in I guess.

  5. anonymous
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    Mar 24th 2007 !⃝


    i'm a new Tool fan. not normally into metal, but Maynard's passion and brilliance has won me over. after reading and listening much of his music, I have come to believe that his intelligence is by far underestimated. I'm completely in awe of the thought and dedication he puts into his work. This is the reason for my contribution.

    in "stinkfist" it is apparent that Maynard is expressing his love of the senses -- or rather, our love, as human beings, of the senses. He calls it an "undeniable dilemma" that we can't seem to get enough of this -- of experiencing the world: to touch, to taste, to see, to hear, to feel. he uses the image of two lovers trying to please one another to portray a truly spiritual moment.

    in this song, a picture of the unimaginable is presented: a man inserting his fist into the "borderline" -- the thin wall between the rectum and the vagina -- until he is shoulder deep. The vaginal opening is symbolic of one's desperate need to feel pleasure; the tearing of the boarder line is symbolic of the destructive methods used; and the rectum is symbolic of our need to cleanse internally (spiritually). going shoulder deep is a way of saying, "how far will we go?"

    is the image in this song a metaphor for herioine use? maybe. or maybe maynard's experience with drugs is the reason he wrote the piece. This album is a tribute to two men, comedian bill hicks, and psychologist timothy leary. They both maintained the view that psychadelic drugs could be used in a positive manner, as a tool to get in touch with our spiritual side (not associated with religion). but lets face it, drugs are addictive and therefore destructive. I believe that to say "stinkfist" is about drugs or about these two men would be abandoning the important message the writer wants to get across.

    Aenima is a word tool created to mean spiritual cleansing. This is the theme to the album. This is what we should be paying attention to. I think the stinkfist visual has more to do with getting in touch with one's spiritual side. drugs is just one way to do this. Its something we do because it enhances our senses. This is pleasurable, and therefore cleansing to the spirit.

    we cleanse our spirit through pleasing our senses. as human beings it is necessary for us to do this, but most of us have taken the wrong approach. we are now overstimulated and desensitized. we feel nothing in our search to feel everything. "numb." this is why people turn to drugs. This is why people do many things that are self-destructive. we have to find a better way.


  6. anonymous
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    Feb 22nd 2007 !⃝

    I like to think of the song as a conversation between a drug user and the drug itself.

    Something has to change.
    Un-deniable dilemma.
    Boredoms not a burden
    Anyone should bear.

    (This is the user talking. He is saying that he is bored with his life, countless hours of boredom seem like wasted time)

    Constant over-stimulation numbs me
    But I wouldn’t want you
    Any other way.

    (The user is showing that he discovered a drug. He becomes effected by the drug)

    Just, not enough.
    I need more.
    Nothing seems to satisfy.
    I said, I don’t want it.
    I just need it.
    To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.

    (The user is begining to become addicted to the drug. He feels attached and he needs it to live)

    Finger deep within the borderline.
    Show me that you love me and that we belong together.

    (This is the user falling into the first stage of addiction, he is still unsure of the drug, asking it to show him that the drug is right for him)

    Relax, turn around and take my hand.

    (this is the drug started to speak. It is saying to relax, trust me)

    I can help you change
    Tired moments into pleasure.
    Say the word and well be
    Well upon our way.

    (this is the drug speaking, telling the user all the great things it has to offer. The user will no longer become bored and the drug knows that the user will enjoy it)

    Blend and balance
    Pain and comfort
    Deep within you
    Till you will not want me any other way.

    (The drug is still talking. listing the effects of the drug as it enters deep within the user.)

    But, it’s not enough.
    I need more.
    Nothing seems to satisfy.
    I said, I don’t want it.
    I just need it.
    To breathe, to feel, to know I’m alive.

    (The user still struggles with the addiction)

    Knuckle deep inside the borderline.
    This may hurt a little but its something you’ll get used to.
    Relax. Slip away.

    (This is the drug talking as the user falls deeper into the addiction. The user feels side affects but the drug insists that its ok.)

    Something kinda sad about
    The way that things have come to be.
    Desensitized to everything.
    What became of subtlety?

    (This is the user talking. He is realizing his poor decision. He gets a good look at himself in the mirror)

    How can it mean anything to me?
    If I really don’t feel anything at all?

    (The user is realizing the drug is bad. The user says how can the drug mean anything to me...if I really can't feel a thing at all(because he's high))

    Ill keep digging till,
    I feel something.

    (He stays with the drugs however until he can reach a point where he feels satisfied.)

    Elbow deep inside the borderline.
    Show me that you love me and that we belong together.
    Shoulder deep within the borderline.
    Relax. Turn around and take my hand.

    ( He falls even deeper (elbow deep) into his addiction and still plumets deeper to an uncontrollable addictive state. yet the drug still insists that the two should be together)

  7. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jan 22nd 2007 !⃝

    well what I believe this song is about like homzd posted is about how we all as a society have been desensitized by everything around us. Not only that but us digging further to find something that will satisfy our need. Now when most of us hear the word "Stinkfist" we think something like a cavity search. I think the title as well as lyrics of the song are metaphorical ways of explaining the desensitization of society. When I hear finger, knuckle, elbow, and shoulder deep within the borderline, I think of it as a representation of different time periods when we as a society were used to different things all around us. As we get "deeper" or farther a long in time we realize as uncomfortable as it is at first we grow used to that feeling and reach a point where all we can really do is expect more.

  8. anonymous
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    Dec 15th 2006 !⃝

    Someone already posted what I wanted to post, but fuck it lol. The song speaks of how humanity continues to get more and more desensitized. Without looking into the depth of the song, unfortunately like a lot of Tool fans do, it's about fist-fucking. "This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to." DESENSITIZATION! You get used to seeing stuff, everything is starting to lose it's value, or shock value. Example, 9/11. It doesn't bring the same reaction now that it did 5 years ago. Seeing the images of a person falling to their deaths from over a 100 stories doesn't do to us what it did in 2001. And in conclusion, listen to the song. When you first heard it, think of how it shocked you. "Shoulder deep," c'mon, you know it grossed you out, or at least caused some kinda reaction. And now, I just sing it casually in my head while I'm bored at work. DESENSITIZED!!! I don't even think I spelled that word right, o well!


  9. anonymous
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    Nov 28th 2006 !⃝

    "Society is over stimulating us, desensitizing us."
    This is a common interpretation - but what are we becoming desensitized to?
    All of the those things already listed - one of them being that we're oversexed. Overt sexuality is so pervasive nowadays in the U.S. That we hardly notice things anymore that would of driven people crazy 40, 50 years ago. A two piece bathing suit with a thong at the beach in the 40's? Forget about it! Now if you step out of your house your bombarded with that about 20 times on your way to the grocery store.
    We've also been numbed to the horrid state of the world outside of the U.S. and Europe. Always being reminded of the tragedies occuring daily in the rest of the world the ghastly situations have a way of sinking into the background noise of modern existence. Previously anonymous said, "another topic the song touches on: the number of people who are horrified by a song that appears to be about deviant sexual acts, but may hear about dying children in third world countries, for example, and show little concern." The great song Vicarious on 10,000 days goes into this as well, about living one's own life through whats going on in the rest of the world and all the bad things happening.
    We've become hooked on all these things - the atrocities being committed around the world elsewhere, the sex, videogames, cartoons. I think the drugs allegory is just an extension of this - its the ultimate break down of the idea. We live in a world now of immediate satisfaction, quick fixes. I know where I'm sitting now on my computer with CS, minesweeper, and music, I don't have to swivel even 90 degrees to see the TV and get sucked into that for a little bit.

  10. anonymous
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    Nov 18th 2006 !⃝

    This song is not about a drug addiction... I can guarantee you that. However, the great thing about Tool is that Maynard allows you to create your own interpretations of his music quite frequently.

    Here's my interpretation of one of Maynard's best work... This song is about a loved one. As someone stated before, it helps a lot if you actually listen to the song rather than just read the lyrics. I will break down the lyrics piece by piece to assist you in my interpretation of 'Stinkfist'. I will type the lyrics followed by my interpretation below in brackets.

    Something has to change.
    Un-deniable dilemma.
    Boredoms not a burden
    Anyone should bear.

    (These lines basically explain how Maynard is bored with his current relationship. He wants something to change, and its obvious there is a problem. He doesn't think anyone should experience the boredom he feels with his relationship)

    Constant over-stimulation numbs me
    But I wouldn’t want you
    Any other way.

    (This means he keeps trying to make his relationship better than it is, and that sometimes his relationship simply becomes too much to handle. However, on the other hand, he still loves her and because of this he doesn't want her to change. He loves her for who she is anyway)

    Just, not enough.
    I need more.
    Nothing seems to satisfy.
    I said, I don’t want it.
    I just need it.
    To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.

    (Maynard obviously loves this girl. He can't get enough of her. He goes on to explain that it's never enough, he always wants more. However, because of the boredom he is feeling with the relationship, and the perhaps feeling of his relationship basically going nowhere, he goes on to say he doesn't want it. He just needs it to know he's alive; he needs her to stay alive. He can't live without this girl)

    Finger deep within the borderline.
    Show me that you love me and that we belong together.
    Relax, turn around and take my hand.

    (Finger deep means he has started to put himself, in terms of love and feelings, inside/for this girl. He has perhaps opened himself to the love, and has a sense of being 'trapped' in his relationship. He wants the girl to do something, anything, to make any change to show that they belong together and that he isn't wasting his time with the girl)

    I can help you change
    Tired moments into pleasure.
    Say the word and well be
    Well upon our way.

    (Again, showing his desperation for this relationship to work. He wants to turn the bored moments with the girl into happy times, times in which they both enjoy being together. He wants the girl to commit herself to the change and give him her hand to give him the confidence to carry on with the relationship and make it last)

    Blend and balance
    Pain and comfort
    Deep within you
    Till you will not want me any other way.

    (These few lines, in my opinion, are by far the hardest to interpret. However, I think he wants the girl to start feeling the same way about him as he does for her. Directly referencing to earlier in the song, he wants the girl to feel what he's feeling. He wants her to feel the pain he feels in order to go through change. Ordeal is the main aspect in change)

    But, it’s not enough.
    I need more.
    Nothing seems to satisfy.
    I said, I don’t want it.
    I just need it.
    To breathe, to feel, to know I’m alive.

    (Same meaning as earlier on in the song)

    Knuckle deep inside the borderline.
    This may hurt a little but its something you’ll get used to.
    Relax. Slip away.

    (Here is the other side to Maynard's mind. He is obviously torn in the situation. Does he let everything slip away? In my opinion, that's the last thing he wishes to do. However, he does think of it. He is knuckle deep now. He has exploited himself and put himself even further into the girl and situation. Relax... Slip away = the thought of just letting the relationship go)

    Something kinda sad about
    The way that things have come to be.
    Desensitized to everything.
    What became of subtlety?

    (This ordeal has had an impact on Maynard. He is feeling saddened and depressed because of the situation. In my opinion, he starts referring to the world in general at this point and he is sad at the way the world is in terms of relationships. 'How can I be trying so hard, yet bad things still happen to me and this relationship?' Is what he may be thinking. He thinks people don't feel anymore. They don't care because of how the world works. What became of subtlety speaks for itself)

    How can it mean anything to me?
    If I really don’t feel anything at all?

    (This situation with the girl has had a major impact on him. All the hurt he has felt because of this has made him heartless. 'Constant Over-Stimulation' can be directly related. Constant abuse to his heart makes him feel nothing at all)

    Ill keep digging till,
    I feel something.

    (My favorite lines of the entire song come here... Despite of everything that has happened, he is not willing to give up. He is going to keep pushing himself deeper inside himself and the girl until things are good again. He wants everything to be perfect, or perhaps better, than they have been, and he is not going to give up until he 'feels' it)

    Elbow deep inside the borderline.
    Show me that you love me and that we belong together.
    Shoulder deep within the borderline.
    Relax. Turn around and take my hand.

    (This takes you back to earlier in the song. He keeps digging deeper inside the girl. He keeps exploiting himself; he is allowing this to take his life over. He needs the girl to be happy, to know he's alive. The closing line shows the love he feels for the girl. Turn around, take my hand = everything will be ok, trust me and everything will work out)

    This is truly a great piece of work from Maynard. I love this song; I always have and I always will.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  11. suba_357
    click a star to vote
    Nov 12th 2006 !⃝

    Try listening to the music rather then just reading the lyrics. That will help you out alot

  12. anonymous
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    Nov 1st 2006 !⃝

    It would seem like the author is desiring to be with someone he's not allowed to have (undeniable dilemma). He could be in a relationship that bores him (nothing seems to satisfy). He is getting deeper involved with this third person (finger deep, knuckle deep etc.) he also doesn't want to hurt the person he's currently with but he's in a comfort zone (pain and comfort). His current relationship is making him feel dead and hopes the third person could make him feel alive again as she stimulates him either physically or emotionally. But if you go further into the album it would almost seem like he became obsessed with this girl and she's only playing games with him and at times he feels very frustrated with her (see pushit lyrics).

  13. anonymous
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    Oct 4th 2006 !⃝

    That mrb kid (or adult, judging by the big words he used) sounds like he knows what he's talking about. I'd like to add some things to what he said, though: even people who have opened their minds to what is happening in our society (people like the bands rage against the machine/tool, and several poets/writers such as allen insberg and george orwell) have their material put into the mainstream, and by the end of it, their revolutionary ideas have lost their message. What they do accomplish is getting people to actually think, and take action.

  14. anonymous
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    Sep 28th 2006 !⃝

    I really doubt the song has anything to do with anal fisting. Maynard's lyrics are never that one dimensional, it's completely out of charecter for the band. In addition, this doesn't have any significant or enlightening meaning, which is also uncharacteristic of the bands work.

    I think a better interpretation is that it is a statement on the desensitization of our society; that is, we eventually reach a point where nothing shocks us anymore, so that we feel the constant need to be stimulated by something new. "desensitized to everything/what became of subtlety?" the narrator repeatedly reassures his partner that "this may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to." The irony of this interpretation is how shocking the song is to some people, which relates to another topic the song touches on: the number of people who are horrified by a song that appears to be about deviant sexual acts, but may hear about dying children in third world countries, for example, and show little concern.

  15. anonymous
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    Sep 20th 2006 !⃝

    "Stinkfist", I see, is a song that causes much confusion. After reading all of these interpretations, I realized that it would be interesting to post my views (which come from credible sources). First off all, there is nothing whatsoever alluding to anal sex, lovers, or society in general. Sure, you can attribute the meaning to these instances and actually have it make some sense, but the song itself actually has a rather poignant message. Fisting is used as a metaphor in this song to describe the one thing which many can agree on - an addiction. The lyrics have a conversational tone, and symbology is prevalent. At times, the lyrics have a narrative aspect, taking a step back in a sense and viewing the "relationship" from an outside perspective. An addiction, when analyzed, fits easily into the classification of a relationship. This song is like a ballad of sorts, telling a story. There is a beginning, a buildup, and an end, though none are clearly defined. As the tale chronologically progresses, you see the metaphorical connection of fisting unfold (finger, then knuckle, then elbow, and finally shoulder deep within the borderline). The fisting aspect is taken to the extreme, as these sorts of relationships have a tendency to do. "it's not enough, I need more. Nothing seems to satisfy. I don't want it, I just need it, to breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive." when you realize that phrases such as these are essentially the voice of the addict, the conversation practically unfolds itself. "I can help you change tired moments into pleasure. Say the word, and we'll be well upon our way. Blend and balance pain and comfort deep within you 'til you will not want me any other way." this is, clearly, the drug talking. I'll let the rest soak in. Read the lyrics whilst keeping this in mind and prepare to be in awe of the lyrical genius of maynard. That is all.

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