What do you think The Pot means?

Tool - The Pot Meaning

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Album cover for The Pot album cover

Song Released: 2006

The Pot Lyrics

Who are you to wave your finger?
You must have been out your head.
Eye hole deep in muddy waters,
You practically raise the dead.

Rob the grave to snow the cradle,
And burn the evidence down.
Soapbox house of cards and glass,
So don't go...

  1. jmaster21
    click a star to vote
    Nov 4th 2010 !⃝

    Now you're weeping shades of cozened indigo
    Got lemon juice up in your eye
    When you pissed all over my black kettle

    I think when he refers to indigo he could be refering to the the status of people based on there clothe in the Elizabethean era people who wore indigo were typically more rich and powerful if you take it in that context these lyrics would mean..... Saying something with some kind of unjustified authority making you look stupid and hypocritical..... Which would make sense in the general context of the song which is about the legalization of pot. So that perticular line means to me.... That the goverment is saying that pot is bad using there power and stature to imply this rather then anything actually tangeble (Now you're weeping shades of cozened indigo). The fact the are using power to justify it makes them look stupid (Got lemon juice up in your eye when you pissed all over my black kettle).

    It was basically my interpretation of the use of the word indigo. There is many other good interpretation of the use of the word indigo such as religious based or even what the color means in chakara which tool refers to multiple times in various songs. I just believe in this context that it might just be a reference to social status.

  2. anonymous
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    Jul 30th 2010 !⃝

    Well I'm thinking along the lines of the court system being corrupted and its saying they are just as bad as the pot heads they persecute

  3. atlantiscats
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    May 29th 2010 !⃝

    Convolution.... hello are you in there? Dude first off, "better hope Maynard doesn't find out" was called humor. Something you lack (except in your social situations). And L.Ron Hubbard (please drink your purple coolaide and chill). What have you done lately that can impress us? Go ahead, tell us (I think I'm the only one listening, so feel free LOL). Go on, what have you done of interest? I like the song, have you done anything?

  4. convolution
    click a star to vote
    May 28th 2010 !⃝

    The problem with Tool fans is that
    99% of them are actually sheep, something
    that Tool despises. Just look at yourselves,
    invoking "better hope Maynard doesn't find out".

    Sound like a bunch of school kids who just broke
    a window at an abandoned house.

    When you're done worshipping the altar of
    weakness, go on ahead and whip out your
    L Ron Hubbard and further your own ignorance...

  5. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    May 21st 2010 !⃝

    convolution,( a user) are you a stupid idiot??? you’re saying tool apposes the democratic party because its built of hypocrisy??? First thing, you’re a brain washed idiot, Second: You do know tool is a democratic band right? Every single one of the members! Before you go out making you idiotic assumptions I suggest you get your facts in line.

  6. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    May 21st 2010 !⃝

    convolution,( a user) are you a stupid idiot??? you’re saying tool apposes the democratic party because its built of hypocrisy??? First thing, you’re a brain washed idiot, Second: You do know tool is a democratic band right? Every single one of the members! Before you go out making you idiotic assumptions I suggest you get your facts in line.

  7. atlantiscats
    click a star to vote
    May 1st 2010 !⃝

    Convolution was it? Maynard isn't gonna like what you said.... and you support the W!? Have you taken your pills today? Fear the Maynard, Convolution..... I fear for your sanity!

  8. convolution
    click a star to vote
    Apr 30th 2010 !⃝

    This song is about
    the day Maynard almost
    came out of the closet.

    It is about his inner struggles
    with his own hypocrisy...

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  9. convolution
    click a star to vote
    Apr 30th 2010 !⃝

    This song is predicting the
    hypocrisy of the Obama administration
    and how there is nothing but hypocrisy
    in the Democratic party.

    Obama likes muddy waters, and is known
    to have smoked pot before. Since he
    was born in Indonesia, where there are
    kangaroos, there is a kangaroo reference.

    This interpretation was created simply to
    balance out the lefty trash that trashes
    George W Bush, the best US president in
    history. He kicked ass and had the world
    shitting in their knickers!

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  10. atlantiscats
    click a star to vote
    Mar 9th 2010 !⃝

    Oh this one is so easy! And I REALLY like the song, so it must be good. It's about.... The freaks that want to run the country. Even if he didn't mean it "you musta been high" should refer to Pres.Clinton (I mean come on "he didn't "inhale"" Jesus, lame. But, he was talking more about Bush (who we all hate). Most politicians are lawyers. BTW, the writer of this song is well educated. Snow... (drugs for the youth),muddy waters (Katrina),soap box (podium), house of cards (bunch of lies), burn the evidence down (9/11), glass house (we can all see). Kangaroo courts. Basically, he is singing of many situations, all of which.... we can see now that the smoke has cleared (I just don't know if I want to look....anymore). Our job as I see it, is to teach the young... LOOK at what is standing in front of you... not what you wish was there, not what they tell you is there, not what they lie to you is there... but LOOK.. look, not at what people say, but what they do. And that my friends will save you in any relationship.

  11. anonymous
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    Jan 20th 2010 !⃝

    I think it is basically bashing the government and comparing them to pot heads (kangaroo be stoned is guilty as the government)and saying that they can't see hear or say anything that is right(eye ball deep in muddy water[you wouldn't be able to see or breath or hear])

  12. samsessums
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    Nov 20th 2009 !⃝

    Got lemon juice up in your fucking eye-lemon juice in your eye would hurt and fucking blind you

  13. liberalmormon
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    Oct 14th 2009 !⃝

    I actually always felt that this song was a response to the drug war and the effort the government has taken to prosecute pot yet at the same time most of these politicians have smoked weed... They must be so fucking high.

    And why are all these people locked up without a reason. who is the government to go around waving their finger at me...

  14. sizrhpy77
    click a star to vote
    Sep 5th 2009 !⃝

    You guys are reading way too much into this...

    Read the lyrics as a story, no hidden meanings.

    It's in the title...."The Pot"

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  15. boobah
    click a star to vote
    Jul 24th 2009 !⃝

    okay this is a pretty straightforward one but there is just one major element I want to add.
    The Pot is a three way reference, Everyone knows the Pot calling the kettle black, and of course Cannabis,
    This song is directed at someone who criticized M.'s past illegal drug use but they themselves drink Yage. (or Ayahuasca, google it) This is the easiest and most legal way to go about experiencing the effects of DMT.
    It's a tea, that you spend ten hours brewing in a *POT*, occasionally squeezing fresh lemons into the brew for the right ph level, hence "you got lemon juice up in your eye"
    When it's finished, it is opaque brown and looks like mud. "eyehole deep in muddy waters"
    It is .. if made potent enough, Very hallucinogenic. WAY more than marijuana. Well, it's DMT, Tool fans ought know what that is. "Ganja, P-LEASE, you MUST have been out OF your mind!"

    The thing is that may people who choose this way to take DMT excuse it because's "natural" and "healing" and "spiritual" and tribes have been doing it for hundreds of years so they come off very pretentious.
    But it's still drugs.

    (my experience with it: Everything I imagined I saw covered in green and purple stripes, PRECISELY like the Alex Grey painting of yellow striped skulls in the 10000 days packaging [except different colors]. This was a few weeks BEFORE I even saw that painting. I was QUITE shocked.)

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