My Chemical Romance - Disenchanted Meaning

Disenchanted Lyrics
They sold the cause for the queen
And when the lights all went out
We watched our lives on the screen
I hate the ending myself
But it started with an alright scene
It was the roar of the crowd
That gave me...
Well, I was there on the day
They sold the cause for the queen
And when the lights all went out
We watched our lives on the screen
*i think when it says when the lights all went out, its when he is about to die, and when it says we watched our lives on the screen that means that just when he is dying everything started to matter, before he lived without thinking, but now he realized all the good things and bad things*
I hate the ending myself
But it started with an alright scene
*he is being sarcastic, its actually the opposite way, in the beginning he was being pushed around, but he likes the ending, cause the pain is almost over*
It was the roar of the crowd
That gave me heartache to sing
It was a lie when they smiled
And said you won't feel a thing
And as we ran from the cops
We laughed so hard it would sting
*everybody is very selfish and loud, wanting themselves to be heard, and they roar out cheap things, but he sings, that metaphorizes that it's only him who is making sense, he is not roaring, he is singing
again he is being sarcastic, the cops tell him to shut up, so he is laughing how ignorant they are to make him shut up*
If I'm so wrong
How can you listen all night long?
Now will it matter after I'm gone
Because you never learn a goddamned thing
*he says that people after a while listened to him, but not with their heads, just with their ears. just the tune. He is saying its the words that matter, and you need to have a concluding message that you use in life, or he will be worthless (gerard)*
You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a lifelong wait for a hospital stay
And if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to ya
*He says if you want my opinion on you, I pity you. we all saw the real meaning to life right before we were about to die, and if you don't agree, then its funny that u want an opinion from me, its worthless to you anyways* -
I always enjoy analysing lyrics myself and then comparing with another's and wow I completely agree. it's such a beautiful song.
Well, I remember doing some research on the song... The original reason for writing the song was because MCR had this really bad Fallout with the band The Used. The reference to "sold the cause for the queen" is because the two bands had spent lots of time covering songs by the band Queen, and Queen is also one of MCR's biggest influences. Gerard and the lead singer of The Used(I don't care enough to remember his name...) were at one point great friends, hence the lyrics "I hate the ending myself, but it started with an alright scene..."... For those of you who don't know, this song was originally written as a song called "Shut Up and Play", which is the basis for this song. As far as I'm aware, everything else is just details. This song wasn't written for this album, originally, either, so it's not totally referring to The Patient... If anyone knows where the song got its name though, could you tell me? I'm dying to know...
I think this song is about waking up from a dream and realizing it's gone. It'll happen to all of us one day...
The song was originally called Shut Up and Play (Disenchanted), and it was about the end of the friendship between Gerard and Bert Mckraken. Then when The Black Parade concept came around they tweaked it and put it on the cd.
This song has one of my favorite lines in it. "Well, I was there on the day
They sold the cause for the queen
And when the lights all went out
We watched our lives on the screen
I hate the ending myself
But it started with an alright scene" Think of your life as movie. The beginning scene of you being born is a happy one, but the end scene of however you die is not. Interesting concept.
I think the idea of the song is that he loves the fans that support him, but to those who don't care or the "haters", he's saying 'dude, just go away. Stop listening to me if you think what I say is crap." Eg- "If I'm so wrong
How can you listen all night long?
Now will it matter long after I'm gone
Because you never learned a goddamned thing" -
Well, I was there on the day
They sold the cause for the queen
And when the lights all went out
We watched our lives on the screen
*i think what he means by this is he was there when they gave up thier beliefs to please an athority figure or maybe someone everyone admired I believe he may be refering to the period right before death as when the lights all go out and a lot of people say thier lives flash before them right before death so I think that's what he means by "and when the lights all went out we watched our lives on the screen"*
I hate the ending myself
But it started with an alright scene
*his life started out ok but he wishes it had been different tawards the end maybe he is regretting some bad decisions*
It was the roar of the crowd that gave me heartache to sing
It was a lie when they smiled and said you won't feel a thing
And as we ran from the cops
We laughed so hard it would sting
*he hates to dissapoint all the people cheering him on people are constantly telling him that things will turn out fine but they rarely do*
If I'm so wrong
How can you listen all night long?
Now will it matter after I'm gone
Because you never learn a goddamned thing
*he thinks people are taking advantage of him and ignoring what he's saying but when he's dead they're gonna wish they had listened but it will be too late*
You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a lifelong wait for a hospital stay
And if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to ya
*he knows people will listen to his song and think its all about him wasting his life being depressed and waiting for death and I think he may be saying in the last 2 lines that his song is about that and if you think it's about something else you didn't really listen and don't really care*
I spent my high school career
Spit on and shoved to agree
So I could watch all my heroes
Sell a car on TV
Bring out the old guillotine
We'll show them what we all mean
*he was bullied during his high school years and all the people he looked up to as a child/teen turned out to be nobodies the guillotine was a machine heavily used during the french revolution to behead people and it was first used against people named as traitors but in the just about everyone was fair game and I think he is saying that they picked on him but now its thier turn and like the last years of the guillotine no one is really safe*
If I'm so wrong
How can you listen all night long?
Now will it matter long after I'm gone
Because you never learned a goddamned thing
You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a lifelong wait for a hospital stay
And if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to ya
So go
Go away
Just go
Run away
But where did you run to?
Where did you hide?
Go find another way
Price you pay
*i think he is saying that people don't want him around and they're essentialy saying go bug someone else but no one wants him around and he is saying that's the price you pay for not abandoning your beliefs???*
You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a lifelong wait for a hospital stay
And if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to ya
You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a lifelong wait for a hospital stay
And if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to ya
At all
At all
At all
At all
i know this wasn't very good but this is a VERY difficult song to interpret -
I think you all are looking at this song too narrowly and specifically. I think it's a poignant political piece. There are a few key phrases that show what this song is really about. "I was there on the day they sold the cause for the queen" To me this is about materialism. People with a cause deciding to sell out because "the queen" i.e. some chick wanted *insert material object*. Same thing with " how my heroes sell a car on TV" Everyone in high school worshiped the rich guys whose dads owned car dealerships. "Bring out the old Guillitine" referring to when, in the french revolution they executed the aristocrats of whom these people represent modern day versions. And, in the end, all the people who buy into that crap are "just a sad song with nothing to say..." because in the end how much material possessions we've gathered doesn't matter at all, we're just "waiting for a hospital stay" if that's what are lives are all about. Now, personally, I think you could view this song as directed at a particular person who has bought into the material worship, possibly a girl who just married the rich guy prompting "I hate the ending myself, but it stated with an alright scene"---but that parts more my personal opinion.
Well I was there on the day
they sold the cause for the
And when the lights all went out
We watched our lives on the screen
I hate the ending myself
But it started with an alright scene
It was the roar of the crowd
That gave me heartache to sing
It was a lie when they smiled
And said, "You won't feel a thing"
And as we ran from the cops
We laughed so hard it would sting
Yeah yeah, oh
If I'm so wrong (so wrong, so wrong)
How can you listen all night
long? (all night long, night
And will it matter after I'm gone?
Because you never learned a goddamned thing
You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
Well if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you
I spent my high school career
Spit on and shoved to agree
So I could watch all my heroes
Sell a car on tv
Bring out the old guillotine
We'll show 'em what we all mean
Yeah yeah, oh
If I'm so wrong (so wrong, so wrong)
How can you listen all night
long? (all night long, all
night long)
Now will it matter long after I'm gone
Because you never learned a goddamned thing
You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
Well if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you
So go, go away, just go, run away.
Now where did you run to?
And where did you hide?
Go find another way
Price you pay
Woah oh...
Woah oh...
Woah oh...
Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh, woah oh...
You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
Well if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you, come on
You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
Well if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you
At all
At all
At all
At all
At all
okay, well, the way I see it, in the first verse (Well I was there on the day
they sold the cause for the
And when the lights all went out
We watched our lives on the screen
I hate the ending myself
But it started with an alright scene) its sort of like your dead or dying and you are watching your live go by. everything that happened, and everything you try to forget. gerard hetes the end because, that's the end of his life, dying.
next verse (It was the roar of the crowd
That gave me heartache to sing
It was a lie when they smiled
And said, "You won't feel a thing"
And as we ran from the cops
We laughed so hard it would sting) sort of means back to 9/11/2001. gerard was there for 9/11 and that's when the whole band kind of started. The whole riot made him want to show he had to make a differance so he sang. In early on, he was having a hard life. anyone who lives life knows that it really hurts sometimes. and in that sometimes, you wear fake laughter to get people (metaphoically using cops in the song) off his case.
thris verse (If I'm so wrong (so wrong, so wrong)
How can you listen all night
long? (all night long, night
And will it matter after I'm gone?
Because you never learned a goddamned thing)means, you actually have to pay attention to gerards lyrical meanings. like he's saying, after he is gone, will we remember what e said to us through his music instead of just listening to them and not thinking about the meaning so you never learn anything from him. He wants you to pay attention to what he's trying to say to you. Its like ring around the rosie, most people think its a happy little tune, but it's about a plague in germany.
fourth verse (You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
Well if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you) means live your life to the fullest. live through bad times, good times, and everything. I believe that you should never die without a scar. for me, I have at least 20 and a week ago, I almost got hit by a car. when I was 4, my dad was driving us home from the airport and withing 5 minutes after we got on the road, our car was under a bus. So live through everything so you have a lot of events to flash before your eyes when you are dying.
fifth verse (I spent my high school career
Spit on and shoved to agree
So I could watch all my heroes
Sell a car on tv
Bring out the old guillotine
We'll show 'em what we all mean) is gerard refering to his past back when he was in highschool 13 or 14 years or so ago. He was pressured into stuff, he watched his heros make something out of their lives. and he says how his live was really bad at times.
sixth verse (So go, go away, just go, run away.
Now where did you run to?
And where did you hide?
Go find another way
Price you pay) is about hiding from life. what do you hide from? how are you hiding from it? and he is saying face it, don't hide it.
so remember, this is only my opinion. but from what I know, I pretty much got it. -
I can't really interpret the whole song right now
but one line is always stuck in my head
"I hate the ending myself, but it started with an alright scene..."
that to me is just saying... well try to envision someone at the end (of life maybe) and maybe they're dying from something i.e. cancer or anything, and they realize that even though what they are going through right now is hella suckish, their earlier days, their childhood days were that bad, like they can remember the good times, you know. I don't know that's just what it feels like to me, I love the song, and I don't know why but that part just sticks with me. -
I think that this song is about the acceptance of death.
The song gives a lot of meanings... like in every verse of the song is a differnt scene... If you try to sing the song and imagine it like it's a movie or something, it would really seem like a patient dying and reflecting on his life... The patient here is gerard(I think)... and the song is like all about him and the band... The chorus part is ery.. I dunno, heartfelt... He's talking to his fans in this part of the song...
...disenchanted, the title says so much... It's like, he never thought his lie would turn out like this... and being disenchanted, is not a good thing...
it's basically another lonely song from gerard's golden heart... -
I believe it is relating to the sadness and pointlessness of the world and the fact that people never learn. a VERY beautiful song this band are brilliant song-writers
I think that this song is about a guy (the patient) that is looking back on his high school years. It says "If I'm so wrong, how come you listen all night long". That means that if people tell him he's wrong, then they shouldn't have a reason to pay attention, but they listen all night long because deep down, they think that he's right. "You're just a sad song, with nothing to say, about a lifelong wait for a hospital stay". That means that people complain about their lives, but they don't have any meaning (or a real want to change their lives), and they spend their whole lives waiting to die. He's basically saying that since he's as good as dead anyway, he doesn't matter to them, and that he never did.
HMMM I Dunno I didn't write it but nothing to do with the word war on London, Gerard writes his songs for the fans, not to trash other people.
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