My Chemical Romance: I Don't Love You Meaning

Song Released: 2007
I Don't Love You Lyrics
Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way
And after all this time that you still owe
You're still a good-for-nothing I don't know
So take your gloves and get...
#1 top rated interpretation:Even though the "Abusive Relationship" sounds very plausible, I prefer another theory. The man (portrayed as a completly black person) is a screw up, he always gets in trouble and he is fine with it. The woman (completly in white) is his opposite: pure and innocent. They fall in love and in the video you can see how the man leaves black marks on the white skin of the woman. I think this is supposed to mean, that he realizes that he is causing a lot of trouble in her life and even though she doesn't really care, he doesn't wanna see her get hurt, so he tells her that he doesn't love her anymore and tells her to "get out" while she still can. Later in the video you see the two crumbling and falling to pieces, which could be some symbolism for death. If you look closely you can see that the woman crumbles first and the man is following, which could mean that the woman killed herself and the man followed her into death, not being able to live without her. I prefer this theory for one big reason, apart from it just being a little sweeter. In the video you see the woman crying a black tear, which indicates that 1. It is too late and the man's bad influence has already gotten the best of her and 2. The woman actually feels grief when the man tells her that he doesn't love her anymore. Also the crumbling part is kind of a dead giveaway I believe.
But whatever, chose the theory you prefer -
#2 top rated interpretation:The boy didn't want to leave her.He didn't want her to become like him. You can tell when he sings "When you go would you even turn to say I don't love you like I did yesterday". He wanted the girl to leave him cause he didn't want to ruin or break her. In the music video the guy is painted black and girl is painted white and it reminds me of opposites. The boy was bad and the girl was good and pure.He wanted her to leave him,but she couldn't and in the end him leaving is what breaks her the most.
#3 top rated interpretation:i personally feel the song is about a relationship where the man is abusing his girlfriend/wife. I also think the lyrics are split up into some sort of conversation between the couple, where Gerard sings both sides, for example:
Man:Well, when you go
Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way
Woman:And after all this time that you still owe
You're still the good-for-nothing I don't know
man:So take your gloves and get out
Better get out
While you can
Then later on...
Woman: Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
Man: But baby when they knock you
Down and out
It's where you oughta stay
I think this part...
When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did
Yesterday" him taunting her as if as he thinks that he knows that she won't be able to say that to him, so he can pretty much dare her to as much as he likes. -
Okay, so I think this song is about the relationship "The Patient" had with his lover. "The Patient" never really loved his girlfriend in general until she died. Well, onto my theory.
In the first verse, "The Patient" knows that his girlfriend would leave eventually because of all the abuse and drinking problems he had with her presence. "Don't ever think..." means that he won't try to plead her to stay because he obviously hates her. "And maybe when you get back..." means that he will maybe be off with another girl and have a new family, but he doubts it 100%.
The second verse is about him being away from his girl for various amounts of time, probably going to night clubs with bars, doing drug doses, or enjoying the murder he was doing. He cuts in saying that she's still the "good-for-nothing I don't know!", meaning that he still thinks she's useless. He also demands her to get out before she could get severely injured again.
The third and sixth (And practically eighth) verse is about her trying to leave, leaving a note that says "I don't love you like I did yesterday", but she couldn't have the guts to leave still because she couldn't bare losing the only love she really was interested in, resulting her in crumpling up the paper and not leaving at all.
The forth verse is about "The Patient's" abuse to the girl, beating her endlessly, ignoring her cries and pleads to stop. I think the "they" in "But, baby, when they knock you..." is the police, because she finally has found out the "things that (he's) done" from This Is How I Disappear, and that he'd stay in prison for the rest of his life. But turns out, he never gets caught because of his innocent looking features and such.
The fifth verse is about all the blood that he "owes" her back because of all the abuse. She also thinks that "another dollar's just another blow" because of all the money he spends on short dresses and things when he forces her to go to the night clubs with him. "The Patient" also tells her "to fix her eyes and get up", which probably means that "I'll never stop. Just fix your eyes and see the reality.", and that she needs to get up before he beats her again.
The seventh and sort of eight verse is about her revealing her true feelings to him, telling him that she doesn't love the new man she has been forced to love.
(In the music video, the white girl (AKA "The Patient's" girlfriend) crumbles BEFORE the black man (AKA "The Patient"). Could join my possible theory that the girl that died in This Is How I Disappear is the woman from this track, too.)
Remember, this is just a theory, and this whole theory could be entirely wrong! -
To me the part when Gerard sings "well when you go, don't ever think i'll make you try to stay,and maybe when you get back i'll be off to find another way." refers to him saying that when someone leaves him he wont beg for acceptance or for them to come back or stay. And that "after all this time that you still owe your still a good for nothing, i dont know" would mean after the time someone was gone there still the same, he also could be saying sometimes he just gets overwelmed by denial and from keeping sadness in he crys really bad, and saying the best place to be is somewere were others doubt and hate on you. it could mean alot of things, only one thing for sure, Garard had many feeling when writing this song.
A lament for a doomed romance They miss the loue once had as they haue now driuen each other mad They haue both been had by each other And haue smothered each other As white becmes blackened by sin and loue is polluted and diluted with hate they are louers turned pseudo mates and are left in no mans or womens land and neithier possess the power to stand alone or moue on So infect they are nailed as one on the cross of loue diminished and are finished though held in time foreuer on a fxxxxd up loue linE
So here’s what I think what I think it is about how the lead singer was young he was in love but no one had the guts to say that they don’t love him like they did yesterday
So here’s what I think what I think it is about how the lead singer was young he was in love but no one had the guts to say that they don’t love him like they did yesterday
I think that its a couple in love, but the man is dying, and when he dies, she crumbles emotionally without him, the black tear seems like it means she'll always have a part of him, as the smudges he leaves on her, and the words 'I don't love you, like I love you, yesterday' I don't think mean less love, maybe more in fact, just in a different way
I think that this song is about a couple that have had problems in the past, and decide that they aren't in love anymore and they both find it hard to deal with it, so they get all upset about. This could be written on a past experience from someone in the band, or maybe friends of the band. Either way, its a very emotional song and means alot to me.
MCRarmy forever <4 -
It's about a man abusing the woman in the relationship. Gerard sings from both points of view.
I believe that this song really shows the patient looking back on his relationship that he had with his girlfriend/wife. It's a possibility that the relationship could have been an abusive one, which is the reason for "All the blood you still owe". It seems like he is taunting her by saying "would you even turn to say i don't love you like I did yesterday" by asking if she could even get out the words to say that she doesn't love him. It seems like he is sort of being cocky and saying that even though they *maybe* had an abusive relationship, she just can't live without him. Also, in the beginning, he seems to also be saying that he can live without her when he says "when you go dont even think ill make you try to stay and maybe when you get back ill be off to find another way" meaning that he wont be there when she gets back and he wont stop her from leaving.
It's hard to love someone that doesn't love u.
eerr...i think, its about a couple who were so in love, and then the boy just drops it. and the girl is thinking, why didnt he just say he didnt love me anymore? beacuse they were happy on day and broke up the next. (this is what i get from the song AND video.)
I think that this is about a relationship and the fact that it is a loveless one and they both decide that they no longer love each other but neither of the have the guts to say it "would you have the guts to say I don't love you like I loved you yesterday"
You are wrong if u imagine about man and woman gender clue...
BLACK(pain)as who deserved hate in this song
as soon as possible will be separate with
PARADE (life)as a man this in this song
This song still about dying patient unleash his suffering...and Gerard so emotional to write it... -
why does it always have to be gerard? there are FIVE people in this band. apart from the fact that he knows more than five people. so why couldnt it be about one of ray's experiences or something? think about it. gerard doesnt just write songs about himself and his own experiences, he isnt that selfish. he cares about the other band members a lot. i just dont understand why most of these comments are about gerard. it could be him talking about one of his friends or family. it could be a song sbout anyone or for anyone. or it could be a song giving someone some advise. the main piont of the band was to help people. it could be to help people that might be in that particular situation and have little relevance towards anyone he knows.
I believe it is a man who is dieing and is trying to make his girlfriend leave him before he dies so she wont be hurt as much when he does. He wants her to say she doesnt love him as she leaves so he can be at peace.
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