What do you think that song means?

XYZ's Profile

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Jubilife village  


About Me:
I love drawing anime and I love making comics about music and just silly stories I make up. I really hope that everyone keeps posting their wonderful thoughts about music and a big thank you to everyone for their great Lily ideas I was planning on making a comic about that song but I barely knew what the lyrics meant and now I completely understand thank you so much for everything.

Pokémon Legends Arceus joke:
Commander Kamado,"Look at the stars around you. But wait there are no stars it's day time. Are there stars Ash?"
Ash Ketchum, " Yeah."
Commander Kamado,"Is that Kleavor behind you Ash?" Kleavor is behind Ash.
Ash Ketchum,"No it's Arcanine."  



XYZ's Interpretations