What do you think Forty Six & 2 means?

Tool - Forty Six & 2 Meaning

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Song Released: 1998

Forty Six & 2 Lyrics

My shadow's

Shedding skin and
I've been picking
Scabs again.
I'm down
Digging through
My old muscles
Looking for a clue.

I've been crawling on my belly
Clearing out what could've been.
I've been wallowing in my own confused

  1. anonymous
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    Oct 1st 2006 !⃝

    Yes, I believe that 46&2 is about human evolving into a different state of being and that when we do, there will be a number of things different with how we use logic, how we feel torwards others, and above all how we view what is beyond our physical presence

    when will this happen. When will all of our minds become linked with "god" and everyone else.
    It is coming fast, but if you do not understand what is happening, it may just decide to leave you behind.

    Blue tape


  2. anonymous
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    Aug 1st 2006 !⃝

    The song is about the theory that the human will evolve and become one with everything and be connected by the changing of the number of genes we are made up of....

    Forty six and 2 references the christ consciousness. According to carl jung, primitive humans have forty two and 2 pairs of chromosomes, and modern humans have forty four and 2. This is apparently what most people on earth are supposed to have. The next step in our evolution would then be forty six and 2, which is the perfect human, free of birth defects and disease and whatnot. The people who follow this theory say our chromosomes are tied to some kind of energy grid surrounding the earth, and that we will evolve to use this new grid.

  3. anonymous
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    Jul 17th 2006 !⃝

    46&2 isn't really what is going to happen when we evolve, Tool just said that to represent the change in evolving.
    In the unconcious part of your mind there lays a shadow. It is often in conflict with your concious mind, and is the part of your mind that provides you with hunches and instinct. It is irrational, but is nessassary evil although it may appear to be so.
    What Tool is trying to get across is that you must enter into this shadow and discover all there is to discover, then come out the other side. It is then when you will take the next step in evolution.
    46&2 are just ahead of me...

  4. anonymous
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    Jul 12th 2006 !⃝

    Okay, let me try....

    Being an obsessive Tool fan with too much time on his hands, (and no, that doesn't make me better than you) I've read an awful lot of interviews and such. Maynard mentions once or twice a 'temporary belief system'. Basically, you believe in something, be it a scientific theory or religious idea, for long enough to learn from it, and then you move on. like a theological locust, for want of a better analogy. Think about it, the best person to talk to about religion would be someone who had genuinely believed in all religions, one after another. Right? Anyway, I think I can see this process reflected in the song, and also in this discussion. Basically you happen across the theory that extra chromosomes will improve you in some way. You believe this theory. You then attempt to gain these extra chromosomes, but somewhere along this process, you realise that not only would this be extremely difficult, to say the least, but there might not necessarily be any improvement, and indeed there are risks. In testing this theory, and learning from it, you find that you have improved yourself after all... You are encouraged to continue your quest for enlightenment (or whatever) and you move on to the next theory.

    Thanks for not falling asleep.


  5. mzombie33
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    Jun 16th 2006 !⃝

    The idea of 46 + 2 is an evolutional concept and theory devised by scientist Dunvalo Melchizadek, which is inspired by Jungian theory. Melchizadek theorizes that in mankinds next evolutionary step, the leap from a chromosome composition of 44 + 2 will be made. According to Melchizadek's theory, in this next revolutionary step mankind will have a shift of conciousness. Mankind will work, think, and behave in a more unified way. According to this theory mankind will be in more harmony and operate almost as one. In this song Maynard is using this theory as a metaphor for how he wants to grow as an individual. Maynard is speaking about how he wants to achieve an elevated and more harmonious level of conciousness and being.

  6. Djinn
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    May 29th 2006 !⃝

    Well SMRT I don’t think you are less capable serve humanity, nor do I think that furthering ones education is a bad choice. I am a very strong advocate for going to college. I am sure 8 years has taught you a lot as would anyone that has been in school for that long. Also, I commend you for taking the route of doctor; it is a path I would not want to take.

    However I do think that there are people who gain an education are full of themselves and do regurgitate what little they know. I meet them everyday, in class, the store, at work, and online. They all feel that I owe them some sort of respect because they have a degree. I find that is completely ludicrous, people should earn respect.
    So yes, when one reads “non-disjunction, trisomy, or another type of translocation” is that really necessary? It completely sounds like a sentence from a medical book.

    I think you may have misunderstood some comments. I never said you were stupid, I did say that you have not learned a damn thing. By this I mean, you have been going to school a long time, and I am sure you know a lot about genes, genetic disorders (how about KTS?) etc. This is all stuff you have been taught. Where is the knowledge that you have realized outside of the class room? As a self proclaimed scientist where is your imagination and creativity? That is what I mean by you have not learned anything. Having such an education, especially being a medical student, you should have very good critical thinking abilities. I would expect you to be able give solutions to these questions. As far as your “journey” goes, you interpret journey in much to narrow of scope. I don’t simply reference your degree or even your genetics knowledge to this journey. I mean life in general. I assume you are in your late 20’s that would constitute you have a ways to go in your journey. This is further obvious in the fact that you spend you time picking on Tool and Modest Mouse fans.
    Also, I never said we could add chromosomes, nor did I suggest, only the resulting possibilities.

    What proof do you have that we are the “perfect system you can imagine” I guarantee you I can imagine a much more perfect human. How about a human that produces no waste for starters? And yes, given the proper tools (supernatural powers) I definately could alter humans for the better. And as far as aspects that have not changed, such as brain size and GI tracts. Brain size has increased in the human lineage, all one has to do is look at pictures of early Homo Sapiens and it is obvious. And our GI tracts; what about the appendix? It is still there, but we don’t use it, that is a change. I think what you should have said is, we have not changed significantly by losing or gaining any of these vital necessities for life. Because we still have appendiges, tonsils, brains and so do our early ancestors. Even fish, bats, and birds, have bone structure similar to humans, but they have changed. To make such comments suggests a brow raising, ear wiggling, and funny noise making is disrespect for evolution.

    Also, I felt as though I did clearly define what I think spirituality is and again it is “spirituality is ones own realization of the supernatural regarding Man’s ultimate nature”. However, to clarify spirituality is the realization of ones existence of spirit or soul, and how that is dealt with in death and birth, Is it reborn into someone else, etc. This also goes hand in hand with the realization of self; this then becomes a soul/spirit. But, I don’t think that one has to recognize a soul as we have come to define it. Simply understanding the essence that we would call life, and that the realization of this essence and its inability to be described (supernatural), is what we call spirituality. It is that whole feeling of something that is greater than us. This is what I think spirituality is on its basic level. When you start throwing God(s)/religion into the mix these are just subsets of spirituality and limiting the term spirituality. If you feel the need to conform to god’s will, this definition would be more suited of a religious god fearing person (more likely Christian), and not necessarily a spiritual person. I think you can have spirituality yet not believe in any god. So as I stated in my previous post about evolution and spirituality. During the course of evolution we developed a sense of spirituality, believing rocks, trees, ourselves, etc., having spirits/souls/supernatural power/the ability to see ones self in a different perspective. This is what gives way to spirituality. So, since you don’t know what a Tool believes metaphysically, that is a portion of what one believes.

    So that being said, why is it you have a personal vendetta against Tool (or Tool fans)? You post comments and review all pertaining to Tool (well except the one I found for Modest Mouse) on other sites. Notice review is not pluralized, because they are all the same. Was it that you were picked on by Tool fans growing up?

  7. anonymous
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    May 26th 2006 !⃝

    ok SMRT, I'm no doctor of my field yet. but you are right that Darwin never brought up homo sapiens or primates at all in "origin or species" but what about "dissent of man"......anyway as a physical anthropology and psychology major I think humans have come a long way from the australopithecines, and yeah our brains did change. In fact modern homo sapiens’ brains are 100cc smaller than some ancient homo sapiens brains (homo sapiens neanderthal had significantly larger brain mass.

    the point is the song is about embracing both sides of nature. and to truly reach enlightenment one must lose the concept of self:

    "I wanna feel the change consume me,
    Feel the outside turning in.
    I wanna feel the metamorphosis and
    Cleansing I've endured within"

    the outside turning in is realizing the world around you is an illusion of suffering and that true reality is found within us all; not by our eyes and sensory perception, but our mind. "cleansing...within" riding yourself of thoughts of self and the aesthetic world. And he says “forty-six and two ahead of me”, two ahead of him, Jesus of Nazareth (Christ) and Sidharta Gautama (Buddha)

  8. SMRT
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    May 20th 2006 !⃝

    Ummmm... okay.

    Thanks for the pep talk. You should consider the field of motivational speaking.

    Even though it's nice to pretend that those who gain more education are simply full of themselves, am I more equipped to serve humanity before or after 8 years of school? Because someone right out of high school can't be a doctor, chemist, physicist, biologist, teacher, or anything that requires an education, and for good reason. So you can believe that those who have gained more knowledge than you are simply "regurgitating what little they know," but the put-down falls flat in the face of facts (like the aliteration?). That may work in Tool world. In the real world, however...

    Hearing someone who has little knowledge about the difference between genes, genetics, and the role of chromosomes tell me that "I have a long way to go on my journey" was kind of cute. It's the equivalent of my 2 year old nephew thinking he can beat me at basketball. Yes, what mere men know about genetics and our current 22 pair of autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes is limited. Modern science's understanding of the human body is like a blind man putting one hand on an elephant and trying to describe the big picture. But it's still light years ahead of what Maynard knows on the subject. Whether or not you believe in human evolution (by the way, for anyone whose ever actually read Darwin's "Origin of Species" knows he never mentioned humans, and it's only a lay-person that makes the assumption that man evolved in the same way that, say, a butterfly with dull wings outlives one with bright wings), there is absolutely NO evidence that those we refer to as "homoerectus" had any less than 46 chromosomes in the same orientation as today. Genetic research states that the human genetic order has not altered for our entire existence. Has our apperance changed? Maybe. Our communication? Maybe. But neural tracts, GI tracts, chromosomal orientation, brain size, lymphatic organs and nodes? Nope. And guess what? Neither have any animals.

    Remember, also, that if you modify a few GENES, are you modifying chromosome orientation in any way? Nope. You may alter the information that single gene has that is part of thousands more on a single chromosome, but the chromosome itself stays the same. When scientists talk of genetic modification, it's just as you said; a gene. It's not adding chromosomes. To think we can do that shows a basic lack of knowledge and a more eye-raising disrespect of nature. Whatever power you believe created the universe, the world, and the flesh, organs, blood, and bones you call home, it's the most detailed, beautiful, self-regulating, perfect system you can imagine. Believing you can alter it for the better is simply foolish. "But scientists have done so much for our bodies!" Where do you think the ideas come from? Medication is simply an imitation for hormones released naturally by the CNS (Central Nervous System). All that stem-cell research stuff? Where do you think the stem cells come from? Scientists didn't "make" them.

    And finally, you need to clearly present what you think spirituality is. Your own definition. Mine would be a relationship with God; a person's spirituality would increase and decrease based on a person's willingness to give up selfishness and conform to God's will. What is God's will? That's a little trickier, but it follows our innate moral code (when you do something good, you feel good. God gave us an innate sense of right and wrong that only man's opinion can alter). So far, I don't know what any Tool fan believes metaphysically. Please explain. And if you're going to make some smart comment about how stupid I am and how little I know about how the world works don't post it here. E-mail me so I can be entertained.


  9. Zaq
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    May 17th 2006 !⃝

    There is no evidence to cite for your "hypothoses" of 'there's a chance that if we just keep adding chromosomes and/or genes then something good will happen...'
    There is PLENTY of evidence that says you will most likely be aborted or (at least) retarded. Check some university websites or something and check my thing about the ferns and apes if you don't believe me... or don't and just stay ignorant about the subject you are arguing... because I don't care either way.

  10. Djinn
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    May 12th 2006 !⃝

    There are many congenital genetic disorders resulting in a negative side affects, but why could there not be positive side affects? We can already see this by the subtle differences in people, some people are obviously better equipped for sports and some are better at computing math functions.
    To steal from another article:
    As James Watson, co-winner of the Nobel Prize for discovering the structure of DNA, put it: "No one really has the guts to say it, but if we could make better human beings by knowing how to add genes, why shouldn't we?"

    Furthermore, to add to the point of “as adding chromosomes makes for greater spirituality”, it is my understanding spirituality is ones own realization of the supernatural regarding Man’s ultimate nature. Was it not during the course of human evolution when we moved from purely instinctual animals to more a critical thinking animal, that we developed our first notions of spirituality? So why would not another step in human evolution, be it through artificial means or natural, provide a greater understanding in spirituality?

    So if SMRT has in fact said anything of value it is this:
    “….Embryology classes in our quests to become Doctors (oh, wait. Is that just me?)”

    The true genius that one may find within is someone has spent too much on an education and not learned a damn thing, other than the ability to regurgitate what little they have learned. You are obviously are still in the “quest” phase and have a long road ahead of you...

  11. anonymous
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    May 10th 2006 !⃝

    Obsidian here.

    Alright SMRTy pants, that was real polite and not the least bit pompous! Thanks for that.

    Anyways - dare I say it? - I'm not a doctor either! So please discredit everything I'm about to say because unless you're a doctor, or studying to become one, you can't possibly contribute to an intelligent conversation regarding chromosomes!

    Riiight. So what I wanted to add here is that, unless I am mistaken, a chromosome is made up of thousands of individual genes. So the exact makeup of these +2 chromosomes that result in the higher state of conciousness or whatever could be virtually nowhere NEAR the same extra chromosomes that results in the hemaphrodites the good doctor-to-be mentions here. There are genes that are responsible for transmitting ions between cells, there are genes that facilitate the transmission of messages between nerve cells, neurotransmitters which are doubtless inexorably linked to thinking. Take Autism for example; while some may consider these people 'retarted' although I really hate that word, some Autistic people uncannily brialliant in certain other respects, all as a result of gene duplication / abnormalities. So, would it not be reasonable to assume that (in keeping even with the dogma of survival of the fittest & evolutionary theory) nature will keep mixing and matching genes incrementally, and those that don't quite get it right (like the aforementioned hemaphrodites, or even, sadly, the Autistic folk) don't make it? It is only as a result of our - ahem - evolved society that no longer clubs their meals (and for that matter their dates) that people like this make it in life, right?

    Anyways, my point is that just because there are examples of people with 47 & 48 genes that didn't turn out right, does not mean we can discredit the possibility that the right mix of genes in these chromosomes won't result in telepathic, spoonbending floating people who won't die but in fact will instead will their consciousnesses into the great ether with the rest of our collective minds... or something like that.

  12. SMRT
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    May 1st 2006 !⃝

    Now, since we've all taken the same Embryology classes in our quests to become Doctors (oh, wait. Is that just me?), I'm sure we've just forgotten that there already are humans with 47 and 48 chromosomes. It's a congenital gentic disorder called Klinefelter Syndrome (either XXY or XXXY), and it's found only in males. It makes the sufferer slightly hemaphroditic, and can be associated with mental retardation. I'm sure the geniouses in here that are pushing Maynard's view on this non-scientific doctrine that more chromosomes makes for greater spirituality already knew that. Because they know all, you see. After all, isn't that what being a Tool fan is all about?

    Monkey 13 says it would, in fact, alter the human race for the better. If M13 HAS, in fact, said anything of value, it's "but I'm not a scientist." Then take it from someone who is. If a human's chromosomes alter in any way, whether it be non-disjunction, trisomy, or another type of translocation, it usually means the fetus will spontaniously abort.

    Oh wait! What am I saying? If Maynard says something, it must be true. That's what a non-Christian, freewilled, critical thinker would do, right Monkey 13? We're all one right? Pure genious...


  13. anonymous
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    Apr 13th 2006 !⃝

    Well I question this last one. What if ferns have 200 chromosomes more
    wouldn't the fern look totally different or at least grow in different ways (I'm not a scientist I just question things)?

    So if humans who are now male and female combined have 44 + 2 chromosomes get 2 chromosomes extra this would most probably have an effect on mankind as well.
    And what Zaq fails to mention is that "you will come to find that we are all one mind, capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable" Which would automatically mean that science and spirituality aren't that far apart and can also be seen as one.

    Don't really feel like interpreting any more.

    see ya
    13th monkey

    P.S. Zaq mostly I love your interpretations I just didn't like your last comment on this one.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  14. Zaq
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    Feb 17th 2006 !⃝

    Scientifically speaking, chromosome number has nothing to do with spirituality or anything like that.
    Humans have 46.
    Apes have 48.
    Cows have 60.
    Chickens have 78.
    Carp have 104.
    Butterflies have 380 chromosomes.
    FERNS have 1200!!!
    So, unless you think ferns are 25 times more spiritual than us, don't take all this too literally.

  15. anonymous
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    Feb 15th 2006 !⃝

    It's self-evolution... He's saying that within ourselves is the key to our own divinity.

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