What do you think Hide and Seek means?

Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek Meaning

Album cover for Hide and Seek album cover

Hide and Seek Lyrics

where are we? what the hell is going on?
the dust has only just began to fall
crop circles in the carpet, sinking, feeling
spin me around again and rub my eyes
this can't be happening
when busy streets a mess with people would stop to...

  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Oct 13th 2009 !⃝

    I think any way the song is interpreted is correct and it is what you think of the song and what it means to you that counts. However my meaning I take away from this song is the Holocaust. "Hide and Seek" like the jews are hiding from the Nazis and the Nazis are Seeking them. "Trains and sewing machines" the jews were deported on trains; "they were here first" the jews have been around forever; "Blood and tears" obviously the excruciating terror and horrors they were subjected to; "crop circles in the carpet; oily marks where pleasant moments once hung" they were forced to disappear,to leave everything behind most of which was plundered and destroyed by the Nazis; "mmm what you say? that you only meant well? well of course you did. mmm what you say? that it's all for the best? of course it is. Mmm whatcha say? that it's just what we need? you decided this" could be a clear example of the forced horrors; "ransom notes keep falling out your mouth";"This can't be happening"; "streets a mess with people who stop to hold their heads heavy" maybe meaning the fear, depression, horror, loss, and deep grieving of masses of people forced to live in enclosed encampments and such.... that's what I take away from this song. but like I said, any interpretation is correct.

  2. mrswren
    click a star to vote
    Oct 11th 2009 !⃝

    Not trying to be rude to anyone, I love this site and love to read what other people think the lyrics mean but she wrote this song for husband that dies, it's a fact, you can verify it. It's an interesting song though and the great thing about music is that it leaves you free to come up with your own meanings.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  3. anonymous
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    Oct 4th 2009 !⃝

    i think this song is about the holocaust.(trains and sewing machines)the trains they used to send away the jews to concentration camps and the work they had to do(blood and tears ransom notes keep falling out your mouth) ransom notes they found(when busy streets a mess with people would stop to hold their heads heavy) people ignored the holocaust and didnt even try to help should feel shame . if you listen to the song this theory makes perfect sense

  4. anonymous
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    Oct 4th 2009 !⃝

    EVERYBODY needs to stop rejecting everybody else's interpretations! The beauty in a song is that it can mean someone special to each one of us! The truth is, is that there is no real 'correct' interpretation. Yes, imogen heap had an inspiration when she wrote the song, but that doesn't mean that her interpretation os 'hide and seek' is like mine, or yours, or any of ours. Personally, I believe this song is about a person who is dying inside of depression (Hiding) and is trying to find the light and find the way out (Seeking) and is speaking to the world about how they forgot her.

  5. anonymous
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    Sep 25th 2009 !⃝

    These are all very interesting interpretations, but none of them occurred to me before. If I ever interpreted this song as having to do with a relationship/break-up, it was fleeting.

    I heard this song as a statement about pollution, cutting down forests, and how technology and expansion is taking away homes from animals. They've all lost their homes, and now they're hidden (hence, "Hide n Seek"). This message goes well with the song if you give it a listen with it in mind.

    All those years
    They were here first

    Oily marks appear on walls (disgusting buildings)
    Where pleasur'd moments hung before (wildlife happily flourishing)
    The take over (mankind takes over the land)
    The sweeping insensitivity (insensitive to animals' homes)


  6. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Sep 21st 2009 !⃝

    Hey this is B. I just want to add a few thoughts to the interpretation

    of this song.

    Where are we?

    This is something a lot of people have said before when they're

    disappointed and don't understand why things have changed so much in

    such a short time. Sometimes this also reflects how different not only

    the relationship in question has become, but the people themselves.

    What the hell is going on?
    The dust has only begun to form,

    Things have only started to change and she's afraid of the wind

    that's building up this dust that's forming. If the dust was settling,

    then things would be calming down and life would be getting easier; But

    it's clear that some horrible chapter in her life is about to start.

    Crop circles in the carpet,
    Sinking feeling,

    She's either cleaning the carpet or pacing around to keep

    herself busy so she can't let the anxiety set in. It's very common to

    try to bury yourself in a task so that you can't focus on what's

    bothering you.

    Spin me around again,
    And rub my eyes,
    This can't be happening,

    Wake me up. I don't want to believe what I can almost see

    hanging in the air around me. She needs spun because she can't bring

    herself to move on her own.

    When busy streets a mess with people,
    Would stop to hold their heads heavy,

    If everyone could express the way they really felt when things

    were like this instead of burying themselves in their otherwise

    meaningless life activies, then they would really never do anything.

    She feels amazed to think that even despite these feelings that anyone

    else can really stand to live and do anything.

    Hide and seek

    This could mean any number of things. Trying to find someone

    new is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Trying to avoid the

    past and the feelings of the moment when they take you and make you cry

    is like playing a game with yourself. Maybe it's just describing the

    way she's trying to stay away from the person that's hurting her for a

    little bit now that things have shattered this way.

    Trains and sewing machines,

    I think of a lot of different things here. I understand others

    have this related to a wedding dress. I think of travel and work, maybe

    these represent the things that are going to stay the same except that

    she won't be able to share them with this person she's losing, as she

    goes on to talk about in the next few lines.

    All those years,
    They were here first,

    I really put together the wedding dress idea after this, which

    makes me agree more. But this also makes me think of aditional, like

    her plans and what she was looking forward to, and now erasing those

    memories and dreams and putting someone else there in her lover's place

    will be nearly impossible.

    Oily marks appear on walls,
    Where pleasure moments hung before -

    This is way different for me. These are the places where they

    couldn't wait to get in the bedroom. There's a truth in having a lover

    that wants you that you believe is always going to be there when you're

    with them. When this beautiful human artwork gets turned into nothing

    more than a lie, it's hard to look at anything as gorgeous or honest or

    meaningful anymore. This is where their sweat and their love was

    stamped all over their home and illustrated in a way that you just

    can't take back. Once you've made love it's like a painting frozen in

    time you always want to look back on. Only now? She can't. That's why

    they don't hang there anymore. They just bleed sadness; Not even worth

    looking at.

    - Takeover,

    This another different thought. I'm led to believe this

    takeover is where the problems startover. Where the love is just sex.

    Where she's still in love and he's moved on. This is where the real

    world and the grind of life has dulled the senses.

    The sweeping insensitivity of this still life,

    Life is vain and fickle and the fuel of good feelings runs out

    quickly when you aren't commited or loyal. He's anxious, things aren't

    like they were, all the other problems I mentioned early have set in.

    Suddenly he doesn't love her the way she needs to be and money is tight

    and everything so hard that now her love for him is all she has and

    even that is about to be ripped away without any consideration for

    whether or not she can survive.

    Hide and seek,
    Trains and sweing machines, ( oh, you won't catch me around here )

    Dreams and plans are over with; You won't catch me this naive

    and hopeful towards you and probably not anyone else ever again.

    Blood and tears, ( hearts )
    They were here first,

    Sacrifice, age, energy, suffering, the closeness that two

    lovers have that's beyond any description, all these costs are lost and

    the reciept is void; She will never get the time back to give to

    someone else. And even if she could, why would she want to? Why

    couldn't things have just turned out the way they were supposed to?

    Mmmm whatcha say,
    Mmmm that you only meant well?
    Well of course you did,
    Mmmm whatcha say,
    Mmmm that it's all for the best?
    Of course it is
    Mmmm whatcha say?
    Mmmm that it's just what we need
    you decided this

    This is the conversation. It explains itself. She's not stupid

    enough to believe this empty common exchange of words means anything.

    She's already seen through him and she knows better, so she answers

    every word with the truth; Even when she already knows it won't do any

    good. It won't make him love her again.

    whatcha say?
    Mmmm what did she say?

    She. There's someone else. You're just a liar. Just tell me

    what she says to you. If she means so much to you, tell me why. What

    did you need I didn't have? There are so many questions summarized in

    these four words. You would have to repeat them all 1000 times to

    express what's felt here though.

    Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth,
    Mid-sweet talk, Newspaper word cut outs,

    It's consensus that this is refering to idle promises and good

    intensions being held back from her, love sworn but never shown, that

    could never come back. His words are empty and practiced, like a

    newspaper phrase used over and over at infinitum.

    Hide and seek

    Now she's trying to see if she could ever have him back. Maybe

    this is a mistake. Don't do this. Don't leave, if I can find the good

    person I loved before I'll make him do the right thing. Is this true or

    not? But of course she knows already. It's another game. It's all a


    Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth,
    Mid-sweet talk, Newspaper word cut outs,

    Same ideas here, only she's trying to see through. But this

    childish weeping and self torment.

    Hide and seek

    She's won the game, or so she thinks. Maybe this over.

    Speak no feeling no I don't believe you,
    You don't care a bit,
    You don't care a bit, You don't care a bit,

    And the truth chokes the words; She can only repeat what she

    knows. It's set her free but at what cost? Will she recover? There's a

    poetic device here called repitition, and that denotes a special

    meaning. Here I think it's that now this is reality and life for her;

    She's never going to be the same or forget what this feels like, only

    cover it up and deal with it. Once you've smashed the porcelene of

    youth and hope, you can never glue it back together perfectly again.

    You can't put the enamel back on and see it shine like it used to. Just

    like the body-oil paintings on the walls: All they do is remind her of

    what she's having to accept from now until forever.

    Hide and seek
    oh no you don't care a bit,
    oh no you don't care a bit
    Hide and seek
    oh no you don't care a bit,
    you don't care a bit
    you don't care a bit.

    And it's over. From now until the world burns to the ground

    there's a tapestry, a story, a record, a file cabinet full of the way

    things could have been and to her how they -should- have been that will

    drag on her like a burden. The only person that can save her is

    herself, and as far as this poetry tells us she's really unable to do

    that. The repitition is telling us this is the most important thing.

    You don't care a bit. I can't have you back. I won't be the same. I

    can't physically forget what went wrong here. God rest her, I know

    these feelings and I can only hope that time and forgetfulness can

    somehow heal this kind of sadness.


  7. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Sep 20th 2009 !⃝

    I think this song has a personal meaning to Imogen Heap, but is meant to be interpretated however the listener thinks it should be. My interpretation:

    Everytime i heard this song, it makes me think back to when me and my bestfriend were little. We both had abusive parents, and after one stressful night, we decided to sneak out together to play on the neighborhood playground.

    where are we?
    what the hell is going on?
    the dust has only just begun to form
    crop circles in the carpet
    sinking feeling
    [i'm reminded of how we both felt lost in life]

    spin me round again
    and rub my eyes,
    this can't be happening
    [how stressful staying at home felt, especially because we were so young]

    when busy streets a mess with people
    would stop to hold their heads heavy
    [reminds me of everyday life, walking to the bus stop together]

    hide and seek
    trains and sewing machines
    [reminds me of that night on the playground, swinging under the stars, going down the slide in the dark, playing games]

    Mmmm whatcha say,
    Mmm that you only meant well?
    well of course you did
    Mmmm whatcha say,
    Mmmm that it's all for the best?
    of course it is
    Mmmm whatcha say?
    Mmmm that it's just what we need
    you decided this
    whatcha say?
    Mmmm what did she say?
    [the hurt we felt toward our parents, our family]

  8. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Sep 18th 2009 !⃝

    I personally believe that this song is about a murder.
    Here's my interpretation of the lyrics (Parenthases is where my comments are):

    where are we?
    what the hell is going on?
    (Loved ones don't want to believe what happened)
    the dust has only just begun to form
    crop circles in the carpet
    (Loved ones are moving the furniture out of the victim's house)
    sinking feeling

    spin me round again
    and rub my eyes,
    this can't be happening
    (Loved ones don't believe it)
    when busy streets a mess with people
    would stop to hold their heads heavy
    (People heard about the murder, and they're grieving)
    hide and seek
    (Flashing back to the murder, the victim hiding and the murderer seeking for him/her)
    trains and sewing machines
    all those years
    they were here first
    (not sure here)

    oily marks appear on walls
    where pleasure moments hung before the takeover,
    the sweeping insensitivity of this still life
    (Still life, the victim's corpse?)

    hide and seek
    trains and sewing machines [oh, you won't catch me around here]
    blood and tears [hearts]
    (Victim's blood, loved ones tears)
    they were here first

    Mmmm whatcha say,
    Mmm that you only meant well?
    well of course you did
    Mmmm whatcha say,
    Mmmm that it's all for the best?
    of course it is
    Mmmm whatcha say?
    Mmmm that it's just what we need
    you decided this
    whatcha say?
    Mmmm what did she say?
    (Talking to the insane murderer maybe? Or maybe a preacher at a church saying it was their time to go to try comforting them?)

    ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
    (Maybe it was a kidnapping before the murder, and the murderer held the victim for ransom)
    mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut outs
    (Newspaper word cutouts talking about the murder)
    speak no feeling no I don't believe you
    you don't care a bit,
    you don't care a bit
    (Thinking of the murderer, how they don't care about what they did)

    [hide and seek]
    ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
    mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut outs

    [hide and seek]
    speak no feeling no I don't believe you
    you don't care a bit,
    you don't care a (you don't care a) bit

    [hide and seek]
    oh no, you don't care a bit
    oh no, you don't care a bit

    [hide and seek]
    oh no, you don't care a bit
    you don't care a bit
    you don't care a bit

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  9. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Sep 13th 2009 !⃝

    Has anyone ever thought that maybe this song was about the suicide of a loved one? Not just a breakup? I got the feeling of suicide when Imogen says people in the streets would stop to hold their heads heavy.

  10. anonymous
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    Sep 9th 2009 !⃝

    The meaning of this song is about mass killing of jews by the nazi's. read the lyrics again and it'll all make sense. It's not about a silly old break up or divorce. much more.

    "the takeover"

    "where are we? what the hell?" <- the jewish ghettos.

    hide and seek. Think about anne frank.

    hitler.. whatcha say? that you only ment well?
    of course you did. you decided this.

  11. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Sep 6th 2009 !⃝

    Where are we?
    what the hell is going on?

    (initial moments of thought when the terrorist attacks on sept. 11, 2001 were taking place)

    the dust has only just begun to form
    crop circles in the carpet

    (this era of terroris attacks is just beginning, more and more evil is taking over the world. Literally, the dust is the falling WTC's and the carpet is our beautiful earth that we live on)

    sinking feeling

    spin me round again
    and rub my eyes,
    this can't be happening

    (more confusion about terrorism and why people would want to kill people)

    when busy streets a mess with people
    would stop to hold their heads heavy

    (Not just new york city residents in the streets spectating, but the entire nation and world)

    [transition from present to past ways of living]

    hide and seek
    trains and sewing machines
    all those years
    they were here first

    (This is referring to the many years when things were much more conventional rather than our highly technological world we have today. Things were simpler and they were there first)

    oily marks appear on walls
    where pleasure moments hung before the takeover,
    the sweeping insensitivity of this still life

    (oily marks = cars, planes, gasoline etc. The takeover = the shift from the conventional, pleasureful, way of living to our modern society)

    hide and seek
    trains and sewing machines (oh, you won't catch me around here)
    blood and tears (hearts)
    they were here first

    Mmmm whatcha say,
    Mmm that you only meant well?
    well of course you did
    Mmmm whatcha say,
    Mmmm that it's all for the best?
    of course it is
    Mmmm whatcha say?
    Mmmm that it's just what we need
    you decided this
    whatcha say?
    Mmmm what did you say?

    (Questioning what our life in this age is about, why is the evil here?)

    ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
    mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut outs
    speak no feeling no I don't believe you
    you don't care a bit,
    you don't care a bit

    (hide and seek)
    ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
    mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut outs

    (hide and seek)
    speak no feeling no I don't believe you
    you don't care a bit,
    you don't care a (you don't care a) bit

    (hide and seek)
    oh no, you don't care a bit
    oh no, you don't care a bit

    (hide and seek)
    oh no, you don't care a bit
    you don't care a bit
    you don't care a bit

    (up to you)

    This is what I thought of when I heard the song. It's beautiful and up to many interpretations. I hoped you will consider this one and be open to others too.

  12. anonymous
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    Sep 1st 2009 !⃝

    This song reminds me of the holocost. "Where are we? What the hell is going on?" The Jews didn't know what was happening. Alot of them are dying and their furniture is being taken away, leaving crop circles in the carpet. "Hide and seek" the Jews are hiding from the Nazis. "Trains and sewing machines." Trains and sewing machines came out around the tim eof the holocost. "Mmm whatcha say? mmm that it's all for the best? of course it is. Mmm whatcha say? Mmm that it's just what we need, you decided this." The woman is angry with her husband, a nazi. She disagrees with what they're doing to the jews and they get into a fight.

  13. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Aug 31st 2009 !⃝

    She is talking about Native Americas and how they were kicked out of their home because of the lies of the English men.

  14. anonymous
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    Aug 31st 2009 !⃝

    This song is about Aliens. Its clear as night and day. "They were here first" is about how the Aliens are actually our early ancestors and can be found deep in the earth. "Crop circles in the carpet" refers to actual crop circles, you see these aliens are lazy and didn't want to make the circles big in a field so they made tiny ones instead. Lazy bastards.

  15. anonymous
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    Aug 24th 2009 !⃝

    My personal opinion is that you aren't supposed to know the meaning to this song. Imogen Heap, when asked about the meaning, didn't explain it for a reason. This is a beautiful song that means something different to everyone who hears it. Some people listen and hear 9/11. Others listen and hear a divorce, or a child moving to a new place, or the tragedy of the Holocaust. Some hear the death of a loved one. Some people even believe that there isn't a meaning, that the lyrics are just a collection of words meant to sound like poetry, and that they have no meaning. This song is meant to do that. Your question is not a question worth asking, because you will get so many different answers that all make sense, and that will only leave you wondering which is correct. My advice to you is to just let it be. This song means whatever you want it to mean; it speaks to people on a personal level. It is meant for people to interpret for themselves. And that is the way music should be.

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