What does Imagine mean?

John Lennon: Imagine Meaning

Album cover for Imagine album cover

Song Released: 1971

Imagine Lyrics

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the...

  1. williamskisha
    click a star to vote
    Jun 18th 2013 !⃝

    This song is all about a one world communistic government! NO possession, countries, Heaven or Hell.

  2. anonymous
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    Mar 29th 2013 !⃝

    This song is obvioulsy about Communism. I'm not saying that John Lennon was a communist, but thats how it sounds to me.


  3. anonymous
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    Dec 19th 2012 !⃝

    In John 13:34,35 Jesus stated that people would know you my disciples because you will have love amongst yourselves. It sounds like Lennon really understood this scripture when he speaks of no war! How can anyone any so called Christian show love towards their brother if they are wiling to take up arms against one another in war??? Epheasians 4:5 speaks of one faith one baptism. Again Lennon understood their should be no religion.

  4. anonymous
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    Dec 19th 2012 !⃝

    Psalms 37:29 actually tells us that the meek will inherit the "earth" and live forever upon it. It says nothing about heaven. Isaiah 45:18 says God did not create the earth simply for nothing. Isaiah 65:21-25 speaks of this world Lennon was speaking about.

  5. anonymous
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    Dec 10th 2012 !⃝

    "Imagine" is a song about the marxist utopia Marx and Engels are speaking about in the Communist Manifesto. The marxist utopia has no nations, government, religion, war, posessions, etc., just like what he's singing about.

    The thought of this song being atheist isn't completely right, nor completely wrong. While common belief suggests that communists are against all forms of religion, marxism simply states that organised religion is an abomination, not faith itself. Lennon is a good example of this.

  6. anonymous
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    Dec 10th 2012 !⃝

    "Imagine" is a song about the marxist utopia Marx and Engels are speaking about in the Communist Manifesto. The marxist utopia has no nations, government, religion, war, posessions, etc., just like what he's singing about.

    The thought of this song being atheist isn't completely right, nor completely wrong. While common belief suggests that communists are against all forms of religion, marxism simply states that organised religion is an abomination, not faith itself. Lennon is a good example of this.

  7. anonymous
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    Nov 13th 2012 !⃝

    I'm doing a personal response on this song, all the comments were really helpful.

  8. anonymous
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    Oct 3rd 2012 !⃝

    Your all wrong,he wrote this song for God ,displaying a dream that would never come true.
    May God bless John Lennon

  9. anonymous
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    Aug 21st 2012 !⃝

    what john is imagining is the NEW WORLD ORDER and the coming of the anti-christ. EG, forget about Christ, one government to rule the world, no possesions.
    I would suggest that people look into what the new world order's agenda is and then do yourself a favor and read the book of revelation especially the part about the four horsemen and see the similarities.

  10. anonymous
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    Jun 1st 2012 !⃝

    imagine there's no heaven, then it doesnt matter if I divorced and abandoned my wife and kid for some woman who cant sing?
    let's go get some heroin!
    protect our brothers like pol pot who are satelittes to the beast
    give up american! give up! communism equals no religion or you die!
    the whole world will serve the bear or die!
    all that you own will be distributed to the workers!
    there is no point in working!
    possesions are an illusion!
    where can I find more heroin?
    yoko ono is a great singer, mark david chapman please shoot me!!! shoot me!!!

  11. anonymous
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    Mar 17th 2012 !⃝

    See why some guys can't understand what's Lennon trying to say why some people trying to convert this to communism or other bull shits.
    Simply he's only imagine world without war and selfishness.and world with full of love, sharing and unity.
    All the great wars in the world happened because of lands, religions, races,desire to bieng wealthy and resources. That's why lennon is imagine how if there is no countries and religions too. That's why he's imagine people only living for today.
    What about heaven and hell he's talking about. Some people are don't do any thing for the world or for others they are only going church and praying instead. They think they would go to heaven. But if u share all the happiness and love with each others u can create all the heaven on the earth.
    But after all he knows those are mostly impossible to do. But he imagine it. But there are so many people dreaming about world like that. He's not asking to change the world like that he just asking us to imagine the world in that way and imagine how much it would be beautiful, peacefull and harmony

  12. anonymous
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    Mar 14th 2012 !⃝

    I don't want to imagine there's no heaven because heaven is my only hope in this life so yes I am offended as a Christian. Although this song is obviously speaking out for peace, there is no true peace without heaven and never will be. I think it is totally disrespectful to our military and our country when we sing this song at prayer gatherings or funeral. HEAVEN IS MY HOME! This is all just temporary. That is how I feel! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
    Kim Meyer

  13. anonymous
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    Mar 2nd 2012 !⃝

    About the world being peaceful and all people getting treated the same, No wars, poverty, crimes.

  14. anonymous
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    Feb 28th 2012 !⃝

    I am Christian and I do not get offended by this song. John Lennon himself had religon. He just singing about forgetting it for a moment and realizing how wonderful Earth this, and to take in all the beauty and peace. If you think about it, the world would be a better place if everybody wasn't fighting over religon. I get persecuted because people think that being a mormon is some sort of cult, but if you think about it most people that persecute have not acual looked into that religon and they know little no nothing about it that wasn't heard by someone who makes up all this crap about it. If you want to say bad things about a religonget your information from someone that knows about it, not something that thinks they know everything about it, don't listen to the haters that have nothing good to say about it. Make your opinion from listening to people that have good and bad things to say about it. If one person did that they world would be a better place. Just imagine how good this world would be if everybody did it.

  15. anonymous
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    Jan 29th 2012 !⃝

    First off he's not an atheist so it's not an 'atheist anthem'.

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