What do you think The Reflecting God means?

Marilyn Manson - The Reflecting God Meaning

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Album cover for The Reflecting God album cover

The Reflecting God Lyrics

Your world is an ashtray
We burn and coil like cigarettes
The more you cry your ashes turn to mud
It's the nature of the leeches, the virgin's
Feeling cheated
You've only spent a second of your life
My world is unaffected, there is an exit...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Aug 18th 2006 !⃝

    I kind of made this out while read 'the long hard road ut of hell' by mr. Manson.

    'my world is unaffected' marilyn is saying that all this bad stuff happens, people suffer, and hejust doesn't feel anything when he hears about it.

    'there is an exit here/i say it is then it's true' in order to deal with the bad stuf and stay unaffected, he convinces himself otherwise.

    'there is a dream inside a dream' because he's telling himself lies to make the world seem better, it doesn't seem real. Like a dream. So his dream for a better world creates a dream-like world. A dream inside a dream.

    'i'm wide awake the more I sleep' the more manson makes this dream-world, the more he realizes he's making a dream world, he therefore begins to wake up from it.

    'you'll understand when I'm dead.' perhaps one day we'll understand. But by then it may be too late.

    'i went to god just to see' he has questions, like we all do. Is there a god? Which is the right religion?

    'and I was lookin at me' manson realizes that he affects his life more than anyone else. He's a god to his personal view. His world. If you want to find god, look in yourself.

    'saw that heaven and hell were lies' there is no heaven or hell, unless you make your personal world a heaven or hell.

    'when I'm god everyone dies' because, in his dream world, everyone is far away, distant. Almost dead.

    'can you feel my power' he realizes how much he affects his life/world. He's more powerful than anyone else, to himself.

    'shoot here and the world gets smaller' reffer to 'one shot and the world gets smaller.'

    'can you feel my power' once again, he's realizing how powerful he is to himslef. That he has power in himself.

    'one shot and the world gets smaller'. All it takes is one bullet to kill someone. This makes your personal world smaller because there's less people, and the fact that you've killed shakes you, it breaks down your world and makes it smaller.

    That's all I have time for right now. Enjoy!

  2. anonymous
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    Feb 3rd 2023 !⃝

    It’s the POV of a very cynical person, convinced at this point that the world is his, and he is the person in control of this life of his. “Can you feel my power?” This alludes to his feelings of being in control of his ‘destiny’ or however one may phrase it. Meanwhile, the phrase “one shot and the world gets smaller” refers to taking a shot in the figurative sense, thus causing anxiety over the unknown to dissolve away, making the world of the unknown shrink, in light of now executing one’s ability to move past these obstacles in life. His overall realization: He commands himself in this life, and he alone has the power to make good or bad come from what he does or experience. Essentially, mirroring God in a sense, being the “Master” of his own world.

  3. anonymous
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    Feb 8th 2020 !⃝

    It is whatever you make it out to be. That is the beauty of any music and words on paper. Just like artwork, we all interpret it in different ways.

  4. anonymous
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    Aug 4th 2017 !⃝

    About the most beautiful Narcissist that had a tantrum. Who was Lucifer the shooting star of the mourning, similar to a modern day Narcissus. One of the Shinning Ones who loved God The Most High before his fall. A time when there were no mirrors in space when his fall happened. It took place all because of God creating Adam the man from the Bible. Then the self-righteous and proud Lucifer who was full of pride, fell out of place from ''The Shinning Ones'' 'cause he didn't want to bow down to the creation of man, who was made in the image of God. This is where and when Lucifer became jealous and angry at God 'cause he kmew and still knows that he's not number 1 in God's creation anymore. Lucifer must've felt man is now. So, sadly ever since then Lucifer who became to be known as Satan then later the Devil has been at war with God[Jesus-''The Son Of Man''] as the antichrist of the religion of man. So, the nature lovers and the romantics out of sympathy for him associated Lucifer with Narcissus throughout the ages who was cast out and down to kneel to the image that he saw and sees of himself as the god of this world that he fell in love with taking the exit into deep waters to find and be loved by ''the image'' only of himself that is ''The Reflecting God'' to him

  5. anonymous
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    Apr 28th 2014 !⃝

    This is a multifaceted song, in my mind, it's about finding yourself while on acid. People on acid feel godlike and tend to stare at mirrors ("I went to god just to see... And I was looking at me" taken into consideration with the song's title of The Reflecting God, he is looking into a mirror), many people on LSD report going through a journey, an emotional and spiritual ordeal of a sort while on acid, a quest to find god and what it means isn't too far off.

  6. anonymous
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    Oct 24th 2013 !⃝

    I have enjoyed reading many of the above views on the hidden meaning behind this song. Let me 1st state that I believe that through an amalgamation of the above theories a working definition is possible. However...

    Personally, I think that anyone that has experienced sleep deprivation and / or mind altering hallucinogens may connect with this song in a more literal sense. Have you experienced a dream within a dream? Have you experienced the thin veil between sleep and the "real" world? Have you found yourself slipping in between sleep and consciousness over a frame of time to the point where the two realities merge?

    One could assert that death may lead us to the seam hidden between the two slips of consciousness. Have you ever had a dream so vivid that you have researched certain elements upon waking? Have you seen the ending of the tv show Lost? The writers of that show may be closer to the almighty question of What happens when we die?

    A wonderful song whatever your interpretation and a testament to a fantastic mind.

  7. anonymous
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    Jan 4th 2012 !⃝

    Ever done heroin kids?

    "Your world is an ashtray, we burn and coil like cigarettes"
    Life sucks so we burn ourselves out and grind ourselves down

    "It's the nature of the leeches, the virgin's Feeling cheated You've only spent a second of your life"
    Imagine convincing someone something will be great and then getting yours and getting out as soon as possible, leaving them disappointed but still wanting more

    "My world is unaffected, there is an exit here I say it is and then it's true, There is a dream inside a dream, I'm wide awake the more I sleep You'll understand when I'm dead"
    I have a way out, believe me I know what I'm talking about. You can get so deep inside yourself none of that shit out there will matter. I may die from escaping this way but it is truly a way out in every sense

    "I went to god just to see, and I was looking at me Saw heaven and hell were lies
    When I'm god everyone dies Scar/can you feel my power? Shoot here and the world gets smaller"
    The nature of addiction is being your own god, controlling everything, having it your way no matter who it hurts or even if it kills you. The needle leaves a scar to help you find your way back to the vein, the world disappears every time you do

  8. anonymous
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    Oct 28th 2009 !⃝

    To Anonymous#1: pretty good, I agree. I also know that I would (and will) follow Marilyn Manson all the way to hell

    -Cindy Rader

  9. charles_monroe
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    Sep 11th 2009 !⃝

    As I think of the interpretation, I think of existentialism, which is a philosophy that states the you are your own world. With the song, it says:

    "your world is an ashtray
    we burn and coil like cigarettes
    the more you cry your ashes turn to mud"

    It seems like the absurdity of life that existentialism teaches.

    "it's the nature of the leeches, the virgin's
    feeling cheated
    you've only spent a second of your life"
    In existentialism, it teaches that everyone is indifferent to you and so is the universe, for that matter. "The virgin", is feeling cheated because they were raised being told that the world is caring.

    "my world is unaffected, there is an exit here
    I say it is and then it's true,
    there is a dream inside a dream,
    I'm wide awake the more I sleep
    you'll understand when I'm dead"
    It is a pretty sum-up of what existentialism is: you control your world; you hold your own thoughts to be true and if you say it is true, it is, unless it can be proven otherwise; and when have an existentialist view, it is like being in a dream and on top of that, if you look up Edgar Alan Poe's "A dream Inside A Dream", you will have a feel for what that is; and I am guessing that when he wrote this, he figured that his views would be know later in life, or even the worm's

    "I went to god just to see, and I was looking at me
    saw heaven and hell were lies
    when I'm god everyone dies"
    As the philosophy goes, you are basically your own god, and you control your world.

    "let's jump upon the sharp swords
    and cut away our smiles
    without the threat of death
    there's no reason to live at all"
    Well with existentialism, your life is told to be meaningless. If you can grasp to fully understand the teachings of existentialism, you will realize that there is no reason to fear death at all.

    Well that is all I am willing to give right now, contact me and I will give my opinions on other songs.

  10. anonymous
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    Apr 12th 2009 !⃝

    The Reflecting God is the point at which The Worm brings about the Apocalypse. He's gained notoriety, camera's follow him, he has millions of followers. Notice how it begins YOUR world, not THE world. He's talking to an audience.

    It's a militant atheists / LaVeyan Satanists sermon, with all the hypocritical, televangelical trimmings. He's revealing the true nature of God, and how we must replace Her. His followers believe him, as evidenced by the "acoustic breakdown", as I call it, in which cheering and clapping can be heard.

    The world is ending, that's what this song is.

  11. thinkforyourself
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    Jun 4th 2008 !⃝

    The entire album Antichrist Superstar is a tribute to the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. One of his ideas was that when god dies, we must replace him. God is dead was Nietzsche's biggest idea. God is dead, so The Worm, the character in this album, has to become God. 'I went to god just to see/And I was looking at me.'

  12. Azrael_the_Ghost
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    Dec 7th 2007 !⃝

    This song can be strongly attached to factors like the absurdity, incongruity and anxiety of life itself. "We burn and coil like cigarettes/ the more you cry your ashes turn to mud." - kinda indicates that expense of energy through emotional exertion is pretty futile considering it only bogs life down and perpetuates misery anyways. As for the prior interpretations on the lines, "..dream inside a dream / I'm wide awake the more I sleep" is an aspect of dissociation in direct analysis, whilst can also be seen as an attempt to metaphorically explain the absurd nature of human existence, a dream like state of no consistant meaning except that which is directly placed upon it subjectively by the interpretor within their own constructed subjective reality. The line, "you'll understand when I'm dead" - pretty much simple solopsist thought in askew, that when he is dead it will be unable to affect him empirically at the very least.

    Now, in the focus of this interpretation. The lines; "I went to god just to see / and I was looking at me / saw heaven and hell were lies / when I'm god / everyone dies"
    This to me (subjectively) is an elegant play on the concept of avatar demi-deities (Hercules, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Shiva, Krishna, Rama etc.) which consistently interject with the affairs of man as a means of "enlightening" them. These lyrics describe introspection of the utmost degree, that each individual has a capacity to empower. This being that when he supposedly looks at the "face" of god, he sees himself. The only god he can ever truly get to know, the only being he can every truly come to realise and understand. So that he sees that suffering and pleasure are both aspects within himself and most importantly, all others cease to exist. As for this being satanism, that is a rather dogmatised response, considering many concepts on satan are a polorization of what is to be acceptable within a culture in terms of socio-political accordance.

    Though the song in "Can you feel my power" is a kind of ambiguous reflection on the world (ironic considering the reflection is supposedly of god) and whether the world can qualify his existence. "One shot and the world gets smaller", well that is a lithergy of the senses. As a bullet would destroy the brain, or potentially kill a person, the last element of physical form in contact with him, exerting power on his existence would be that bullet. Therefore, the world becomes the bullet, thus getting smaller.

  13. anonymous
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    Sep 17th 2007 !⃝

    This song is Manson putting himself in the place of God and looking at the human race in whole. The song begins with prayer, in which he considers how this world that He has made for us is abused and filthy, like an ashtray. How the immoral part of all of us is insatiable in its persuit of sin. Then he reflects on how much God loves us indeed, to allow us to keep living on His creation, when we are but a second of His eternal life. Manson puts himself in the place of God, what he would do if he were King of the universe, and he decides that there would be no forgiveness or salvation for humans who don't care about God, who don't even make half an effort to obey His laws; he decides that when some human dies, their soul would go nowhere, they would just end.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  14. DisposableCartman
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    Sep 14th 2007 !⃝

    Yeah, well, it definitely plays an important part in the Antichrist Superstar storyline. Definitely this is where the Worm has become the Almighty Disintegrator.

    He's in control now, and he's making the world his slave, slowly.

  15. anonymous
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    Aug 3rd 2007 !⃝

    It's about living in a false world. about how you are your own god, and what his world might be like. your reflection in the mirror is god.

  16. MMdajjalACS
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    Dec 28th 2006 !⃝

    The song is about satanism in a sense. "The Reflecting God"...satanism is about worshipping yourself and thinking of yourself as God...if you couldn't grasp that from the title of the song yourself then......

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