What do you think Severed means?

Mudvayne - Severed Meaning

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Severed Lyrics

And we hide behind,
Lies, anger, Hate they shoo love away,
Build shells of ourselves outside,
It shelters body from cold reigns of reality,

Come on, Step out, of your rind, assemble strength, focus,

Release and run to me you can never...

  1. OuroBorosGhost
    click a star to vote
    Mar 3rd !⃝

    used https://www.elyrics.net/read/m/mudvayne-lyrics/severed-lyrics.html#coms
    cuz had it pulled up before found this,...

    is more 'scratchpad' brainstorm then interpretation nothin fleshed out. i do tend to go line by line..at leasst initially. bias as in projecting relationship
    it is apparently my interpretation

    _____split screen lyrics...becomes more coherent soon lol
    create drama distraction.
    fight for love but the tools incongruent

    reality= unsustainable? unjust? abusive?
    people pleasing and righteous posturing it provides. blinds to reality which seeks to steer to stable.

    #ive built what i thought was wanted...
    ( ..lacking much in 'sense of self' and/or principal. friend said something.. i now see correct...20+years? maybe why im here..rip)

    encourage to step out of above construct 'shell' focus on things as they are to build courage/strength to let go.(relationship?)

    run to me(reality?)

    never look back..vison past.
    -dont focus on the past
    -if as above the ideals of past version are rotten
    -memory fallible...(first person eye witness not used to identify suspects...)

    trust to hold hand thru then turn walk away...parralel of the footsteps parable?
    ...(not my style)pessimistic view always be let down. trust no one..

    assume 'me'=reality.. trust it will always be there to guide as it just did... tough love stance of believe/rely on yourself or set example 'walk away' it has no part not tolerate the things that left behind if gonna repeat/continue ..
    how reality coexist with illusion?

    repetition:elcipse..obscure/obstruct cast shahdow. bigger outgrow
    "ain soph aur." tldr: Judaism. It translates to "limitless light" or "infinite light"

    eclipse puts light into darkness stripping it of its state

    spit upon reject the narritive that being fed...act of eating generally communual...severe all ties (at the table?)

    becomeing the sacrifice..door mat of group?

    or patranotize sarcastic as 'sacrifice' is bowing out of disfunctional dynamic.
    spare your life-stay on high road
    leave me to my misery-lowley lonley position

    get off cross and save self run away. (link to 'doormat') stop marty self sacfiflic flagelation prostration to boost others...

    next bit seems to be falling into self acknowledge the problematic parasitic personality traits...all the shouldered weight starts to collapse supporting structure..pressure...black hole forming...
    sit down inside and build walls from the shells. people that i needed and loved that walked away.... for the same reason reality did self respect or incompatible with illusion

    divorce. comming to terms

    divorce inequity...injustice...feeling that after all that done for nothing wasted or bear no fruit...
    letting go of all that

    accepting truth can be painful or even have to kill..cull the old thots/person. ..textbookj mental..behaviors/patterns etc that unhealthy... pathologically or text book..
    off me pitch in hole..reduction of worth to base element

    comming back to reality alkways being there it will be shadow and follow u as well as bring u down veil your eyes 'from stats of ain soph aur....limitles light" self righteous or holy then thou martry etc...

    (relizing i flipflop on stance and 'I')

    cant be thehero anymore ...humbling
    no longer hero...
    spit on plate...
    disrupt family-savior role? or possible the scapegoat was hero to family dynamic because it saved everyone from themselves....which seems like it links better to previous ideas

    severse the entity..and comes out from under the shadow feeling reality warm sun on face as seperate

    (thought of carl jung individuation process)

    ends with eclipse and reality checking the light

    kinda stumped on
    I need you,
    It's always been this way, I push it all away,
    From me

    ...is it obvious where i took break lol

    codependacy=cancer not compassasion...
    love them (yourself) wont let them be less then. rock the boat. its worth the fight. be curious. not respoonsible for other peoples emotions their guilt shame...seperate

  2. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Oct 10th 2022 !⃝

    its about commiting suicide it says my comments not enough letters hows about fukurself robot
    jesus fuknchrist is this enough letters yet u fukntwerps in computerland

  3. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Oct 17th 2021 !⃝

    I feel like it's about cutting someone off to protect them from you. Of course, that sounds kinda depressing but. It's Mudvayne. You know, the band that makes you look through grey tinted glasses?

  4. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Apr 17th 2013 !⃝

    Stunned there's no interpretations on this song yet. This song is incredible. I think it's about pushing everything away and just being done with certain people. I sing and I really like singing this one. If I ever get a band together I'm covering this masterpiece.

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