My Chemical Romance - Disenchanted Meaning

Disenchanted Lyrics
They sold the cause for the queen
And when the lights all went out
We watched our lives on the screen
I hate the ending myself
But it started with an alright scene
It was the roar of the crowd
That gave me...
#1 top rated interpretation:Well I was there on the day they sold the cause for the queen
And when the lights all went out, we watched our lives on the screen
I hate the ending myself, but it started with an alright scene
(I think the first line has something to do with their general message, their "cause", which most bands or famous people give up in order to benefit something else that has less meaning, or the "queen" who obviously has enough money, and hey witnessed it. I think the rest is about their reflection on starting out as a band and growing. They had fun in the beginning and all through the journey and will be sad when the band ends, but they can watch themselves go through the journey in many ways. It could also mean [as part of the patient's journey] he hates that his life has to end in such a terrible way.)
It was the roar of the crowd that gave me heartache to sing
It was a lie whe they smiled and said you won't feel a thing
And as we ran from the cops, we laughed so hard it would sting
(The first line of this part is definitely a shout out to the fans. They've said numerous times that the fans have saved their lives. "The roar of the crowd" encouraged them to keep playing and keep living and they're a stronger band because of it. The second line could be advice, telling you not to believe eveything you hear, that life isn't always great. The third is a response to that, saying it doesn't have to be all following the rules, and you need a little darkness and suffering to live a good life.)
If I'm so wrong
How can you listen all night long?
What will it matter after I'm gone
Because you never learned a goddamn thing
(I think this is a jab at "haters". They think MCR gives no message and everything they write is worthless garbage, when really if they took a listen they'd find that they're wrong. The third and fourth line say something about how it's worthless to even write about it because they'll never care and never listen, therefore, never learned anything from Gerard[or the patient]'s life and won't have gained anything by the time he's dead[wich I don't like thinking about! D= ].)
You're just a sad song with nothing to say
About a lifelong wait for a hospital stay
Well if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you
(Again, a jab at "haters", saying they shun the idea of MCR because they just don't care about the same things and the song will make no impact on them if they disagree.)
I spent my highschool career spit on and shoved to agree
So I could watch all my heroes sell a car on TV
We got the old guillotine
We'll show em what we all mean
(the first line mentions his highschool life. It basically says that he was forced into believing what everyone else did, liking what everyone else did, etc. [trust me, in Gee's position in HS, you'll do anything to get out of it.] and eventually those people, his "heroes" that told him what to do eventually either sell out or do something worthless with their life. The guillotine reference was a metaphor, basically saying they have power now and they're using it for good, to send out the right message that we need to hear, wich counters the one they always got in highschool.)
If I'm so wrong
How can you listen all night long
What will it matter after I'm gone
Because you never learned a goddamn thing
You're just a sad song with nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you
So go
Go away
Just go
Run away
But where did you run to?
And where did you hide?
Go find another way
Price you pay
(this is saying to move on in your life, if you don't care or don't agree then go somewhere else, but eventually you'll find that you were wrong and you missed out on something great, and now you have to pay the price.)
It's not like I automatically heard all this as I listened to it, I did have to think on it for awhile, but wow, this is such a beautiful song with so much meaning (even if my interpretation is wrong). -
#2 top rated interpretation:Well I was there on the day they sold the cause for the queen. And when the lights all went out, we watched our lives on the screen. I hate the ending myself, but it started with an all right scene.
(At this point, one can assume that Gerard might choose to explain how people, at one time or another, take the time to reflect back on their lives. There are points *the beginning scene that gerard talks of* that we enjoyed and many times of regret (endings).
It was the roar of the crowd that gave me heartache to sing. It was a lie when they smiled and said you won't feel a thing. And as we ran from the cops, we laughed so hard that it would sting.
(People are often telling others that life is a happy thing, something that can always be viewed with an optomistic attitude. Well, for anybody who's actually been living life, I'm sure that you're well aware that it's a huge lie. There are points in your life where you get hurt or fall down. Sometimes you may even get to the point where you attempt to fool yourself/others with a facade of laughter *Running from the cops and laughing hard*.)
I spent my highschool career spit on and shoved to agree, so I could watch all my heroes sell a car on TV. Bring out the old guillotine, we'll show them all what we all mean.
(Gerard could be referring to his own past at this point. Times, where he was pushed around and made all outcasted while he watched others live successfully and happily.
The Guillotine was a device ment for quick killings during the french revouloution. If any of the french did not show enough support for their revoloution/ government, they were often sent to the guillotine and beheaded in front of everyone. And it is my belief that he is showing many others in life had been pushed and forced to do things they were against, or they would surely suffer for it in one way or another.)
If I'm so wrong, How can you listen all night long? Now will it matter after I'm gone? Because you never learn a goddamned thing.
You're just a sad song, with nothing to say, about a life long wait for a hospital stay. And if you think that I'm wrong, this never meant nothing to ya...
(The main point of this song is located right here! If he's so wrong about how your's and everybody's life has been, then why haven't you stopped listening?
Even when he stops "preeching", will you admit to learning that he's right?
If you continue to just mope around until death, there will be nothing to remember as life "flashes" before your eyes.* a sad song with nothing to say about a life long wait... Hospital bed*
*and if you think that I'm wrong, this never ment nothing to ya* This is his mssg to the listeners that if you don't see what he's trying to say, that what their songs are all about were just words that passed trhough your ears, never making you think of a meaning behind them*)
So go, run away. Just go, run away. But where did you run to, and where did you hid to find another way? Price you pay.
(So, go on continue to keep on running from these problems. But where will you go, and what will you do to find a life worth memorable moments. It's the price you'll pay for not getting up and facing these dark moments in your life)
**** I'm sorry if I've insulted any of you durning this opinion of what the lyrics are saying. Just for the record, it's just my opinion, and I'm not trying to attack any of your belifs... Thankyou for your time...***** -
#3 top rated interpretation:Don't waste your whole life waiting for death and being afraid of it. by fearing death, you're already dead.
disenchanted is also an awakening. The word "disenchant" is to realize what was all a lie, and waking up from a fantasy. wake up from your fantasy that you live in a perfect bubble your whole life and do something! -
In this song, the main character (refered to as "the patient" if I remember correctly) seems to be talking to a loved one who is deeply sad that the patient is dying. The patient either discusses or thinks back on all the ups and downs of their life and tells the loved one basically that the ending cant ruin the whole movie. A death, no matter how abrupt and brutal, can never take away from the incredible adventure that life is.
This I believe is the crux of the message this song offers.
"If I'm so wrong, how can you listen all night long?"
The patient is essentially talking about all of their shared memories and how fond they were and the loved one could just listen all night long, even though the patient is dying and this is a sad moment. There is joy in this time of sorrow, showing that the darkness of the moment cannot erase the light.
"You're just a sad song with nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
And if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to ya"
The loved one is sad and so focused on the tragedy of the patients imminent demise that they are overlooking an entire lifetime of memories. The "lifelong wait for a hospital stay" would seem to be a fairly emo way of describing life lol. (not hating btw). So if they have nothing to say about it, they are choosing instead to focus on the tragic situation, which as I stated, the patient doesnt want to focus on.
I think he was just a normal kid, but then he started to think that there was a better way of living, going outside the lines. He gets in trouble and sort of builds up a hate for society for not standing up for themselves. Then he meets a girl and wants her to have a better life, but she follows in his footsteps.
It kinda feels like this is a sort of “Stick It To The Man” kinda song, which sort of gave way to the idea of Danger Days. This is just what I think. -
Yeah There’s many points that MCR tried to deliver through this song, but the main point of this song is that people listen to music and live life without getting the purpose. The main chorus of the song (...about a life-long wait for a hospital stay, and if you think that I’m wrong...) asks you;
“If I’m so wrong about your life, then how are you still listening?” -
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
I think that this song is a very sad, yet truthful, view on death. The singer refers to enjoying his younger days (it started with an alright scene) but not wanting to die (I hate the ending mysef). As he nears the end of his life, he realizes that many of the people he loved never changed through his entire life, and that everybody grows up into selfish people. He now sees life as a lifelong wait for that final hospital stay where you die.
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
I think this song is about looking back on your life and seeing it was alright but lately it hasn't been that good. "As the lights all went out we watched our lives on the screen I hate the ending myself but it started with an alright scene," I don't think this means he's talking about seeing his life up until his death. This doesn't have to mean he's dead, I think he's referring to seeing his life up to that point where he's at at the time. Maybe something happened in the past recently and he looked back and realized it changed him and he "hated" how he's changed recently.
This song is about how Escape The Fate sold out after Ronnie being kicked out because MCR was basically the reason ETF got famous. Gerard and Frank awarded them with a free signing with (i do not remember the record label) a record label on a radio show. But when Ronnie left Gerard in an interview said "I sure hope the guys dont change.. they're all great guys and i would hate to see them sell out" And when craig got in (no hate to him im a fan of both craig and ronnie) The band had stopped caring for fans and started caring about the moeny.
The lyrics "bring back the old guillotine" He clearly misses the old Escape The Fate. -
what gee means is hes looking back to ghe past trying to figure out what went wrong and as he dies he sees himself and relizes everything in his life wasnt worth a damn to do and he thinks why did i do that and he wishes he could relive and start over new and every time i hear this song i cant help it i cry
Okay, this isn't much oain't interpretation but in the very beginning I can see a small crowd of people and Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray and Bob are all in the middle of the crowd looking up at this high-tech stage. On the stage there are these people (or order or whatever, people of high authority) and they are having this trade. The cause for the queen. In my mind (and I could defiantly be wrong) the "cause" is something bigger than that. Like a sort of army or something to get this person back (the queen) from the enemies (whoever they might be). In my mind, at some point the enemies said,"Okay we'll give you the queen back if you give us your men (or cause or whatever) who were fighting for her." so they take the people who were fighting for the queen and take them to this big stage where they televise their rise and down fall just to anger them before they were all killed for fighting for the queen. Then when Gerard days," was a lie when they smiled and said tou wont feel a thing...and as we ran from the cops we laughed so hard it would sting..." I see them running from the cops or whoever that were going to kill them as soon as they found out what they were going to do and they're laughing just to spite them. And in the chorus I think that he's saying,"If you're all so messed up and you say that nobody can help you or understand you then why do you listen to me all night long to make yourself feel better? If you don't listen now then will it matter when I'm dead because you never learned a goddamn thing from me. Listen." then in the next verse he's foreshadowing on his years in high school saying he spent all those years having people spit on him, tell him he's a freak, and shove him to agree with them so he can watch all the people he looks up to do something that isn't helping the world or anyone for that matter. "Bring out the old guillotine we'll show them what we all mean..." is a metaphor. So long & goodnight!!
-Phoenix Tears
Never let them take you alive! -
I think it's a summary of all the song's on the album.It's about the patient being shown his life by The Black Parade and seeing all the good times and the bad ones too (all the song's) and then accepting that he's dead and he's never coming back again and no matter what. Even after all the bad stuff he's seen (song's like Mama,Dead! and Famous Last Words), his life was a good one and even if he could come back he wouldn't change a thing.
Also I heard it was a dig at the British band Enchanted or something like that.Apparently they had a word war or something over the internet and the band thought they'd get there own back by doing a song about them but disguising it as a song about the patient. -
Songs mean different things to different people. To me it is just when you get that depressed, detached feeling. When everything seems so surreal (like how the song sounds to me) and you feel like you are watching things on a "screen" and when you "run from the cops you laugh so hard it stings" All you can see is the commercialism in humanity "there the day they sold the cause for the queen" and "watched all my heroes sell a car on TV". And when you try to describe your problems to somebody they will listen to you all night long - but it will mean nothing to them since they can't understand what you are trying to say. And they begin to think you are just a "sad song." They try to tell you to cheer up "before you become a lifelong wait for a hospital stay". Well, that is what it means to me.
I think it is also about their fear that the fans will not fully understand what they are trying to say in their songs and take it the wrong way. "The roar of the crowd gave me the heartache to sing." and "You never learned a goddamn thing." and so on. -
I can't say this song is obvious or know exactly what it is about but I believe it's about life.
I think he's saying that all life starts out beautiful but you have to do something with it.
If you just wait for things to happen to you, you'll be waiting the rest of your life.
When he says, " I hate the ending myself." I want to think he is refering to people's regret on not taking action I'm their lives and only realizing it now when it is too late. -
I don't mean to offend anyone, but this song isn't about 9/11. On MCR's first album - I Brought You My Bullets You Brought Me Your Love - there's a song called 'Skylines and Turnstiles'. That one is about 9/11. Geard even admitted it. "This broken city sky...tell me where we go from here...and after seeing what we saw can we still reclaim out innocence, and if the world needs something better lets give them one more reason now...". It's about the aftermath of that horrific day,and the witnesses that saw everything happen first hand. Listen to it and you'll understand what I mean. Disenchanted is about the end of one person's life; the things they've done, the things they regret, and the things they want to remember forever. One day we'll all be there. It's a beautiful song, but it's not about 9/11.
it's about somebody struggling with depression and the "hospital stay" is them attempting suicide
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