Panic! At The Disco - She Had The World Meaning

She Had The World Lyrics
But she didn't ever hold me
Spun the stars on her fingernails
But it never made her happy
Cause she couldn't ever have me
She said she won the world at a carnival
But she could never win me
Cause she...
#1 top rated interpretation:This is a personal song for Ryan (former guitarist of the band...who wrote the song). He will not discuss the song in any way in interviews, so I think its really personal. Its saying his girlfriend (or a girl who really liked him)had everything (she held the world upon a string...) but he just didn't love her. All she wanted was for him to have the same feelings for her..but for some reason he didnt. And he thinks the reason why she could never hold his attention is because all he saw in her was her beauty, and that wasnt enough to build a relationship off of. (When I look in her eyes, I just see the sky.) Hes confessing that he didn't love her, he was just passing the time with a pretty face. And if he had it in him to lie to her, she could love him. But he can't lie about his feelings. He also adds in he's out of his mind, trying to find his perfect dream girl (throwing a line out to see if I can catch a dream.) And that he thinks she was only in the relationship because he was a rockstar, (the sun was always in her eyes...she didn't even see me) and that she only saw the fact he was famous and his fame more than she saw who he actually was. And that she was very affectionate...maybe especially so when paparazzi was around? (shed wanna kiss you all the time). And that he feels bad for breaking up with her, but he's sure he didn't ruin her...just made her more interesting (she can say she dated a rockstar). So this is a breakup song...not a very typical one but it's about a breakup nevertheless.
#2 top rated interpretation:She held the world upon a string
But she didn't ever hold me
Spun the stars on her fingernails
But it never made her happy
Cause she couldn't ever have me
She said she won the world at a carnival
But she could never win me
Cause she couldn't ever catch me
She and the narrator used to have a thing. She had everything, and was extremely spoiled. The narrator broke up with her, for this reason. She was too into her material possessions to have him.
I, I know why
Because when I look in her eyes
I just see the sky
When I look in her eyes
Well I, just see the sky
Because she had everything, and her personality and such, she was a bit of a ditz. The typical blonde you picture when you think of rich "hollywood" girls. He didn't see any reedeming value with her, except beauty "the sky". But it wasn't enough for him.
I don’t love you I'm just passing the time
You could love me if I knew how to lie
But who could love me?
I am out of my mind
Throwing a line out to sea
To see if I can catch a dream
We are now on the girls perspective, as she tries to convince herself that she doesn't love the boy. She knows that she has faults, and she wants to change them. She doesn't know how though, so she is "throwing a line out" and praying she'll change.
The sun was always in her eyes
She didn't even see me
But that girl had so much love
she'd wanna kiss you all the time
Yeah, she'd wanna kiss you all the time
Now we pull in a new character (I believe), who is genuinely in love with the girl. He wasn't good enough for her, so she didn't see him. She always saw past him, to the other boy or her material possessions. This boy though, saw past her issues, and knew that she could truly love someone. He just wishes that some of it was for him.
She said she won the world at a carnival
But I'm sure I didn’t ruin her
Just made her more interesting
I'm sure I didn’t ruin her
Just made her more interesting
I, I know why
Because when I look in her eyes
I just see the sky
When I look in her eyes
Well I, I just see the sky
Same pov. Everything that bothered the original narrator (First boy) is what the new boy likes about her. She may not be the most intelligent, but she is the most interesting. He loves that she has a history, and her beauty. He also sees the "sky" in her eyes, but he loves it.
I don’t love you I'm just passing the time
You could love me if I knew how to lie
But who could love me?
I am out of my mind
Throwing a line out to sea
To see if I can catch a dream
Same narrator. He is doing the same, trying to convince himself that he doesn't truly love her.
I THINK this is how it is. It changes POV's alot, and I hope this is it. LOL :] -
#3 top rated interpretation:Well...this is my interpretation, I know it may not be right but... Here goes.
She held the world upon a string, but she didn't ever hold me, spun the stars on her fingernails, but it never made her happy, because she couldnt' ever have me
she said she'd won the world at a carnival, but she could nt ever me, because she couldnt ever catch me
well, yeah this basically says the girl has everything except this one guy, who she wants so bad it sounds like she'll give up the world for him.
i, I know why, because when I look in her eyes, I just see the skies, when I look in her eyes, well I just see the sky
either this guy doesn't love or just doesn't bother trying.
i don't love you I'm just passing the time.
you could love me if I knew how to lie.
but who could love me I am out of my mind
throw an old line out to sea, to see if I can catch a dream
these lines changed my perspective on the interpretation a lil. It seems this is the chick's POV and she just wants him because she had everything. I think the guy doesn't like her because she has everything(hence the line 'you could love me if Iknew how to lie') and I think the chick is starting to regret her good fortune.
the sun was always in her eyes, she didn't even see me, but that girl had so much love, she'd wanna kiss you all the time, yeah she'd wanna kiss you all the time
okay this song keeps changing my perspectives! I think this guy liked her at one point, but she didn't notice him
then he tries to make an excuse for not dating her('she'd wanna kiss you all the time')
she said she'd won the world at a carnival, but I'm sure it didn't ruin her, it just made her more interesting, it just made her more interesting
this guy is starting get more interested in her and is starting to regret not telling her when he had the chance.
and then the chorus takes on a whole new meaning... I guess the 'sky' is a good thing now and the girl has lost interest and the guy loves her sad. (btw this song made me cry) -
I know I am a bit late with this interpretation, but I really wanted to write about this song as it is still one of my favorites, and feel like it relates to my first love.
The girl they're talking about is perfect, she has everything anyone would be looking for, and she kinda has her shit together..
"She held the world upon a string
But she didn't ever hold me
Spun the stars on her fingernails"
However, she really loves him, and she wants to be in a more committed relationship, and he disagrees, and she continues chasing..
"'Cause she couldn't ever have me
She said she'd won the world at a carnival
But she could never win me
'Cause she couldn't ever catch me"
I don't think it was anything specific about her that lead to him not wanting her, I think it was more mental-illness related, but when he looked into her eyes, he didn't feel anything for her the way she felt for him.
"I, I know why
Because when I look in her eyes
I just see the sky"
I don't think it changes perspective, If I'm being honest. I believe this is still the original speaker in this next verse. I believe he is explaining that he doesn't love her, but is hoping that one day he might, or that he's just keeping her around for the time being. I think this also dives into the mental illness point, if he could lie to her and pretend to love her the way she wants, they could truly be into a relationship. However, he is "out of his mind" and looking for something/someone better, even though he's not sure it exists. Because this girl has everything he wants, but for some reason he doesn't love her.
"I don't love you I'm just passing the time
You could love me if I knew how to lie
But who could love me?
I am out of my mind
Throwing a line out to sea
To see if I can catch a dream"
I think the next few verses continue on about she was affectionate, and couldn't see what he was going through and why he couldn't make things work between the two of them. How she continued chasing him although he couldn't give her the love that she deserved.
Lastly, I think this is for sure my favorite line of the song. He didn't break her heart completely, he didn't ruin her world but he definitely brought her down to earth a bit. I relate to this HEAVY because although I wasted my time in a relationship, I wasn't ruined but for sure had a good story out of it.
"But I'm sure I didn't ruin her
Just made her more interesting"
This is just my surface level interpretation because I'd like to think that it does relate to my past and gives a deeper meaning to a song that I have loved for years.
What I think it's about , is a girl who has everything , and she was "with" the guy ,who said the view he had on her ,him going through the battle of whether he truly loved her or not .
I think it starts with a guy who was just out of reach of a girl. They tried to be together but it just didn't work because he didn't notice anything special at first. Then it transitions into her trying to convince herself she doesn't love him, because of her own doubts about herself. When he didn't see anything special in her she doubted herself and questions who could love her, but hopes one day someone will. Then it goes back to the original boy. He then notices something special, that he didn't see before her eyes weren't empty with the "sky" but were beautiful and shining with "sun". It wasn't just an empty sky he saw there was something more in her. She started to move on and she didn't notice him any more but she kind of "got around" to put it in nice terms. She was kind of on a downward spiral and the boy tries to convince himself he wasn't the one to "ruin her", but it gave her substance in the sense of talking about her as in gossip. She now truly has an empty "sky" in her eyes because she went on the downward spiral and the last part is her again. She is saying no one could truly love her and she doesn't "love you [she's] just passing the time" because she "got around" and can't have a true relationship.
I don't know if that is right. It is just my hopeless romantic side kicking in... And since it is only sung by two people I think this fits. -
ok so to me this song is a sarcastic spin on love....a guy is trying to convince himself that he doesnt love a person simply because he is scared of commitment. hence the lyric "when i look in her eyes i just see the sky" he is saying he sees forever in her eyes and he is afraid of that. then he tries to convince himself that he doesnt love her "i dont love you im just passing the time you could love me if i knew how to lie but who could love me im just throwing a line out to sea to see if i can catch a dream"
I think that the narrator was with this girl and he broke up with her but now he's not really sure if he likes her or not.
i was reading this and well you gusy ahve a good way of thinking but this is what i think idk im mite be rong. here i go:
In the first verse he is describing her and how she had everything but him. She had the world but not him. She really wants him but he doesnt love her back. Its nothign personal he just cant find love with her.
In the chorus he says "I dont love you I'm just passing the time, you could love me if I knew how to lie. But who could love me I am out of my mind. Throwing a line out to sea, to see if i can catch a dream."
Its not that shes not likeable he just well a bit depprsed. His lif eis too depresing and he cant find a reason to live. He doesnt love her or anyone, hes a loner, hes depprsed and sick of the world. So hes casting a line out to sea, hes lookign for somethign to love and dream of, but he doesnt know what, yet.
hope i helpedd-alex -
i hate to say this, but all of u r wrong. THE MEANING IS: ryan and brendon have comletely different views on their music! Brendon loves the style on "a fever you can't sweat out", while ryan loves the "pretty odd" sound. I know its weird but the lyric " she had the world apon a string, but she didnt ever hold me" is about how "fever" was a great Style, but Ryan was never really happy with it. This completely explains "I don't love you im just passing the time, you could love me if i knew how to lie. But who could love me i am out of my mind. Throwing a line out to sea, to see if I can't catch a dream." meaning: Ryan can pretend to love the music, but he wasnt really happy until "pretty Odd". And he is "throwing a line out to sea" and trying to show people the true him, and the music that he loves to write. Unfourtunatly, the band is split evenly. Spencer is on Brendons side of the argument, and John is on Ryans side. IN NO WAY are they going to split up! but their new album is going to be a cross between the 2 albums to fit everyones needs.
I think that the song is about two Yong lover that slowly realize that its lust, rather that love. it talks about both sides of the relationship. I love this song!
It's about Ryan's mom not wanting him. There, I said it.
It actually reminds me of the romance between Lancelot and Guinevere from Idylls of the King.
Here's my interpretation; I was talking with my friend who loves P!ATD, and I gained more of an understanding by reading some of the ones posted.
"She held the world upon a string, but she didn't ever hold me. Spun the stars on her fingernails, but it never made her happy, because she couldn't ever have me"
I'm thinking, maybe this has to do with the girl from "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off" (from their first album) if you remember, the girl had a one night stand, and ruined a relationship with the one she loved. Maybe the girl from that song and from she had the world is the same girl, and in she had the world, the guy is keeping his word and making her regret ever doing that. (btw the thought of the two songs just now came to me.)
"I, I know why, because when I look in her eyes, I just see the sky"
I have two interpretations to this line. Either every time he looks in her eyes, he just doesnt see anything [love], or when he looks in her eyes, he senses shes lying? "i know why" and the line before that was "but she couldn't ever have me"
Well, that's my interpretation. I hope it was at least some-what accurate! And I hope it helped you somehow with the understanding. -
She had everything she wanted but she didn't have him. He didn't love her though.
"I, I know why
because when I look in here eyes
I see the sky
when I look in her eyes
well I just see the sky"
This 1 took me a while but I think it means that when you look in someones eyes and you truly love them you can tell but when he looked in her eyes he didn't see anything.
"I don't love you I'm just passing the time
you could love me if I knew how to lie
but who could love me
I am out of my mind
throwing a line out to sea
to see if I can catch a dream"
(my favorite part)
I think this is the girls point of view. The girl doesn't really love him she just wants everything. That the first part. Im not sure about the bottom half though.
"The sun was always in her eyes
she didn't even see me
but that girl had so much love
she'd want to kiss you all the time
Yeah she'd want to kiss you all the time"
I not sure about this
i don't know if these are right but this is what I think it means
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