Rihanna - Diamonds Meaning

Song Released: 2012
Diamonds Lyrics
Shine bright like a diamond
Find light in the beautiful sea
I choose to be happy
You and I, you and I
We’re like diamonds in the sky
You’re a shooting star I see
A vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m...
i just see people refusing to accept their fate and went against the will the one who created them
foolish human -
its about the gods, the god the creator and the devil,the god is the lamp and the devil is the horn, the god throw out the devil and it went against him as in the universes...now think about that am not saying anything else....
omg diamonds don't shine they reflect and rihannah is just a little devil she even said it herself in an interview and the song has secret messages if you play it backwards
Its about 2 sides of the story when the devil went against god,god throw out the devil and departed and went in his own house,god is good the right hand and the devil the left hand meaning wrong bad, the throne means ever sides you got a choice be bad and get everything in life and your in the devil house but if you suffer and be good you with god forever,everything have to be fulfilled,god and the devil could be about years and years apart by there throne, house,the right to left hand don't no what's there doing,as a twin brother ones good ones bad but the right is stronger,one day maybe we will crash 100000 years ish apart half time and half time meets up.thank you for reading theses are my experience what I have for years,
I don't think, but I know that this song is about satan who is just out in the world decieving people in order to stop them from knowing who JESUS CHRIST really is and how he can save them. Rhianna knew what she was doing and therefore she has sold a soul that never belonged to her in the first place. Who sells something that don't belong to them? This Song is just decieving a whole lot of people who just don't want to except the fact that it is not about love or relationships, yet it is about her and satan and how he really makes her feel. Selling her soul is just for the moment, to experience "fame" and fortune not knowing how she is going to Suffer in hell. The devil is out to rob, kill and destroy and thAt is what he has done to her and to the other satanic worshipers. So who ever is saying its just about love, satan has decieved u too.JESUS is coming back, so think before u sell. Why should u sell your soul just to be happy? Jesus died so that you can be free, yet instead they walk right into a trap with eyes wide open!!!!so dumb, think of ur life and eternity! Who and where will u spend eternity?!!!
Drugs yes, her resisting God and choosing to live without conviction. She one with somebody and its ain't The Lord.
Some people think that everything that a famous person sings about is the devils work they are so stupid sometimes I ask instead of judging those people why dont they live there life because I know rihanna dont give a damn what you guyz say or think seriously get a life stop judging someone when you dont know the reality of that person.
Shine bright like a diamond. Everyone please do my a favor and look up what the Devil has wrote in his bible "The law of Thelema." His law is to "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law". This means to do what you want, however you want and whenever you want. The meaning of this song is your a star and that everyone is and that you should shine bright. In the book of the law it says "Every man and every woman is a star." All the songs she sings is glorification of self. A satanism agenda
All she is talking abt is satan/lucifer her master&making mockery of Jesus christ dts y @d end of d song,she posed as if she wz crucified.does dt hv any rltnshp wt Chris?dx pple cn deceive m unles u choose to b deceived!all of dx guys hv sown dia souls to d devil.they r nt evn happy doing all these things jst dt they dnt wanna retrieve dia steps cos of dia fame.
i agree with the 1st comment. this song hav nothing to do with chris brown or getting high. the fallen angels are also referred to as diamonds. rihanna is tlking bout her relationship with the devil who hav eyes let them see.
I recone it is the illuminate!!! The eye shining bright for her, the symble of satan at the top of the pyrimid. The all seeing eye. i wander why one of her eyes is covered in the first part of the video. She runs away from the light of god and in to the darkness. in the middle she sneaks in the pyrimd sign with her fingers. freemason hand shake ? (not sure about that one)I dont know any parts of the bible but im pretty sure the top 2 rated person is right ! There is no one in the vid for her to fall in love with apart from masked men and fire.
lucifer fell lyk a shooting star the sea is where he dwells after falling(bemuda triangle)Rihanna knows what she's duin she mustve rebelled against GOD and having sold her soul to the devil she actually praising him ,but as others she'll juc end up mocking and blaspheming and obsessed bout the failure to obey one true God for the rest of her miserable life,the video explains alot the black stallion running freely untamed is lucifer a woman coming afloat in the middle of the sea facing the sky is the interpretation of falling from heaven but then we see a rebel nation and chaos afterwards with a man in flames that sure means hell
For the people who say this song is about chris brown are stupid! this song is not talking about him! this song is talking about her and the devil if you are religious you can hear it listen to it look at her music video its very scary.
Diamonds is the street name for any drug that comes in crystal powdered form like cocaine crack and mdma. find light in the beautiful seaI : the beautiful euphoric high one feels when using drugs like mdma and crack. Palms rise to the universe as we moinshine in "molly" (mdma street name) In the video she is "rolling" diamonds right in your face then running from a dark force which represents the LOW and PARANOIA when its over. A dark horse appears I would say to represent her addiction since black horse is a street name for heroine and white horse for cocaine. Excellent interpretation of how it feels! Beautiful song dedicated to "Molly" Shine bright like a diamond!
It's about the beautiful euphoric high one feels when using drugs like mdma and crack she is "rolling" diamonds right in your face then running from a dark force which represents the LOW and PARANOIA when its over. When she says palms rise to the universe as we moonshine in molly (molly is mdma) Diamonds is the street name for drugs that come in powdered crystals like crack, cocaine and mdma) in the video there appears a black horse which might represent heroine or the low she feels when her high has gone (addiction). A White Horse would represent cocaine. Excellent interpretation of how it feels! Shine bright like a diamond!
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