What do you think Aerials means?

System of a Down - Aerials Meaning

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Album cover for Aerials album cover

Song Released: 2002

Aerials Lyrics

Life is a waterfall,
We're one in the river,
And one again after the fall.

Swimming through the void
We hear the word,
We lose ourselves,
But we find it all?

Cause we are the ones that want to play,
Always want to go,
But you never...

  1. anonymous
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    Nov 17th 2006 !⃝

    This is for ryan
    i like your interpretation
    but go into more detail about the symbol of the river and water in general
    water represents life and purity; it is an essential part of us. Yet, we put up a wall to block the water we must drink to live? This is illogical. We must not be truly living life.
    Also, consider the void more. How can you swim through a void? We cannot. We struggle to do so. It is in this struggle that our minds are disillusioned and the truth is revealed. The truth is not free because truth is not valued until you earn it. Truth is hidden because the truth is unsettling. If you truly swim through the void you become free. Gravity, like society, is not longer limiting your ability, in this case, to know the truth.

  2. kellysantina
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    Oct 15th 2006 !⃝

    Actually, stephenisgreat, I read daron said the song was about how retarded children or children with deformaties (hence the boy in the video) view the world.

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  3. anonymous
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    Sep 12th 2006 !⃝

    Ok, would people just stop saying that daron said "this song is about nothing"! I don't care if he said that or not, and even if he had, who cares! This website is to allow people to give their own interpretations of music, not have a set in stone one. Jeez...Who cares if the song is about nothing, that's irrelevant in the case of interpretation, and thus, all those trying to set it in stone are idiots who can't think for themselves. Jeez!

  4. acire666
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    Sep 10th 2006 !⃝

    They were probably all high when they wrote it

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  5. anonymous
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    Aug 22nd 2006 !⃝

    Well if you saw the concert daron said " once again this song is about nothing " . That makes me think that they made the song just so we can think of our own meaning for it.

    By the way my opinion is that it's about humans in genaral and how they are with each other and the world and how try put up mental and physcal walls when we 're all supose to be one

  6. anonymous
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    Aug 18th 2006 !⃝

    My interpretation of the song.

    Life is a waterfall,
    we're one in the river,
    and one again after the fall.

    This is basically telling us that in the united states, we're all equal, with equal rights.

    Swimming through the void
    we hear the word,
    we lost ourselves,
    but we find it all?

    This is about religion. Religion tells us how we should act, what rules we should obey, and even though we may be doing things that are not in our nature, we do them anyway for the blessings in the afterlife. (heaven, virgins, etc.)

    cause we are the ones that want to play,
    always want to go,
    but you never want to stay,

    and we are the ones that want to choose,
    always want to play,
    but you never want to lose.

    This is about our military, and how we always want to liberate other countries, usually for a higher gain for ourselves.

    Aerials, in the sky,
    when you lose small mind,
    you free your life.

    This is about the ones who have actually sacrificed themselves for others, or their religion. Aerials could be interpreted as angels, in one way or another to whatever god they worship. Some may consider them losing their mind when they kill themselves, but they see it as being free.

    Life is a waterfall,
    we drink from the river,
    then we turn around and put up our walls.

    This is talking about how we like to use things from other people, but don't allow them to use our resources in return, without some large substitution, because one's beliefs may be different than others.

    Swimming through the void
    we hear the word,
    we lost ourselves,
    but we find it all?

    Cause we are the ones that want to play,
    always want to go,
    but you never want to stay,

    and we are the ones that want to chose,
    always want to play,
    but you never want to lose.


    Aerials, in the sky,
    when you lose small mind,
    you free your life.
    Aerials, so up high,
    when you free your eyes,
    eternal prize.
    Aerials, in the sky,
    when you lose small mind,
    you free your life.
    Aerials, so up high,
    when you free your eyes,
    eternal prize.

    This is again talking about the ones who die for a greater cause usually for their religion or some belief that after their sacrifice, they will have the rewards for eternity.

  7. anonymous
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    Aug 4th 2006 !⃝

    This song clearly has a deep meaning and was written with the upmost thought and consideration. I believe that the song talks about the eagerness of the human race. We take what we want from the environment but fail to return the favor. About the sometimes hypocritic nature of us humans and the mental barriers that want to put that make us feel comfortable and sometimes superior. Like to try to block out the existance aliens hence the term aerials, but when we learn to accept these things and be open minded then we will " free our life" as the song clearly says.
    The song also says "we're one in the river one again after the fall." so no matter how rich how intelligent how superior a person may be in the end mankind is born and dies.

  8. tainted_youth
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    Aug 2nd 2006 !⃝

    The ppl who r saying that a member of the band "said it themselves" r a little misinformed. Soad is not going to tell you what the songs r about beause they want you to come up w/ your own damn ideas. If they tell you then you lose piece of mind and have a set explanation. So technically no matter what you say as long as its what you truly believe, then no one is wrong

  9. anonymous
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    Jul 19th 2006 !⃝

    Well daron did say "once again this song is about nothing" its at www.Youtube.Com. Search for system of a down aerials and you'll find it in there. But I think it has a meaning..But I'm too dumb to really think of one. But it sounds random though too...So I don't know

  10. slipknot_fiend666
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    Jun 21st 2006 !⃝

    daron says this song has no meaning at the BDO concert..so there.

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  11. anonymous
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    Jun 11th 2006 !⃝

    Well I think that The song is about kids not being kids and spending so much time being important that they can't be kids. (The music video showing an unhappy kid being surrounded by paparatzi). The music video also shows the band playing in a circle which I think represents a target and in the end of the video the kid lies down in the target. I think this means that he is a target for society and publicity
    This is just my opoinion

  12. anonymous
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    Jun 9th 2006 !⃝

    the picture behind this song is how a disabled child can see a trapeizist and be amazed, while other people will just walk by and not notice; it is about how being in different circumstances can change the way we view the world.

  13. XXXshenanigans04
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    Apr 29th 2006 !⃝

    Of course daron said the song has no meaning! The artists always say that when the song really does have a meaning. Look in the past, at songs such as "hey jude" by the beatles. It wasnt until 20 years later that they said it was about John lennons son, Jules. Just because Daron says the song has no meaning it does not prove anything!
    Personally I think the song is about losing your true identity to what society thinks you should be like.
    Oh, and just because the music video has a wierd lookin kid in it, it doesn't mean the song is about aliens, music videos arent always about the song. In fact, many times the artist doesn't even decide what the music video will have in it, there are producers and writers that make visuals that they think will go well with the song.
    Just my personal thoughts on the song.

  14. anonymous
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    Apr 28th 2006 !⃝

    ...Daron said live and I quote "Once again this song is about nothing!"

  15. anonymous
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    Apr 22nd 2006 !⃝

    id have to say "we drink from the river then we turn around and put up our walls"

    would more pertain to us being greedy - we find something, and we make sure nobody else can have it.

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