What do you think Science means?

System of a Down - Science Meaning

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Science Lyrics

Making two possibilities a reality
Predicting the future of things we all know
Fighting off the diseased programming
Of centuries, centuries, centuries, centuries
Science fails to recognise the single most
Potent element of human...

  1. anonymous
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    May 19th 2009 !⃝

    It is true that science can do two things, allow us to understand the world we know and change our perception to better see out rules and laws like gravity, or close our mind to thinking creatively and only look for things that we think make sense at first sight. But, bear in mind religion does exactly the latter , teaching us to live in fear of a supposed 'higher power' and NOT THINK about how the world was created. One thing people tend to overlook about religion is how it is manipulated to reach the ends of priets, and popes and presidents ang princes. The crusades? IN THE NAME OF RELIGION. Bush on the iraq war? GOD TOLD ME TO! Religion creates a lot of unnessecary conflict, as do all ideas, but does not open our mind to thinking as some people contradictively try to defend it by saying. In this respect science is a better choice. also, religion is a very broad term to use, people mainly think about islam, christianity and judaism when they say religion, but remember buddhism and Sikhism etc as well!

  2. anonymous
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    May 19th 2009 !⃝

    Although this song seems to be supporting faith and /or religion (it never stated religion, just faith which is belief in things that we have no evidence yet to prove are there), all this "letting religion and faith guide us" rubbish is not the way to go.
    If we let faith and religion guide us, and start living in a society governed by religion, we would all be rendered slaves to higher ranked priests and zealots who are given power by our persistent beleif that they can somehow interpret messages from a deity/force/consciousness for which we have no evidence actually exist .
    Science is not a way of controlling the outcome of life. I is the finding and understanding of matierial laws that govern the world WE perceive around us. Whether we use this KNOWLEDGE(keyword) to try and change the outcome of life is up to you, bearing in mind we try to do just that by BELIEVING IN RELIGION ANYWAY! Sacrificing a sheep or food etc is TRYING TO ALTER THE OUTCOME OF LIFE by asking for DIVINE INTERVENTION, aka, you are hoping that by wasting a needed resource (seemingly unnescesarily) you will be granted a re-imbursement (winning a fight, winning the lottery etc etc.).
    To this end, if indeed this is what the song is about, I must disagree with serj on this matter.

  3. anonymous
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    May 11th 2009 !⃝

    I think it's about how we must not let faith get in the way of what we can be. For example stem cell research can save many people but religious groups feel we should not persue it. Alot of the words are in favor of faith but system is always sarcastic and takes the other side alot. For example War? is actually an anti-war song but alot of the lyrics glorify fighting and cigaro rejects the machoism of the government but includes lyrics like "my cock is much bigger than yours"

  4. anonymous
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    Sep 15th 2008 !⃝

    It's about how we listen to what signs we get from the things we do (science) and we are ignoring what mother nature is telling us..... That's what I think anyway, :-p

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  5. anonymous
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    Apr 26th 2008 !⃝

    I think that when it says science has foiled our world and later our mother Earth is that since science has develop the contamination increase largely and his heavily polluting earth

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  6. anonymous
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    Feb 6th 2008 !⃝

    The fact that serj repeats "spirit moves through all things" is most likely what he is trying to get across and is the centre of the whole tune. "spirit" Meaning the obvious spirit or soul or maybe energy?? Light??? religions believe this and even science has made fact that everything is essentially energy and made of the same stuff. Trees, concrete, me, stars its all the same so maybe that's what he means by spirit moves through all things. or I'm possibly horrendously wrong. Horrendously

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  7. anonymous
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    Oct 14th 2007 !⃝

    I think this is a fairly simple one to interpret. It is quite clearly anti-religious. 'Fighting the diseased programming of centuries.' To me 'programming of centuries' is clearly religious indoctrination, by qualifying that phrase with 'diseased' they clearly put a negative stance towards religion. Outlining the science vs. religion.

    The second verse is more tricky. In my opinion, given the nature of the band, they believe that is is faith which is out of control, rather than science('letting the reigns go'). 'Science fails to recognise....faith' means that although science can disprove religious beliefs as inaccurate, it still has not found a way to combat faith. In this respect 'science has failed our world' because religious faith is having such a detrimental affect on many parts of the world.

  8. anonymous
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    Jul 11th 2007 !⃝

    I kinda agree with jack. I believe serj is giving credit to science for some of the miraculous things it has done for humankind. But he also sides with faith in the sense that there is only one true creator, something science tries to explain with the big bang theory, instead of just faith in the one true God that has created everthing here on earth that epitomizes science as we know it.

  9. anonymous
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    Jun 27th 2007 !⃝

    Unfortunately, this song is creating arguments. for the fact that it's about science vs religion. Religion works in faith, and hope, not facts. Science has less answers, more theories, but also more facts. A lot of religion contradicts itself. But people put there faith in there being a higher power. Religion offered answers long ago when there wasnt technology to prove facts. The world has moved through time believing in religion, and now science comes along and contradicts it completely. There is no one to prove the big bang theory is correct, but even less proof of a god that exsists. Science is the reason this world is dyeing but science is also the cure for disease. Science is a new thing to us all, and the facts that's its now contradicting beliefs people have had for millenia's is taking away our faith.

  10. crackSmOkinAssDouche
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    Jan 8th 2007 !⃝

    i agree with the whole religion vs. Science thing because religion says we were all created by God but science says that we evolved from different beings.....But I think eventually people will find that science is going to fail us like in the song and that in the end we will ultimately need faith

  11. anonymous
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    Dec 31st 2006 !⃝

    I really agree with Jack.
    when they say "predicting the future of things we all know" they not make a good point to sciences, it's just sarcastic. If we all know that things, predicting them is just losing our time.And making two possiblilities of one reality is just useless to us.

    The clue is "Spirit moves through all things". It not reffers to religion, but to everything that science can't explain, that make us be humans, and not machines. Our spirit, our feellings are the strongest things on earth

  12. anonymous
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    Aug 22nd 2006 !⃝

    "letting the reigns go to the unfolding
    is faith, faith, faith, faith". Serj is saying that giving into what is inevitably going to happen is a more valid expression of faith than trying to control everything.

  13. red_mosquito
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    Apr 18th 2006 !⃝

    This may be the easiest of SOAD songs to understand. Serj gives little hidden meaning behind his lyrics. To sum it up, I see Serj as believing science is useful "predicting the future of things we all know" but neglects to credit the One true maker. "Science has failed to recognise the single most potent element of human existence." This potent element is God the creator. We believe God created the earth/universe by faith--"Letting the reigns go to the unfolding
    Is faith, faith, faith, faith". We cannot physically see God, yet we see the earth and the things He has made.

    Wanna more difficult time interpretting a song, go try Chop Suey. The interpretations are endless.

  14. anonymous
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    Mar 1st 2006 !⃝

    Man thinks he can be god. The shallow minded will soon get their just rewards and perish holding the plastic science in their hands while the faithful leave.

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  15. jack
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    Dec 22nd 2005 !⃝

    To me, this song is about how logic, analysis and scientific thinking rule our lives. We, as humanity, are holding onto the reins of "science" to steer us where IT want to take us.

    We need to let go of these reins by letting faith turn our possibilities into reality. Faith is simply believing in somthing so strongly, that it is practically a foregone concludion - hence the line "predicting the future of things we all know".

    This song (and Innervision) are one reason why I like SOAD so much, they understand our true selves are not simply our skin color, social status, or DNA. Our true selves are what lies inside.

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