What do you think Eulogy means?

Tool - Eulogy Meaning

Tagged: Death [suggest]
Album cover for Eulogy album cover

Song Released: 1998

Eulogy Lyrics

He had a lot to say.
He had a lot of nothing to say.
We’ll miss him. (2x)
We’re gonna miss him (2x)

So long.
We wish you well.
You told us how you weren’t afraid to die.
Well then, so long.
Don’t cry.
Or feel too down.
Not all martyrs...

  1. anonymous
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    Sep 12th 2012 !⃝

    This song is about no person in particular, it is quite simply about the stereotype of 'the loudest asshole in the room' Maynard spent some time in the military, which i imagine was a big inspiration for this song as well.

    Any of you who know maynard/tool's relationship with Hicks should immediately understand they wouldn't make a song like this about him. AS for Jesus, what with all the religious symbolism tied to him in this song, i can easily see how that's misinterpreted. As for L. Ron, he was an inspiration for this song as Danny Carey plainly stated, but thats it. It's just the idea of the pyschological nature between the sheep and the shephard, when the shephard is an insane militaristic/religious driven shouting asshole.

  2. anonymous
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    Aug 11th 2012 !⃝

    it's about Bill Hicks...no question

  3. anonymous
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    Aug 3rd 2012 !⃝

    In my own honest opinion, I believe the song is a "Fuck You!" to L. Ron Hubbard. For example, the lyric "Come down! Get off your fucking cross..." The way I interpret that lyric is by pretty much saying for him to get off of his high horse. He's not God. And when Maynard says "Standing above the crowd, He had a voice that was strong and loud and I, Swallowed his facade cuz I’m so Eager to identify with Someone above the ground, Someone who seemed to feel the same, Someone prepared to lead the way, with Someone who would die for me." I took that as one of Hubbard's followers P.O.V.

  4. anonymous
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    Mar 28th 2012 !⃝

    This song is one of my favorites from Tool. It has a lot of meaning to me, and i want to share my opinion about the interpretation about it.. "He had a lot to say, he had a lot of nothing to say we'll mis him". I believe he's talking about someone who he loved, who he was close to, who didnt get to speak their mind to the world.."Obviously when he says "we're going to miss him" he could be talking about society, maybe that someone who passed was famous or did great cause to the world, but personally i believe that he is talking about everyone in his band, and that the person was a friend to all of them. "well so long, we wish you well..You told us how you wern't afraid to die". I believe that he telling the passed person goodbye, and goodluck in the afterlife. that you shouldnt greive or cry because its not like he was afraid of dying. "not all martyrs see divinity, but atleast you tried" Not all believers see the division of heaven and hell, or maybe he wasnt that strong of a believer but atleast he tried..He was a strong and outspoken man, that had a point to prove to the world, and soon it was too late for him to express that.

  5. anonymous
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    Feb 24th 2012 !⃝

    to whoever says it only matters what the song means to you. please shut up. me personally , i am fascinated by tool and mainly maynard he's the best hands down! so i want to know exactly what he felt, meant, and belts out of every song.

  6. olie462
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    Jan 13th 2012 !⃝

    This song is written about false prophets, not Jesus in my opinion. It is a diss on evangelists, so-called martyrs, and bullshit leaders, politicians and all. It is about people blindly following someone because they cannot think for themselves so they desperately need to find someone to speak for them, even if they do not believe in it themselves. I am not religious at all but on all accounts of Jesus, he never ranted or raved and always spoke from his heart. This is more dedicated to the people who have twisted his teachings for personal benefit and at the end of the day were not willing to sacrifice themselves for anything that they preached. This goes the same for any religion, political, moral, or ethical stance. It is the ability to brainwash the masses into following you even though you have hidden agendas. At the end of the day, none of these false leaders are prepared to actually die for their beliefs, it was simply a way to gain authority and embelish their ego. I do not believe that Maynard is against religion but instead he is against the way it is used for personal gain, control, and the abolishment of common sense and the ability to think for ourselves, quite possibly the greatest gift we were given.

  7. anonymous
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    Jan 9th 2012 !⃝

    The way I feel about the song Eulogy is quite a simple yet forgotten concept within music.
    It is true Maynard may not wright a lot of Tool's songs, but he obviously puts the creativity into them with his emotions. Maynard is a very complex man..but so is the rest of the band. Maynard is not what makes up Tool. It is the combined efforts of 4 very talented indaviduals whom share an almost intamite love affair with there art. Eulogy maybe about reinventing ones self. And not over stressing saving too much. Think about it

  8. anonymous
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    Jan 9th 2012 !⃝

    Listening to this, it seems that Maynard is addressing humanity. That you shouldn't spend life attempting to force your ideas upon people. Also, don't be so eager to follow the Shepard. Believe in what is true to yourself.

  9. anonymous
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    Oct 18th 2011 !⃝

    I guess the drugs have altered my sense of time being he died 6 years after the album came out

  10. anonymous
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    Oct 18th 2011 !⃝

    I always thought it was referring to lane staley

  11. anonymous
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    Sep 24th 2011 !⃝

    I think this is about People claiming to want to save our souls, and actually their only goal is to get inside our pockets. Just like the Catholic church at the time of Martin Luther. Paying money would'nt save our souls from a purgatory that Probably doesn'nt even exist, but the people paid anyway...

    I think it's about someone specific claiming stuff like that, and acting as if he was the second jesus, and boasting about "being a Martyr", but in truth was a coward. (you told us you were'nt afraid to die).

    "We'll miss him" is probably irony and deepest sarcasm.

    In my eyes, "come down, get off the fucking cross" is someone being arrogant enough to claim that he is like a second jesus, sacrificing himself for the sake of us.

    "We need the space to nail the next fool martyr" Is saying to me that there is a whole bunch of such people out there claiming to be like jesus, and the people are getting sick of it.

  12. anonymous
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    Sep 24th 2011 !⃝

    First off let me state that I am a christian & no longer listen to Tool or any other secular music once I matured & started understanding the meanings of songs because it all basically goes against Christian beliefs. And I've come to the understanding that Maynard & his band are competely anti-christ. Not sayin that he himsef is the Anti-christ, but that his teachings go against everything Christ stood for. & he clearly does not believe Christ is the Son of God as he states in the intro of one of his songs (cant remember at the moment). So you guys who are claiming youself Christians & say you stil listen to Tool, you really should think twice about what your playing into your subconsciuos. Cause you are contradicting yoursef when listening & singing these songs.
    Yea I believe this song can be about many different people being in the spotlight in an influencial situation, but I believe it's more about Christ because He is the most important & contraversial of them all. In Rossetta Stoned he says he was taken & given a message. Now what message might that be? hmm.. Possibly the message he empasizes alot on, that we are a collective consciousness just experiencing itself. But when you say that, you are saying that we pretty much got here on our own & are doing this all on our own. No Christ interceding for us to GOD, NO SON OF GOD. So you can't go through trying to figure out his songs without having that as a central focal point.
    Another important fact that shows its more about Christ is that he says "Not all martyrs see divinity". Now why would he be talking about martyrs & divinity while speaking about someone that had nothing to do with martyrs & divinity?
    You have to really know you Bible (not necessarily tho, but about spirituality) to really see what these guys are doin in their songs. And its sad to see Christians say its ok to listen to them but hopefully now you guys really see the big picture.

  13. anonymous
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    Sep 14th 2011 !⃝


    no, but really.. after reading through all of these interpretations, listening to tool and studying their lyrics, i'd have to guess and say it's probably more about l. ron hubbard. maybe not. but, who cares? it's about whatever you can apply it to in your life.. that is what tool's music is for (or any music, for that matter). you can use it through your life in order to learn from, and for, yourself.. like a TOOL.

  14. anonymous
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    Aug 11th 2011 !⃝

    Ok, here is the actual facts. It's all about me! The song is about me. Maynard and I were close friends long ago. I promised that I would die for him just as I have promised many of you. What can I say? I lied! I saw, that by doing so, it would be a conflict of interest and not truly serve any purpose to myself. I am aware that this maybe a big disappointment with many of you. After seeing how avid Tool fans are I am sure many of you will do anything within your power to crush me. I know it all...... may seem very selfish of me, but such is my nature!

    Always here for you,


    P.S. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, please stop by and visit! Like Dick Cheney, I could always use a good stroke.

  15. anonymous
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    Jul 12th 2011 !⃝

    This song is Maynard "pulling the card" of every self indulgent, righteously indignant, social and emotional "martyr" he has come across in his public life.

    There is no shortage of "leaders" in this world who "rant" and "rave" about morality, ethics and "the right way to live life." Most often, upon further review, one can easily see that these folks are bullshit. Usually hypocrites that fall to the same vices and sin they find so abhorrent when they are in their pulpit.

    When Maynard says "We'll miss him." He's tongue in cheek. The eulogy he is talking about is the truth about these people. The truth hurts.

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