Tool - Eulogy Meaning

Song Released: 1998
Eulogy Lyrics
He had a lot of nothing to say.
We’ll miss him. (2x)
We’re gonna miss him (2x)
So long.
We wish you well.
You told us how you weren’t afraid to die.
Well then, so long.
Don’t cry.
Or feel too down.
Not all martyrs...
Sorry, was disconnected mid post. and as for the lines in third eye "came out to watch you play, why are you running away" maybe they wanted to see him and his third eye but hadnt achieved anything thus the lines "fool martyr"
Just did a quick search on google, Simon of Syrene was apparently a man coming home with 3 of his children when jesus was carrying his cross. He was a pagan and the soldiers escorting jesus forced Simon to help him carry the cross after Jesus fell and couldn't get up. That's all I know, elaborate more tonx.
~Dev -
I doubt that it's about Bill Hicks. Maynard/Tool loved him, why would they write things like:
"He had a lot of nothing to say. "
"No way to recall
What it was that you had said to me,
Like I care at all."
"Come down.
Get off your fuckin' cross.
We need the fuckin’ space to nail the next fool martyr."
I think this song is just about bashing martyrs in general... I agree that it's closer to L. Ron Hubbard than anything else anyone has said. I also agree with the idea that it's probably mostly about self-righteous people in general. -
I don't understand how this song could be about Bill Hicks, if he was a friend to the band. That theory really just makes zero sense. Do these lyrics sound like something you would say about a friend?
"Come down, get off your fuckin cross, we need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr."
"...he had a lot of nothing to say."
"No way to recall, What it was that you had said to me,
Like I care at all."
Was there anything in Bill Hicks routines about him dying for somebody? I think not. Unless you think this song is about multiple people, I don't see how you could consider Bill Hicks as the subject.
Personally I think L. Ron Hubbard is a good interpretation, ESPECIALLY since a band member said that is what it's about... but I also believe it is about all self-righteous people in general. -
"He has stated that he takes little to no part in the lyric writing process. Danny and Adam do most of the writing. So all of you who think that Maynard writes all of these songs and thinks he is a mastermind are wrong. Maynard is a genius with the songs he writes. But Maynard himself has state he takes little to no part in this process especially with the music."
sorry sir but I was reading and found this to be quite absurd. first of all you denied that Maynard writes the songs....then you say "Maynard is a genius with the songs he writes." very dumb, my boy. He writes the songs. He's the singer. obviously he does..and its called concerts? and interviews? maybe if youve ever been to one or seen one you would know more about the songs. listen to an interview and youll find him to be supremely intelligent. Its pretty obvious he has crafted all the lyrical masterpieces. youre a fool. and I agree with the dude that said this site was interpretations for what we thought the band meant for the songs to mean, not the "its only what YOU decipher from it yourself. YOU decide." bullshit... -
Wow. Got everything from Curt Cobain to Henry Rollins to L. Ron Hubbard. Even some Jesus slander. Awesome! I'm not knocking the opinions on here, far from it. But why does it have to be just one person that this song is about? Through out human history, we have chosen our icons. This can apply to anyone. For the record, Jesus wasn't desperate for attention. If you're going to talk smack about something, know about it. We, WE made him into what he is today. Not him. I know he was a carpenter but I don't see any 2500 year old billboards he made that say "Please worship me." As some others have put on here, there are no specifics in this song. There rarely are in any Tool songs. It's open for your interpretation. That's what art is about. It makes you see what only you can see. And only what I can see. You can argue that it's about this or that, but then you're only placing yourself in the same B.S. position of most main stream religions. You become divided and miss the point. This is a song that TOOL gave to us for us to listen to and enjoy, and maybe learn something from. So, in my opinion, humble as it is, it's an expression of how silly main stream society is, that a lot of us look for help from those long gone. Look above the ground, look for someone who inspires you. Then again, maybe I'm wrong. In which case I'll end up in a new plain of existence after I die surrounded by angry TOOL fans. Which would be funny.
Dude.... why try interpreting something that wasn't supposed to be interpreted in the first place? Sure, the song has a meaning, but come on? Why worry about who the song is talking about. They didn't name any names for a reason. They've left the interpreting part to us. The audience. The people buying their music and simultaneously relating to the music in a way that connects them to a band that is able to send out such a strong vibe and feel one hell of a connection just through what the excellent word choice in their lyrics.
i believe this song is directly bashing dogmatism. Maynard is using Christianity because it is one of the most widely known and (sometimes) dogmatic religions. He doesn't like the fact that people bend over to get screwed for something that they don't even know much about. I believe he is trying (like many tool songs) to get people to THINK about something before just swallowing it. Great song.
Im not looking to argue. Maynard has nothing against peoples religion or choices people make.("freedom of speech"- the cover on emotive that meant so much to Maynard) Maynard has an issue like I do when people do something with out questioning it because of fear of that specific thing being false. I agree with a few people on this page, but I'm telling you now, Maynard would not be happy with all of these people claiming rational and incorrect meanings of songs from the most meaningful band of our time. Yes question authority. By the way why don't some of you guys actually listen to some commentary by Maynard on interviews and on that new APC dvd. On that video MJK talks about "Judith" which he states is not associated with the one true God (which Maynard has admitted in believing in), but to all the false idols such as things that strive form darkness. Most bands are against religion because its too risky to talk about God. I believe that true wisdom comes from this band. Maynard is an amazing writer as so are Danny and Adam (Justin?). I hope you all don't try and analyze this song too much, because it was not meant to be.
yep, Tool's wonderful!! at street scene in san diego this last year, Maynard stopped the concert to tell everyone to chill. I myself would rather enjoy the song than throw elbows. but of coarse I was right in the thick of it...... with my wife,....... lost a shoe.... . If I had to interpret, I'd say that a lot of Tool fans are out of touch with Tool's reality.
First, I listened to the whisper at 5:20, and damn if I can't understand what he says.... anyone got that?
hmmm... So what if Maynard was writing about a new discovery... possibly one within one's own self?
Maybe this song is about leaving a certain faith behind.
When I give the album a 'quick' look and try to summarize it, I see these guys questioning what it is that you, me, them, and everyone spend our minutes struggling for, worrying about, and all together making up in our heads.
Try this... laugh.... really good and hard at yourself for something... anything that in retrospect seems completely unnecessary now. Next, listen to Eulogy- subjectify the 'person, or thing ' being eugoogilized to simply "a belief that has now changed." Perhaps something like a loss of religious belief... okay. Now imagine that youre from a "religious" background i.e. your mother and/or father are very 'faithful'. let your cd player take you through the next track H. Pretend that those two songs are one, and look for signifigance...
In the beginning of the bible what is it that sets man apart from God?
Later... why would man need to re-discover god? and through what device could he do that?
More later... what if he found that God never existed as man thought? would man be angry? would it become a struggle to overcome heartily-instilled desires to faith?
"My blood before me begs me..."
"The snake behind me..."
Could it be that this portion of the album has to do with the struggle of losing faith, then filling that void with something as meaningful?
I don't know... I am just as silly as the rest of the world but, what I've read from this forum... maybe some of you could take some advice from the guys whose ideas you are defending so religiously?
But to each his own.
Peace. Out.
Renfield Esspiezzio? -
it's about tendencies Maynard said it himself in the tdn articles, in like 1999ish? I can't remember but some where around there
I swear some of you claim to be such tool fans but would rather use their lyrics to bash on christianity. If you look closely at their songs it is not anti-christian(i.e. 10000 days), or at least the belief. It's the clergy who come between you and god who ruin it and do the exact opposite of their teachings. Those of you who claim your so much more intelligent than "conforming" christians are the self-righteous assholes that this song is about. If you ask me, there is nothing easy about being a christian these days that would equal to conforming. If you're a non christian, that's your belief(or lack thereof) so don't mock those who are. Believe whatever you want and don't be a hippocrite. Thats one of the biggest messages from tool.
Whatever environment you grow up in is USUALLY what influences you for the rest of your life, therefore some people are Christians and some are not. This shows that no one is better than anyone,no matter what religion, because if God wanted us to all be Christians, he would have made us all be born to Christian parents and to always think Christian-like for our entire lives, but HE DIDN'T NOW, DID HE? The media, and the country in general, are making Christianity into what it shouldn't be. Although I believe in Jesus, I avoid the label of "Christian" because I do not want to be associated with the hypocritical Church. To show you where I am coming from I'll tell you some history: The Catholic Church,in the old days,said that the Earth was the center of the universe, and that gravity didn't exist! Then they killed people who defied this teaching.
Anyway, Tool is cool, and I respect their ideas. -
NO! Holy crap, you guys are killing me...It is NOT about Bill Hicks. Tool are big fans of Hicks, so why would Maynard write such a scathing, sarcastic, horribly insulting ode to a man he admires? You are not hearing the sarcasm in the song...Every time MJK says, "we'll miss him", his tongue is planted firmly in his cheek. The song is a blantant attack on Jesus, L. Ron Hubbard, and all other martyrs, religious or otherwise.
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