What do you think Kings And Queens means?

30 Seconds To Mars - Kings And Queens Meaning

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Album cover for Kings And Queens album cover

Song Released: 2009

Kings And Queens Lyrics

Into the night
Desperate and broken
The sound of a fight
Father has spoken
We were the kings and queens
of promise
We were the victims of
Maybe the children of a lesser
Between Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell
Into your...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 9th 2010 !⃝

    The song talks about how we perceive material edifices and things we take for granted in a time of great struggle, in this case, war. When the eponymous lyric "We are the kings and queens of promise", just like a king or queen has great power, we too have great power to fulfill our promise, our promise to succeed when failure is not an option. "We are the victims of ourselves" says that in times of struggle, we are victimised by the fact that there is a prospect that all we have toiled and worked for will suddenly come tumbling down, however, we brought this onto ourselves by working for it in the first place. "Maybe the Children of a lesser God, between heaven and hell" rounds off the fact that as one worships God with respect, we somewhat respect what is around us, our family and friends, the important things, however, because it is a LESSER God, it is subject to imperfection, imperfection in the things we take for granted, and imperfection in how we take care and tend to these things. Remember that 30 Seconds to Mars wrote this at a time when a lawsuit could potentially destroy all they have worked for in the past decade, they ended up on top, they were their own kings. Now, the bridge, it echoes defeat, just as how the song mellows down before rising up to an uproaring chorale in the chorus. "The age of man is over", its their defeat. "A darkness comes and..." the aftermath of the defeat. "The lessons we have learnt here...have only just begun", they may have lost but they will continue on fighting, until they fulfill the promise, the promise of success.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 26th 2011 !⃝

    So here's an idea...
    What if it is the words of fallen angels? Follow me below..

    Into the night
    Desperate and broken
    The sound of a fight
    Father has spoken--> the song begins with something going into darkness that is desperate and broken during a feud from which "Father" has ordered.

    We were the kings and queens
    of promise
    We were the victims of
    Maybe the children of a lesser
    Between Heaven and Hell
    Heaven and Hell-->then the song reveals who is speaking.. They describe themselves in past tense as kings and queens of promise, or angels. They were victims of themselves for choosing sides against God, or "Father" who cast them out of hell after a "fight" or battle. They are now the children of a lesser god.. meaning the Devil, and tell where they then went after being cast out, between Heaven and Hell or Earth.

    Into your eyes
    Hopeless and taken
    We stole our new lives
    Through blood and pain
    In defense of our dreams
    In defense of our dreams--> They present in human form "into your eyes", saying they are here to steal souls in their defense, meaning their battle with Heaven... People are hopeless and taken, being stolen from God through blood and pain.

    We were the Kings and Queens
    of promise
    We were the victims of
    Maybe the Children of a lesser
    Between Heaven and Hell
    Heaven and Hell--> still in paste tense and making a point to say that they were once in a position of power.

    The age of man is over
    A darkness comes and all
    These lessons that we learned
    Have only just begun--> bluntly stating that man's time is over as they, the soldiers of darkness, or demons..fallen angels, have come and as they've gained more power through the spiritual war, the battle for souls, they are just getting started.

    We were the Kings and Queens
    of promise
    We were the victims of
    We are the kings
    We are the queens
    We are the kings
    We are the queens--> now in present tense suggesting that they will win the spiritual battle and once again have their power back with a victory over Heaven.

    Interesting don't you think?


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Mar 30th 2010 !⃝

    “We were the Kings and Queens of a promise”
    It's about how we have great potential.

    “We were the victims of ourselves, Maybe the children of a lesser God, Between Heaven and Hell”
    But we’ve ruined it when we started giving into worshipping “lesser gods between heaven and hell” or simply, earthly pleasures. We’ve become victims of the effects our own actions have brought about.

    “The age of man is over, A darkness comes and all, These lessons that we learned here, Have only just begun”
    We can still learn from our mistakes. We’ll suffer the consequences of the wrong things we’ve done, but we are given the chance to redeem ourselves.

    At least, this is what I think. I'm not really sure since I'm not very good at interpreting lyrics.

  4. anonymous
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    Jun 15th 2020 !⃝

    Apr 26th, 2011 4:32am

    Your analysis make a lot of sense when you apply it, not to fallen angels, but to mankind.

    Into the night
    Desperate and broken
    The sound of a fight
    Father has spoken

    God kicked Adam and Eve (mankind) out of the garden (the only thing that they had ever known) into the rest of the earth.
    When they eat the fruit they went from a state of being spiritually alive to being spiritually dead. When they ate the fruit the were separated from God (separated from his life and his light, apart from which is only darkness)

    In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
    John 1:4‭-‬5 KJV

    "The sound of a fight" could simply mean the war that had begun to rage between satan and God.

    "Father has spoken" is simple to understand it could refer to the command to leave the garden or the broken commandment of not eating the fruit.

    We were the kings and queens of promise We were the victims of
    ourselves Maybe the children of a lesser god Between Heaven and Hell
    Heaven and Hell

    Mankind was in fact the kings and queens of promise. And angels were not and are not kings and queens, and they were not given any kind of promise.

    And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
    Genesis 1:26‭-‬28 KJV

    "We were the victims of ourselves" they took the fruit and ate it, Eve because she desired the knowledge that she heard that it would give her, Adam for no stated reason in the scriptures other than he listened to Eve, and ate it because she wanted him to.

    "Maybe the children of a lesser god Between Heaven and Hell Heaven and Hell"
    Those who do not believe in Christ are children of satan (a lesser god); and depending on what you take hell to mean (the grave[which is also referred to as the bowels of the earth] or the lake of fire[the second death]), and what you consider Heaven to be (the sky, or the throne of God), man (while he is alive) is literally between Heaven and Hell (the bowels of the earth and the sky, the grave and the throne of God), and man is required to choose a destination between the two while he yet lives (in the body).

    Into your eyes
    Hopeless and taken
    We stole our new lives
    Through blood and pain
    In defense of our dreams
    In defense of our dreams

    "We stole our new lives" this is the part where your analysis kinda breaks down Adam and Eve stole their new lives literally by stealing the fruit and eating it. Demons don't steal souls, they have no need to for any reason. What satan did steal was mankind's authority by causing him to fall but the live of darkness they didn't steal they attempted to steal God's throne and failed.

    As for the rest of it (this also goes along with the line "Father has spoken) God spoke curses over Mankind

    Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
    Genesis 3:16‭-‬19 KJV

    There is also the fact that relatively shortly after mankind fell, man began to kill each other.

    However I'm of the opinion that "through blood and pain in defense of our dreams" is a reference to the necessity of the shedding of blood for the redemption of sin, and that the dreams is the ultimate redemption (the sacrifice of Christ) which mankind had to look forward to (when you take the meaning of the Hebrew names of the patriarchs from Adam to Noah you get a sentence that foretell of Christ coming and teaching that his death will bring rest/comfort to mankind).

    The age of man is over
    A darkness comes and all
    These lessons that we learned here Have only just begun

    "The age of man is over"
    Mankind has fallen.
    "A darkness comes and all"
    Darkness is a representative of many things, demons, sin, the death (or perishing) of mankind (hatred, fear, lack, madness[insanity] that is in the world today).

    "These lessons that we learned here Have only just begun"
    Mankind is just starting to learn about God, the knowledge of God is a progressive never ending knowledge that will not be fully learned until after Christ returns (I'd say until after the new Heaven and the new earth are made).

    We were the Kings and Queens of promise
    We were the victims of ourselves
    We are the kings
    We are the queens
    We are the kings
    We are the queens

    At our creation we were the kings and queens of promise. Now in Christ we are the kings and queens.

    And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
    Revelation 1:5‭-‬6 KJV

    But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
    1 Peter 2:9 KJV

  5. anonymous
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    Jul 3rd 2013 !⃝

    He is a clearly a vampire

  6. anonymous
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    Jun 23rd 2012 !⃝

    Kings & Queens, I think is a song based on a brilliant idea, using biblical symbolisms.

    In the beginning, "Kings & Queens of promise" must have been in "Promise Land", but a fight with the Father seems to have gotten them out of there.
    Now K & Q feel "desperate and broken" and "victims of themselves". They feel darkness surrounding them and fear, for "stealing their new lives through blood and pain". It seems that K & Q must have had the fight with the Father in order to have their "promises" fulfilled, as they fought "in defense of their dreams". We could assume that they didn't want to obey to the "law" of the Father and left.

    So, for me this song is about a story in which K & Q came in a place between heaven & hell, which we could assume it's the earth, to take back their dreams (in triumph to the Father)!

    I think that this is a brilliant idea!!


  7. A.e. Ortland
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    Jun 2nd 2012 !⃝

    ''We were the kings & queens of promise'' meaning: speaking in past tense, perhaps speaking of a backslidden christian[s] OR spoken from a future tense, after the second coming of Christ. (yes, I believe this to have christian overtones). ''We were the victims of our selves'' Lived and died in sin, and destroyed ourselves intentionally (or not). ''Children of a lesser God, between heaven and hell'' Reference to Jesus, although the incarnation of God, was born a bond servant, and NOT some grandiose showboat kinda thing, hence ''lesser''. ''Into your eyes, hopeless and taken. We stole our new lives, through blood and pain. In defence of our dreams.'' Refer to John 3:16 in the bible. ''The age of man is over. A darkness comes, and all these lessons we have learned here, have only just begun.'' Refer to the book of revelations.

  8. anonymous
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    May 24th 2012 !⃝

    FoxBag here, sayin wut Foxbag thinks. FoxBag thinks dis song is bout dis dude seein a lite. an dis lite is a geed lite. dis lite is the lite of god. dis dude has seen the lite of god. But dis dude has seen dat dees other dudes hasn't seen dis lite. He sees dat if dee other dudes don't see this lite, den dis world mite not last much longer. Foxbag thinks dat dees dudes has had so much promise, from god, and dees dudes don't see their promise. An Foxbag also thinks that if dees dudes DONT see their promises, den dees dudes wont get to use their promises. If dees dudes dont use their promises, den dees dudes will go to hell, and teach dat to dere children, and their children, till all dees dudes are going to hell. Den, dee age of man will TRULY be over, just like duh song.

  9. anonymous
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    Jan 22nd 2012 !⃝

    It's about the return of the nephilim. Genesis 6.

  10. anonymous
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    Dec 6th 2011 !⃝

    A canção fala sobre o que está acontecendo com o mundo hoje em dia, as revoluções espirituas, ecológicas, etc. Essa é a guerra que se referem.

    Os reis e rainhas são as pessoas que vieram fazer essa revolução. Pessoas que estavam nas profecias.

    O Deus menor seria porque ja algum tempo essas pessoa professam sua fé sem um ente a receber, por isso a incerteza; não somos filhos do mesmo Deus que 99% da população, nosso espírito é diferente, não queremos "crescer e reproduzir" como diz a bíblia, isso vai acabar com um mundo de 7 bilhões de almas.

    O MUSE, em sua musica uprising adota o mesmo tema.

    É a guerra dos que querem um novo futuro contra os que querem manter o mundo como ele é hoje. Do Deus antigo contra o Deus novo.

  11. Spoons
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    Oct 17th 2011 !⃝

    wow what an amazing song.until now i'd never paid attention to the words, at least consciously. i really think this song is speaking about our subjective perspective of life and evolution. could it be that after the many lifetimes we've spent here, gaining experience, good or bad, progressing and evolving, that at this time of darkness, (dark rift)we become the projection of the essence of ourselves and in specific the reality we've created for ourselves here on Earth. I think the global consciousness plays a part as well, in that if this transition of the ages becomes overwhelmed with love and unconditional care we can more easily move to the higher plane....all you have to do is look within, any godly man has said this, and you will find the kingdom. What you've always desired in your heart becomes. We were the kings and queens before, and by God we most definitely will be again.

  12. anonymous
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    Oct 13th 2011 !⃝

    I think this song can be connected to the Animal Kingdom in a certain sense. The Album cover features a tiger flashing its fangs and the song its self utilizes sound effects of an eagles call and a whale's call.

    "The Kings and Queens of Promise" could refer to the animal's intial reign over earth and the garden of eden until god created man. Animals used to rule the world until man took control, hence "phantoms of ourselves".

    The "children of a lesser god" could be a reference to the domestication of the animals to serve the needs and pleasures of the human race. Domesticated animals are the victims of their own strengths and uses, hence "victims of ourselves".

    The song could be a call to the wild, a realization that the human race is destroying itself (The age of man is over) and the animals should retain their former freedoms.

  13. rancie12
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    Jul 29th 2011 !⃝

    I find this one easy to interpret. the song and video is about the fall and redemption of mankind in the Bible!

  14. anonymous
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    Jul 18th 2011 !⃝

    i think this song is clearly about how satan and his followers believe they will win the spiritual battle-the part which says the age of man is over,darkness comes and......totally evil!!

  15. anonymous
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    Apr 26th 2011 !⃝

    This song, part of an album called "This is War" is about the losing side of a war, possibly a war of revolution. Their reasons for fighting may well have been just---they may have been the oppressed, forced to steal "their new lives through blood and pain." They have lost however, more likely due to the misfortune of going up against the status quo (they were the "children of a lesser god" where the status quo is the greater god that prevailed) and been relegated back to the place they were pre-revolution, their dreams crushed but still alive to take up the fight again should the time come again (stuck "between heaven and hell" with the knowledge that "these lessons that we've learned here have only just begun"). Before they were "the kings and queens of promise" because they had discovered the promise of something better but that promise has been taken by their society's power structure, "father" having spoken.

  16. whatever123
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    Sep 26th 2010 !⃝

    To clear things up, I don't think this is anything too religious or about earthly pleasures. It's a spiritual battle between what you want and what you have. Even the band has said it's about spiritual triumph. I respect your opinions about the lyrics, but we all have different ideas.

  17. anonymous
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    May 24th 2010 !⃝

    I think this song is talking about God and the bible. "kings and Queens of promise" is referring to what we were before sin. We were the sons and daughters of the most high king God.
    "we were the victims of ourselves" sin caused us to stray away from God. SIN SEPARATED US FROM GOD. We caused suffering and devastation to penetrate the world. we let our morals and values slowly fade away.
    "maybe the children of a lesser God between heaven and hell" Satin isn't actually in hell yet. He has dominion of the earth and wants to take as many people to hell with him as possible. Sin caused us to turn away from God and worship false idols (money clothes...ect...all earthly things--all things satin currently has dominion over)
    When Jesus returns for his children, he will bestow judgment on satin and all who don't follow Jesus, and that is when satin will be thrown into the "lake of fire".
    "into your eyes hopeless and taken We stole our new lives through blood and pain" The blood and pain are the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. New life and salvation were given to us because Jesus stood in place of us and let our judgment be given to him. almost like if a parent (GOD) had to choose one child out of three to be tortured and killed but chose instead to take the place of that child knowing that the debt had to be fufilled in some way. That's the heart of Jesus.
    When is says "stole our new lives...in defense of our dreams" I believe this is referring to the crusificiton again. when we crusified Jesus "through Blood and pain we stole our new lives" those who crusified him refused to let go of their own dreams" and ideas of how God should be and stole a life that wasnt even meant to be lived...A Godless life....this leads to Jesus' return.
    "the age of man is over
    A darkness comes and all
    These lessons that we learned here
    Have only just begun" If you are not a believer in Jesus Christ then you should consider reading the book of revelation. To be quite honest it is the scariest thing I have ever read and I hope you will never have to endure the wrath that will be unleashed. One thing to consider(if you think this is all false) what have you got to lose? If God is not real and everything I just said will never happen, then nothing at all. you will never have to worry about anything other than what you fear in life such as death or pain...but if God is real? and all this is true? then you have everything to lose...if you don't believe. But if you do believe, when you fall asleep in this world and awake in the next you will be a king or queen of promise. and you will live in a place that cannot even be fathomed by the human mind because it is too perfect. This is just what I think the song means...we have a choice. But either way the end is coming...

  18. anonymous
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    Apr 2nd 2010 !⃝

    This song is clearly referring to the Narnia series, mainly The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. When he says into the night, he's talking about Lucy going into the wardrobe. This is made clear when he says "the sound of a fight"; this sound is the war going on between the good creatures and the bad of Narnia. "We were the Kings and Queens of promise" is clearly talking about the four Pensieve children as it is written in the prophesy that four children of Adam and Eve would come to the throne to be kings and queens or Narnia. In the second verse he says "We stole our new lives through blood and pain". This is referring to the battle at the end of the book resulting in their "new lives" as rulers in Narnia. "The age of man is over and darkness comes on all. These lessons that we learned here have only just begun". This bridge has a couple different elements to it. The first sentence is showing how Narnia now excludes the race of man and because of that darkness, or evil, falls upon it. The second sentence is the children learning about Narnia. At the end of the book, they seemed to learn all of their lessons in there new lives while hunting down the stag and barely remembering their previous lives.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
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