What do you think Lua means?

Bright Eyes - Lua Meaning

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Lua Lyrics

I know that it is freezing, but I think we have to walk
I keep waving at the taxis, they keep turning their lights off
But Julie knows a party at some actor's West side loft
Supplies are endless in the evening by the morning they'll be gone



    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Oct 7th 2018 !⃝

    This song without any doubt is about drug and alcohol addiction. I am a recovering coke addict who can identify with every word. There is a lot of cocaine referencing in the song. Supplies are endless in the evening is very familiar to people who abused that drug because it’s an evil drug that you will do until it is gone, and the comedown is so horrific (for addicts who can’t stop). “Actors west side loft” - those of us in ny who lived this “bright lights big city” life until it almost killed us know the reference, chasing the night all around the city. Going to the bathroom but you say you’ll be right back - again, very familiar to coke addiction sneaking off for a line - and models are notorious for coke addiction (you lose a lot of weight). Like most people who abuse drugs, the ones in this story are hooked badly on coke/alcohol (their “drugs of choice” but do a bit of everything especially opioids like Vicodin to help the comedown and the torture Suicidal anxiety that comes with the addiction - hence the train verse. The love part of this Story is about co-dependence - it is common to fall into a relationship where one partner hopes the other can same them, and vice versa, until they surrender to the reality that it’s all pain and no success...they become bad for one another. Anyway that’s what it meant to me. One of the most emotional songs for me because it nails every single thing I’ve been through in ways that others have never understood.

  2. anonymous
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    Sep 28th 2020 !⃝

    For me personaly this song is about escape and how its not that easy. It doesnt explain all the lyrics but it is my point of view.
    I feel like the two people love eachother and they want to leave all their problems behind and run away, but when they wake up next morning its not that easy. Its almost imposible and as they try to start new life, they encounter more and more problems.

  3. anonymous
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    May 31st 2017 !⃝

    I believe the song is about loving a girl who has anorexia. She wants to escape her problems, so she becomes hooked and begins putting them above everyone else in her life. She convinces the boy, who is inexperienced with this sort of thing, to join her one night. He has problems of his own, so he finds this as a way to masquerade that as well. The two, very high, engage in an affair but only on drugs, but when the girl isn't high she won't open up to him.

  4. anonymous
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    Apr 1st 2017 !⃝

    Well, the only thing I really wanna point out is the songs link to something I know quite personally— eating disorders. I have anorexia and I can relate a lot to many lines in this song, such as "you're looking skinny like a model with your eyes all painted black" eyes all painted black, to me, could mean one of four things. 1) when my anorexia was at it's worse, from a distance it was as if I had panda eyes due to my veins being so dark and apparent around my eyes. 2) she could have slept with her makeup on from the night before, which she was drinking, taking drugs and partying 3) she could just be into that sorta style, who knows. 4) relating to the next line "you just keep going to the bathroom always say you'll be right back" says to me she's bulimic, in which self induced vomiting causes your eyes to run, therefore messing up your makeup. And, "I know that it's freezing but I think we have to walk" sorta really clicks with me because when you have a lack of fat and muscle on your body coz you've burned it all away, every temperature freezes you to the bone. But still, the disorder forces you to go outside and run/walk..
    It's just my interpretation but I see how most people wouldn't see that sorta stuff from it, it's just due to personal experience.

  5. anonymous
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    Mar 29th 2012 !⃝

    This song simply describes drug influence on love.
    Two people loving each other try to make their lives easier by pushing problems aside.
    I love the lyrics because they're so fucking true. Thats the way it goes. Everyone can identify himself in one of this lines knowing the situation of thinking things have been alright and in the next moment everything just turned out wrong...Suddenly everything change and you ask yourself why it just can't stay the way it been.
    When I listen to this song, which is obviously on one hand pretty metaphoric and on the other one very self explanatory, it's just a pleasure. I am not sure, if its right to tear a song into pieces but this masterpiece just deserves to get an interpretation.
    Oberst is telling us a fairytale... pure poetry which is floating through our brain like opium through his veins.

    I know that it is freezing, but I think we have to walk
    I keep waving at the taxis, they keep turning their lights off
    But Julie knows a party at some actor's West side loft
    Supplies are endless in the evening by the morning they'll be gone

    (They have nowhere to go and feel lost, it is cold outside and they just want to get home which is pretty far away. They have bad luck, any cab is taking them with. Slowly they lose hope to get home, so they decide to go to the next party of someone they don't know actually. But its better than straying around.So sometimes you have no other choice than getting drunk even though you didn't meant to.)
    The supplies which seem endless in the evening, could mean the illusion of being high/drunk. You feel like you own the world. But the next morning leaves nothing than a bad taste in your mouth. You know it never works, to crowd out trouble this way. Morning destroys lovely illusions like it was its task.

    When everything is lonely I can be my own best friend
    I'll get a coffee and the paper, have my own conversations
    with the sidewalk and the pigeons and my window reflection
    The mask I polish in the evening by the morning looks like shit
    (When you got disappointed by everyone and feel betrayed you might think you don't need anyone. You can be your OWN best friend. This line describes this very well because you're convinced that you can only sit there and write poems drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. The problem is that it simply doesn't work. It ever won't. Suddenly you get lonely and realize it lose its sense. The mentioned mask might mean self-confidence , first you thought you can manage everything and then you must confess it went all wrong. All you've got now is the shitty fact of being all alone.)

    And I know you have a heavy heart, I can feel it when we kiss
    So many men stronger than me have thrown their backs out trying to lift it
    But me I'm not a gamble, you can count on me to split
    The love I sell you in the evening by the morning won't exist
    (This line shows how hard it can be to deal with your own feelings. Sometimes it's hard to be the one getting more love than you can give. You get this odd feeling of powerlessness. But it's also possible that he means the opposite, he puts all his trust to her and its damaging how she doesn't. It's a rough feeling to know you can't be the one saving her from being upset. You know you aren't a perfect lover, you get doubts and realize the love you once shared will disappear soon.
    Sometimes you think you really love a person and than you catch yourself lying. Things which seem perfect for a short moment hurt so much by changing into a drama.
    It's hard to understand how you let this chance go.
    I imagine a simple situation of going to bed with a person having great talks and sharing love to each other and understanding the next day it was just sex and nothing really special. It feels easy-forgettable. )

    You're looking skinny like a model with your eyes all painted black
    Just keep going to the bathroom, always say you'll be right back
    Well, it takes one to know one, kid, I think you've got it bad
    But what's so easy in the evening by the morning's such a drag
    ( A girl you love has a really rough life... She forgets to eat and tries to push her problems aside by taking drugs. Day by day she gets skinnier and unhealthier and you can't help her because you are to weak. You know you are a bad role model but somehow it works. Days pass and she never talks playing everything's right. She doesn't want you to worry about her. It's kind of self-protection. Like in the first lines of the song you both try covering hassle by alcohol and pills. Yes, it work but only till the sun rises.)

    I got a flask inside my pocket, we can share it on the train
    And if you promise to stay conscious I will try and do the same
    We might die from medication, but we sure killed all the pain
    But what was normal in the evening by the morning seems insane
    (The bearing gets more dramatic, you just want to forget. All you think of is staying together even though it lose its sense. For avoiding the pain you even risk to die.
    The mentioned flask might imply different things like morphine or other dazing stuff. The morning arrives and you survived but know you got to realize how silly you've act. Its just mad but in the dark it seemed so obvious.
    It illustrates how you slowly lose control.)

    And I'm not sure what the trouble was that started all of this
    The reasons all have run away, but the feeling never did
    It's not something I would recommend, but it is one way to live
    Cause what is simple in the moonlight by the morning never is
    (This part of the song is like an excuse or an explanation for living like that. You actually do know that all you're doing is wrong but you also know pretty well that you aren't able to stop. When you're still able to stop, you don't want to, when you want to, it's already too late and you can't. The reasons why you are in this mess are already forgotten and maybe they aren't that important anymore, because you got adapted to this situation.
    Whatever you feel bad for, you simply fucking do. Thats all. The last argument you mention in your declaration is pretty simple: Things are easier when you're out of control and the consequents seem equal for a short moment of fake happiness.

  6. anonymous
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    Apr 4th 2011 !⃝

    I absolutely agree with the post from 1st of April. To make a point here, I would like to specifically highlight the lyrics line "I got a flask inside my pocket, we can share it on the train ...". I think the lyrics are not metaphorical at all: The flask contains possibly strong cough medicine (containing Codein or similar) or opium tincture, anyways some opiate, I am convinced. It fits very well with the "kills the pain" line (opiates are pain killers almost without exception), the "promise to stay conscious" line, meaning: take care not to drift off and die from respiratory paralysis, which happens when overdosing opiates (and which can actually to some extent really be escaped from by staying awake and reminding oneself to consciously breathe)
    - and finally to the "We might die from medication" line which refers to what I just pointed out.
    So, no aloof philosophizing going on here, I guess, just hardcore druggie business.
    Hope I didn't ruin anyone's day :-)
    Well, it's actually pretty romantic if you understand it ...

  7. anonymous
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    Apr 1st 2011 !⃝

    Like almost all of Connor Oberst's songs Lua is about drugs. The song is about things that seem normal when your high at night seem absolutely insane in the morning. He states "supplies are endless in the evening by the morning they'll be gone" meaning that at night while he is high he has no cares but the next morning everything bad comes back to him. He also says "We might die from medication but we sure killed all the pain" which is pretty self explanatory but means that with drugs he does not feel the pains and worries of his life and it is worth the possibility of dying to feel that relief.

  8. OberstsYellowBird
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    Aug 15th 2009 !⃝

    I believe this song is about love. Pretty simple, but it's not just that. THe entire song is giving examples of how situations change between the evening and the morning. "Supplies are endless in the evening by the morning they'll be gone.", or, "What seems polished in the evening by the morning looks like shit". Oberst regrets things he has done in the past, not necessarily the night before, but some time in his past. He is trying to pass the message that everyone has done things rash, stupid, or even the right thing to do. But later on in life, we regret what has been done, or if not regret, we simply wish what we have done could have been easier. "what's so simple in the moonlight by the mornings so complicated".

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