Chevelle - Shameful Metaphors Meaning

Song Released: 2010
Shameful Metaphors Lyrics
It's all the same
Should I evolve
To tend to these sights
Said out loud then said again
If fate's so wrong
You'll start to feel lightheaded
By my admission, nothing grows
Just a longer list of unsorted laws
So why then
Has all my life made...
#1 top rated interpretation:Shameful Metaphors is a tough nut to crack, but once you land on the topic everything seems to fit. Here goes:
I have concluded that this song is Pete's remorse over the dying of the church.
Fear it's all the same
He fears that there's no difference between the world and the church
Should I evolve to tend to the sights?
He questioning his path in life which doesn't lend itself to helping to fix the problems he sees
Said out loud then said again If fate's so wrong you start to feel lightheaded
This is an extension of the previous question. He's now saying that sometimes he feels light headed thinking that fate took him in a direction that couldn't help the situation.
By my admission, nothing grows. Just a longer list of unsorted laws.
This is a reference to the legalism of the church. He is saying that the leadership of the church is more inclined to give simple laws which they feel guard against sin rather than to teach principles which could actually help people to grow.
So why then has all my life made no sound?
He questions why he's been unable to affect change. It's sort of a self accusation.
And are your eyes closing even now?
He questions if because he's been unable to bring about change, now the church is dying before his eyes.
My life made no sound. I fear your eyes closing.
"I've done nothing and now I fear the church dies because of it."
Revolting man. This sacred chain brought down to trial.
We, mankind, are revolting to God because of our sin. And if we are brought down to trial...
No better, man could fail the way.
Actually Way should be capitalized. Jesus says in the new testament, "I am the way the truth and the life..." Pete is saying that if we are brought down to trial and no better than we are, then we will fail to be able to accept the gift of the sacrifice of Christ.
You need it all. Keep close the vein of empty thoughts.
He's saying that we won't let go of all of the senseless laws and actually learn the precepts. We hold dear the river or "vein" of empty thoughts...the laws of the church.
The finest river the ravens tend all the while insisting we're worlds away.
One of the keys to unlocking the meaning of this song (and several other Chevelle songs) is in animal imagery. Raven imagery as I understand it, refers to a well meaning prankster. This is of course simplified and I suggest checking it out for yourself. You can find quite a bit about it online. These lines are saying that the actual precepts and principles which would save mankind are kept guarded by the leaders of the church who insist upon making the laws he's been talking about throughout the song. He implies that they make the laws to keep us far from the edge of sin, but in doing so also keep us far from the actual principles we need.
The chorus is the same as before...Why have I not made efforts to make a difference that could save the church and in doing so offer salvation to mankind.
Behold the lost. Behold a band aid.
Well if you've gotten this far, this makes perfect sense now. He sees the church as offering a band aid not even capable of the slightest healing to a lost and bleeding mankind.
These shameful metaphors. Fought it through the teeth.
Now he's looking back at what he's written and saying, "its shameful that I have written this in such a cryptic way because in doing so I've obscured the meaning that could lead to the change that I feel I should have been able to bring about." But he's also saying, "forgive the shameful metaphors because even using them, I had to fight to get these words out of myself. (through the teeth)"
These shameful metaphors biting at your heels.
The ideas may be presented by these shameful metaphors, but they are real and serious with grave consequenses. They are like a wolf giving chase...biting at your heels
These shameful metaphors. Fought it cheek to cheek.
He's saying that he has fought this problem in his own life. He realized the the harmful nature of the legalism of the church and waged a personal war against it in one way or another.
So why then has all my life made no sound? And are your eyes closing even now?
My life made no sound.
I fear your eyes closing.
Hope this helped. Keep it up Chevelle. Great song. -
I think BPSREPAIR has at least a close guess of what Peter is saying. Just to point this out, I think "These shameful metaphors biting at your heels" is referring to satan in serpent form when the God declared the serpent to be man's enemy and how they (snakes) will bite at man's heels (while the man will crush it's head).
Does anyone think that in BPSREPAIR'S interpretation of the song, the shameful metaphors could also be the 'band aids' that the church has put on problems? (Rather than that he is using metaphors in the lyrics)... For example, by saying that all you need to do is follow rules, the 'church' has tried to fix people using band aids, while ignoring the real issues that would really help people.
Any other ideas? -
I agree that a song with lyrics such as these are going to be interpreted defferently to every person who listens. It may mean one thing to Pete, but someone else may find a different meaning. So to the person who said only song writers can understand , I thought writers were openminded, I think your completly out of line. And my bet is if you asked Pete Loeffler he would agree.
Not only does this band present incredible musical and vocal talent, the obscurity of their prose leaves the listener perplexed, which makes them one of the greatest bands of the day!
While I've listened to this song numerous times and have read many interpretations, I still have yet to figured it out, nor could I describe the emotion it provokes, perhaps because I hear it entirely different from the official lyrics, as follows:
Fear, it's all the same,
Should I evolve,
To tend to these...signs,
Sooner plowed than said again,
If it's so wrong you start to feel light-headed,
At my admission, nothing grows,
Just a longer list of uncertain clause,
So, why then,
Has all my life made no...sound/sense?
And why are you eyes closing even though,
My life made no...sound,
I fear/feel your eyes closing,
Revolting man,
This sacred change brought down to the... child,
No better man could fail the way,
You needed all,
Keep closed the rape of bounty,
Ah, the finest rivers the ravens tend,
All the while you sustain,
We'll wilt away,
(chorus as per above)
Revolt, we're lost, we hope,
(opened gate)
These shameful metaphors,
(fought us through the tears)
These shameful metaphors,
(biting at your heels)
These shameful metaphors,
(falling cheek to cheek)
So, the major impact (for me, at least) is that when you can be seen and not truly heard (understood), your only connection lies with those who only see, yet never hear (you). When their eyes close, it depicts the end, for now you are neither heard, nor become obsolete. It's a rather desperate feeling, I guess, if that person means something to you. Otherwise, it wouldn't matter because it is about the connection and is why, I believe, the reference to shameful metaphors insinuates a disconnect or communication barrier of sorts, which are shameful either because you did or did not do something? Either way, twas all in vein, therefore being neither seen nor heard.
Anyhow, the language that Chevelle employs is along the lines of predictable, but thier choice of words isn't, which forces the listener to pause and think...luv it! -
Thanks bpsrepair for taking time and breaking it down for us. probably would took hours for me. I'm sure there are million meanings to this song. But your interpretation make great sense. Thanks man. Very great song.
-J -
ok, so in a more polite way than one of the other posters, i'm also going to have to say that i think that you are wrong. chevelle, even if they write some of the most cryptic lyrics i have ever heard, don't write about the church because they don't want to be seen as a single group. an example of this is that one of their albums, i can't remember which one maybe point #1, was technically a christian rock album because of the record label. they made a point to say that although religion is very important to them, they have band members of differing religious views and would rather not be seen as a christian rock band. hope this helps.
The thing about good songs is that they are written in a way that anyone could relate to it because if what they are going through in their life. The song several different meanings to me. I didn't get the church when I first heard it, I heard what is going on in my life, although its a great interpretation. There are so many levels of interpretation of music. To know the true meaning of it you would have to talk to the writer, and that's the beauty of this great song and any other great song. Good work BPS REPAIR!
The thing about good songs is that they are written in a way that anyone could relate to it because if what they are going through in their life. The song several different meanings to me. I didn't get the church when I first heard it, I heard what is going on in my life, although its a great interpretation. There are so many levels of interpretation of music. To know the true meaning of it you would have to talk to the writer, and that's the beauty of this great song and any other great song. Good work BPS REPAIR!
I think its about how people live certain morals in their life and as they grow older the list grows, and they try to pass them down to the next generation.
bps repair gave an awesome interpretation. I also agree that an artist who writes does not expect everyone to understand everything, but they do want to get his/her point across. I wanted to understand the song better, so I visited this site. Thanks bps repair!
To anonymous #1 above,
I agree with anonymous #2.
Also as an artist, I write things to be understood, but only by those who take the time and give the effort to understand.
As for people like you, you are not the target of my songs nor are you the target of Pete Loeffler's songs. Pete writes songs to intelligent people who despite their intelligence, will have to dig into the meat of the song in order to understand it.
You don't deserve to understand this song and you don't deserve my explanation above.
I hope you enjoyed the music. I hope you continue to buy albums from Chevelle so that people like me can continue to enjoy the true art behind not only the music, but the lyrics as well.
Actually, for your sake, I hope some day you pull your head out and realize that people don't just write words for no reason. They have a meaning and the writer wanted to communicate that meaning or he/she wouldn't have written the first word. -
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
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