What do you think Fix a Heart means?

Demi Lovato - Fix a Heart Meaning

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Album cover for Fix a Heart album cover

Song Released: 2011

Fix a Heart Lyrics

It's probably what's best for you
I only want the best for you
And if I'm not the best then you're stuck
I try to sever ties and I ended up with wounds to bind
Like you're pouring salt in my cuts

And I just ran out of bandaids
I don't...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Sep 27th 2011 !⃝

    This is about a fragile person. The listener can hear her pain and vulnerability as she wails "you can bandage the damage, you never really can fix a heart". It it evident that the person that you are in a relationship can make you feel worse about yourself because it's like "pouring salt on my cuts". Demi shows that it is okay to be vulnerable but know that not everyone is a "miracle walker".


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 26th 2013 !⃝

    Judge me if I'm wrong, but something tells me this song is directed to her own mother. Think about it... Her mom was a cheerleader and demi always says about her mom's issues as 'her story to tell' and it sounds like her mom went through pretty much the same eating diSorders as demi did. Not only that, demi's eating disorders started at a very young age (she claims she felt alien to her own stomach when she was only 4!) So it means most likely that she is very genetically predisposed. (The earlier the disorder, the more likely the symtomps r due to genes). Either way the song goes...
    "It's probably what's best for you
    I only want the best for you
    And if I'm not the best then you're stuck
    I try to sever ties and I ended up with wounds to bind
    Like you're pouring salt in my cuts"
    To me, it sounds like we should add quotes to the first two verses... As if there's someone tellin demi 'it's probably what's best for u...' And 'I only want the best for you.' And then demi would say 'but if I'm not the best then you're stuck.' Stuck! Why? Family, you're always stuck when it comes to family. She tried to 'sever ties' could mean she tried to dettach herself from the same issues her mom had gone through, but instead 'she ended up with wounds to bind' as if her mother was 'pouring salt in her cuts.'

    "And I just ran out of bandaids
    I don't even know where to start
    'Cause you can bandage the damage
    You never really can fix a heart"
    So demi can't control her pain now, which she projected be it to cutting, or purging, or punching a back up dancer! Whatever! Why? Cuz she has 'run out of bandaids' of ways to say she's ok, and if she were to start trying again, she wouldn't know from where ... So maybe other stronger people who have the same problems (like her mom) 'can bandage the damage' and maybe so can demi, and she does as she stays strong, but at the end of the day 'u can never fix a heart' and she'll still struggle the rest of her life

    "Even though I know what's wrong
    How could I be so sure
    If you never say what you feel, feel
    I must've held your hand so tight
    You didn't have the will to fight
    I guess you needed more time to heal"
    So demi knows what's wrong, at least deep inside she did, but how could she have known outloud if her mom would never share 'how she felt' about her own problems? Mayb it could be that her mom did not want to tell demi because demi had held on so tight, been so dependent of her mom, that her own mom couldn't tell her what exactly was wrong with her daughter... And this is the line that just convinces me the most 'I guess u needed more time to heal'.. So in other words, her mom might claim she's healed, but she's not because she couldn't even be there for her daughter and tell her what's wrong... And it's most likely because she herself hasn't bandaged her pain fully yet

    "You must be a miracle-worker
    Swearing up and down
    You can fix what's been broken, yeah
    Please don't get my hopes up
    No, no, baby, tell me how could you be so cruel"
    So her mom must have told her all along that it'd be alright, that she'd been through the same things,... Telling her she could fix what's been broken swearing it could be. But demi insists, not to let her get her hopes up bcuz she knows deep inside that her mom's wounds aren't healed.. And because of her mom being so weak, demi can't understand why she was cruel and neglected her daughter.

    Think about it. It was her dad (stepdad) who suggested rehab for her.. Not her mom.and if her mom was through the same issues (or at least similar ones) why wasn't she cautious about them?,... Ever? While It's possible that demi went through all that trouble without anyone noticing at first, her mom could've, had she just tried harder...

    Just my opinion though. I love the song. It's beautiful :)


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Oct 9th 2011 !⃝

    Ok this song is extreamly deep, so i understand why not many people understand it but heres wat its about-Its about demi its about her life how she stuggled with so many things in so many ways and really her album fix a heart is filled with songs talking about all the issues but this one is about the cutting and the rehab..so the song talks about how even when she was in pain people keept putting stress on her *"its like you pouring salt on my cuts"
    so the line" and i just ran out of bandades" says that shes run out of excuses to hide her pain. the rest of the song talks about her rehab and how people told her she could be fixed but shes saying "you can bandage the damage, but you never really can fix a heart" that line says the rehab can help and stop the cutting and help you forget the pai but the pain is allways and forever be there and you cant fix that!
    i hope this helps srry for typos

  4. anonymous
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    Dec 11th 2017 !⃝

    My interpretation is quite different. To me, she's trying to fix someone's problem, someone's heart and thought it was possible with her love but realizes here that her love that's to say the band aids arent effective anymore. I think she's letting someone with issues go, and hoping they'll get okay without her because she cannot help them even though she's trier her best. Also, i think that helping that person broke her as well and she needs to take care of herself. Maybe you'veux Felton this way when you help someone Who rejects your help and you see you cannot do anything, it's very painful

  5. anonymous
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    Jan 15th 2017 !⃝

    I personally think that this song is talking about her self harm. "you're pouring salt in my cuts" talks about how her bullies just made her self harm even worse and even more painful. And when it talks about how you can "bandage the damaged, but you never really can fix a heart" it talks about how even though her scars have faded and that her cuts are healed, she will never forget the pain that she went through. I can relate

  6. anonymous
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    Feb 11th 2016 !⃝

    This song is about a girl that has been broken by either her parents or an ex lover. I don't think bullies because she says ''It's probably what's best for you, I only want the best for you.'' And why would she want the best for her bullies? The chorus talks about how she ''ran out of band-aids'' meaning that she has been hurt a lot and ''You can bandage the damage, you never really can fix a heart'' means that someone might say that they're sorry and try to make it up but the damage has been done and because of it, Demi will forgive but never forget.

    I love this song so much! It has a deep meaning.

  7. jmacfriendlygirl13
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    Nov 1st 2013 !⃝

    This song by the Demi Lovato is about how it was hard to get through the break up with Joe Jonas and how she fixed it, by self harming, but no one should understand right, but that how she shows her way of getting over it.

  8. anonymous
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    Apr 3rd 2013 !⃝


    Its about this person who is hurting herself " Its probably whats best for you, I only want
    and keeping it a secret hopping its the best the best for you and if Im not the best then
    for that person because she cares about your stuck"
    them to much to be less than the best.

    Because this secret is getting to hard " I try to sever tie and I ended up with wounds to
    to keep she begins to distance or bind like your pouring salt in my cuts"
    separate herself from them. By doing this
    things end up worse and she ends up more
    Hurt. And the person she loves finds out and is
    Upset and it hurts her to see them like that
    and its kinda like pouring salt
    In her cuts.

    She has no more excuses or ways to " And I just ran out of band aids I
    Cover her secret. She knows she needs to don't even know where to start
    Get help but doesn't know where to Cause you can bandage they damage
    start. She believe that getting help will only You never really can fix a heart"
    Help bandage her but it cant fix the past or the
    Heart in the past

    She Deep down knew something was wrong "Even though i know whats wrong
    But was not sure since she would keep in How can i be sure if you never say
    How she felt what you feel,feel"

    She explained everything and they "I must have held your hand so tight
    Were in so much shock they didn't know You didn't have the will to fight
    How to fight or help so she thinks they need I guess you needed more time to heal"
    More time to process everything and to heal

    She has no more excuses or ways to " Baby i just ran out of band aids I
    Cover her secret. She knows she needs to don't even know where to start
    Get help but doesn't know where to Cause you can bandage they damage
    start. She believe that getting help will only You never really can fix a heart"
    Help bandage her but it cant fix the past or the
    Heart in the past

    Shes getting help and they claim " you must be a miracle work swearing
    They can fix everything up and down you can fix what is broken
    She doesn't want them telling her things Yeah please don't get my hopes up no no
    Will get better when it might not Baby tell me how could you be so cruel"
    It hurts her even more when the lie like your pouring salt in my cuts"
    To comfort her

    Then it repeats the chorus.

  9. anonymous
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    Feb 27th 2013 !⃝

    I think it's about a broken heart and about cutting a little bit. I have went through a lot of the same issues as she did bullying, depression, self harm and almost anorexia. The bullying lead me to dark places and I started cutting at 17 years old I relapsed this year as a Senior
    :( It's true you never can fix a heart as Demi sings. Words hurt and words caused me to have an emotional breakdown in November 2011.

  10. anonymous
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    Feb 21st 2013 !⃝

    I don't think this song has anything to do with cutting. I think that is assumed just because of her fast. I believe this song is about realizing that you can just keep covering up your problems but that won't fix them. "I just ran out of band-aids" means she is no longer going to cover up her problems. shes going to address them but she is not sure where to start. by saying "You must be a miracle-worker
    Swearing up and down You can fix what's been broken, yeah Please don't get my hopes up
    No, no, baby, tell me how could you be so cruel" means don't promise me you are going to be better this time and do right by me and not live up to it because my heart cannot handle that. The guy doesnt communicate with her and tell her whats wrong and things dont get any better. she sees that he is never going to be able to fix her heart and they both are going to need to move on.

  11. Jaleeny77
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    Feb 18th 2013 !⃝

    This song is about a very un-stable/insecure girl who had her heart broken. She is basically saying that even though some things do heal a heart never completely recolors. This song is going to who ever did break her heart. She is saying to them that they hurt her really bad. This is a very emotional song.

  12. anonymous
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    Jan 25th 2013 !⃝

    This is about Demi's struggle with self harm, self harm is something very hard to deal with. In this song she explains how they can fix her issues and help her quit but they can never change the scars and change the pain she battles each and every day. Recovers a struggle but its worth it x

  13. anonymous
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    Dec 10th 2012 !⃝

    I think that a lot of the verses are what people were telling her, not necessarily a doctor, but maybe a boyfriend, her mom, a friend, etc. Saying things like "its probably what is best for you i only want the best for you and if is not the best for you than your stuck" which what I think means someone telling her we only want the best for you, and if the best is not good enough, well then your stuck with us, but I think it is her trouble trying to get people to realize that this wont get better, andi if it does you must be a micrale Worker, but don't get my hopes up.

  14. anonymous
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    Oct 25th 2012 !⃝

    i dont this song is a break up song, i thinks its about so many people cutting her down, calling her names, her heart hasn't been broken by just one boy but just everything she's been through "you can bandage the damage but you never really can fix a heart" she can try hard to heal her self but it wont ever completely work because theres alway a part of her that can't ever let that go

  15. anonymous
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    Sep 28th 2012 !⃝

    Personally,I think this song is about not ever feeling good enough for anybody. Even though you always try, you always end up disappointing everyone around you. Weather its society or family or friends, you don't feel good enough. Strong enough. Beautiful enough. And all of the things you've been doing to yourself to "Fix you" end up being damage that is permanent. You cant fix your heart. You've felt like such a disappointment your whole life that now, its just there. The hurt. the violence. the abuse, that hole in your heart that nobody can fix even though everyone tells you you can fix this and try covering up, denying it, pretending its not there. When there's a hole in your heart. And there's no way it can be fixed. And even though you know that what you're doing to yourself is affecting you, you still want to keep on going. Its like an addiction...hurt.

  16. anonymous
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    Apr 15th 2012 !⃝

    This song is about a broken hearted person telling someone she loves; "Let's end this war souls, dear. I can't take it anymore. Its beyond control, we keep hurting each other. You want to know the truth? I don't put trust on men even he is my own husband. If you can't take me as what i am, just leave me alone. I only want to be here with you.

    You don't know the sacrifices i've made and how hurt my heart is. All kept inside me, nobody needs to know. All i need is a complete peace of mind and soul. Nobody can fix a broken heart. Let me be..

  17. anonymous
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    Mar 26th 2012 !⃝

    its about herself. how demi struggled with many pproblems as a child. she wanted her fans to know in a song(: .. i lov her

  18. anonymous
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    Mar 9th 2012 !⃝

    Here's my opinion:

    "It's probably what's best for you
    I only want the best for you
    And if I'm not the best then you're stuck
    I try to sever ties and I ended up with wounds to bind
    Like you're pouring salt in my cuts"
    I think it's basically saying she knows she's not the best she can be, but when she tries to fix it, she gets an eating disorder and starts cutting herself, which only hurt her more.

    "And I just ran out of bandaids
    I don't even know where to start
    'Cause you can bandage the damage
    You never really can fix a heart"
    She ran out of ways/reasons to cover up her issues (bandaids) and she is finally asking for help. But she also knows that it's easier to cover up the damage than actually fix it.

    "Even though I know what's wrong
    How could I be so sure
    If you never say what you feel, feel
    I must've held your hand so tight
    You didn't have the will to fight
    I guess you needed more time to heal"
    She knew what she was doing was wrong but no one told her how they felt about her problems. They, too, were scared/hurt but didn't know how to help her ("didn't have the will to fight")

    "You must be a miracle-worker
    Swearing up and down
    You can fix what's been broken, yeah
    Please don't get my hopes up
    No, no, baby, tell me how could you be so cruel"
    The doctors are saying they can help her. She knows that it will be a struggle every day because she won't fully be healed. She doesn't want false hope that she will be perfect.

    Just my opinion though. I love the song. It's beautiful, just like Demi. She's such an inspiration.

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