What do you think Lies means?

Evanescence - Lies Meaning

Album cover for Lies album cover

Lies Lyrics

Bound at every limb by my shackles of fear
Sealed with lies through so many tears
Lost from within, pursuing the end
I fight for the chance to be lied to again

You will never be strong enough
You will never be good enough
You were never...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Aug 27th 2006 !⃝

    "bound at every limb by my shackles of fear
    sealed with lies through so many tears
    lost from within, pursuing the end
    i fight for the chance to be lied to again"

    jesus was bout at every limb by nails, and "sealed" to the cross by lies and betrayl. He fought through so much heartache only to pursue the end result and still fought for us, the liars in all of us..

    "bound at every limb by my shackles of fear
    sealed with lies through so many tears
    lost from within, pursuing the end
    i fight for the chance to be lied to again"

    metaphorically bound by sins, hidden by lies of unbelief, forcing so many tears and losing an identity. Longing only for the end, but still caught up in the lies. Also, look at the voice in these 4 lines... Different voices playing different parts, almost like 2 personas. The male voice appears to describe christ. While the female voice is herself. All plays along with this interpretation.

    "you will never be strong enough
    you will never be good enough
    you were never conceived in love
    you will not rise above "

    these are the lies she's telling herself, the lies that are bringing her down. She's hearing the words the devil's thinking inside of her.

    "they'll never see
    i'll never be
    i'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
    burning deep inside of me "

    she does have a passion to feed some kind of longing of love, but is feeding on the wrong things.

    "but through my tears breaks a blinding light
    birthing a dawn to this endless night
    arms outstretched, awaiting me
    an open embrace upon a bleeding tree "

    duh, christ. And the voice again christ saying there's a way out, the blinding light (star) birth (virgin birth) night (time of birth). Also meaning light as revelation, bringing a new world into the endless darkness of the world.

    "rest in me and I'll comfort you
    i have lived and I died for you
    abide in me and I vow to you
    i will never forsake you "

    she and the dude are singing this together, almost as if they wish it upon each other, she's afraid to let go, and he's giving a promise.

    Then she repeats those other 4 lines because she doesn't feel she can live up to the challenge. Then christ is yelling it back at her the truth. But she argues back, and the tie is severed at the break in music. Also the angellic ahhhh ahhing.

  2. anonymous
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    Dec 18th 2019 !⃝

    Its about a betrayal in lylic "you never strong enough you never be good enough you never coniveved enough you never rise above" she moaning you never there for me then second lylic she claiming her love to him say she loves me but lied to me I cant trust you I know a religious one as well maybe a battle between god and satan but sound moaning she hurt coz loves him but he keeps on betraying her like my ex he never there never claimed he was mine so this song reminds of him.

  3. anonymous
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    Nov 27th 2019 !⃝

    It's about hurt betrayal. This song reminds me of my ex and how we broke up. He was never there and he never wanted claim her was mine. It broke my heart. So this songs makes thinks of him how make me feel the hurt and betrayal.

  4. anonymous
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    Nov 27th 2019 !⃝

    She do anything for him yet he rejected her as she wont good enough for him no matter what she does it will never be good enough like a guy I like no matter how tell him how much means to be he reject me so this song reminds of him love this song.

  5. anonymous
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    Oct 25th 2014 !⃝

    Está claro e óbvio que esta musica tratasse de uma manifestação Cristã ! Tudo o que a voz grossa masculina fala descreve tudo que Jesus Cristo viveu aqui na terra por nós. A outra voz sombria feminina (voz da cantora Stephanie Pierce) descreve o demônio falando mentiras para a Amy ... Mas a voz que fica mais forte é a voz de "Cristo" ! Esta música é muito rica em goticismo e Cristianismo , existem outras músicas do Evanescence desse tipo como: Bring Me To Life , Taking Over Me , Whisper , Tourniquet ...

  6. anonymous
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    Jul 3rd 2014 !⃝

    This is a great interpretation. I feel like people don't understand this song well enough. Yes, I've been to church and they have told me I am a sinner and that's why I don't like it. But then I met these people at Bible study and they told me Jesus already died for my sins so why am I trying to get them forgives? The true born again Christians call themselves saints because they have faith they can turn away from what ever causes them to do harm. Real born again Christians know that the only most important commandment is to love. And clearly, in the song, she doesn't seem to be loving herself while the man is trying to tell her you are loved, believe in me and I shall never leave you and I will love you. But she clearly has turned away to her own thoughts that seem to be devouring her. Evanescence used to come on in the Christian channel even though they weren't trying to portray anything religious in most of their songs. But amy lee did mention she was Christian. But one of the band members was quite offended and was wondering why they were part of the Christian community. He's not in the band anymore.

  7. anonymous
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    Sep 4th 2013 !⃝

    A open embrace upon a bleeding tree.
    HISTORY TEST.! who bleed on a tree?
    Common, the most famous, influential and followed person to had ever exist. Jesus

    peace, you'd had to be blind not to understand that.

  8. anonymous
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    Mar 18th 2012 !⃝

    I understand where the christ interpretation is coming from, but I see it, from a personal view, as being lied to by the people at a church or kingdom hall. Being told you're a sinner and you won't amount to anything because of it really puts you down. Believing you're a sinner also causes you to have self hate and doubt as well as extreme anger. Believing in Satan because he embraces sin, rather than God who will forsake you for it rather than accept you.

  9. anonymous
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    Aug 8th 2011 !⃝

    I seem to think it has something to do with someone who gives everything they are to people who dont appriciate them or down them because all they want is love
    and the voice might be the dark part of their heart trying to call out to them to comfort them or their thoughts about the people around them.Idk

  10. anonymous
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    Jun 25th 2011 !⃝

    This is about Jesus.
    Here... I'll give you everything that tells me this:
    "Bound at every limb by my shackles of fear
    Sealed with lies through so many tears
    Lost from within, pursuing the end
    I fight for the chance to be lied to again"
    Here, it basically talks about when Jesus died on the cross.
    "You will never be strong enough
    You will never be good enough
    You were never conceived in love
    You will not rise above"
    This is something Satan would tell you to not believe in yourself, and everyone knows why that is...
    "But through my tears breaks a blinding light
    Birthing a dawn to this endless night
    Arms outstretched, awaiting me
    An open embrace upon a bleeding tree"
    A bleeding tree is a metaphoric way of saying cross, right? Right.
    "Rest in me and I'll comfort you
    I have lived and I died for you
    Abide in me and I vow to you
    I will never forsake you"
    There's many parts to this one:
    1. Jesus will comfort us in the times of our need if we tell him what's on our mind.
    2. Jesus lived and died for us, right? Nobody else did that. Like, ever. Nobody but Jesus.
    3. If you repent and tell Jesus your sins (get saved) you will go to Heaven, or "He will never forsake us."

    And then the song repeats other parts...
    Did you know that the song says many lines more than once, and in the Bible book John, he repeats many things 3 times, and even though this isn't three times, in the Bible, the reason God wanted things to be repeated 3 times is so you get it into your head, right? Well, this repeating sequence in the song gets the things in your head.

  11. anonymous
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    Apr 8th 2011 !⃝

    I know they say thier christian but this version of the song seems like its against Christianity (read my explanation below the lyrics)
    Bind (bind) my limbs with fear (fear)
    Choke me with tears (tears)
    I won't die for you

    You've (you've) been here before (before)
    And come back for more (more)
    But not this time

    You will never be strong enough
    You will never be good enough
    You were never conceived in love
    You will not rise above

    Somebody tell me what made us all believe you
    I should have known all along it was all a lie
    (Should have known it was all a lie)

    Now (now) I know the truth (truth)
    I'm through fearing you (you)
    And I am free

    You will never be strong enough
    You will never be good enough
    You were never conceived in love
    You will not rise above

    Somebody tell me what made us all believe you
    I should have known all along it was all a lie
    (Should have known it was all a lie)

    ohh ohh ohhh ahhh ohh ohhh

    Somebody tell me what made us all believe you
    I should have known all along it was all a lie
    Somebody tell me what made us all believe you
    I should have known it was all a lie
    I should have known it was all a lie

    "You been here before and come back for more" Jesus has been here before and he plans to come again

    "You were never concieved in love"
    His mother,Mary, was a virgin, therefore jesus wasnt concieved through "Love"

    "Somebody tell me what made us all believe you, I should have known all along it was all a lie" I dont think that if this was a song about an ex she would say "Us all" she would just say "Me"

    "Now i know the truth, I'm through FEARING you" Now she knows the "Truth" and she's through Fearing God/ Jesus and she says she "Free" From him

    I'm not an extremist in any way btw lol its just a thought of the many interpretations a song can have

  12. anonymous
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    Oct 9th 2010 !⃝

    I think it talks about depression and insecurity, of how they make you feel. Trapped-bound at every limb by my shackles of fear- and worthless-you'll never be good/strong enough-and also about having a broken heart and not being able to trust what people say.

  13. allwinization
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    Jun 23rd 2010 !⃝

    It sounds like Jesus sounding harsh(evil)...And Amy lee rejectin Him..assuring Him 'they will never see' what he has done for mankind...'she will never be'....The beauty of this song is the possibility of both positive and negative interpretation....plus the song is sung in Gothic style...which, some may tend to interpret as negative!

  14. RayvnNightwing
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    Jun 18th 2010 !⃝

    I see where most people are going with this, but sadly I am almost strictly non-conformist when it comes to religion. I don’t believe in that stuff. However, if one must put a religious aspect on it, could it not be Satan? It wouldn’t even have to be him, if you did not believe in him. Everyone believes in something, right? Even if you believe there is nothing, still that is believing. Also, there is a dark side to every light. One must have balance. So if you all say god, I say Satan. (Also, would god have such a freaky voice? Think that one over…) But what I really think it is is a lost teenager, someone susceptible to the lies everyone tells her. “You will never be strong enough. You will never be good enough.” What if, random story here, that girl went to her place of comfort, someplace alone and rather hollow? And she heard that dark voice telling her to trust him, to follow him?
    There is that dark hunger in all of us, the evil in humanity. It is there, and it yearns to be fed. Rebellious teen?
    “But through my tears breaks a blinding light
    Birthing a dawn to this endless night
    Arms outstretched, awaiting me
    An open embrace upon a bleeding tree”
    This undeniably has biblical symbolism. But could it all be a lie? Is that why it is called “Lies?” Not because of what everyone else says, but what this supposed “Christ,” that everyone else has fallen for, has said? She is in the darkness, and someone has a flashlight. Do you call that the sun if that is what they tell you it is?
    “Rest in me and I'll comfort you
    I have lived and I died for you
    Abide in me and I vow to you
    I will never forsake you”
    Rest in me= death?
    Lived and died= Satan did fight god over the souls of everyone, he wanted control of them, and he was cast out of heaven, a biblical death…
    I will never forsake you= this could be a rip at god himself… after all, god didn’t do such a good job taking care of us once he kicked us out of Eden…

    Now I made myself confused. I can’t tell if the voice is evil or good… but maybe that is the question? Which is the lie? Anyway, that was for all you religious peoples. Like I said, I don’t believe in any of those creatures, but the balance I do believe in. even with that principle, it is easy to say that this song is not just a story of a poor, lonely teenager, suicide, abuse, rape, one night stands, true love, or any other hot topics in the music industry. This takes a lot of thought, and even then… you may never find a solid answer.
    (Also, another random thought. Using what I said, but without the religion, could this not be the Phantom of the Opera? Just kinda popped into my head… Christine the lost girl, Phantom the promising angel in disguise… Tell me what you think!)

  15. anonymous
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    Feb 25th 2010 !⃝

    I think this song was intentionally left vague for the purpose of interpretation. It can mean whatever you want it to mean for yourself.
    I think it could be interpreted in a religious sense, but you could also go for the whole 'troubled teen' approach. The lyrics are also the type of thing an abusive parent would say. "you'll never be good enough, you were never conceived in love." Abusive parents also have the tendency to make the child believe the things they are saying "sealed with lies through so many tears." That's just one of the many ways it could be interpreted...

  16. anonymous
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    Jan 17th 2010 !⃝

    I agree with a lot of people in how they're saying this song is related to sin, breaking free from it and following Christ. However, it could also be interpreted (as I initially did), as an emotionally abusive relationship, hence the lyrics:

    "You will never be strong enough
    You will never be good enough
    You were never conceived in love
    You will not rise above"

    The relationship seems very much one way, in that Amy-Lee keeps throwing hurtful lies to the other half, and the male lyrics are saying that their instinct says to get out, hence:

    "Lost from within and persuing the end"

    but then

    "I fight for the chance to be lied to again"

    meaning they still love this person and are fighting to stay with them, even if it does mean being lied to again.

    "But through my tears breaks a blinding light
    Birthing a dawn to this endless night
    Arms outstretched, awaiting me
    An open embrace upon a bleeding tree

    Rest in me and I'll comfort you
    I have lived and I died for you
    Abide in me and I vow to you
    I will never forsake you"

    This part very similarly to the other intepretations, obviously mean that this person has finally broken free after not thinking that they can cope alone, but then they find Christ.

    I see the song as this because I was once in an identical situation as to what I just explained. The song seems very fitting.

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