What do you think Father Figure means?

George Michael - Father Figure Meaning

Album cover for Father Figure album cover

Song Released: 1988

Father Figure Lyrics

That’s all I wanted, something special,
Something sacred in your eyes,
For just one moment, to be bold and naked
At your side

Sometimes I think that you’ll never understand me
Maybe this time is forever, say it can be

That’s all you...

  1. anonymous
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    Dec 25th 2010 !⃝

    I always took it as a song from the point of view of the guy who's with a girl with Daddy Issues, and the guy buys into it because he really does love her.

    But then, I've been accused of being naive and daddy issues, so...

  2. nikki
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    Oct 28th 2010 !⃝

    I think people read too much into it. Its simple. It's about a man who had a life of crime and now finds his true love and wants to change. Gayness has nothing to do with it. It's human nature that most women like a man who will protect her, like a father figure. George Michael probably noticed throughout his life that women like men who are strong for them. Doesn't matter that he is gay, he has female relatives, friends, and maybe sisters he observed in his life. Also, stop trashing Michael Jackson. The man was as pure and innocent as could be.

  3. MissViolet
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    May 18th 2010 !⃝

    I don't think the song is about a carnal relationship at all. I believe the song is actually satan attempting to woo someone that he wants on his side. I know most people will laugh, go what the..., or rate this down.I've done quite a bit of research on this one though. This interpretation is for the 1 or 2 that will get what I am saying.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  4. anonymous
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    Mar 19th 2010 !⃝

    What the F.........Originally when I heard this song I took it as a son/daughter who had grown up without a father but had a step-father whose biggest desire in life was to cure the son of the pain he carried with him as a result of not having a father, at the same time he wanted to be accepted by his son as a father (together we can be happy). Yet the son didn't understand until much later in life when he was out on his own and finally realized that the "step" had always been there no matter what! (I will be your father figure the song says, over and over again). And also the step-father may have passed away at this point, the whole "Heaven is a kiss and a smile, Don't think of me, because all I ever wanted." His life was devoted to making his son's life better. I'm sure after reading other interpretations I'm probably wrong but I thought he said "naked in my sight" in such a way that nothing else mattered, when the son/daughter looked at the father the only thing they saw was his spirit. Originally in the Bible Adam and Eve were naked and it wasn't untill Eve took the fruit of knowledge of good and evil that they became aware/ashamed of their nakedness, before this they saw each other's spirit, to me the Preacher/Teacher thing coincides.

    It really sucks that everything seems to have to do with child molestation or homosexuality nowadays. Just seeing the many interpretations to this song makes me realize that the true meaning of a song is what it means to you, not always necessarily what the writer might have intended it to. Regardless, I love this song and it will continue to have the foresaid meaning to me. Zach

  5. Meridian
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    Feb 7th 2010 !⃝

    My all time favorite love song is Father Figure. The music is cleverly arranged to be sensual and passionate. The incorporation of exotic Asian and Spanish influences describe me to my core. The lyrics are everything I need and want from my true love. I am disappointed with the music video, however, I feel it downplays the deepness of the lyrics.

    Love, true love, should be sacred and special. In the Bible (I KNOW this is a secular song, but humor me.) it says:

    Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her TO HIMSELF as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church -- for we are members of his body. "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." This is a profound mystery -- but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. (Ephesians 5:22-33)

    My point is that loving your husband and submitting to him is like submitting to Christ. Christ is a Father Figure. Husbands loving their wives like Christ loves the church, again, is a Father Figure position.

    This "Father Figure" is a safe zone for her. Even though she has been hurt in the past, he is there to make all that pain go away.

    "Greet me with the eyes of a child..." is a request for her to look up to him and TRUST him because he CAN be trusted.

    "Till the end of time..." The way a marriage SHOULD be.


    I believe the "Crime" part is equal to borderline Obsession, which can be mistaken for a crime...

    Having enough crime is equal to heart break...

    HEY, I could be wrong...just my personal thoughts!

  6. anonymous
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    Dec 19th 2009 !⃝

    That’s all I wanted, something special,
    Something sacred in your eyes,
    For just one moment, to be bold and naked
    At your side

    Sometimes I think that you’ll never understand me
    Maybe this time is forever, say it can’t be

    That’s all you wanted, something special,
    Someone sacred in your life
    Just for one moment, to be warm and naked
    At my side

    Sometimes I think that you’ll never understand me
    But something tells me together, we’d be happy

    I will be your father figure (oh baby)
    Put your tiny hand in mine (I’d love to)
    I will be your preacher teacher (be your daddy)
    Anything you have in mind (it would make me)
    I will be your father figure (very happy)
    I have had enough of crime (please let me)
    I will be the one who loves you
    Until the end of time

    This is a really neat song. Whenever I hear it, I think of the friendship between Michael Jackson and Macaulay Caulkin. Michael took up the role of father figure for Macaulay, as Macaulay's own father was never there for Macaulay, and used him as a cash cow.

    That’s all I wanted
    But sometimes love can be mistaken for a crime

    However, in the eyes of the people who disliked Michael, their friendship was a crime. They would say untrue things, like Michael was only hanging out with Macaulay, and Macaulay only interested in money like his father. But Macaulay's friendship with Michael stayed strong, no matter what.

    That’s all I wanted just to see my baby’s blue eyes shine
    This time I think that my lover understands me
    If we have faith in each other
    Then we can be strong

    I will be your father figure
    Put your tiny hand in mine
    I will be your preacher teacher
    Anything you have in mind
    I will be your father figure
    I have had enough of crime
    I will be the one who loves you
    Until the end of time

    In other words, Michael was there for Macaulay whenever Macaulay needed someone. He would engage in activities like water balloon fights at Michael's Neverland Ranch, and sharing secrets with each other. They both had to deal with controlling fathers, and hanging out with Michael was Macaulay's chance to just be a kid -- no hiding or being full of pretense. When he was with Michael Macaulay was able to just be himself.

    That's what I see when I hear this song. It's a great song -- very deep, creative and very philosophical.

  7. spicknspann
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    Aug 26th 2009 !⃝

    I'm amazed that a woman who was not molested as a child hasn't written the obvious! First of all, molesters usually view themselves as Father figures and 'good for the child'. They also either assume or hope that the child will reciprocate their 'love'...even if 'they don't appear to understand them'. Molesters do not see themselves as criminals, although they are highly aware that others do. But the biggest tragedy is that the molester believes that the child (in some way) desires them, as well "that's all you wanted, something secret in your life, just for a moment, to be warm and naked at my side". When using words like: "if we have faith and can be strong..", the molester is trying to make a bond of secrecy. In these lyrics, it is clear that the molester is earnestly working to convince the child that what he is doing represents 'true love'; not like the others who have done the same physical abuse and "laughed as she cried"....HE wants her to believe that HE is different. A molester MUST gain the trust of the victim so that it will remain a secret. Who does a child usually trust?" A Father, A Preacher, A Teacher.
    Just because you believe yourself to be a literary genius doesn't mean you should shut your eyes to the obvious.

  8. sleekzeek
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    Jun 8th 2008 !⃝

    I'm sorry but this song is NOT about a father and his daughter - regardless of what the video may imply. This song is about a man and woman possibly married that have separated. I relate to this song because this is exactly what's happening in my life right now... See my interpretation below each section... Feedback and clarifications are welcome... People relate to songs differently based on their situation, but I believe I hit the nail on the head. I've known this song word for word since it's come out (I'm 38) but until put in this position, I didn't fully grasp it's meaning. It is so well written and meaningful - I won't lie, I almost cry every time I hear it - because like him, I found something special and something sacred but it was misinterpreted by my wife. Unless she can understand this and how it is so us, I think something sacred will be lost. http://www.myspace.com/sleekzeek

    That's all I wanted, something special,
    Something sacred in your eyes,
    For just one moment, to be bold and naked
    At your side

    (when you find the right person it's special, it's sacred and you know it's real when you can be unguarded and stand boldly naked at his side mean. At your side refers to equality - not in front - not behind - but side-by-side - that's true love...)

    Sometimes I think that you'll never understand me
    Maybe this time is forever, say it can't be

    (This is the real indication that they have been separated. For whatever reason the woman has left the man and he is hurting because all he wants is the same unconditional love he is giving. That's why he is saying this separation may be forever - but he hopes not. NOTE: Some women tend to reject being smothered and God knows most men don't mind being smothered - but for women too much actually drives them away. A sensitive man is hard to come by so ladies appreciate any man who will take time to smother you and I don't mean stalk, accuse, mistrust, but just want to hold and love you all the time.)

    That's all you wanted, something special,
    Someone sacred in your life
    Just for one moment, to be warm and naked
    At my side

    (The man is revealing that his lover/wife really wants the same thing he does but for whatever reason the misunderstanding has blinded her from the simple truth that they are both wanting and giving the same thing the same thing)

    Sometimes I think that you'll never understand me
    But something tells me together, we'd be happy

    (Again he reveals the misunderstanding and GM really emphasizes the frustration in how he sings "never understand me" but he is still trying to tell her if they could just give it another try they'd be happy together)

    I will be your father figure (Oh baby)
    Put your tiny hand in mine (I'd love to)
    I will be your preacher teacher (Be your daddy)
    Anything you have in mind (It would make me)
    I will be your father figure (Very happy)
    I have had enough of crime (Please let me)
    I will be the one who loves you
    till the end of time

    (OK... Women feel secure with their daddy and similarly women need their man to be strong and make them feel as safe and secure as their father would. Being the "preacher - teacher" is not necessarily a religious overtone but more of a charming, intelligent, wise man who will teach his love whatever she wants to learn, know, feel, etc.,. Having enough of crime is saying he's not what she thinks he is and he's tired of being misunderstood.)

    That's all I wanted
    But sometimes love can be mistaken for a crime
    That's all I wanted just to see my baby's blue EYES shine
    This time I think that my lover understands me
    If we have faith in each other
    Then we can be strong

    (Again the man is saying she was all he wanted but somehow she feels violated. Allot of times, especially with so many women who have been sexually abused, a women can mistake desire and intimacy for a crime. Like when a woman thinks her man only wants one thing or doesn't understand that intimacy makes a man feel loved. It's obvious he cares because if he can just make her eyes smile - he's happy. He is telling his woman that his NEW lover understands him and because she doesn't have the same insecurities and has faith in him they can be STROOOOONG)

    If you are the desert, I'll be the sea
    If you ever hunger - hunger for me
    Whatever you ask for, that's what I'll be

    (Here he uses analogy to describe how they belong together and how he will be whatever she needs, soothe each other, The hunger is telling her if she really wants him he is there waiting for her but she has to really what it)

    So when you remember the ones who have lied
    Who said that they cared
    But then laughed as you cried
    Beautiful darling, don't think of me

    (Here he is explaining what she will realize once she has past the point of no return and ends up with the ones who really want only one thing and sling the word love with no devotion. At this point it would be too late so don't dare think of him (though he warned her this would happen) and not blame him because she's the one that left and he explained it as plainly as possible that all he ever wanted was her, the sincere look originally in her eyes, her smile - not just what's in her pants.)

    Because all I ever wanted
    It's in your eyes baby, baby
    And love can't lie, no...
    (Greet me with the eyes of a child)
    My love is always telling me so
    (Heaven is a kiss and a smile)
    Just hold on, hold on
    I won't let you go, my baby

    (Here he is trying to tell her he's not shallow - she's all he really wants. He sees it in her eyes that the love wasn't initially real. If she will open up drop the insecurities and greet him with the eyes of child - a reference to the innocence and instinctive trust of a child it could work. His warns his lover understand this... and here in this world heaven, is really just a sincere kiss and heartfelt smile. Despite the separation he's trying not to let her go.)

    I will be your father figure
    Put your tiny hand in mine
    I will be your preacher teacher
    Anything you have in mind
    I will be your father figure
    I have had enough of crime
    So I am gonna love you
    till the end of time
    I will be your father
    I will be your preacher
    I'll be your daddy
    I will be the one who loves you
    till the end of time
    (return to top)

    (Father figure is the security and trust she needs to feel. The tiny hand in mine is symbolism for a mans role to make his woman feel loved and overwhelmed. The rest is simply saying whatever she decides to do and whatever happens he will always love her unconditionally.)

  9. amavan
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    May 28th 2008 !⃝

    I would like to think this song is about a man who is in love with woman, who grew up without a father. She doesn't trust men, because of this, and he just wants her to know, that he'll always love her. He thinks he can replace the love that she missed out on. She seems troubled, and I think the phrases like "put your tiny hand in mine" are not necessarily references to being a pedophile, BUT are more symbolic, for the woman still "seeming" like a little girl, without a daddy.

    I guess if Michael Jackson wrote this song, I'd have a completely different interpretation...hahahhaha.

  10. anonymous
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    May 23rd 2008 !⃝

    With the way the organ sounds in the beginning and end of the song and the line about "crime" and "tiny hand", it made me think of priests molesting alter boys.

  11. anonymous
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    Mar 8th 2008 !⃝

    I totally agree with the interpretation by anonymous 1/26/08 in that he is a stalker and is obsessed with the model who he picks up while working as a cab driver. He would love to have a relationship with her but he feels "you'll never understand me but something tells me together, we'd be happy."

    "That's all I wanted" suggests that he is apologizing for whatever actions he has taken and "but sometimes love can be mistaken for a crime", also confirms that really he loves her and has not done anything to harm her (i.e the stalking at the photo shoot, outside of the door of the dressing room, outside of her apartment, and calling her phone but saying nothing.)

    The scenes showing them together, kissing and caressing, may be a figment of his imagination or what he would like to have happen between them. In one scene he is shown imagining himself as the man kissing her in the back of his cab. He really feels that they have a relationship and calls her his "baby" and "lover."

    Even though he is stalking her, he really feels as if she might actually reciprocate his feelings towards her. When he says "this time I think that my lover understands me", he is saying that this particular stalking victim might actually understand his obsessive affection for her. He speaks of her eyes numerously; maybe he feels that something in the way she looks at him welcomes his eerie affection.

    Lastly, he tells her that he will be whatever she needs him to be (father figure, sea, etc.) if she would only give him the chance to. Also, that he will love her "until the end of time." Looks like the stalking will continue as we see in the video when he shows up at one of her shows.

    Whatever the interpretation may actually be, great song, great video, especially in the 80's when I didn't care about such trivial things!!

  12. anonymous
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    Jan 26th 2008 !⃝

    Well I always thought, that George Michael was a stalker in the video, and the love he felt for the model chick was obsessive (note the wall of pictures of the model)

    and the line about "love can be a crime" I think relates to that.

    bottom line I think is that the girl isn't interested in him but rather in the photographer guy perhaps to further her career, and so therefore the lines

    "so when you remember the ones who have lied, who said that they cared and left as you cried beautiful darlin' don't think of me"

    he's professing how complete his love for her is, he's going to love her like a father figure, and she can trust him completely and she can hold on because he won't let her go

    I don't think it's about a song about an incestuous relationship

    or specific to straight or gay relationships

    I remember this song when I was in my teens I felt like this was SUCH a steamy video!!

  13. sinslave
    click a star to vote
    Dec 5th 2006 !⃝

    come on.....this is some nambla shit

  14. anonymous
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    Oct 16th 2006 !⃝

    Despite the "jokes" aboout george michael's sexuality on the above interpretations and the consensus that it should be ignored, if included it can make sense in the song. George michael is a gay singer and this song should be given a gay reading.
    "I will be the one who loves you / till the end of time"
    firstly, the song is a straight love song. It is not about straight people but simply about love.
    "oh baby / i'd love to / be your daddy"
    a 'daddy' in the gay world is an older lover. This does not make it sick, or as it says in the song, "a crime". A father figure with genuine interest in the lover's welfare is the stated intent of the singer.
    Although lines like "put your tiny hands in mine", and "greet me with the eyes of a child" would on first reading be about a child, the fact that it is "like" a child and a father figure (common theme in gay relationships?) points to the interpretation that it is a younger person and not a child. Nor is it the child of the singer.
    On the other hand, many of these readings into the lyrics could also point to a pedophilic love. This must be tempered with the popularity of the song. Often seen as a love song between a man and a woman, the singers sexuality and the fact that the beloveds gender is never mentioned gives weight to the gay reading.

  15. anonymous
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    Jan 20th 2006 !⃝

    "P.S. I was never told that George Micheal was gay. I figured it out myself when I heard the line "Heaven is a kiss and a smile..." Need I say more?"

    No, I'd rather you didn't.

    'A kiss and a smile' is basically an innocent form of affection - he is trying to get across that this love is pure and genuine, and not fuelled just by lust.

    Get a clue.

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