What does Father Figure mean?

George Michael: Father Figure Meaning

Album cover for Father Figure album cover

Song Released: 1988

Father Figure Lyrics

That’s all I wanted, something special,
Something sacred in your eyes,
For just one moment, to be bold and naked
At your side

Sometimes I think that you’ll never understand me
Maybe this time is forever, say it can be

That’s all you...

  1. bella dea
    click a star to vote
    Sep 6th 2005 !⃝

    "That’s all I wanted, something special,
    Something sacred in your eyes,
    For just one moment, to be bold and naked
    At your side"

    I want to be emotionally naked with you. I want you to see all of me, no lies no hiding. I want to see all of you, no lies no hiding. This is the ultimate wish for anyone: to be completely and fully open and vulnerable with someone without the fear of being hurt.

    "That’s all you wanted, something special,
    Someone sacred in your life
    Just for one moment, to be warm and naked
    At my side "

    The same thing as above. Just to be emotionally naked with someone without having to pretend or hide anything. To let down that wall we put up around ourselves and not have the fear that someone will hurt us.

    "I will be your father figure (oh baby)
    Put your tiny hand in mine (I’d love to)
    I will be your preacher teacher (be your daddy)
    Anything you have in mind (it would make me)
    I will be your father figure (very happy)
    I have had enough of crime (please let me)
    I will be the one who loves you
    Until the end of time"

    I honestly think that this part is about a father and his daughter. Despite the sexual overtones in the video, I think that this song is meant to be about a child and the mother (his lover in the next verse). He will provide anything, search the farthest to give this child what she needs and be a father to her.

    "That’s all I wanted
    But sometimes love can be mistaken for a crime
    That’s all I wanted just to see my baby’s blue eyes shine
    This time I think that my lover understands me
    If we have faith in each other
    Then we can be strong "

    I think this is where the song's meaning is revealed. He is saying I want this child to grow up and be happy and have everything she needs. The baby is not his but he wants to be a father to the child. If the woman can have faith and he have faith then they can make this work and this child can have the world.

    "If you are the desert, I’ll be the sea
    If you ever hunger - hunger for me
    Whatever you ask for, that’s what I’ll be"

    I will give you the world if you let me.

    "So when you remember the ones who have lied
    Who said that they cared
    But then laughed as you cried
    Beautiful darling, don’t think of me"

    Other men have hurt her. Other men have walked away when they found out she had a child. But he will not.

    "Because all I ever wanted
    It’s in your eyes baby, baby
    And love can’t lie, no...
    (greet me with the eyes of a child)
    My love is always telling me so
    (heaven is a kiss and a smile)
    Just hold on, hold on
    I won’t let you go, my baby"

    All he ever wanted he's found in this woman and her child. And he don't let her go.

    I think that this video misrepresented this actual meaning of this song. It came off as a little dirty and not as I think it should have been. I really think that this depicts the story of a man who falls in love with a woman and her child.

  2. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Aug 16th 2005 !⃝

    I've never seen the video for this song, no offense but I'm not that old. The video could give the song's meaning away, but I'll give my interpretation just listening to the music alone.

    I always thought that the song was about a man wanting a younger girl; maybe she is too young for him. Then I thought, maybe the guy loves the girl in an innocent, caring way, and finds himself falling for her as a lover when he realizes she wants him. "Sometimes love can be mistake for a crime" always made me think he cares for a younger girl and they are very close, maybe so close to others it seems inappropriate, and at the same time he's saying you want me and I want you BUT i really care about you in other ways then just as a lover i.e. as a father.

    That's what I thought just listening to the song, but I could be wrong. I'm only 16, so sue me!

  3. username
    click a star to vote
    Jul 9th 2005 !⃝

    What a nice song. If only straight men could say all these nice things to women. Okay, that's my last gay George Michael joke. This song is basically about a couple who have some problems "sometimes I think that you never understand me..." But as the song builds, the boyfriend realizes how much he loves this woman (?) and promises to love her to the fullest extent and to transform himself into anything she needs in the meantime. (sob...)
    P.S. I was never told that George Micheal was gay. I figured it out myself when I heard the line "Heaven is a kiss and a smile..." Need I say more?

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