What do you think Somewhere I Belong means?

Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong Meaning

Album cover for Somewhere I Belong album cover

Song Released: 2003

Somewhere I Belong Lyrics

(When this began)
I had nothing to say
And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me
(I was confused)
And I let it all out to find
That I’m not the only person with these things in mind
(Inside of me)
But all the vacancy the words...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Mar 15th 2014 !⃝

    I believe this song is a direct inflection of growing up in a dysfunctional childhood and how parents can fuck kids up with their own issues..growing up with pain of not understanding why he did the things he did but knowing the rejection was because of the pain he projected on others. It's called self sabotage. He wanted love but couldn't deal with the abandonment he felt which caused fear and confusion in himself. He wanted to belong and be at peace. When he became older, he understood that unless he dealt with the issues of his childhood which were probably subconscious he would be forced to live the same mistakes over and over. This song makes sense to those who have dealt with disorders such as depression. People who want to have love but cannot allow anyone close enough to love them because of this live in their own private hell. To afraid to risk, or to allow any one to reject them they will play games or push others away and they end up alone..


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Jun 9th 2007 !⃝

    "(When this began)
    I had nothing to say
    And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me
    (I was confused)
    And I let it all out to find
    That I’m not the only person with these things in mind
    (Inside of me)
    But all the vacancy the words revealed
    Is the only real thing that I’ve got left to feel
    (Nothing to lose)
    Just stuck/ hollow and alone
    And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own"

    I'm making the person who sings a guy so it'll be easier to understand than the whole "Then that person said this to the other person and the person said this to the person"

    The guy was depressed, lonely, sad, etc. And they couldn't stand it anymore so they tell someone, and the person they tell says they feel the same way about their life, but in the end the person the guy tells was faking. The guy's world fell apart. They thought someone understood their feelings, but in the end it was all a lie. now even more alone, they're numb (This vacancy is the only real thing that I got left to feel. Just stuck/ hollow and alone)
    The guy feels like its their fault for telling, and they just are about to burst.

    I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real
    I wanna let go of the pain I’ve held so long
    (Erase all the pain till it’s gone)
    I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real
    I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along
    Somewhere I belong"
    He's sick and tired of the sh!t he's been through. He wants to know what it's like to feel something other than numb pain. They want to not feel their bad feelings anymore. The guy wants to fit it in for once in his life and be normal.

    "And I’ve got nothing to say
    I can’t believe I didn’t fall right down on my face
    (I was confused)
    Looking everywhere only to find
    That it’s not the way I had imagined it all in my mind
    (So what am I)
    What do I have but negativity
    ’Cause I can’t justify the way, everyone is looking at me
    (Nothing to lose)
    Nothing to gain/ hollow and alone
    And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own"

    The guy is now searching for a place where they can fit in, but see it's harder than they thought. People are ridiculing him because of all the pain and numbness surrounding him. He sees he can't gain anything from trying to change so he can fit in where he already is. He doesn't fit everyone's standards of being 'normal' well enough, so he must start his quest again.

    "I will never know myself until I do this on my own
    And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed
    I will never be anything till I break away from me
    I will break away, I'll find myself today"

    While trying to find a place for himself, he lost himself. His emotional wounds are still bleeding, and the pain is so overwhelming he can't feel anything else. He realizes the way he's living his life is not going to take him anywhere, so he knows there's only one option. He's gotta break away from everything he's done and felt, and completely start over. He needs to find the real him. He needs to find the him that was lost in the flow.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Jun 21st 2008 !⃝

    To be honest I think people must know that Linkin Park music is very very subtle, and contains many undertones which go much deeper than any one person can interpret, and the interpretation of a song or poem, or painting is unique to an individual person, Chester isn't there to tell you that your wrong!
    However, this is my interpretation of the song.

    The starting music, and riff is a similar metaphor to that of the starting of numb. However, it is basically a transition from sadness, and loneliness to an quickly increasing unbearable emotion, and then self harm. Frome here chester is basically reflecting on how it started, and his self harm addiction now.

    The verses are clever as it can be split into Chester's lines. The verse as follows makes up a small poem on it's own.

    When this began (the first time he self harmed)

    I was confused (didn't know why he was treated so badly, or why people hated him)PS- perhaps a childhood reference.

    Inside of me (his feelings were kept inside and now shown)

    Nothing to lose (even if he was addicted to self harm (or perhaps coke, although this is not the main gist of the song), life was so bad anyway))

    The Shinoda lines are also significant.

    I had nothing to say (being self-conscious and shy because of low self-seteem.)

    and I get lost in the nothingness inside of me (confused, making mistakes, self-harming, because of intense numbess.

    And I let it all out... If we split this line, he is expressing self harm as "letting it all out" i.e emotion.
    continue the line

    of mind that I'm not the only person with these things in mind. (This shows that he is convincing himself he is alone and different.

    But all that they can see (his scars, or tattoos) the words revealed(this is a symbol of his struggle, which is in his songs. Perhaps there is also a reference to the subtlety of his tattoos.

    Is the only real thing that I've got left to feel.(Nothing else is "real" as he cannot feel it, from the numbness, and he has nothing good in his life. Self harm is all he can do.

    Just stuck, hollow and alone (nothing he can do, perhaps "stuck" as in not shure of what to do. Hollow obviously means empty and lacking of any feeling.)

    And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own. (This is him telling himself that it is his fault he is like this, to feel some emotion and as a pre-self harm insult. The repetition of this could also emphasize it as an insult to help himself get angry enough to self harm.

    The position of the chorus straight after this, with a sound representing hightening emotion, anger, and going into a similar riff to the start. The chorus is also probably moving back into the present.

    I wanna heal - he wants to get rid of emotions such as fear, numbness, sadness etc, by means of self harm probably.

    I wanna feel - Obviously about self-harm to feel "alive"
    What I thought was never real - he has been so alone all his life, that he never knew happiness. The high of self-harm is the best thing he has ever felt.

    I wanna let go of the pain I've felt so long - pretty self-explanatory, but there might be something in the "so long", showing that his whole life has been like this, and he needs to suddenly "release" his emotion, self-harm.

    Erase all the pain till it's gone - it is probably significant that Shinoda says this line, but not sure how (sorry!) It is about "crossing out" the pain that he feels, perhaps by using another material, such as a rubber (a knife)(yes, I'm getting somewhere with this metaphor!) Although this is the ideal, it never works this way as the self-harm will come back to haunt him. This could even be a suggestion of childhood naivity, thinking that he can "erase" the pain.

    The repetition of the first two lines simply emphasises them, and perhaps shows that self-harm has many connotations, not just that of the first part of the chorus but the following:

    Like I'm close to something real - part of the "numbness" can sometimes be the feeling that you do not exist. And you need to feel that you do, and pain allows you to do this. This being the first change in the chorus could emphasize that this "Being something real is what I thought was never real" Please forgive me if I am getting too far-fetched!

    wanna find something I've wanted all along, somewhere I belong - this shows how he wants to matter, and being in a place where people care about him matters, and since his friends self-harm he has to fit in.(perhaps)

    the mood turns back to alone and sad for the next verse.
    Here are Chester's lines explained (in my opinion)

    I was confused (still going back into a reflection on the past even in the seemingly present 2nd verse)

    So what am I? (here he is starting to show anger, by the shaking of the end of the sentence, and is criticising himself.

    Nothing to lose- This again leads to the SH intensity, as he is stating again that self-harming, and perhaps even suicide, cannot hurt him since he is already at the bottom. It surely cannot get any worse?

    Here are Shinodas lines explained (in my opinion)

    And I've got nothing to say (still unconfident, probably more than before

    I can't believe I didn't fall right down on my face - he was expecting his band to be a total failure and for him to have a reason to self harm.

    Looking everywhere (looking around to find people with the same problem)

    only to find that it's not the way I had imagined it all in my mind - He is now addicted to self-harm and things have got worse than they were to start with. "All in my mind" could also suggest that all his problems are inside his head, such as thinking that he has been taken over in "papercut" etc.

    What do I have, but negativity - he is saying that he is unlikable.

    cos I can't justify the way everyone is looking at me - everybody looks down on him, and he doesn't know why. He doesn't know how he has to act to make people like him, but he also can't "justify" the way they are, and looks down on them to a certain extent.

    Back into the climactic point of emotion, and an expression representing self-harm. This is basically showing all the emotion which was before he started, but it continues, showing how his addiction has created new intense emotion.

    The high pitched sound after each line could suggest that every line is practically a trigger for self harm, with an initial high, and a sliding down. It represents high feelings of emotion followed by a slide down into the abyss. He could even be describing addiction periods, with gaps in between, then falling into a near suicidal self hatred. Whatever the meaning, it isn't pleasant.

    Chesters lines:
    I will never know - the caesura here could make this a single line, never knowing what could have happened? what he should have done?etc

    myself until I do this on my own - he is talking about self-harm, and the downward scale of "do this" could show it is self harm and plunges him downwards into a hell like existence.

    and I will never feel - again the caesura indicates this as a line, telling us he will never really feel alive again as long as he is addicted.
    anything until my wounds are healed - this is the first contradictory, showing confusion in his mind, statement about quitting self harm, and how thing will only get better when he stops.

    And I will never be - This probably reflects "never feel" as existing and feeling often go together, but this is more serious, as the pitch heightens, also suggesting he is talking about being "somebody else" as he is about to explain.

    Anything till I break away from me - he needs to separate from himself, thereby becoming his worst enemy (see papercut, part of me, figure.09.
    I will break away from me - escape from this world, and him(self). The lowering pitch on "from me" also suggests a darkening fall, into schizophrenia etc through his attempts to become someone else.

    I'll find myself today - this is not the first time he has used "me" and "myself" to suggest separate things. He is talking about pretending to be somebody else, and hurting yourself as part of that.

    The drum then emphasizes the furthering of intense emotion.

    The repetition of the chorus emphasizes the repetition of self-harm, and then the loss of meaning of the self-harm. After a while, he is self-harming because he is addicted, and there are less lines, indicating both a loss in meaning, and a quickening pace because the self-harm is becoming more frequent. The instruments eventually take over and the meaning is gone, and desperation kicks in.

    The drum beat throughout is representing the "hardness" of life and self-harm, and at certain points the drum clusters, and drum beats get more frequent, during the chorus and especially towards the end. This represents the heightening of self-harm and the negative effects of it. The clashes of the symbols at the end show a new kind of emotion appearing and a sensation almost like falling into "hell" or the abyss. The drum beat could be described as a metaphor in itself for the growing addiction to self harm.

    Well, that's my interpretation. I had fun writing it I hope you read it. I accept that it may not completely be what Chester intended, but that's how I interpreted it. The emotion of the song can be given across, even without a complex understanding of the subtle lyrics, thanks the instruments and sounds which make it up. This is a mostly lyrical account, although I will probably be kicking myself for forgetting to add something. Actually quite a lot of what is here I thought up while I was writing this account, and quite a lot may well be far-fetched to some viewers. The important thing is that LINKIN PARK RULE!

  4. anonymous
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    Jul 13th 2023 !⃝

    This song is related to my life I think this song is about feeling likethe black sheep in the family when we get emotionaly neglected by our parents.
    Especially when favoritism is being played against you so you don't feel like you belong and looking for a place where you do feel like you belong somewhere even when dealing with trama growing and having to deal with depression as well

  5. anonymous
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    Jan 29th 2021 !⃝

    I don't think its only about depression. Its about getting into depression, feeling lonely, not understood and trying to find a way out. At the same time it criticizes the superficiality of society and how it treats some of his members.

    one of my possibel Interpretiations:

    For me this song is about someone that had something life changing happening (maybe something traumatic or being hurt) in his life that he first didnt now how to respond to. Maybe he was to young to understand and therefore "confused". As a result he tries to find whether other people have a similiar experiences or thoughts (verse 1). But obviosuly other people/society/etc. cannot understand his experiences/thoughts. This disappoints (and maybe even hurts) him so much that he realizes, he has nothing to loose, as he realizes people just don`t care about this important issue/problem. As a result of feeling different and not onderstood from others he feels lonely and separated from society and unable to deal with his his problems. But he realizes its all a problem that he created by the way he reacted to his trauma (verse 2).

    As a result he wants to heal from his trauma, and get rid off his pain. He sees the only way of getting rid of it in escaping and maybe even creating a different reality. His goal is to be understood and close to something/ people he can identify with and finding the right place to be(refrain).

    He might be ashamed, he acted the way he did becaus of his trauma (as he was confused). He is looking for solutions everywhere, but reality is different from expectations. (verse 3). All thats left is negativity, loneliness and not being understood by society in spite of not having done anything wrong in his eyes. So as a result, he feels like he has nothing to loose, depressed (lonely, hollow, nothing to loose, nothing to gain) knowing that in some way its also his fault, for being different from society in order to solve his issues. (verse 4)

    Finally he decides he needs to find himself and do nothing else until all problems are resolved. And that he doesnt respect himself until he solved his problems and finds a better version of himself that is better able to deal with his trauma and societies expectations and brings him closer to his dreams (find something J`ve wanted all along (bridge).

  6. anonymous
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    Jan 10th 2019 !⃝

    I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks this song saved me uncountable times.

  7. anonymous
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    Dec 23rd 2018 !⃝

    This song in my interpretation is about someone who struggles with ptsd/anxiety due to trauma like sexual abuse or assault and they want to heal and let go of the pain the felt so long so they can finally find somewhere they belong.

  8. anonymous
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    Oct 23rd 2017 !⃝

    Whenever I had felt depressed, lonely, neglected, sad, hopeless, guilty, I used to lie over my bed and then I started playing Chester's song and within the touch of his voice, I used to feel hopeful and happy. His songs had not only showed me how to break habits, how to resist myself from drug abuse or drinking alcohol, But His songs showed me the way of light. How to overcome, How to achieve anything, How to feel happy.

    Yeh. I could not make friends at my school or coachings. Every one used to make fun of me. Within these 10 years I had lost many of my beloved people. 3 years ago, I lost my beloved cousin whom I used to recall as my sister. 4 Years ago, I lost Both of my Grandfathers. Not to mention, My favorite TV celebrities. But Chester's voice and his tremendous meaningful lyrics used to act like magical remedies for those scarces.
    I will never know myself until I do this on my own
    And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed
    I will never be anything 'til I break away from me
    I will break away, I'll find myself today"

    This song used to fill the gap of my loneliness and whenever I used listen to this song, I would find my cheek wet. Chester was like a member of my family. I had a plan to meet him one day. But that day had converted to a fairy tale. I lost him forever. Perhaps, From Outside everyone is thinking that I am happy and ok. But from inside, I am virtually empty now. Perhaps, No one will be able occupy his place, No one will be able to make comparision between themselves and Him. And while writting this post, I was crying like that 7 years old Saiful.

  9. anonymous
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    Aug 10th 2016 !⃝

    Pretty sure I don't have the correct answer, it's just gonna be my interpretation. I've just been diagnosed with autism and what he says describes the feeling perfectly.

    "(When this began)
    I had nothing to say
    And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me"

    When it started, they had no idea what to say or how to describe it. They just got lost in their lack of empathy.

    "(I was confused)
    And I let it all out to find
    That I’m not the only person with these things in mind"

    They searched help from a therapist and found out that they weren't alone with their deseas.

    "(Inside of me)
    But all the vacancy the words revealed
    Is the only real thing that I’ve got left to feel"

    This didn't help much as there is no treatment.

    "(Nothing to lose)
    Just stuck/ hollow and alone
    And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own""

    They think it's their own fault that they keep pushing people away.

    I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never realI wanna let go of the pain I’ve held so long
    (Erase all the pain till it’s gone)
    I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real
    I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along
    Somewhere I belong"

    They wanna feel normal. They wanna be like anyone else.

  10. anonymous
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    Jan 28th 2016 !⃝

    I think this song is about addiction. When you are in a deep addiction, you are numb to feelings. Its a vicious cycle. He talks about how its his own fault, and he talks about how he will never be anything until he does it on his own. Saying no one can bring him out of his addiction but himself. When you are addicted and having trouble quitting, it takes a big toll on your mind and well being. Just stuck hollow and alone. Addiction will make you hollow inside and you keep to yourself, with major depression. Thats why he talks about he has nothing but negativity because he cant justify the way everyone is looking at him.

    I will never know
    myself until I do this on my own(you really are not yourself when your addicted, you see it happening but feel helpless to do anything about it)

    And I will never feel,
    Anything else until my wounds are healed( Becoming numb from depression and addiction, he knows he has to quit and let time heal his emotional wounds)
    I will never be
    Anything 'til I break away from me(He knows he will get nowhere until he can get away from the constant lack of self control)
    And I will break away,
    And find myself today (extreme wanting of sobriety.)

  11. anonymous
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    Oct 20th 2012 !⃝

    I think this song is about just how life is. The school food chain, ya know? Not fitting in. Not branded as 'normal'. Un wanted. Not good enough for the world. It's about trying to find a place your accepted for who you are.
    'I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real.' Wanting to know how it feels to be wanted and loved by someone who understands you and accepts you.
    'I wanna let go of the pain I’ve held so long.' Being tired of holding your pain in for so long and just letting it go by telling someone maybe.
    'What do I have but negativity' Hateing yourself for not being normal. Feeling like your nothing but negative, ugly, and hated by others.
    '’Cause I can’t justify the way, everyone is looking at me' You feel like everyone looks at you resentfully, maybe thinking about how much they hate you or somehting.
    Sorry it is so short. This is just my personal opinoin on what the song means. I do not own 'Somwhere I Belong' *I wish:\*

  12. anonymous
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    Aug 30th 2012 !⃝

    This song is a description of what it feels like to be a misfit. When you are one you think if you remove yourself from the crowds whatever is left is your people but this is sadly not the case. You have to dig deeper to find that one place where you can be yourself and relieve the pain of being ridiculed and mocked.
    Sources: listening to this song as I write this and personal expierience

  13. anonymous
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    Apr 21st 2012 !⃝

    could they be hiding their sexuality? and want to come out and say cant? love linkin park!!!!!!!!

  14. anonymous
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    Mar 5th 2012 !⃝

    It sounds like he's talking about AA

  15. anonymous
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    Jan 29th 2012 !⃝

    I think it is about someone with suicidal thoughts.

  16. anonymous
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    Nov 4th 2011 !⃝

    honestly i think you guys are really smart when i hear a song i apreciate it and everything but only understand on a subconcious level. from trying to relate i think it means that he just simply cant understand why people are treating him badly. he wants someone to be his friend, and to stick up for him, not just pity him but when he is showing emotion its hard for them not to. he sees it as there fault that he is sad and wants to run away and find a friend who actually cares about him

    but like i said im not quite as smart as you guys so this isnt very good

  17. anonymous
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    Jan 6th 2010 !⃝

    It reminds me of how I feel living with an anxiety disoder.
    You just want to be like everybody else, you aren't born with it, "when this began, I had nothing to say
    and I get lost in the nothingness inside of me
    (I was confused)
    and I live it all out to find, but I'm not the only person wit these things in mind
    (inside of me)"
    This sounds like when you find out you have anxiety disorder and that other people feel the same way too but you still feel alone.

    "but all that they can see the words revealed
    is the only real thing that I got left to feel
    (nothing to lose)
    just stuck hollow and alone
    and the fault is my own and the fault is my own"
    even though you have a diagnosis "the words revealed" you feel different to other people and feel its your fault you are like this.

    "I wanna heal I wanna feel what I thought was never real
    i wanna let go of the pain I've felt so long.
    erase all the pain til its gone
    i wanna heal I wanna feel like I'm close to something real.
    i wanna find something I've wanted all along
    somewhere I belong"
    you just want to feel happy and normal like everybody else and fit into society.

    "what do I have but negativity" beliefs you can never learn to be happy

    "I will never know myself until I do this on my own
    cuz I will never feel anything else until my wounds are healed
    i will never be anything til I break away from me
    i will break away. Ill find myself today" still have hope.

    This is just my view, it reminds me of my feelings this song.

  18. anonymous
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    Jul 3rd 2008 !⃝

    It's about how you want to move on clean up the emotional wounds you have and find that place you belong.

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