My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade Meaning

Song Released: 2006
Welcome to the Black Parade Lyrics
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band
He said "Son when you grow up
Would you be
The savior of the broken
The beaten and the damned?"
He said "Will you
Defeat them
Your demons
And all the...
wikipedia says:
[The Video] features a man (played by Lukas Haas) dressed in a hospital gown, "The Patient" that the song is about, dying, and being taken by death in the form of a Black Parade. On the main float stands Gerard, Mikey, Bob, Ray and Frank playing "Welcome to the Black Parade". The costumes worn by the band members of My Chemical Romance in the music video are meant to be the exact opposite of the costumes worn by The Beatles on the cover of their album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band[citation needed], a main influence for their new album[citation needed]. Gerard has been quoted saying "The uniforms on Sgt. Pepper's couldn't be more colorful, and these couldn't be less colorful."[citation needed] While the band is playing, The Patient wanders throughout the parade looking at all the various characters within it. In the end he is given a medal, the medal could be symbolic of death itself or a life completed. After this, the parade leaves and The Patient is left alone.
The cover art for the single is a scene from the video, with the man in the bottom center being the Patient. He is flanked by two women named "Fear" and "Regret" in Gerard Way Revenge-era makeup, possibly signifying the band has not left their roots with their transformation. The setting of the music video goes from a hospital to a surreal cityscape, with ash-covered wreckage and destroyed buildings. The video features 4 of the main characters. The Patient, Fear, Regret, and Mother War. Fear and Regret are the two women that stand beside The Patient on the cover for the single. Mother War is the woman in the Victorian-era gown and gas mask. Liza Minnelli plays the character of Mother War in the second verse of the song "Mama".
i trust them. -
This song is about a boy who is in the hospital and all he can remember is when he was young and his father took him to a parade. His father wants him to be the savior of us, because it says "son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned." But the boy does not think he can do that because it says "I'm just a bot, I'm not a hero." And the black parade symbolizes that he was dying.
AND GERARD WAY IS NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S HOT!!!!! -
I haven't really seen the whole music video, but this is what I think it means:
When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see a maching band.
He said "Son when, you grow up, would you be, the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?"
He said "Will you, defeat them? Your demons, and all the non-believers? The plans that they have made?
Because one day, I'll leave you. A phantom. To lead you in the summer. To join The Black Parade."
Okay, first off: the obvious:
The Black Parade = Death
Second: It is my belief that Gerard is singing about a these people as if he is telling a story.
Third: I believe this takes place during a war. I have other theories, but this is the one I am sticking with for this interperatation.
I believe the man in the video, just emerging from a coma, is on the verge of death(hence the random fuzziness and bursts of pain he experiences). I think when he wakes, he is either revisiting one of the times in his life when he was most happiest, or remembering one of the only memories he can(since sometimes people can't remember very much when they come out of a coma). Anyway, what he remembers is when he was a young boy, he went with his father to see a marching band in the city. He asks him when he grows up, would he help people in need(broken, beaten, damned). He asks him to defeat his demons and non-believers and thier plans. This leads me to believe he is a soldier in the army, and if he dies in war, he wants his son to take his place someday. If not that, I would guess he was a priest of sorts, but I haven't really decided. He tells the boy that, though one day he will die, he will stay with the son (a phantom) to lead him through his life (life being summer), to join him in death one day.(the parade)
Sometimes I get the feeling, she's watching over me. And other times I feel like I should go.
When through it all, the rise and fall the bodies in the streets. And when you're gone we want you all to know.
We'll carry on, we'll carry on. And though you're daed and gone belive me, you memory will caaryy on. We'll carry on. And in my heart I can't contain it. The anthem won't explain it.
I belive this part referrs back to when he was in the coma. When he was unconcious, his girlfriend/wife or someone who was very important to him(of the female gender) was watching over him, staying with him, willing him to get better. But when her presence wasn't with him, he just wanted to die. I believe "through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets" is supposed to signafy what put him in the coma. Since my first guess was that his father was a soldier, I would think that, he is visualizing how his father died in war, and how he is dying the same. The rest of this part to me means that after he passes, he will be remembered as the hero he is and they will carry on his memory. Even though he's dead, his memory is still strong. I believe Gerard is grieving at this point and can't keep the sorrow in his heart. "The Anthem" I think is a song played after the man passes in honor of him and Gerard doesn't think that is enough.
A world that sends you reeling, from decimated dreams. Your misery and hate will kill us all. So paint it black and take it back, let's shout it loud and clear. Defiant to the end, we hear the cal,
To carry on. We'll carry on. And though you're dead and gone believe me, your memory will carry on. We'll carry on. And though you're broken and defeated, your weary widow marches on.
I believe this man did not want to be an soldier. I think he wanted to choose a different path for his life because he is angry and confused(reeling) because all of his dreams of which he had never came true and never would. I believe the man emits misery and hate toward the world before he dies, for destroying his dreams and those horrible feeling may be killing the other dreams that the other soldiers had because he was a good soldier and the others believd in him. So he clears the misery and hate from his thoughts(paints them black and takes them back) he he won't give up for what he believs in(whatever the war is about) He wants the world to know it and to carry on his memory. After he passes, his widow(the one who was watching over him) marches on for what he believed.
On and on we carry through the fears.[oh, oh, oh]
Dissapointed faces of your peers [oh, oh, oh]
Take a look at me, 'cause I could not care at all.
The soldiers/his widow carry on for what he believed. Others didn't like what he believed and dissagreed, but the man didn't care.
Do or die. You'll never make me.
Because the world, will never take my heart.
Go and try. You'll never break me.
We want it all. We want to play this part.
In life and in death he stands by his decision. The world won't make him change his mind, although they may try. They want to make everyone understand why they believed in him.
I won't explain, or say I'm sorry.
I'm unashamed. I'm gonna show my scar.
Give a cheer, for all the broken.
Listen here, because it's who we are.
He won't explain why he chose thid or apologize. He's not ashamed and is proud of his scars and wounds becaus they're a symbol of what he fought for. Obviously though, he was a minority of what he stood for and he wants people to recognize the others who stand for it too who are put down and shunned for it(broken) and to cheer for them for standing up for what they believe.
Im just a man, I'm not a hero.
I'm just a boy, who wanted to sing this song.
I'm just a man, I'm not a hero.
I. Don't. Care.
This is cutting back to G.W.(who I believe also belives in what this man did) singing how he's just a man that wanted to tell the story of this man and is not a hero for it and he doesn't care what others think. And then more carrying on.
That is what I believe this songs actual meaning is, although it probably is not right. But thanks for reading anyway!^^
Oh and I just want to say that GERARD IS NOT GAY!!
cuz I -
Is We Are The Black Parade really a song??? I thought it was welcome to the black parade.
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
Hey guys...
I have a few interpretations... but if it is about war and the US army, then 'stavred to death in the land of plenty' makes sense. And the 'she' ('sometimes I get the feeling SHE'S watching over me') would be mother war, the chick that the patient approaches when he has crossed over.
love and peace to ya'll, especially MCR, lol.
email me if you wanna discuss this kick-ass video.... -
A song that speaks to you can be interpreted any way you like but since this song was written by Gerard way we will use his interpretation per many television interviews since the release of this album: for this song Gerard believes that when you die death can come to you in any form you like, for this particular person, the patient, death comes to him as his fondest memory as a young boy a parade. In the video Gerard is the narrator for the patient who is on his death bed and all his memories are rushing back to him. Gerard is seen on a tv screen(death waiting to claim his soul) until the patient dies and the curtains fall, you then know that the patient has passed on because the "black parade" has come for him.(Black is the representation of death and the parade his fondest experience) At this point the patient and the band are in the same scene together. Gerard himself has said that The Black Parade is the band's alter ego for this album hence they are death coming for the patient and leading him into the afterlife. That's it, very straight forward and simple. You can try to read deeper meanings into the lyrics but this is the basis behind the song and the video. Oh, and the three women in the video represent fear, regret, and mother war.
The song begins with an expectation that his father sets out for a young boy. The father dying so to speak is not actual death, but the representation of death because his son follows his late mothers guidance to follow his dream and live his life true to himself. He truly wants to honor his mothers unbiased attitude and carry on her supportive influence. Though her widow might be weary, her memory will carry on. Whether the young boy grows and accepts his sexuality, social classification as EMO, or whatever social norm that his father feels ashamed he is violating, he knows deep down he is no different, just a boy, not a hero. And because of his mothers support he can stand uo for himself and say that he feels he is true to his heart and and can stand up to his peers and say I-DONT-CARE : the writer of this song states the little impact that this "anthem" will make but carries on in celebration of his life with this powerful tribute to his mothers legacy- jt
OMG some of you can be so retarded. I give applause to those who actually gave a shot at interpreting it instead of being lazy and calling everyone a gay emo and saying there's nothing to interpret.
And not to insult anyone else's interpretations or to say that I'm correct, but I seriously doubt this song is supposed to be about specifics like jesus, or iraq, or religion, or the holocaust. Although it can be logically connected once the message is understood. So good job on connections.
Heres what I think (and no,your not forced to agree):
The first stanza is obviously about the patient dying from cancer and entering death through his fondest memory. The words his father says are significant, but aren't supposed to be literal. the keywords are not summer or phantom. It's just the STORY of the song. The rest of the song will explain the significance of the story and tell you why it's important and was even made into a song in the first place. Because if that 1st stanza were the whole song, it would be retarded and no one would like it.
The next stanza is a SUMMARY of the song.
"Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me" represents (not specifically the singer, but whoever is being oppressed) the sense of having an advantage in some sort of struggle...which is obviously positive.
"And other times I feel like I should go" represents the exact opposite...which is negative.
"But through it all...carry on" is saying that whether you you might win, might lose, already won, or already lost, you have to stay strong, fight back, and carry on.
This is where the chorus comes in which I'll explain later cause it makes more sense after the next in every other poetic song in the world (they're not supposed to make sesne in the beginning).
The next stanza is the EXPLANATION or example of the summary. "(A woman, a world that[one of these two is the lyrics but different sites give different lyrics but whichever is the true one doesn't matter]) from descimated dreams...kill us all" represents whoever the victim is encountering a foe, set-back, struggle, obstacle, or impass and when or if you're defeated, if you accept defeat, it will affect the rest of the world and bring us all down with you.
"so paint it black...carry on" indicates redemption, fighting back, standing strong, never giving up, and getting over it.
"And though your broken....marches on" means even if you lose, you will be remembered for your efforts and strength, you'll leave your mark (this is where the chorus makes sense) and this chorus is the REASONING for the song. You can't make a point w/o a reason.
"On and on...fears" is pretty self-explanatory.
"Disappointed....peers" is where the song hits a BREAK POINT. Where the song becomes it's own example of its message. The end of the next stanza will explain further
"Do or die, you'll never make me" win or lose, the victim will stand against the opposing force.
"because the...heart" the world becomes the opposing force, refering to the point where he felt the exact opposite of an advantage, now he shows his feeling of sure loss. But because he said the "do or die..." phrase implies that no matter the force he's up against, he'll stand strong. His "heart" or core of strength is what can not be taken from him even through (in this case) death.
"You can try...break me" is self-explanatory.
"you want it...this part" this just simply shows that he's being opposed by some sort of force. (following the marching band theme, a part is faught over to be played)
"I won't explain...sorry" of course he's not gonna explain or say sorry. He's opposing him.
"I'm not ashamed...scar" the scar represents a loss that you have to live with (or in this case die with[not a physical scar]) but you shouldn't be ashamed, just keep fighting...carry on.
"give a cheer for all the broken" self-explanatory. give the broken some support so they can carry on or fight back. don't let them rot.
"listen"self explanatory. refering to listen to his final message of his "rant".
"I'm just a man...don't --care" his final message is his entire reason for ever writing this song in the 1st place. We need to stand up, fight back, not take shit, stand strong, CARRY ON. Not rely on him or anyone else to do it for us. Remember he was supposed to be the saviour...this his way of saying you can do it alone. He's not your hero.
For those of you who had a hard time reading my interpretation I capitolized words like Summary and explanation to show where the song takes different directions in showing you importance. I wasn't implying that I was yelling at my computer or anything. I also used the "[" sign as parenthesis inside of parenthesis for those who didn't know. and the "..." I used in the quotations of phrases just meant blah blah blah till the end of the next word.
So you see that the main message has to be fully explained, but to put it simply is just "Stand Strong" which is why the key phrase "Carry on" is even in the chorus. Which is why choruses are repeated in all songs. They usually contain the message which can't make sense w/o the rest of the pieces to the puzzle. So you can also see how standing strong can also connect to current situations we face today like the war in Iraq or 9-11 or anything in you're every day lives. We all face obstacles all the time. This is just a pat on the shoulder sayin keep your head up and don't take shit from people callin you a retarded emo or gay American. Tell retards like that to LICK IT. -
I think Gerard is talking about how he wants to buy a black tortoise and sing to it with the song-powerification of a whole band. I think everyone in the video has sunken black eyes (to the ridiculous person who thought they were dead) because they are supporting the Panda Foundation Fund. We should support pandas because they are extremely sexy and huggaly.
it's merely a rock opera that weaves a story thourgh the tracks. Simple.
well SORRY but this isn't a school report no one really cares what they put up because it doesn't really matter. So I apologize for my "bad spelling" and grammar.
also, to you aussie person who thinks all people from america are gay *%$#@, yeah.... your weird. loser -
You guys need to seriously stop listening to music for five seconds and learn some correct spelling and grammar.
Death comes to you in the form of your fondest memory, only it gets turned upside down so it becomes your worst. The guy's fondest memory = parade. Turned upside down = black parade.
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
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