What do you think Remedy means?

Seether - Remedy Meaning

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Song Released: 2005

Remedy Lyrics

Throw your dollar bills and leave your thrills all here with me
And speak but don't pretend I won't defend you anymore you see
It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for you
My eyes don't need to see that ugly thing, I know it's me...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 22nd 2013 !⃝

    Allright the first time i heard this song i was 14 and i listened to it all the time. While i loved it i didnt fully understand it until listening to it again years later at age 22 recovering from a severe opiate addiction it is just painfully obvious that this particular song is about opiate abuse.
    the song continually goes back and forth from resisting the drug - "I don't need a friend, I need to mend so far away", "Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie,And tell yourself, "you'll be the death of me" To giving in- "Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail, And so we go back to the remedy" of course every opiate addict justifies use, or tries to limit it once going through the dreaded physical detox- "So come sit by the fire and play a while, but you can't stay too long." Then you are stuck again and once again regretful wanting to get clean realizing that you are killing yourself. "It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for you
    My eyes don't need to see that ugly thing, I know it's me you fear" Once this realization sets in it really does become a struggle for your life and you find yourself pleading with yourself to stop so that you may once again live-"I see my heart explode, it's been eroded by the weather here,If you want me hold me back","It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for pleasure" Even the music video reflects all this the young kids going to the fun house having the time of their lives, about halfway through they realize in horror its not the ride they expected it to be, and in the end they all die.

    Just the humble insight of an ex heroin addict who couldnt really relate until dealing with the mind games and physical addiction opiates bring. It starts out great and ends up in physical and emotional despair, detoxing several times, only to relapse and then start the cycle over again. Its exhausting, yet something you can really only understand if you have gone through it. So please- if you have never used the needle to get high don't judge us who have, and never try it yourself. Dont think you are too good to get into that situation either because i was once one of those girls who was repulsed and baffled by junkies, and at one point would have laughed if you told me i was going to end up one. Much love everyone.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Feb 15th 2006 !⃝

    I think this song is about taking a drug and going to rehab but starting again. Such as when it say "throw your dollar bills and leave your thrills all here wilth me","The skin is dry and pale(im guessing a side-effect of the drug),"just leave them were they lie and tell yourself you will be the death of me" and "hold your eyes closed take me in (obviously saying listen to me and help me). And when he repeats it I think it means he started again


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Dec 22nd 2009 !⃝

    The song was actually written by Kurt Cobain before Nirvana. Seether just covered a song that was never actually published. It's about his addiction with heroin and dealing with that. "The skin is dry and pail" refers to symptoms of heroin uses, the skin gets dry and itchy, it also turns pail. Just listen to the song for the love of god.

  4. anonymous
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    Aug 14th 2018 !⃝

    May be it's all kinds of addictions and how to cope

  5. anonymous
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    Feb 26th 2017 !⃝

    You cowards! Be Brave.
    Things are not always as it seems. Lyrics that reach the masses are always designed with double or triple meaning. But the essence of humanity is always either crying out to God or Praising God. So songs that reach number 1 status are just prayers to God disguised as something else. Can you dig it?

    These lyrics are about fighting addiction by accepting Jesus Christ. South Africa is 80 percent Christian country.
    Break it down:
    Throw your dollar bills
    Here God is saying that you lost your faith in God (dollar bill is metaphor for Faith)

    South Africa uses ZaR as currency yet the lyrics use US dollars. Why does a South African band uses US currency in their lyrics? Guess? It I by design. Hint : look at the back of every USDollar. What is the message? In God We Trust. That's why people love US dollars whether they actually value in the currency exchange market is high or low. It is like playing with magic.

    and leave your thrills all here with me
    Thrills is a metaphor for sins ( in this case there is a context for opioids addiction as sin)

    And speak but don't pretend I won't defend you anymore you see
    God is saying that you can deny Him but He will always love you. That is Gos's promise.

    It aches in every bone, I'll die alone,
    This is about Christ's crucifiction. He was tortured and Died alone on the cross. The lamb of God. One pure soul sacrificed on the cross to save all souls.

    but not for you
    It is the belief that a sinner has that He is not worthy of Salvation
    My eyes don't need to see that ugly thing,
    In God's eye the sinner is a beautiful lost child and not ugliness that the world judge the sinner to be.

    I know it's me you fear
    All sinners fear their sins when they are brutally honest with themselves and must be judged by the one who know everything the sinner knows. God knows everything

    If you want me hold me back
    God is saying if you want Salvation just accept Me. God is alreading holding the sinner because the price for all sins were paid on the Cross. God is saying to the sinner just hold me back. Sort like if someone is hugging you and you hug them back.

    Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
    These are the physical symptoms when the soul is not right speculation on Opioids addiction which destroys the soul

    And so we go back to the remedy
    The remedy is accept Christ as your savior and Lord.

    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
    When you accept Christ as your savior you are no longer a slave to your sins. You no longer need the opioids to get you high. God is your high.

    And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"
    God is saying believe That Jesus Christ died for your sins

    I don't need a friend, I need to mend so far away
    So come sit by the fire and play a while, but you can't stay too long
    God is saying I don't need another Christ. Your price is already been paid and He already paid the price for sinners darker than you so no worries everything is going to be Amazing in the end. So stayed in

  6. anonymous
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    Nov 16th 2011 !⃝

    it could be about any kind of cancer, but drinking and drugs are the cause. Stomach Cancer, Liver Cancer, any kind of afflicting cancer. and the only remedy is rehabilitation through Chemotherapy and Radiation. it makes sense when you come up with your own ideas what the song means to you.

  7. anonymous
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    Jun 21st 2011 !⃝

    it's about alchohol addiction. and the singer is telling the story of a guy who thinks his remedy is booze. and when he realizes it's killing him he clips the wings and says it'll be the death of him. and i need to mend so far away means getting sober in rehab. this song tells about getting sober.

  8. Alanman
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    Jan 18th 2011 !⃝

    It's about smoking pot spending all your money on it and its the "remedy" for all of life's worries and yeah

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  9. anonymous
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    Sep 16th 2009 !⃝

    I think this song is about drug addicton. "frail the skin is dry and pale the pain will never fail so it goes back to the remedy." The remedy being the drug and going back to it after it effects you. "Clip the wings that get you high just leave them where the lie, tell yourself you'll be the death of me." This is quitting the drug going to rehad and telling yourself its going to be the deah of you.

  10. anonymous
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    Jul 20th 2009 !⃝

    The song is about the lead singers alchohol or drug addiction and how he got over it. its got nothing to do with nirvana at all.

  11. HowCouldYou
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    May 27th 2009 !⃝

    To find out if I could figure out what it was that I could have been shown without being shown, and I continued with the playfriends this time newer and a bit older and the coach came over few times late at night to talk, he had he own son and wife and I would go to bed and the next morning he would be gone, two nights he did not leave, in the room across horrible sounds, the nos and the stops, and the crying, I was frozen with fear, the same names shadow me and boos from the crowd as I approach any stage, today I was envious of a new kid at school, he was the only one 'brave' enough to shower in front of everyone later to find was of necessity and a further reasoning as to why I must undergoe such a hardship at some point in my future to repent and further reason to believe I had a greater meaning, and at this point I had already shown myself what the boy wanted to show me some years before yet the victim became a friend a year younger and of the same type, and now I was lustful and I remarked to the new kid quite loud for all to hear, look all 'nachos' and no 'chip' and my demise was paved, the bullies quickly flew to my rescue and taunted the new kid into proving my words incorrect, and he did, and they shoved me to him with everyone there watching as I yelled I'm sorry I was wrong, I told the kid as he worked, I said stop just stop I am sorry and his reply was I can't stop once I start and he continued and I could only stand there frightened and embarrassed and to hurry things, I helped him, I said fine then I will help you and I made gentle grunting noises similar to those heard on the scramble and finally, but that was the beginning, one of the bullies forced me to the ground as the nacho dispenser gurgled, all four on the slippery wet tile, and said eat it you pig, and I cried, and I was excited and curious with delight at what I had helped to produce, and I licked it and I liked it salty goop, but I hid it with tears of sadness and balling, coach finally came in and made everyone leave except for the bullies and they went to the office with coach and stayed there for the longest time and was deemed an unspoken that went without consequence, kid finally stopped, said to me thanks, and I got myself out of the area and cleaned the best I could, I was running for an office at the time for student council, it was interesting how the few that did not hear of the would come to me and say hey you got my vote dude, and I would say no don't vote for me, and they would ask what's wrong and I would say just don't but made me promise not to remove my candidacy because that one person still believed in me, and one day was asked if it were true and I said yes, and he said he didn't believe me and ran off crying after he attempted to fight me, later waterboarded by the father of and the neighbor father of whom had several daughters my age that I had wished for, for exposing myself and assuring it was ok to touch me to that sister half the age of the boy a year younger the year before thinking she needed my love and yet had no idea what love was, and still I would not asunder, did it matter that I was tricked by two others before, once by an older in a tree house so far above that the older said if I did not expose myself I would be thrown off and into the 'river' below to make sure I did not speak, since I threatened to jump to escape the 'pleasure', or just watch the car in front as you sit in my lap and the clothing formed around him and into me, and I accused him and he denied and who was I a child to say he was a 'sick religious' man and mom chose to 'kill' my brother or sister without even asking me, I tried to explain that the squirrel was intimidating, even though I hid that well at first, and I must send that picture to represent myself and when I did not she was angry, or simply went by 'her' rules and disengaged me as had promised and took what she gave me as punishment no as the reward of my stupidity for not being able to understand and took that course to its 'end', where now, back to where I go, stay consistent as I am, remain still, remember someone needs you, because I will always need her deeper than the 'sparrow'

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  12. anonymous
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    Feb 27th 2009 !⃝

    the lyrics pretty much tell the story, the video pushes the metaphor.on the video its calld the ride of your life and the people go through some trippy stuff and end up dead in the end so i believe the lyrics speak of drugs,i mean it just makes sense,btw kurt would agree he just wouldnt call someone out cus of it

  13. anonymous
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    May 29th 2008 !⃝

    The "Nirvana Line" as I call it is the obvious meaning to those who worship Nirvana and grunge music as a whole.

    Though this is an acceptable viewpoint, I think it is one that is pushed upon any three member band of this genre. Musicians in general have to submit, in some form that they were influenced by Nirvana and Kurt Cobain, however they are capable of writing their own songs and forming their own independent sound.

    Seether is a very powerful band both musically and lyrically speaking. To disregard that and attribute their music solely as repetition or a tribute to someone else. Is completely blasphemous and ignorant.

    Music is not the Kevin Bacon game, anyone, if they analyzed it long enough, could make comparisons between anything. Everything is somewhat relative, and thus if looked at on a microscopic level, will look the same.

    All music is sounds arranged in a pattern. All the patterns have some of the same pieces. Some things will match up.

    The people who tear the music apart verse by verse and chord by chord are simply failing to hear it for what it is, and that defeats the purpose entirely.I think even Cobain could agree with that.

  14. Cassi77
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    Feb 27th 2007 !⃝

    Honestly I think its just a song, but whoever went into the 10 page thing on nirvana holy crap you have way too much time on your hands, but cool interpretation!!!!

  15. anonymous
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    Jan 6th 2007 !⃝

    Keep dreaming, dummmy. Seether sounds nothing like Nirvana.

    As for Remedy this song is about anorexia. Don't belive me? In live versions he sings near the end"Slip, the skinny diet pill, the pain will never fail"

  16. anonymous
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    Jan 5th 2007 !⃝

    It is simple it means Seether misses Nirvana's music,
    and is singing about the suicide of Kurt Cobain.
    Furthermore, Seether itself is the remedy to those who
    pain and ache for more Kurt Cobain music, and for those
    who miss Cobain altogther.

    This band, Seether sounds amazingly similar to Nirvana,
    and I think they do a good job of it. They are better than anyone else, at doing this, and they most likely are the biggesst and most talented Nirvana tribute band to ever play.

    First off, the song "Remedy" has a melody and vocal tone
    very similar to something Nirvana would make. This song takes lots of tomes and style from Bleach, more specifically
    it seems to be inspired from songs from "About a Girl" "Big Cheese" and "Floyd the Barber"

    The line:
    "and speak but don't pretend" is in the same exact key as
    Nirvana's "come as you are".

    still have doubt? Let's dissect this masterpiece of a song, line by line, shall we?

    Throw your dollar bills and leave your thrills all here with me, (Obviously refers to Nirvana's rise to fame, and
    the joy that the band brings to Nirvana fans.)

    And speak but don't pretend, I won't defend you anymore you see, (Cobain spoke about his suicide in his letter, and
    he proclaimed that he will speak his true feelings in his
    suicide note, and will not pretend to want to play music for people anymore."I won't defend you anymore", means that Cobain turns his back on his fans by shooting himself, the
    ultimate act of betrayal)

    It aches, in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for you,
    (Cobain's drug habit aches him, and it will help him die,
    that refers to the so called aching. Yes Cobain will die alone, and he will not live for his fans, not even his friends and family)

    My eyes don't need to see, that ugly thing, I know it's me you fear, (Simply means that Cobain refuses to reason anything or get any help for his poblems. "The ugly thing"
    most likely refers to getting his life together; having a
    straight life away from drugs and suicidal thoughts.
    "I know it's me you fear refers to Cobain fearing to get help for himself, for some reason Cobain refuses to get help, but no one really knows why.

    If you want me hold me back
    (Why isn't anyone trying to rescue Cobain?)

    Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
    (has multiple meanings. 1st meaining: Cobain was on drugs
    and was addicted, so he shoots himself with more heroin.
    The other meaning refers to Cobains suicide itself and its
    consequences. Cobain dies and is left pale, "the pain will never fail" refers to Cobain's fan's friends and family
    will always pain over his death, forever.

    And so we go back to the remedy
    (And what more can we do? We continue to play old Nirvana
    songs over and over on the radio. And we listen to Seether
    to soothe our cravings for more Nirvana.)

    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
    (Cobain had it all and left it. He had admiration, fortune, and fame.
    All the hard work he put into Nirvana, only to kill
    the good fruits of his hard work.)

    And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"
    It is the fans, friends and family who will suffer in the
    long run, not Cobain.

    I don't need a friend, I need to mend so far away
    Seether does not need to talk to any friends much
    to people about how they truly feel about Nirvana,
    they just play their songs. I need to mend so far away
    means that Seether did not get to thank Cobain personally
    for the inspiration that he had given them for writing such
    great, heartfelt songs.

    So come sit by the fire and play a while, but you can't stay too long, (The short career of Nirvana. Nirvana was
    so great, they were like fire but they could not keep the
    flame burning for too long.)

    It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for pleasure
    (Yex Cobain was obviously aching at his suicide, and he died alone. This is just one of those sarcastic lines,
    Seether writes: "but not for pleasure". Sure it was for pleasure, Cobain enjoyed and truly wanted to betray the fans, if not he would not have done it in the first place.

    I see my heart explode, it's been eroded by the weather here
    If you want me hold me back
    (Heavilly refers to the large amount of heroin in Cobain's
    body is going to make Cobain's heart literaly explode.
    Cobain is starting to feel the effects. It's been eroded by the weather here refers to the rainy weather in Seattle while these events take place. Very possible Cobain did not want to die on a rainy day but a sunny day.)

    Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
    And so we go back to the remedy
    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
    And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

    Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
    And so we go back to the remedy
    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
    And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

    Hold your eyes closed, take me in
    Hold your eyes closed, take me in
    (Refers to Cobains very last living moments.
    He closed his eyes before dying, taking in the
    bullet of death)


    Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
    And so we go back to the remedy
    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
    And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

    Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
    And so we go back to the remedy
    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
    And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

    I would like to say that it is very evident that this song
    is all about Cobain, how he betrayed his own fans,
    and how Seether still remembers him nevertheless.

    The line "I see my heart explode, it's been eroded by the weather here", solidifies this theory because it rains
    in Seattle, and I remember that during the whole week of Cobain's death it was raining.

    The song is a classic, it is ingenious, and it has two meanings. That message is this: Cobain severely and purposefully hurt his fans, family and band members.
    So he just decides to find a personal remedy by finding suicide. It also means that Seether is gladly accepting
    the passed torch from Nirvana.

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  17. anonymous
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    Jan 4th 2007 !⃝

    my felling about the song is that this is a true story and seether projected as a song there was a lady who was nice but when just went crazy because of her getting raped as it came down she just went killing idk the end of it but that's how I feel about the song

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  18. polymer
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    Apr 11th 2006 !⃝

    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie (its all about him dying) and then tell youself you'll be the death of me, you'll be the death of him, you're killing him.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway

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