Seether - Fine Again Meaning

Song Released: 2002
Fine Again Lyrics
and I’m left to discover on my own
It seems like everything is gray
and there’s no color to behold
They say it’s over and I’m fine again, yeah
Try to stay sober feels like I’m dying here
And I am aware...
#1 top rated interpretation:This song is about Shaun having the same life, same situations everday, nothin changes, life sucks for him, and he's addicted to beer, using it as an escape, "try to stay sober, feels like I'm dying here". He says life will go right for him one day, but it's too late, he says I am prepared now, seems like a suicide hint, seems everyone is gonna be fine, things go right for people he knows, yet nothin can go right for him, he has a dream of things going right for him, but he knows it's only a dream he has and think's it won't happen, also, "you say it's over" - sign of breakup right? Maybe with amy? To me, this is how he explains how he invisioned his life to be great one day, yet things are still horrible and getting worse. Also seems like he's letting everyone know about his suicide plan, it's a way of getting people's eyes, you see someone planning on it, you stop them... I read that thing song was about his parent's getting a breakup? - I see no relation to it.
Watch the music video. Anyone who posts song meanings for any song needs to watch the music videos created by the artists themselves. The song is about enduring trauma, loss, and tragedy and wondering if you’ll ever be “fine again” after going through those thing. The video has various people holding up signs of what their personal struggle or trauma was and it’s honestly an incredible and powerful video.
In a nutshell, I think the song is about an addict or alcoholic or both. First verse is when your using/ drinking everyday..same shit everyday and you hate yourself so you try to stay sober even tho its killing you. You know (are aware) things are better when your sober so you try to make everyone happy and start preparing yourself for withdrawal,rehab and whatnot. but it really is one day too late,the damage you have caused is done and your
still miserable even though your family is happy and then second half deals with relapses and how your dreams, relationships, and everything else goes to shit (expires) and you have nobody to blame so why even stay sober. So you just keep repeating the cycle until you either hit bottom and want to get it together or kill yourself either by suicide, overdose, whatever the case may be...It gets deeper than this but for me (recovering addict..1 yr) and better half (alcoholic,sober at time posting,40 days) in a nut shell this is how we interpret the song. -
Crackpot conspiracy theory but in the YouTube version of this song, which I assume is the studio version, you can only hear the strumming of the guitar during the chorus. Strumming as in the pick making a clacking sound when strummed over the strings (If you play guitar you don’t need this explanation but I want to be a specific as possible.) I also don’t have any professional recording knowledge but I do record somethings at home every once and a while. So it makes no sense to me why the only time you can hear the strumming Is when all the guitars are overdriven and Shaun is singing louder and the drums come in louder with more cymbals, etc. that would mean that there would be a mic pointed directly at the guitar to pick up the strumming during a live take during recording (I assume) however, the strumming pattern doesn’t really keep up with the guitar part. The rhythm that is heard form the strums do not match with the guitar sounds. Now you could write this off as an extra track to keep time during recording or an artistic choices to give the song ambient sound in the background to make it sound more full. However once you hear it, it’s hard to not notice it in the mix. So if we look at it as if it was placed their purposefully and adds to the meaning of the song, things get interesting. The rhythm has short times in between strums and longer pauses in between strums, and like I mentioned isn’t the strum pattern that would create the guitar rhythm we hear in the song. The strumming is Morse code. By ear I drew out the longer and shorter notes as best as possible. Almost perfectly when I put them into a Morse code translator I got back the phrase,
“Kills Friends.” (Let’s be clear I have no Morse code intelligence or training before this dawned on me that it might be Morse code) So what is it that kill friends? Depression? Suicide? Drug addiction? All of the above maybe. This could be more of a PSA to the listener than a song for himself. The YouTube vevo version was posted in 2010 longer after he had lost his brother and others (I’m not an expert on the history/ personal life of Shaun) this track has been dedicated to murder victims, suicide victims, in their concerts. We could interpret the lyrics as a personification of the horrible diseases and emotions and the thoughts of someone living with it. Then we’re told it kills friends. Like it has for Shaun -
"It seems like every day's the same and I'm left to discover on my own. It seems like everything is gray and there's no color to behold."
Addiction takes away a person's passion for life.
"They say it's over and I'm fine again. Yeahhh...try to stay sober feels like I'm dying here."
People tell you that you're fine again, like you were before drugs. Yeahhh...whether I'm on drugs or trying to stay sober it feels like I'm dying. Everything is grey and there's no color to behold.
"And I am aware now of how everything's gonna be fine one day. Too late...I'm in hell."
Every day is the same one and I'm left to discover on my own that I'm in Hell.
"I am prepared now...seems everyone's gonna be fine. One day too late...just as well."
When you are ready to take action but it's too late? Regretful.
"I feel the dream in me expire and there's no one left to blame it on."
"Why try to stay sober when I'm dying here?"
And I am aware now how everything is gonna be fine for myself. -
Nathan Lowry Eileen Poole Diane Prater Kenneth Hobaugh Josh G Moore Joshua Moss Chris Ryan.....
I love this song and how it relates to addiction and recovery...
It seems like every day's the same
And I'm left to discover on my own
It seems like everything is gray
And there's no color to behold
This is addiction right here, everyday is pretty much the same. The habitual pattern of using, the getting and finding ways and means to get more, the negative feelings that come from getting that fix one more time. Everything is gray, life sucks.... We're not really living, We're trapped in a colorless prison or habit and self torture.
They say it's over and I'm fine again, yeah
Try to stay sober feels like I'm dying here
Recovery says we never have to use again. The world thinks we're ok but in reality we simply don't know how to live without using, so we feel like we're dying. Because for us, being high is the life we are used to.
And I am aware now of how
Everything's gonna be fine one day
Too late, I'm in hell I am prepared now
Seems everyone's gonna be fine
One day too late, just as well
This is so powerful. This whole section of the song is where I believe the hopeshot lies. It's saying one day we're gonna be ok. For now, we are in absolute hell without drugs but one day,
we will be ok with ourselves and life. This is talking about the hope that comes from the 12 steps of Narcotics Anonymous.
I feel the dream in me expire
And there's no one left to blame it on
I hear you label me a liar
'Cause I can't seem to get this through
In addiction we put our dreams to the side, to pursue our selfish desires above all else. And it is our fault, nobody else's. We must learn to find our part in things. The liar part is saying that the people in our lives don't believe us. Many of them are sick of our shit and they simply don't believe we'll stay clean because of our drug history.
You say it's over, I can sigh again, yeah
Why try to stay sober when I'm dying here
The battle is over, we can wave the white flag finally. So we can literally breathe a sigh of relief. Then the second part is something every addict has thought "why should I stay clean when I literally feel like I just can't live without drugs." We feel like we are dying and we wonder why we are doing it.
And I'm not scared now
I must assure you
You're never gonna get away
And I'm not scared now
And I'm not scared now no
We begin to see that we really can live without drugs and we slowly lose our gripping fears as we learn how to live life on life's terms.
Seems everything's gonna be fine for me
For me, for myself
For me, for me, for myself
For me, for me, for myself
And I am fine again
We realize that things really are gonna work out. That our God really does have us. That we can get clean, stay clean and learn to live without drugs. Our motivations for getting clean may differ but eventually we realize that we must do this for ourselves. And finally after staying clean and working steps we feel ok about ourselves and life.
God, this song is so powerful... -
This song is about everything being fine the day after you commit suicide.
Imagine if you had bought a lottery ticket but committed suicide before the drawing and then it turned out to be the winning ticket the next day.
It seems like every day's the same
And I'm left to discover on my own
It seems like everything is gray
And there's no color to behold
(this is depression, also a common side effect of substance abuse withdrawal)
They say it's over and I'm fine again, yeah
Try to stay sober feels like I'm dying here
(They say its over, because he completed rehab and is suppose to be fine now but trying to stay sober is like dying)
And I am aware now of how
Everything's gonna be fine one day
(He is aware that they say he has completed the "program" in rehab and that they say everything is going to be fine now)
Too late, I'm in hell I am prepared now
Seems everyone's gonna be fine
One day too late, just as well
(but, he knows other people are "fine again" but feels it is too late for him because he is living in hell and he is prepared to end his own suffering)
I feel the dream in me expire
And there's no one left to blame it on
I hear you label me a liar
'Cause I can't seem to get this through
(depression again and no one to blame but himself for the choices he made to start using. When you have depression people say just get up and go for a walk or do a hobby and you will feel better, just get outside and get some fresh air but they don't understand it doesn't work that way with depression, so people think you aren't trying or you don't want to get better, it feels like people think you are a liar and you cant make people understand this)
You say it's over, I can sigh again, yeah
Why try to stay sober when I'm dying here
(You say I am better now because I am not using anymore but trying to stay sober is still like being in hell or dying)
And I am aware now of how
Everything's gonna be fine one day
Too late, I'm in hell
I am prepared now
Seems everyone's gonna be fine
One day too late just as well
(He is aware that they say if he stays on this path of sobriety that he will be fine one day, they say that to everyone, everyone is gonna be fine one day but it is one day too late for him. He feels it is too late for him and is prepared to end his own suffering)
And I'm not scared now
I must assure you
You're never gonna get away
And I'm not scared now
And I'm not scared now no
(He is not afraid to die to end his suffering and wants to assure you that you are never going to get away from death, we all die someday and he is not scared)
Seems everything's gonna be fine for me
For me, for myself
For me, for me, for myself
For me, for me, for myself
(He will be fine when dead, no more pain, no more suffering for me, for myself. Suicide is a very personal decision. Its about me, and ending my suffering. Don't say, think about your mom, think about your brother, etc, they will be fine one day, they will learn to live with it eventually, we all have to when someone dies) -
I believe this song is about substance abuse, and I am gonna show you how.
"It seems like every day's the same and I'm left to discover on my own," he feels like everything is the same in withdrawal, and he feels like he is alone in discovering new problems, because everyone feels like he can do it without help. "It seems like everything is gray and there's no color to behold," withdrawal is so painful to him that all the color is gone from his life. "They say it's over and I'm fine again, yeah," they think he is fine and won't be addicted to drugs again because they don't know that it is a constant battle. "Try to stay sober, feels like I'm dying here," withdrawal is so painful and empty that he is considering drugs again. "And I am aware of how everything's gonna be fine," everyone has told him he is fine so many times that he gets annoyed by it. "One day, too late, I'm in Hell," they thought he had taken drugs again, dismissed the thought, then realized too late that he had slipped back into the hell of addiction. "And I am prepared now, seems everyone's gonna be fine," he is prepared for what will happen if he slips back into addiction, and now everyone will be fine. "One day too late, just as well," he slides back into addiction and it's the same as last time.
"I feel the dream in me expire and there's no one left to blame it on," drugs have taken all his dreams and shattered them, so that is what he blames it on. "I hear you label me a liar 'cause I can't seem to get this through," he tries to tell everyone that he is okay, but he keeps slipping back into addiction again. "You say it's over and I can sigh again," they keep telling him his substance abuse days are over and he can breathe a sigh of relief. "Why try to stay sober when I'm dying here?" they can's see that he is still battling it and it is still painful.
"And I'm not scared now, I must assure you," he is not scared of addiction, even if everyone thinks he is, because he knows that with help, he can get through the pain of withdrawal. "You're never gonna get away," he is telling himself that he won't lose his sobriety again. "And I'm not scared now, and I'm not scared now," he keeps telling them that he is not scared of withdrawal or addiction, just to get it through their heads.
"For me, for me, for myself,(x2)" he is saying that it will be fine for him and he is doing this for himself as well as other people. "everything's gonna be fine again," he is finally sober for real.
Thanks for reading my interpretation. I love this song but do not know how bad drugs or withdrawal is from personal experience. A group called "Rise Together" came to my school to talk about addiction and withdrawal! I love Seether, and I love this song! I give the song five out of five stars and thanks again!! <3 -
This song was written and released way before his relationship with Amy Lee. In an interview it was said the meaning behind the lyrics to every Seether song will never be known. It will be left to the fans to interpret the songs to whatever life situation that each specific song may fit.
It is actually about Shaun Morgan dealing with his parents divorce.
As a musician that is closely related to what seether is I understand one thing most people dont,some songs have a simpler meanings than they seem,the title of the song is fine again,just picture a man that has a lot of possessions but his heart is weary and troubled with the world,some just give up but he doesn't want to,he wants to be fine again but the only time he's happy is wen he's high or drunk,its a painful world but he wants to be happy,simply put he wants to be fine again
Shaun got out of rehab in 2006-08-28. This song was on their first album ("Fragile", when they were still in South Africa and were called "Saron Gas") which was released in 2000. So it has nothing to do with him getting out of rehab.
Okay, believe it or not, the meaning isn't all that hard to find.
He's fresh out of rehab, right? They're all telling him his alcoholism is over and he's going to be fine, but just not to drink. BUT he's wondering what the point is in staying sober when he's miserable. He's saying he knows everything will be fine one day, but it's too late for him
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