Slipknot - All Hope Is Gone Meaning

Song Released: 2008
All Hope Is Gone Lyrics
A broken promise is as good as a lie
The hell is humongous
The Devil's among us
And we will burn 'cause we won't unite
What are we conceding for our freedom?
Why does anybody think we need 'em?
I would...
#1 top rated interpretation:This song is about the constant stuggle for mankind. this is also about how America has simply just lost all hope and they have sold out there rights and that the world is a power stuggle by them saying what will u do when your war is over what will you do when your system fails they are trying to make the point that ever since man has been around we have done nothing but fight and so extreme hostility towards one another. so what they are trying to say is what will u do when the war is complete because we dont know anything else but war. when they say "we have seen the fall of the elite bury your life and take your disease" they are saying look at all the great nations that have fallen and they are comparing America to those nations because America is on a slippery slope if we don't correct our ways. By saying bury your life and take your disease they are saying if humans weren't here there would be no worries of disease if you notice we are the cause of disease because in fact we are a disease a disease to the planet. n thats my interpretaion could be right could be wrong
#2 top rated interpretation:I think the song is intended to be a mockery of Religion. "We have seen the fall of the elite" Refers to the beliefs of the bible contradicted by themselves and scientific discoveries.
"We will end the world when all hope is gone" refers to the impending apocolypse that will happen when the world is full of evil refered to in the bible.
"We will burn because we won't unite" refers to how large proportions of people will "burn" if tyhe don't "unite" with God.
"50 seconds, a hundred murders" Probably refers to the slaughtering of cananites. Maybe egyptions. It would also be refering to the holy crucade. It could be refering to many lives taken from spreading Islam and/or Christianity by the sword.
"What will you do when your war is over? What will you do when your system fails?" I think this is a question to those who follow any faiths about how they will react when their percieved lie is uncovered and exposed as a hoax.
"I am the reason your future suffers" refers to the sacrifices and inconveniences that you have to deal with due to your religeon.
"I am the hatred you won't embrace" I think what's being said is that the God that people worship is not the loving God that they think they are worshiping. It's saying that those who follow God or Allah are repressing that they actually worship a violent sedistic being.
I could be wrong though. Previous definitions seem pretty cluey. Peace -
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
This peice is about how corrupt America is. Always struggling, and always selling out, and making idiotic choices that will eventually cause our system to fail. All Hope Is Gone is one of those songs that jsut clicks, and you immediately are hooked. As a pure Slipknot fan, these songs also have pure meaning, do not stereotype, Slipknot writes with indefinite meaning. Slipknot forever<3.
All Hope Is Gone lyrics is dripping with anti-Illuminati messages ...
This Song is about all 'the great ones' falling & eventually the people that still remain will practically destroy themselves
I think this is an Anti-Illuminati song."We've seen the fall of the elite" -The Elite are also known as satan's minion's.And we know Corey Taylor defend people who are weak so they wan't to see the illuminati fall because they are planning on taking over the world and enslaving every-one.That's my interpretation
I believe that this song is saying that all the desicions that have been made by both people in power and regular everyday citizens are destroying the world. For instance the wars that are occuring thoughout the middle east,"50 seconds 100 murders" also that the desicions we make can help to change this, "we're the problem, but we're also the solution".
Ok so, my friend Austin and I used to hang out and listen to music all the time, play guitars, jam out, mosh, head bang with eachother all the time every weekend and in school four years back up til about 2 years ago and one band we used to listen to alot was SLipknot... i remember when the album All Hope is Gone was first coming out that i read in a Guitar World Magazine that the album was suppose to be about the Appocalypse... My Bro Austin and I also were really interested in the Appocalypse and end of times plus fighting in them... Well we crossed alot of shows Brodcasted on T.V. about something called the Bible Code and the Appocalypse. Well in these shows we watched alot of stuff that had to do with promises of false leaders that will connect to other contries supposed to be Satan or the Anti-Christ. these leaders will promise that they will fix things, take over, and make them supperior. They will form allies with their enemies and attack their former allies causing choas and destruction to the world... thus this spawning of war. Eventually after they have the feeling of peace there will be sirens, silient streets, fear, planes, bombs all in the world crashing the tallest system that there is... These so called leaders will begin a Total world war killing of all humanity and now having trust and control over the military they will Seek out and Destroy everyone not with them... The beast will show him sef to evey world religion and give the number of the beast to those who give and cant handle the torture and pain. They will gather followers and kill everyone who doesnt believe... Criminals will be released, Hell wil rise, Deamons will be released, Gass Chambers will be opened, Holocaust will begin, and Fire will burn the earth. Eventually another leader will come promise those who are good ad have the ash of the cross and save them. A wise person will eventually kill this leader (antichrist) and he will rise making everyone believe in him as the christ... people will believe... Well instead of going on and on you guys can look this up on your own. In this album it begins as planes flying, sirens screaching in the streets, speeches, warnings, manipulations, and basically being told that all hope is gone... Next song follows Gametria the killing name... We will burn your cities down is pretty obvious... these two songs together basically sprout off the beginning of the apocalypse-- then the next song and next all continue in order... well now the carziest song in the album All Hope is Gone-- i think that this song interprets that we have tricked you all and taken over the whole fucking world and you will all die in the name of Satan... they explain the wars, economy crashes, pain... "we have made the presents obsolete, what do you want, what do you know" it sounds kinda likes they're sayin we've gotten in quietly using your pain and suffering now what do you want or what do you want we'll promise it to you once you've lost all hope and faith... "Well find a way when all hope is gone" basically theyre sayin tht if you r suffering nd have nothing else to do well take over one way or another even those with strong faith... bury your lives take a disease, weve seen the fall of the elite-- everythings fallen, youll die; fire nation, the hells humongous, the devils amoung us... cmon thts pretty damn obvious... this song seems to be the mid of the apocalypse when the Devils taken over and Satan have revealed himself to us and taken over... wut will you do when your system fails--- pretty much seems like its saying compared also to wut ive explained earlier tht their saying all exconomies will crash and destroy with the gverment when they taken over to getin... the rest of the album seems like the end of the apocalypse because it slows down more nd is way quieter... im not saying Slipknot is bad or leaving Subliminal messages(thet've made it pretty Damn obvious to me) but just wut they r singing is like a warning, they're for it, i dnt know their point of view so i cnt say it; i dont stalk them... it sounds like they're form it though and a warning. But seriously wuts better than an entire fucking album about the apocalypse and more heart pumping than everyones dying... pretty cool way to make music i think. Hope i get there someday ;D... So like take what i said and read, compare, listen to the album, and notice more, and slowly youll begin to see it even if you didnt agree with it in the first place. If you dont like it then oh well its ok with me go your own way... But consider this and see wut ive seen;D Have Fun... Maybe we'll die 2012 who knows...
OK, well an interpretation CANNOT be done right until the real lyrics are received.
First wrong sentence: What does anybody do we need 'em? Um, that doesnt even make sense. It's: What is anybody TILL we need em.
Next: Bury your life, sink your disease.. NOPE. Bury your life, SICK AND DISEASED! WE'LL FIND A WAY...
And: But doesn't matter when the only thing will never die.. UMMM... it's: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHEN the only thing we love will die!
So discontinue The antiseptic cash charade
no, we discontinue the antiseptic CARE CHARADE!
none of you makes sense! I hate wrong lyrics! -
It's about how everyone is fighting against each other and now they still fight. If they don't become one they won't make it through the apocalypse
Okay guys. I know this will upset some people, but most is not all of Slipknots members are christians. they werent before sub verses but are now. This song is about how the world is crumbling and that the elite is how without God, these stars are falling. and that theyll find a way to change everyone to Gods power when all hope is gone
This is about the world's problems and how the world is at stake. All hope is gone, which there is no freedom or hope.
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
The state of the nation, violation
A broken promise is as good as a lie
The hell is humongous, the devil's among us
And we will burn because we won't unite
We won't witness anymore freedom
What does anybody do we need 'em?
I would rather fight than let another die
We're the problem but we're also the solution
All hope is gone
If you want you cannot take it from me
If you think you can you still don't know me
Let me tell you, when I said it I meant it
And I will always have the right to defend it
Fifty seconds, a hundred murders
The bill of rights is a bill of sale
What will you do when the war is over?
What will you do when your system fails?
We have made the present, obsolete
What do you want? What do you need?
We'll find a way when all hope is gone
We've seen the fall of the elite
Bury your life, sink your disease
We'll end the world when all hope is gone
We have made the present, obsolete
What do you want? What do you need?
We'll find a way when all hope is gone
We've seen the fall of the elite
Bury your life, sink your disease
We'll end the world when all hope is gone
The wretched are the wounded
The hungry starved to death
At a place where no-one goes
The air itself is a final breathe
So discontinue
The antiseptic cash charade
As the cry of justice comes
I'm gonna let this fire free
I am the reason your future suffers
I am the hatred you won't embrace
I am the worm of a pure distinction
I am the remedy, spit in my face
All your lies and wars are out-dated
All your subjects are dulling mind games
I can let all of another million reasons why
But doesn't matter when the only thing will never die
We have made the present, obsolete
What do you want? What do you need?
We'll find a way when all hope is gone
We've seen the fall of the elite
Bury your life, sink your disease
We'll end the world when all hope is gone
We have made the present, obsolete
What do you want? What do you need?
We'll find a way, we'll find a way when all hope is gone
We've seen the fall of the elite
Bury your life, sink your disease
We'll end the world, we'll end the world when all hope is gone
When all hope is gone
When all hope is gone
Those are the lyrics for the song All Hope Is Gone by Slipknot. Wonderful lyrics, by the way.
My interpretation for these lyrics:
In my opinion, the artist of this song is saying how awful and messed up our world had become; how little people care; how we are destroying our planet; how our 'system' is failing; and how our leaders are not very good.
"We've seen the fall of the elite" -Saying how our presidents, country leaders and such have become less and less great as time passes. Possibly it is speaking of our most recent presidents and how their decisions have not been very good.
"Fifty seconds, a hundred murders
The bill of rights is a bill of sale
What will you do when the war is over?
What will you do when your system fails?" -Talking about how war kills quickly. I think this one has some great meaning to it. Within the last few years, our country has been at war with other countries; Iraq, etc. I think it is saying that we have become so used to being in war for so long that we won't know what to do, that our leaders won't know how to act, when the war finally ends, if it ends at all. As for the 'system fails' part, I completely agree. What would our nation be without it's rules, laws, economy, government, etc? We would fall into chaos, no doubt. Humans need systems, laws, rules, so forth. Not everyone is smart, many humans just go with the laws. Without these laws to keep everyone in order, things would FALL APART, and we all know it.
All in all, this song is telling how the world is pretty much f***ed, how mankind is falling and failing, and will continue to do so until mankind makes some major changes. -
Hey i reckon this songs about war. A lot because of the style of it, like the heaviness and speed. Also at the start i swear you can hear bombs dropping. but yeah that pretty much goes with your idea aswell, with the hell breaking loose thing, as they say that war is hell on earth.
"we will burn cos we won't unite" means we can't settle our differences, basically we won't make friends. so we will die. sounds a bit like war to me.
"fifty seconds, a hundred murders" talking about how many people have died.
"what will you do when the war is over? what will you do when your system fails?" basically what happens if the war made things worse?
=] -
I saw that no one has posted an interpretation for this song as of yet so I just thought I would take a crack at it as I think its slipknots best song. I think it is saying that hell has broke loose in the world and their is uter chaos (basically all hope is gone). The song is talking about what will happen if the United States is destroyed by a war ..just guessing on that one.. "we will end the world when all hope is gone" is saying that if their is chaos then someone will blow this planet to kingdom come and no one will survive to tell the story.
just a thought
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