What do you think Mr. Jack means?

System of a Down - Mr. Jack Meaning

Tagged: Drugs | Murder [suggest]
Album cover for Mr. Jack album cover

Mr. Jack Lyrics

Hey Mr. Jack,
Is that the mouthwash in your eyes,
Hey Mr. jack,
Is that the cause of your surprise,
Hey where you at,
On the side of the freeway in the car,
Hey where you at,
On the side of the freeway in the car.
In the car.

On the...

  1. anonymous
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    Oct 22nd 2007 !⃝

    Still saying about SOAD wanting us to put our own meaning in but I believe that the song is about a drug dealer/druggie who gets high and starts driving around and finally he's gets caught by the cops but doesn't wanna go to jail so he fights with them and causes a lot of problems and in the end is shot

  2. anonymous
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    Jul 17th 2007 !⃝

    This is in response to johny mans jack the ripper theory, are you mentally incompetent jack the ripper was not only not a rapist but he did not wait in fuckin cars and being from london I doubt he would have used american slang from the 1980s

  3. anonymous
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    Jun 6th 2007 !⃝

    OAKAY.........THEY DO NO SAY "Hey mr.jack is that mouthwash in your eye" FOR GODS SAKES, TRUST ME THEY SAY "Hey Mr. Jack, Is that the mouth for shone your eyes"
    it makes a lot more sense. okay? so, beat it

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  4. anonymous
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    Jun 1st 2007 !⃝

    I hope you are familiar with Jack the Ripper, if you know about the case then it kind of make sense

    Hey Mr. Jack, (Jack the Ripper or also known as Freeway killer)
    Is that the mouthwash in your eyes, (mouthwash burns your eyes[no duh] so I thought it was drugs until I read up on Jack the Ripper and well read down to understand and then I realized something...If you have mouthwash in your eyes you eyes must be red so he was angry at something and snapped at something?)

    Is that the cause of your surprise(it means the surpise attack on London that means he began his killing spree, so that is what the last line mean about snapping)

    On the side of the freeway in the car(Jack the Ripper was known to wait in his car on the freeway for lost women who's car that has broken down or just walking, so for a while he was known as the Freeway Mass Murderer)

    Is that the trick of your disguise (Think about the last line, most lines have to connect to each other someway, as is that the trick of how you killed without being caught. Because Freeways rarely have cops[still don't])

    Seven a.m. morning, came to take us away(I've been to london and when I wake up is when I find most cops snooping around at 7.00AM also if you think about it[also proven fact] during the time of Jack the Ripper people and cops were paranoid about what is going on, so they would arrest any person that looked suspicious)

    (I don't need to explain little men with big guns...Everyone seem to have a common ground that its cop who think there superior to others because of there power and handguns but you probably didn't know[and I still have the poster in my room] the reward of finding Jack the ripper(s)[rumor there was more then 1] was 4.5 billion euro's Oo that is a lot...So I would feel superior if I had my gun pointed at the guy who is going to give me a billion Euros)

    Your prospect of living gone, (This is probably refers to the fake Jack the Rippers or the people in the city, lets change the words..."The reason of living is gone" If your in a city with a killer who could be anyone and anywhere...Why should you bother living[there was many suicides during this time] or people changing there identity to become a follower of Jack or a fake Jack(which is from the people who spread the graffiti around the city which has different words probably mistranslation of people who spread the rumor, and people making pretend they were the killer[P.S:From a recent Police report that a friend of mine found at his police station at 34 street Radcliff England Police office, there has been 112 reportings of Jack the Ripper going to court, 0 went to jail, 112 community service[they had this that long ago?] OLD THEORY^

    (I read the next few lines on how they flow to each other[but decided to keep the other proof up just for other theories]

    "Your prospect of living gone,
    You ran the light at dawn,
    Protectors on your back,
    Lights are on their track," (remember how I mentioned how cops lit there lights up at 7:00 am well that's the second line. Now since the cops during the time are obssesed with finding this guy wouldn't that make there whole life turn around "Your reason of living GONE!" That means that you got rid of everything you cared about just to find one(or more) killer, getting all geared up to find the guy)

    Now this next one might be a little different then what you think...

    You must now face authority,
    You're nothing like me,
    You must now face authority,
    You're nothing like me. (The police have to face authority, your probably not agreeing with my opinion but think about it. Cops superior Chiefs and Captain and police warden. Cops[believe it or not] get a lot of griefs from the higher ups because they can't find the guy...It is saying that they have to face there warden because he can't figure out Jack's plan "You're nothing like me!")

    Put your hands up, get out of the car,
    Put your hands up, get out of the car,
    Put your hands up, get out of the car,
    Fuck you pig,
    Fuck you pig,
    Fuck you pig,
    Fuck you pig,
    Put your hands up, get out of the car. (probably cops trying to arrest a random person on the Freeway because they don't want to get in trouble from the higher ups, and the commoner cursing back because it doesn't want to go for no reason...)

    (JtR=Jack the Ripper)
    Random facts to help this theory
    Names of song:Freeway>Bacon>Mr.Jack
    Names of JtR-:Freeway>Leather Apron>Jack the Ripper
    (most leather is made from pig skins or cow skins in the old day, and if leather comes from pigs it would relate to bacon)
    Rest self explanatory

    "The writing was added sometime after the apron piece was dropped — presumably shortly after the murder (thought to have happened just before 1:45am) — but before the discovery of the scrap at 3am" -Quote from Wikipedia, and Case Discovery JACK THE RIPPER!

    This time was changed into American time for us so if you change it back to London time it would be about 4 hours ahead...1:45=5:45 3:00>7:00AM

    that is my theory if anyone which to reply(((or fix my grammar which I have a feeling I did wrong[when I went to high school we had separate LAL grade and one was Punctuation I got a D average)))

    go ahead, I hope to see you soon
    The clock ticks at 4:00AM
    Sanji SongCrackers!

  5. anonymous
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    Apr 16th 2007 !⃝

    Mr Jack is System's pot dealer. Perhaps they all bought pot off him at the side of some freeway, maybe system got in a bit of trouble with him and some guys threatened them with guns and Mr Jack eventually got arrested or something.

  6. burningpeaches
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    Feb 20th 2007 !⃝

    I'm pretty sure it's about the use of police powers and about police brutality. The references to police, cruisers, and being pulled over on the freeway are repeated throughout. And if you look at the last stanza, the meaning becomes very clear:

    Your prospect of living gone,
    You ran the light at dawn,
    Protectors on your back,
    Lights are on their track,
    You must now face authority...
    Put your hands up, get out of the car,

    You ran the light at dawn, i.e. drove through a red light when no one was around, something that is only technically a crime. Yet 'your prospect of living gone', you're going to jail. Put your hands up, get out of the car, you must now face authority only because you didn't absolutely respect that authority's power.

  7. anonymous
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    Dec 18th 2006 !⃝

    "Is that the cause of your demise" and "big guns pointed at our heads".
    Surely about a guy who died because of police brutality.

  8. anonymous
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    Nov 8th 2006 !⃝

    One question that I have is why does everyone think that all of soads songs talk about armenian genocide, that's just plain stupid. As for the meaning of the song, I think it first talks alittle about jack the ripper and then portrays what criminals think of police.

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  9. Darkangel_X
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    Nov 5th 2006 !⃝

    I don't know how many of you are american, so I'll use melbourne, australia as an example. This is not our nations capital, but even there we have people being pistol whipped by police (eg. My sisters ex), police stealing from drug addicts (police found 3lbs of weed on a guy, took 2.5lbs from it, walked away)...This is anti-police, but why shouldn't it be?

  10. anonymous
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    Oct 16th 2006 !⃝

    I think the song is about the armenian genocide.
    Mr. Jack are the armenian people, and the turks are barging in and mindlessly murdering the people.
    "little men, big guns, pointed at our heads"
    this is saying how the people were so powerless against the powerful turks.
    "fuck you pig
    fuck you pig
    fuck you pig
    put your hands up, get out of the car"
    fuck you pig is showing an attempted retaliation against the turks, and the concluding "put your hands up" shows the unaltered cruelty of the soldiers.

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  11. anonymous
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    Aug 28th 2006 !⃝

    Your prospect of living gone,
    you ran the light at dawn,
    protectors on your back,
    lights are on their track.
    You must now face authority,
    you're nothing like me,
    you must now face authority,
    you're nothing like me.
    Put you hands up, get out of the car,
    put you hands up, get out of the car,
    put you hands up, get out of the car.

    Someone running a red light, protectors on your back- police on your back.

    I don't think its insulting police. You must face authority, you're nothing like me. I think fuck you pig refers to the criminal not the police. This song isn't insulting police. Not this one.

  12. anonymous
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    Aug 18th 2006 !⃝

    This songs about drugs.

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  13. anonymous
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    Jun 26th 2006 !⃝

    This song is about the guy who abducted and raped girls and they are blamimg the police for not finding him and trying to incriminate other innocent people which reflects to what is happening a lot in our current time.

  14. anonymous
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    May 6th 2006 !⃝

    Tying in to what Maestro Danno said (two interpretations up) I thought it was about someone stoned, getting pulled over and arrested. it happened to daron. did you guys know he was arrested for possession of pot? yeah but I think it could be specifically using 'mr jack' (their drug dealer) for it.

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  15. anonymous
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    Feb 1st 2006 !⃝

    This song is about police brutality, end of story.

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