What do you think Narcissistic Cannibal means?

Korn - Narcissistic Cannibal Meaning

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Album cover for Narcissistic Cannibal album cover

Song Released: 2011

Featuring: Skrillex, Kill the Noise

Narcissistic Cannibal Lyrics

Don't wanna be sly and defile you
Desecrate my mind and rely on you
I just wanna break this crown
But it's hard when I'm so run down

And you're so cynical, Narcissistic Cannibal!
Got to bring myself back from the dead!



    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Dec 15th 2011 !⃝

    I believe that it's about the way he's seen people that love themselves so much that they eat themselves alive (not literally) because of it. I agree with the statement from their singer, Jonathan Davis:
    "It's about me watching people who are so narcissistic destroy themselves. They basically eat themselves alive because of their narcissism. That's the gist of the story."

  2. anonymous
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    Jan 18th 2024 !⃝

    Having been in love with a Narc for almost 30 years my interpretation is a combo of some of the previous ones. It’s definitely from the Narcs point of view that they are so consumed with themselves they need to feed endlessly on others and yes eventually being eating themselves. But I see this behavior so much more now and I’m beginning to believe we have created this evil with our endless need for power, money, sex, status - it’s all about how other people see us and we will do anything for that. It’s no longer important to be who we truly are but how many likes and views we get. We will become whoever we need to be to get attention and admiration so we can feed off of those people.
    And we just keep passing this down to our children until the whole world is made up of narcissistic cannibalism and becomes Hell on earth.
    I’m just hoping I can get out before it’s too late.

  3. anonymous
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    Nov 24th 2021 !⃝

    None of these assumptions are correct some of the comments slightly hint in the right direction but not close to the proper meaning, there is something here that you would not ever believe it's not about the fans or any one single person it's about a very particular few the words the notes the key the record scratch this is more then words and guitars the ones there is a reality behind this song and others songs that alot of people know every word to, but they have no idea what they really are be happy you don't know be thankful because some of us live these words in ways you can't fathom, no we don't eat people, I want to tell you many people for many years have tried to explian this in many ways that are around you every day and have been for a very long time, everyone is lost In their fake man made population control oriented religion to blind to understand, you've seen the answer to this in many movies famous art and many other songs god is out there religion is wrong and there are many things that go bump in the night, check out imagine, circle of life matrix highlander transformers van helsing trolls swing low sweet chariots, many Christian sing that one and have not a clue what or why, as confused as they are with what baptism really is,what the man Jesus was trying to tell everyone, Albert Einstein knew things he did not learn and was not taught, watch the silver surfer listen to the sound of silence, I would go on but all these things are in direct association to the meaning of this song, watch them listen to them,,, youll never put it all together and you'll never believe the ones who live unbelievably. So we say nothing instead hide the truth right before your eyes and ears hoping one day someone will see it,,Lucy in the sky, riders on the storm, demons by imagine dragon you would not believe just how real that song is as Is all the things I've written here and so much more, but who would ever belive Steven King or think there was hidden meaning in TV shows and movies, that's all paranoid theory conspiracy, but didn't the cia coin the phrase conspiracy theory,

  4. anonymous
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    Mar 28th 2020 !⃝

    God forbid, but this song could also be about a proabable futuristic problem to the Narcisstic Selfish Love of the Individual Citizen[person,corporation or a government]that has pushed it's egotistical narcisstic love want[s] of power and greed onto the future of the world going ''SOYLENT GREEN'' sci-fi movie. all out of the narcisstic love that is a cannibal who's been dying of regret and sadness, and who's need is just to come back to Life

  5. anonymous
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    Dec 14th 2017 !⃝

    The Term “Narcissistic Cannibal” is referring to a person So blind with self love they are literally killing others around them with their selfishness and eating them alive emotionally. But the main idea of the song is somebody that wants to break free from Narcissistic Person’s grasp before it destroys them just like the others. The reason why i believe this is because of the line “sometimes i hate the life i've made Everything’s wrong everytime.” this is implying that sometimes no matter how hard we try and no matter what decision we make, everything just turns out wrong. The Narcissistic Cannibal will always try to destroy others and we inadvertently accommodate to that person’s Behavior

  6. anonymous
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    Jun 19th 2017 !⃝

    I think a narcissistic cannibal is like a psychic vampire. Their self absorption leads them to suck or eat the life out of every one around them.Anyone who cares about them will be used abused and discarded. Their self esteem resources and whatever the cannibal needed from them gone

  7. anonymous
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    Sep 27th 2012 !⃝

    Hi I am the lamb. My real name is carlos armando vigil. The true meaning is, as god to murder, torture, abuse, and destroy men in the most satisfying way and to be creative with shaping and molding matter in to creatures, weapons, and devices to carry this out with out remorse and to literally make yourself in to a beast and eat them alive. My father tells me that I have out done him in this song. Listen closely now that you know the truth.

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  8. anonymous
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    Aug 16th 2012 !⃝

    It's about the goverment that controls and feeds on us , they get richer , we get poorer , the music video also suggests that

  9. anonymous
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    Apr 27th 2012 !⃝

    i thank it means that he's sick of all of his fame and wants to end it but cant because he is afraid he will be hated for it

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  10. anonymous
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    Apr 24th 2012 !⃝


  11. anonymous
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    Mar 17th 2012 !⃝

    Its about their fanbase never approving of what they do,thus the lyrics "some times I hate the life I made, everything is wrong every time" suggesting also that sometimes they wish they could make their careers jus go away, similar meaning to the song "y'all want a single"

  12. anonymous
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    Jan 16th 2012 !⃝

    I think it's about a relationship someones stuck in and now hates his life for it. The partner loves themselves so much it completely leaves the other out of the picture.

  13. anonymous
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    Dec 13th 2011 !⃝

    I think it's about a guy who's a criminal, leading a violent life, essentially 'feeding' on others, though he hates himself for it.

    JUst my thoughts.

  14. anonymous
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    Dec 3rd 2011 !⃝

    That you love yourself so much, you eat yourself.

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