What do you think Breaking the Habit means?

Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit Meaning

Album cover for Breaking the Habit album cover

Song Released: 2004

Breaking the Habit Lyrics

Memories consume
Like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again

I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the...

  1. ande7290
    click a star to vote
    Oct 4th 2010 !⃝

    I believe "Breaking the Habit" is about depression,self harming,drug addiction.

    "Memories consume
    Like opening the wound
    I'm picking me apart again"

    The person remembers the memories,which is like opening wounds which are healing.....like scratching up old wounds by picking at them. So as he remembers the things in the past his wounds open up again

    You all assume
    I'm safe here in my room
    Unless I try to start again

    So he who seems to be doing all right,being normal loses it and feels depressed after remembering the memories. Hence none thinks there's anything wrong,until they actually see the proofs of it. Like when the person starts cutting himself again.

    I don't want to be the one
    The battles always choose
    'Cause inside I realize
    That I'm the one confused

    The person is tired of being picked upon,being sad,being hurt and depressed. He realizes that it confuses him to swing from being normal to self injury or doing drugs.

    I don't know what's worth fighting for
    Or why I have to scream
    I don't know why I instigate
    And say what I don't mean

    The person seems to not like how he feels being depressed and wants to break free from it's chains. When the depression hits he loses control and screams and hurts people around him.

    I don't know how I got this way
    I know it's not alright
    So I'm breaking the habit
    I'm breaking the habit tonight

    He realizes that the place where he is in,isn't the right one. Hence he wants to try and break free from the chains of depression/self injury or drugs.

    Clutching my cure
    I tightly lock the door
    I try to catch my breath again

    He holds on to possible his blade,or drugs (which have over time been the cure to his problems and sadness)"I tightly lock the door" shows that he doesn't want to hurt anyone more and doesn't want anyone to know about the frenzy it creates. Holding on to his cure,he tries hard to not use it.

    I hurt much more
    Than anytime before
    I had no options left again

    When he tries breaking the habit,holding on to his cure hurts him. It's hard to let go and he gives in to his problems and depression and addiction and redoes his habit.

    I don't know how I got this way
    I'll never be alright
    So I'm breaking the habit
    I'm breaking the habit tonight

    Yet again he realizes that he has to quit his habits and he thinks about how he's become so weak,and knows that after all the addiction he has had he would never be the same again.Hence he decides upon breaking his habit.

    I'll paint it on the walls
    'Cause I'm the one at fault
    I'll never fight again
    And this is how it ends

    (This kind of confuses me)Either he entirely gives up on trying to quit the addiction or he successfully gets rid of it.

  2. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jul 26th 2010 !⃝

    Memories consume....
    ........start again.

    ^that set of lyrics comes up with the meaning that the person has been hurt, or has lost a loads of times.. and when that memories haunt him/her again the person is scared that they might hurt themselves out f this hurt/anger

    I don't want to...

    ^this set of lyrics shows us that the person is depressed by all these problems and hurt he/she goes through (I don't want to be the one, the battles always choose)! he/she knows that himself/herself is confused, but they don't want to show it out.. a some sort of bossy wannabe..

    i don't know....
    ..i don't mean
    i don't know..

    ^these set of lyrics in the chorus show us that the person can't control his/her mouth.. They say things, they provoke, but they never mean it.
    the worst part, they don't know why they're doing these.. and the best part, they know it's not the best to do at a situation.. So they decide to change from their habit of screaming and provoking!!

    clutching my..
    ... left again

    ^this set of lyrics try to tell us that the person has a cure.. and that the cure s death. but he/she realizes that there's no looking back after that.

    I'll paint ...

    ^this set of lyrics say hat the person has come up with a new solution for this.. 'paint it on the wall' - it never gets erased (Oops! don't think hard). That he/she won't shout, provoke, scream or fight again! HE/SHE LIVES! as a better person for the society.

  3. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Mar 19th 2010 !⃝

    Ouch. Yes, I think suicide. It makes sense. And linkin park songs always seem to have a deathly ending.

  4. starrynights20
    click a star to vote
    Feb 21st 2010 !⃝

    The song is about suicide, and becomes increasingly more melancholy word wise the further it progresses. Also the music becomes more climactic the same way it would in a movie and is a steady crescendo to the end because of his final decision. At first he's picking himself apart and doesn't know whether or not to go through with it but he knows its not alright. (He probably battles with the idea of suicide and whether or not its the right choice.) Then after he thinks about it he realizes he'll never be alright. (Accepting the idea of suicide and the fact that he LITERALLY will never feel better.) Then he "locks the door" and "clutches his cure" (probably a gun) because he knows it will never be alright; He will never change. So he's going to "paint it on the walls because he's the one at fault" (probably by shooting himself in the head) and "this is how it ends" and "he's breaking the habit tonight".(suicide) Basically its of a desperate plea for help because he's so alone and he doesn't feel like anyone can help him so instead of suffering anymore or hurting anyone else with the his careless actions and words, he's going to kill himself. Symbolically, this song could apply to drugs, domestic violence, or self harm (cutting) because all are forms of "suicide" and cause death to the persons that participate in them either physically, mentally and/or literally. But the literal meaning of the song is suicide. The song is a catch all for the negative emotions and inner battles that humans are faced with other the years and whether or not they can make it through those dark times in their lives.

  5. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Feb 19th 2010 !⃝

    15 years of marriage. Broke up about a year ago - my initiative.
    I've known this song for years. Today, all of a sudden, riding in a cab on the way to the office, listening to my mp3, I have thought that this song might be about drugs, suicide, domestic violence, etc. But for me now - it's 100 percent accurate reflection of the way I felt before I decided to come clean and speak to my ex.

  6. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Feb 19th 2010 !⃝

    15 years of marriage. Broke up about a year ago - my initiative.
    I've known this song for years. Today, all of a sudden, riding in a cab on the way to the office, listening to my mp3, I have thought that this song might be about drugs, suicide, domestic violence, etc. But for me now - it's 100 percent accurate reflection of the way I felt before I decided to come clean and speak to my ex.

  7. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Feb 19th 2010 !⃝

    15 years of marriage. Broke up about a year ago - my initiative.
    I've known this song for years. Today, all of a sudden, riding in a cab on the way to the office, listening to my mp3, I have thought that this song might be about drugs, suicide, domestic violence, etc. But for me now - it's 100 percent accurate reflection of the way I felt before I decided to come clean and speak to my ex.

  8. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Aug 5th 2009 !⃝

    The Song cannot be about suicide. Simply because of this one verse: "I try to catch my breath again." If he is going to kill himself, how can that work?

    The song is about any addiction that is hurting someone deep inside. Something that is messing them up. They can't drop it. And it is their way to stop their pain. The one in the song, has gotten too far into it and knows he has to stop the habit before it destroys him.

    Listen to the song and match my ideas with the lyrics. Every lyric will validate with my theory.

    I'm picking me a part again -- He is slowly destroying himself through his addiction.

    Unless I try to start again -- Means it cannot be a suicidal attempt because he wants starting again.

    I'm breaking the habit tonight -- Another reason it can't be suicidal.

    Clutching my Cure -- Leads to it being a relation as drugs, cutting, or any other way to forget something or supposedly.. He thinks it will help him

    I don't know how I got this way, I know it's not alright -- He doesn't understand why he does these things to make him "feel better"

    I try to catch my breath again -- Once again relating to that cure.

    The rest of the song's verses, relate to the same thing. It all ties together. -- Thanks for reading

  9. clairep
    click a star to vote
    Jul 6th 2009 !⃝

    I think the song yes my view on it not anyones else's is about suicide, and not finishing an addiction, cause an alcoholic is always an alcoholic, even if they don't touch drink anymore, there still an alcoholic, and the line where it says and this is where it ends, to me symbolizes it's all over, as in life, but that's what I take from the song doesn't mean I'm right or I'm wrong.........

  10. 24601
    click a star to vote
    Feb 10th 2009 !⃝

    Being a recovering addict and counselor I think I have a few chips to put on the table :
    Aside from the historical facts, IMHO it IS about addiction or at least an addict will be able to relate intimately to the lyrics so these are my takes on the passages (begging pardons as English isn't my primary language) :

    It's sometimes very painful for an addict to recall memories regarding the addiction such as situations which lead to addiction, the traumas experienced during active use, and, of course, the horribly painful withdrawals.
    Being in active addiction is also like swimming in a stormy turbulent sea; there are periods of calm under water where at least you can't hear the winds and thunder and periods when the addict resurface to reality and find that all is actually lost.
    Some addicts even experience some memory loss regarding the active using period.

    Addiction literally disintegrates a person. All which make ourselves human are gradually being picked off by the substance such as identity, material possessions, family, friends, talents, etc.

    The closest people of the addict (family and close friends) usually keep the addict "safe" inside what they expect to be a "safe and sterile" environment, most predominantly a distant place, a house, or a room. They expect the addict to be safe from more harm unless he/she uses the substance again. Well, actually, IMHO the problem is not the substance but the addict him/herself.

    An addict almost always leads a turbulent and violent (way of) life physically and psychologically.
    It is true that an addict almost always FEEL that he/she is in a constant battle and wants to scream because of all the pent-up frustration although he/she won't always know why the do that (the extreme cases would be self-mutilation and suicide). The addict sometimes involved in a destructive situation because of his/her actions but afterward simply doesn't know why he/she did those things.

    Addiction takes a stealth approach to "trap" the "victim". The first uses ALWAYS seem alright and everything seems fine but when the withdrawals kick-in, the addiction is already taken over the addict's life in such a complete way that the addict, in one way or another, accept the substance as a permanent fixture in his/her life. At this point, the addict usually feels something's definitely went
    wrong but doesn't know how (or doesn't want to) to escape from the vicious cycle of addiction.

    This is the irony of the story. EVERY addict wants to quit the addiction but very seldom able to quit on their own. The most usual time they pick to quit is not "now" but "tomorrow", "next week", "next Christmas", etc...including "tonight". But when the time comes, they won't quit anyway.

    What does an addict do when he/she's got the substance of choice? Literally, clutching it, find a secure place, usually a closed space with a door and lock it.

    The process of acquiring the substance sometimes (or usually) filled with terror; fear of the law, fear of the withdrawal symptoms, fear of friends/family, fear of being cheated, fear of somebody would steal the stuff, excitement from the process knowing that it's wrong, excitement from the anticipation of bliss that would come from the consummation of the stuff, etc.

    Everybody knows, including the addict, that the habit (addiction) is wrong morally, socially, religiously, physically, psychologically, by law. Humans have an inherent instinct of what is wrong or right. An addict KNOWS he/she's hurting him/herself more and more but, simply, CAN NOT stop and is UNABLE to find the solution to quit (even though it's in front of the addict's nose). It's actually tearing the addict apart.

    As said before, the addict feels caught in a battle as the prime victim.

    Again, when reality kicks-in (usually intermittently between waves of "highs"), the addict knows that it's all because of him/her or at least because of his/her destructive habits but, again, can't stop using.

    It's either because English isn't my primary language or I simply don't get it; I don't really know the expression "paint it on the walls", sorry.
    My take on the passage is that when an addict reach a certain point and "hit the bottom", the resolution to stop using comes up really strong again. The solution would be to just stop using, reach out to someone for help or...suicide (which stops everything).
    But in the end, quitting addiction or not, an addict (including recovering addicts) understands the damages of addiction and some knows that, somehow, "it'll never be 100% alright again " as it was before the active addiction periods. The addiction will haunt the addict for the rest of his/her life.

    Thank you and sorry for the lengthy explanation.

  11. anonymous
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    Aug 19th 2008 !⃝

    Chester wasn't addicted to coke, he was addicted to crystal meth. This song was about a friend going through a drug problem as well.

  12. anonymous
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    Jul 19th 2008 !⃝

    "I have no options left AGAIN" seems to suggest that it's something he's done before, rather than a permanent thing like suicide. "paint it on the walls" could very well be suggesting painting his blood on the walls, but you can do that after self harm as well as blowing your brains out. I tend to interpret this song as about self harm (at least for myself), but I know that it can be interpreted in whatever way. Self harm and drug addiction are both things that the song could easily be talking, as well as suicide, each to his own, really.

  13. AvengingSpirit12
    click a star to vote
    Jul 4th 2008 !⃝

    Though this song was written for a specific situation, I believe that this song can be interpreted as breaking any negative habit. Drug use, alcohol abuse, and suicide attempts are all possible subjects this song can be interpreted to be about.

    It can be about any negative habit that sort of changes you in a negative way.

  14. anonymous
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    Jul 3rd 2008 !⃝

    It's about terrible harmful addictions overall an how so many people are trying to break their habit but they need help

  15. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jun 17th 2008 !⃝

    I think it's about a relationship with a girl and drugs.

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