Slipknot - Wait And Bleed Meaning

Song Released: 1999
Wait And Bleed Lyrics
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, i wait and bleed...
I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
Everything about this song points at Darth Vader. He sits in a shell waiting for Luke to come and kill him. He lives in a 3d blasphemy. His eyes are gold and red just like all sith. Throughout the story anakin wells up with hate after burying his mother. He's now half machine so he asks "is it a dream or a memory" as a child he says he's going to be the first one to see all the stars hence the lyric "I wander out where you can't see" also pointing out that Jedi are clouded by the dark side and they can't see them
The "Manchurian Candidate" gives the meaning of this song away.
Apparently he has been "brainwashed" to kill some one and is regreting it, it also seems he has hurt himself. -
Ok, where the fuck did anyone hear bathtub in this song? I'll sum it up, he killed someone and he's tweaking. 'Nuff said
this song has alot of meanings in it, it comes from the self named album "slipknot" this album had alot to do with drug abuses and suicide and coreys past.but it also touchs on being very upset about someone you love, when it said "my eyes are gold and red" thats him thinking "well im perfect, my eyes alone are a gift from a god". it also does touch on possesion, "every thing is turning blasphamy" is him thinking, well i was good and holy, but i was let down, so i dont belive any more. along with him thinking "inside my shell i wait and bleed" is him saying, "you stabbed me in the back, it never healed over, and now im just letting it bleed out. but it mostly has to do with mentel and physical health, his mind is slipping away "goodby" while his body is falling apart "i cant control my shakes" he aslo wonders how this came to be "how the hell did i get here" this song is deep if you look deep into it.
you know how before you cry you feel the air rize up in your soul. clearly holding back tears,
clearing the stone of leaves sounds as if he's on someones grave or hes waiting for his own death.
seems to me that someone died and he was angry with them
he thinks that if you die i must die too
clearly he had started crying tho how hard he had tryed not for so long. its basicly sounds like a human in denial -
I think that this song is about someone being possessed by some type of demon. "I've felt the hate rise up in me, kneel down and clear the stone of leaves, I wander out where you can't see, inside my shell I wait and bleed" I've felt the hate rise up in my is referring to him feeling hate towards the demon that is possessing him. Kneeling down and clearing the "stone" of leaves is referring to starting a demonic ritual. I wander out where you can't see is saying that he wanders out of sight, probably in a graveyard. Inside my shell I wait and bleed refers to him not being able to control what he's doing, the demon is forcing him to do this, and he can't control anything, so all he does is let the demon take over his body, and inside he just waits and bleeds, allowing the demon to control him because he can't stop it. This is only the chorus figure out the verses yourselves!!
Some times people get so full of emotion that they themselves can't tell you what they fell and your emotions come out when you write something like a song or a poem so perhaps Corry was overwhelmed with how he felt when he wrote the song pissed hurt depressed confused ready to die and it all came out in this beautiful song.
P.S who ever came up with the satanic idea I congratulate you on coming up with the greatest bullshit I ever heard. first of all do your homework before you publish your assumptions I am a Practicing witch and I hate to tell you but over 60% of your techniques towards ritual are fake. It's not how you perform them did your ideas come from hollywood or from your jelous blasphomus god.
my goddess begat your god -
Ultimately this song can only be defined by the song writer, however to me it is about schizophrenia or the schizophrenic experience. "I felt the hate rise up in me, kneel down and clear the stone off leaves." In schizophrenia emotions can be become highly intensified at points but are not always indicative by behavior, so a sudden feeling and detachment not of "I feel angry" rather "The hate rose up in me" Psychological emotional incoherency followed by some mundane action "Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves" this could also be a sort of awakening metaphorically, getting a clearer perspective. "I wander out where you can't see" Indicates detachment or experience that is not relate-able and different from others. "inside my shell I wait and bleed" Is a metaphor again for the separation and isolation of mental illness. "goodbye" indicating the break from reality. "Everything is 3d blasphemy" a metaphor for hallucination and the usually intense spiritual relevance objects and the meanings they are imbued with as psychosis sets in is common among schizophrenics. "I can't control my shakes how the hell did I get here; something about this so very wrong" This to me would be admission into a hospital after the psychotic break. The shakes caused by the medication which is a consequence of almost all anti-psychotics, the here is the confusion of being admitted into a hospital, which most of the time a person suffering from schizophrenia does not believe they are ill. The "here" could also be a state of mind metaphorically and shaking is also symptomatic of the coarse of the illness on neural processes. "Something about this so very wrong" An indefinable sense of something being not right, yet an inability to see what it is. "I have to laugh out loud I wish I didn't like this is this a dream or a memory" These are emotions experienced by someone in a manic state of psychosis, laughing without any stimuli or inappropriate stimuli e.g. just after they declared something about this so very wrong and the dark metaphors about waiting and bleeding. " Is this a dream or a memory" Memory is not the same in schizophrenics and sometimes in heightened psychosis appear dream like. "get outa my head cause I don't need this why didn't I see this" A feeling that a foreign entity is controlling or influencing thoughts and emotions, especially when taken in conjunction with the next line. "we'll I'm a victim Manchurian candidate" A clear reference to the movie which is about mind control. "I have sinned by just making my mind up and taking your breath away". To support my interpretation, other songs like Duality, and people = shit all are laced with ideas of control by others, self disassociation and alienation while these things are experienced by some people are amplified in schizophrenia and psychosis. I'm not certain why but the Heavy Metal genre in general likes psychosis as subject matter, Metallica practically wrote an entire album and had many songs on other albums very clearly related to mental illness. Whatever more precise meaning there my be is beyond me, but I would say that this is the general theme or subject matter of the song.
The song is a short story about a psychotic breakdown.
Wait and Bleed is about a man who is dreaming that he is lying in a bath tub bleeding to death from his wrists. As the song progresses, the man realizes that he, in fact, isn't dreaming, and he just "waits and bleeds".
-Corey Taylor -
this song is about a man who is alienated from the rest of the world and isolates himself from other people. he dreams of lying in a bathtub with his wrists slit and soon realizes that he is in fact not asleep but has gone off the edge from being isolated from society and has slit his wrists in a suicide attempt and waits and bleeds
Ok so I read everyones interpretation of the song and I'm a huge slipknot fan maggot to the and and I have never seen any statements from Cory Taylor on this song. As I see it it would seem to me that the course is referring to standing in a grave yard feeling regret for killing someone. I think the lyrics to the song reflect the act that was committed and he feels the hate for what he did rising in him and and he clears the head stone of the leaves wandering out where he can see. He's bleeding in side guilt and remorse he keeps saying goodbye, maybe referring to a friend, maybe it was an accident. The rest of the lyrics support this theory in my opinion I guess but what do I know who am I.
Over time I have learned that this song is indeed about suicide... I've been listening to Slipknot sense before they were famous, and became stuck up fags, but this song is about being possessed and suicide. It's refuring to the state ov possessed insanity your body reaches when the edrinaline ov bloodletting hits you.
And when he says "I've felt the hate rise up in me"
It's self hatered for what he's doing
"Kneel down and clear the stone ov leaves"
Means clean me a fresh grave
"I wonder out where you can't see"
is saying I don't want you to look at me during this.
"Inside my shell I wait and bleed"
means by himself alone in this possessed state ov insanity all he can do is wait and bleed to death -
This song is basically abt a person who has slit his wrists and is experiencing a near death experience where the images of his life are dancing before him in a very bizzare and a twisted way.
Ok all of you are wrong but the guy at the top is close, the speaker is demon possessed
as the demon posseses him he feels hate rise up in him
he kneels down in a graveyard and clears the tombs stone of leaves to perform a satanic ritual
when he performs the ritual, he hides so that he wont get caught
when a demon posseses you, your body is just like a shell and you are trapped inside, slowly dying.
the rest is extremely self explanitory and most of it should be taken literally
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