Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars Meaning

Chasing Cars Lyrics
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel
Those three words
Are said too...
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
I love this song. I ask one of my friends this everyday. If he would lay down with me and just forget the world. I think this song means who's cares what other people think. Everyone judges others. They just want to forget what other people think or say. They are trying block it all out and away.
They want to be happy to they don't need others tellin them how to control they're lives. If they want to be together that is their choice. When it comes to chasing cars they mean I want to get away from all this drama people are putting me through. They want to do things with that person spend their life with them. They just want to have a perfect ending!:) -
i love this song, maybe i interpret it differently from others but to me this is about a relationship where to people love each other but its complicated and thats why there not together, this reminds me of what my life is like at the moment i dated a guy who has been one of my close friends for quite some time now and we loved each other then i got confused (i think i have bipolar disorder/depression and anxiety and i keep having panic attacks)so anyway i got confused and were friends now, he still likes me well he loves me and he is my everything i would jump in front of a bullet to save him and i miss him but i dont know how i feel and i cant work it out. i have my boyfriend who i like a lot but he acts like he loves me then never wants to spend time with me or he decides to ignore me. i dont know what to do because they are both important in my life
I believe that snow patrol is trying to say that we spend all of our time in our lives following how others have set the rules, and that most people don’t make their own rules and don’t benefit from it to. The songwriter states “If I lay here, If I just lay here, Would you lie with me and just forget the world?” This question is literally asking you to lie down but it means that the songwriter wants you to take a step out of the waves of life and make your own waves.
This song can be quite powerful for the people who actually understand it. -
I've just recently discovered this song... And while listening to it had tears in my eyes... I'm young and life is confusing right now... And when I was singing it I just broke down... It has such a strong meaning of how we all think too much about our lives and how we just throw around the words I love you way too much... We need to take time and live a little... I can't wait to share this with my someone special... We get too caught up in our busy lives these days that we forgot the ones we truly love... Snow Patrol will slowly becoming my new fav band soon... All of their music is great!
To me, this song has a very special meaning….it reminds me of a “special friend” I once had in my life. When I hear this song it brings back so many happy memories. Even though I am in a great place right now, it still brings sadness to my heart knowing that my “special friend” is no longer in my life. I wish he was still there and I could sit and have a cup of tea with him to see how he is doing, to share all the good things going on in my life and to let him know how he touched my life in so many ways. It is like the lyrics to Faith Hills song “There You’ll Be”. I wish I could tell him to listen to this song or read the lyrics so he knows how much his friendship meant & that he will always have a special place in my heart forever. He showed me that garden that burst into life when we were together. I truly hope I did the same for him. I could have been wrong & naive and maybe he didn’t feel the same way, but I will never regret the things that were said or shared because for me I always shared my true feelings and you can’t stop you heart from loving who it loves. Even though it has been a few years these things (feelings) will never change”. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of him somehow or someway. Something always reminds me of him (this song, a food, a wink, a bath) and it brings joy to my day when I have a “special friend” moment. I wish we had the strength to fight for each other, but it is difficult when you have others in your life. I know if I were able to fight for him I would have given the best fight of my life and would not have given up so easily. It definitely was true love,; true love with the right person but unfortunately at the wrong time. I hope he is “taking care of him for me” and I hope he is happy like me at this time. j:)
To me it's just mocking everything complicated and saying that love is too hard to express with words so lets just do the simplest thing: lay down and forget all the complications and feel. :)
i think that it is that he is in a comma and unable to move so just sits there chasing cars round his head and he wants to know if she will be faithful towards him also the "all that i am, all that i ever was is here in your perfect eyes they're all i can see" means only she can see him how he was before. but a truly great song all the same
This is a bit radical, so hang with me. But I think it's about living with someone with a mental disorder (Depression,Anxiety, etc.), I think the interpretation #3 hinted at this. But there are too many things in this song that seem to fit with a mental disorder as the thing which keeps them apart.
Chasing cars around our heads, makes me think of these problems that we never, or never can catch up to mostly because they are beyond our understanding.
The line
If I lay here,
if I just lay here
would you lie with me
and just forget the world
always makes me a little emotional because the world seems to provoke the disorder or make it worse, So, you ask her to forget that stuff and just be with you.
And when the line about grace, makes me think about yeah, ok I need your grace, because, I am no saint either.
and the "garden bursting into life", makes me think about how it could be without the disorder, and of that promise.
The part where he is talking about "those three words", assuming we are talking about I love you, and how it has become an imperfect way to truly describe how you feel.
It is some five years after this song has been released, but it has always brings about these feelings for me. Or it could just be about a dude who wishes he was a dog. -
For me, this song is about a guy who had had enough of the difficulties and challenges of daily living. He reached a state where he became quite indifferent to the world, nothing excites or depresses him. He felt a lack of drive to continue pursuing what others seem to pursue because he knows in the end it will all comes to nothing. Nothing will really matter. Emotionally he is already detached with the worldly things, he gained another level of insight. But physically he still have to do what the normal people do for a day. If only he have a choice, he would just want to lay down and do nothing. There's a twist to this. Even when nothing else does matters, there's an exception. He expresses his love for a girl and wonder if the girl can accept him for all he is, the state the world had made him to be and to just lay there and be in love with him.
The way I interpret this song is not as straight forward as everyone thinks. Is love always that simple? If only.
"would you lie with me and just forget the world" Although this could be interpreted as them spending time together or it could be that the significance of the word lie is to not tell the truth. In other words, they could be ignoring all other things in life for this relationship that's not even honest. Secrets are being kept.
Once you get onto that idea of a dodgy relationship some other lyrics spring out at you.
"we don't need anyone or anything." This quote shows that they are forgetting about all the things other than them. While this can be seen as romance it can be seen as naive, like with Romeo and Juliet they ignored the world because of their love which subsequently led to death. In this song he could be implying that the relationship is not going to work out.
"Lets waste time Chasing Cars." This could show that although they are in love, which I do believe they are, this relationship wasn't destined to work out but they go for it anyway just for even a little time.
I'm sorry if my interpretation of this upsets or offends anyone but i wanted to input the other way of looking at this song. -
I think this song is about recovery from drugs, he is singing about his higher power
We had this song played at our wedding as our dance. We first heard it from a friend and it just stuck because of how true the first half of the song rang for our situation.
We'll do it all
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
We had several people tell us that our relationship wouldn't last, but we knew that as long as we had each other, we didn't need anything else.
I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
For us, these express our feelings. Even in saying "I love you," it's not enough to truly say how we really feel.
Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads
Really just saying that we are content in doing meaningless things or nothing at all just to be in each others company.
And of course the chorus:
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
That no matter what life throws our way, even when things are hard, we can be together and the world, and everything else, just fades away. Leaving nothing but our love for each other.
We were married in May of 2010 and come Oct of 2011, we will have been together for 5 years. She's only 20 and I'm 21. Hopefully my story can be an inspiration to someone in a similar situation. -
This song is about a love of 2 people that was so strong that it will never change for them at all, even though they are not in each others lives. A love that pierced the heart and continues to penetrate deeper and deeper with every new day. To have a "special friend" in your life and lose him hurts more than anyone can know. Not sure if its better to have found your one and lose him or to have never experienced it at all...thats why we want to lay there and forget about the world and forever live in the garden that's burst into life every time we were together. All I know is that all that I am, all that I ever was is here in your perfect eyes-there all I see every minute of the day. I wish I could tell my special friend so many things like how much I miss him, miss talking and laughing with him, miss his smile and wink everyday. I wish I knew if he was happy(he once told me as long as you can find happiness and make happy memories, it will be ok). I hope he found the love he was longing for and it makes him happy and alive again. I once gave him the key to my heart to keep in a safe place. I don't know if he still holds onto it or has tossed it away, but I want to remind him that he holds the only key and he is the only one who can unlock it if he ever desires to do so because these things will never change for us at all. j:)
This song is about a love of 2 people that was so strong that it will never change for them at all, even though they are not in each others lives. A love that pierced the heart and continues to penetrate deeper and deeper with every new day. To have a "special friend" in your life and lose him hurts more than anyone can know. Not sure if its better to have found your one and lose him or to have never experienced it at all...thats why we want to lay there and forget about the world and forever live in the garden that's burst into life every time we were together. All I know is that all that I am, all that I ever was is here in your perfect eyes-there all I see every minute of the day. I wish I could tell my special friend so many things like how much I miss him, miss talking and laughing with him, miss his smile and wink everyday. I wish I knew if he was happy(he once told me as long as you can find happiness and make happy memories, it will be ok). I hope he found the love he was longing for and it makes him happy and alive again. I once gave him the key to my heart to keep in a safe place. I don't know if he still holds onto it or has tossed it away, but I want to remind him that he holds the only key and he is the only one who can unlock it if he ever desires to do so because these things will never change for us at all. j:)
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