What do you think Dear Agony means?

Breaking Benjamin - Dear Agony Meaning

Tagged: Cutting [suggest]
Album cover for Dear Agony album cover

Dear Agony Lyrics

I have nothing left to give
I have found the perfect end
You were made to make it hurt
Disappear into the dirt
Carry me to heaven's arms
Light the way and let me go
Take the time to take my breath
I will end where I began

And I will...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Jul 16th 2012 !⃝

    This song means so much to me. I break out into tears whenever I hear it. How I interpret this song is suicide.
    Basically the first chorus is him admitting that he has given up on fighting his depression an will to live. When it says "you are made to make this hurt disappear into the dirt. Carry me to heavens arms light the way and let me go", he wishes that it would die, but he kills it by killing himself -light the way and let me go. Once he gets to heaven he no longer wants to be tormented by the pain he feels. The bridge just states how the pain he feels is internal and he will get rid of it.
    The chorus is just begging the pain to go away and basically for it to die.
    The next verse is him regaining his strength and tryin to fight it of. The extra lines in the chorus "don't bury me , faceless enemy. I'm so sorry, is this the way it's gotta be?" he is again asking the pain to not torment him. He addresses it as Faceless Enemy, he doesnt know what it looks like because he has yet to find it beneath his skin.
    The next verse is him describing that he is finished with dealing with the pain. "love pull me down hate lift me up. " He can't love the pain because it will drag him in deeper so he opts to hate it. "just turn around, theres nothing there.". He is the pain itself. No one but him is causing himself the agony.
    This is my favorite line "somewhere far beyond this earth I feel nothing anymore" he killed himself. Basically the agony won and so to extinguish it he gave into it. But since he did kill himself, he also killed the pain so he is basically at peace with it. He no longer feels the pain.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Sep 6th 2010 !⃝

    This song is told from the perspective of someone who wants to die. "dear agony" basically means hello death. The chorus was very simple for me to figure out. "I have found the enemy within' he is saying that he feels th pain of death and that he can feel it "underneath my skin". "dear agony just let go of me, suffer slowly, is this the way it's gotta be" he is saying that he wants to end the pain and to be let go because he is slowly suffering and he is saying is this the way it's gotta be like do I really have to die. I should also mention that a more specific perspective is someone who is dying of cancer of something and want the plug to be pulled if you know what I mean


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 25th 2011 !⃝

    I see the song as being about constant pain- most likely emotional pain that eventually drives him to suicide or perhaps a chronic illness.

    'I have nothing left to give
    I have found the perfect end
    You were made to make it hurt
    Disappear into the dirt'
    I see this as something internal that he has fought for a long time, and it has not been an easy battle. He is worn down, exhausted from fighting against it ("I have n

  4. anonymous
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    Feb 18th 2023 !⃝

    It's most assuredly about chronic pain and illness that Ben the lead singer was going through at the time and still is to this day. I didn't relate to this until I became much older and have been diagnosed with a chronic illness that brings a lot of pain with it.

  5. anonymous
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    Dec 9th 2022 !⃝

    I interpret this song as being someone that has lost their TwinFlame Soulmate. The devastation that something like that bring is completely apparent in this song. The loss so heavy and the pain crawling under your skin and feeling like it will never end and just wanting to die so that you can go on and perhaps join them in the afterlife.

  6. anonymous
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    Aug 15th 2021 !⃝

    The song is about Ben Burnley's battle with his illness (Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome) and is the first album he has written while sober.

    I have nothing left to give (he has done all he can)
    I have found the perfect end (he has found a way out)
    You were made to make it hurt (his illness makes him suffer)
    Disappear into the dirt
    Carry me to heaven's arms
    Light the way and let me go
    Take the time to take my breath
    I will end where I began (he is basically saying he doesn't want to go through his pain anymore, just let him go to heaven)

    And I will find the enemy within
    'Cause I can feel it crawl beneath my skin (in an interview, he said he can always 'feel' his illness inside)

    Dear agony
    Just let go of me
    Suffer slowly
    Is this the way it's got to be?
    Dear agony (He is asking his illness to stop torturing him and asking why)

    Suddenly, the lights go out
    (His illness can cause blackouts)
    Let forever drag me down (which seem like an eternity)
    I will fight for one last breath
    I will fight until the end
    (He will fight for his life) ((this is his first album he wrote while sober))

    And I will find the enemy within
    'Cause I can feel it crawl beneath my skin
    Dear agony
    Just let go of me
    Suffer slowly
    Is this the way it's got to be?
    Don't bury me
    Faceless enemy
    I'm so sorry
    Is this the way it's gotta be?
    Dear agony
    (He is pleading with his illness to let go)

    Leave me alone
    God let me go
    I'm blue and cold
    Black sky will burn
    Love pull me down
    Hate lift me up
    Just turn around
    There's nothing left
    Somewhere far beyond this world
    I feel nothing anymore
    Dear agony
    Just let go of me
    Suffer slowly
    Is this the way it's got to be?
    Don't bury me
    Faceless enemy
    I'm so sorry
    Is this the way it's gotta be?
    Dear agony
    I feel nothing anymore

    (Imo, the last chorus is open to interpretation. It sounds as if his illness has overtaken him or he is thinking of committing suicide or trying to decide whether to stay alive or just give up with 'love' keeping him down to earth while 'hate' lifts him up 'far beyond this world' where he no longer feels pain.

    The last line of the song implies he died

  7. anonymous
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    Mar 17th 2019 !⃝

    To me this song about fighting your inner demons and struggles. Some part of it makes me think the guy is in a deep depression over a girl but maybe it's just how I relate to it when I hear it

    I have nothing left to give (I can't give you anymore of me because there's nothing left of me to give to you)
    I have found the perfect end (our ending)
    You were made to make it hurt (All the hurt I feel is my driving force but I sometimes feel like that was your only purpose; for me to be hurt by you)
    Disappear into the dirt (you're gone now)
    Carry me to heaven's arms
    Light the way and let me go
    Take the time to take my breath (You made me a better man and took my breath away)
    I will end where I began (After our break up I will live my life without you and have to start over back where I began before you)
    And I will find the enemy within 'Cause I can feel it crawl beneath my skin (The enemy within is myself. I mess things up)
    Dear Agony Just let go of me (I wish all this pain I feel wasn't there)
    Suffer slowly (I feel like I'm dying)
    Is this the way it's got to be? Dear Agony (Does it really have to be like this?)
    Suddenly The lights go out Let forever Drag me down
    I will fight for one last breath (I'm trying my best through this battle of depression)
    I will fight until the end (I won't give up)
    And I will find the enemy within 'Cause I can feel it crawl beneath my skin
    Dear Agony Just let go of me Suffer slowly Is this the way it's got to be? (More pleading with self and not wanting to feel the depression)
    Don't bury me Faceless enemy I'm so sorry (I'm sorry for the wrong I've done)
    Is this the way it's gotta be? Dear Agony
    Leave me alone
    God let me go (I wish I wasn't here)
    I'm blue and cold (Depression)
    Black sky will burn
    Love pull me down
    Hate lift me up (If I can start hating you I know I can overcome the hurt)
    Just turn around
    There's nothing left (There's nothing left of me)
    Somewhere far beyond this world (the afterlife)
    I feel nothing anymore

    It describes a bad breakup and the agony that weighs you down. Amazing how relatable it is.

  8. anonymous
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    Apr 19th 2018 !⃝

    The way I interpret this song is a meth or heroin needle addiction... Its hell.. The needle crawls under the skin.. Its a hell he can't escape

  9. anonymous
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    Aug 5th 2014 !⃝

    Quite frankly, I think it's most likely about just being sad and depressed, or (the one I'm angling towards) dying a slow, painful death and at first a fear of passing on, then a relief the pain will end soon. I'm honestly surprised no one suggested that. I mean, there are a few parts in the lyrics that suggest the prior, but it's mostly stuff that sounds like "okay, I get it; I'm dying; can you please end it and make me stop suffering?" This song was really emotional for me, and I've only listened to the real version once. (I'm a big fan of acoustic B.B. Songs)

  10. anonymous
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    Nov 9th 2013 !⃝

    I always interpreted the song as being about alcohol addiction. Either would fit, but "crawl beneath my skin" and "faceless enemy" seem to be a reference to a symptom of a heavy addiction and a hatred of the addiction respectively. Brunley was addicted to alcohol, and supposedly this was the first album that he wrote while sober.

  11. anonymous
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    Jun 21st 2013 !⃝

    The way I related to the song is how you're trying to let go of someone, but internally you're fighting yourself because missing someone or being attached to someone who is no longer there brings a lot of agony. When he talks about agony as if it were a person it's almost a poetic way of generalizing all the past loves that were probably hard to let go. In my mind, I miss a girl who seems to not let me go even though she isn't there. So it's probably agony embracing me.

  12. anonymous
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    Jul 8th 2012 !⃝

    I'm guessing that this song is Ben talking about his illness in this song.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  13. anonymous
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    May 11th 2012 !⃝

    what I get from this song is different from others. If some one tells you to listen to this song and they tell you that is how they fell every day you take it different. when I first listened to this song I thought it was just a guy that just wants to die cause he just doesn't want to fight any more, but if you listen to it more carefully you get some thing out of this song. you get that he has been though alot of crap in his life and he just wants it to stop. and went he finds someone that he can trust they lie to him when he throught he could trust them. And now he fells even worse about life and he just wants it to end. As i told u before when you have a friend that you love and u lie to them and they tell you to listen to this song you fell that it is all your fault.

  14. anonymous
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    Feb 7th 2012 !⃝

    In my opinion:

    This song can be about death, suicide, and so many other things, but the way I related to it was a little different. Whenever I'm in a bad mood I'd listen to their songs, and Dear Agony had a different impact on me. This song is about slowly losing hope in a relationship or a bond or friendship that you already know is goin' down the drain. The person knows he should let go, but he can't do it 'cause it's hard and he probably doesn't want to let go, which is why it hurts him so bad. Hence "Dear Agony, just let go of me."

  15. anonymous
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    Jan 20th 2012 !⃝

    It is about depression. It is about being depressed for so long that depression and the agony that comes with it is almost a sanctuary even though it tortures you. It's like... being in love with agony even though it's killing you.

    But then you have these times when you decided that it is not right. "I will find the enemy within 'cos I can feel it crawl beneath my skin", the depression is in your skin but it is also the enemy but how can you destroy something that is part of you without killing your self in the process? It is about destroyed a part of yourself that was born during your depression in order to get rid of it no matter how good agony may feel sometimes.

  16. anonymous
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    Nov 17th 2011 !⃝

    I think I know almost exactly what this song is talking about- the singer is suffering from some internal or emotional pain, like depression. I'm not sure what the first verse means, but beyond that, I think I've figured it out.

    And I will find the enemy within
    Because I can feel it crawl beneath my skin
    (this hints at the internal pain)

    Dear Agony
    Just let go of me
    Suffer slowly
    Is this the way it's got to be?
    Dear Agony
    (pretty self-explanatory)

    Dear Agony
    Just let go of me
    Suffer slowly
    Is this the way it's got to be?
    Don't bury me (the singer feels like he's being weighted down with emotions and sadness)
    Faceless enemy
    I'm so sorry (when you're depressed, it's so easy to remember all the mistakes you've ever made)
    Is this the way it's gotta be?
    Dear Agony

    The lights go out (the singer is experiencing it off and on, and this is one of the times when it's really hard to fight it)
    Let forever
    Drag me down
    I will fight for one last breath
    I will fight until the end (yet the singer continues to fight)

    And I will find the enemy within
    Because I can feel it crawl beneath my skin

    Dear Agony
    Just let go of me
    Suffer slowly
    Is this the way it's got to be?
    Don't bury me
    Faceless enemy
    I'm so sorry
    Is this the way it's gotta be?
    Dear Agony

    Leave me alone
    God let me go (the singer prays for it to stop)
    I'm blue and cold
    Black sky will burn (feels like their world is ending)
    Love pull me down
    Hate lift me up (there's a huge mix of emotions)
    Just turn around
    There's nothing left (the singer tries to go back to how it was before, but can't)

    Somewhere far beyond this world
    I feel nothing anymore (contemplates suicide)

    Dear Agony
    Just let go of me
    Suffer slowly
    Is this the way it's got to be?
    Don't bury me
    Faceless enemy
    I'm so sorry
    Is this the way it's gotta be?
    Dear Agony

    I feel nothing anymore (this is where YOU get to decide whether the singer triumphed or committed suicide)

    Feel free to oppose my opinion of this song's meaning. I'm putting down what I think based on my experiences.

  17. anonymous
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    Sep 3rd 2011 !⃝

    This is about the agony ben has to carry of losing his grandad and in the process of losing his sick girlfriend AS WELL as becoming very ill himself (poor guy) hes talking to agony as if it were a person because its so strong, and at the end of the song he sings that because of the agonissing omotions he feels nothing now.

  18. anonymous
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    Aug 3rd 2011 !⃝

    The song is about ben burley's girlfriend dying. For example in phobia, the faceless man represents death itself. In fact if you watch the video for give me a sign by breaking benjamin here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlggkh9kucq
    it is what seems to be a short, summary of at least the last 2 albums.

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