What do you think Fix You means?

Coldplay - Fix You Meaning

Album cover for Fix You album cover

Song Released: 2005

Fix You Lyrics

Fix You

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose...

  1. anonymous
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    Mar 14th 2010 !⃝

    Fix You always reminds me of my dear friend who passed away from Leukemia. Even with all the money in the world...we couldn't fix him. We tried, but we couldn't. I dedicated a dance to Fix You to my friend. This song is like therapy to me...it says everything that I wasn't able to tell him before he left. Every time I hear the song, I cry. I couldn't fix him. But then I remember that he wasn't supposed to be fixed. There was a reason why he had leukemia, and although he didn't know when he was down here with us, he now has talked to God about it. To me, he was the only one that could've handled it the way he did. He made a difference. He had over a thousand people sign up for Be The Match-Bone Marrow so no one had to go without a match like he did. And although I cry every time I think about him, I celebrate him leaving. He isn't hurting anymore. I can't wait to see him again.

  2. LRSReaper
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    Mar 12th 2010 !⃝

    I first heard this song on Scrubs and it reminds me of my father who died last October. It reminds me of the rainy funeral in a small town New York cemetary under a tree. I remembered this song after and it is an exceptional song although the singer looks like a jackass.

  3. LRSReaper
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    Mar 12th 2010 !⃝

    I first heard this song on Scrubs and it reminds me of my father who died last October. It reminds me of the rainy funeral in a small town New York cemetary under a tree. I remembered this song after and it is an exceptional song although the singer looks like a jackass.

  4. brandtaylor93
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    Feb 8th 2010 !⃝

    it is about Gwen's fathers death. but to me it's about guiding me away from a friend that I loved, but she does feel that back, and Aviation is my dream and this song to me and me personally, is about my goal to be a pilot, the lights will guide me home. well obviously to me that means seeing the runway and touching a bird down. doing the research and the tracking on the subject matter to see the planes take off from the airport by my house. is the only time I don't feel the pain, I know that to be in the captains chair is my destiny.

    this is a song that has a broad range of meaning to different people, it's really a song of hope.

  5. want2helpu
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    Jan 14th 2010 !⃝

    I can also relate to this song. This is a song that can make you sad and bring you joy. We all have sad times, it's a given. And then who can give you but the greatest joy. Is Jesus Christ the Savior. He can Fix You if you let Him.
    The sad thing is... As it is written,There is none righteous, no, not one. Romans 3:10 For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.Romans 3:23 That means we have no communication with Him... But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you,that He will not hear you. Isaiah 59:2 For the wages (payment) of sin is death. Romans 6:23a...and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:14 But the Good news is...But God commendeth (proved) His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ (Jesus) died for us. Romans 5:8 When Jesus died on the cross, He paid for our sins. We do not have to pay. Jesus became our substitute. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23b That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9-10 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13
    That if you believe (trust)depend on Jesus, you accept that you are a sinner; you owe the debt. But Jesus shed blood paid the price for YOU. And here is the Easter Story, that he died and rose again for you and me. And is in Heaven, waiting for those who believed in what He did for them and one day we will join Him to live eternally in Heaven. Praise God! This song is what goes on in life, the ups and downs. But if we believe in Jesus, trust Him. There is no other way to Heaven. You cannot go to Heaven just by going around and fixing others.. being good or because you stood by someone when they were down. Even though that is good. I would appreciate a friend like that. It's all about what Jesus did for us. I hope you will accept Jesus in your life, do not wait. Never know if you would be in a building during an earthquake and maybe you're one who does not get found. Be ready! Once you have accepted Jesus as your Savior.. find yourself a KJV independance fundamental Bible believing church.. And get into God's word and grow.. God Bless your hearts

  6. xxbabiphat92xx
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    Jan 13th 2010 !⃝

    Sure every single person can relate to this song differently, even if the true reason for its meaning is the loss of gweneths father. The key word to me is loss, i can relate because of a relationship i was in...the pointe is to start new and move on in life, and if you have someone there who will "fix you" be greatful for their existence.

  7. anonymous
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    Aug 31st 2009 !⃝

    i was at camp and this song was interpereted as one of the first campers ever dieing. he was kayaking and got stuck under a rock and drowned. but they play this song about him. and its amazing on acoustic guitar. but its really about how the coldpay dudes lover's dad died and what not

  8. anonymous
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    Aug 30th 2009 !⃝

    All my life I've struggled with the right and the wrong. How depending on the situation it always changes. Whose side will you pick? Is forgiving like half-picking a side? And then there's the one man's garbage is another man's food analogy. So my all my life I wonder and ask what's the point? And I think this is what it means to be "stuck in reverse." So, when I hear about the lights guiding me it can be in every shiny fraction of light or when I finally die. And that it's god who will fix me, that is, unstuck me in reverse. I'm actually quite a happy person on the outside. Forgiving, listening, pursue efforts with "above average" efforts which end up getting me fired (playing pokemon on the job so I can trade with my campers). I pass so many people everyday and because they're so similar and different, significant and insignificant at the same time, I wonder if I should save them or kill them. Of course I refrain from the latter but not everyone does :-(

  9. saratie
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    Aug 25th 2009 !⃝

    Maybe he wrote the song for his wife, but I think the song has many interpretations. I think it is for anyone who has lost something and always has someone there to pick them up when they need it. I lost my little sister, and for me, it gives me hope that I DO have family and loved ones that are there whenever I need them. It gets to me every time I hear it. It makes me quit feeling sorry for myself and realize that I do have loved ones to turn to, and in turn, need me also. I cried just reading all of the comments.

  10. anonymous
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    Aug 16th 2009 !⃝

    My dad just passed away suddenly and I find myself unable to cope with the loss. I've listened to this song over and over and I can totally see why he wrote it...although I cry everytime I hear it, it is somewhat comforting to me!

  11. anonymous
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    Jul 22nd 2009 !⃝

    I think this song is to tell you that no matter what he will be there for you throw any thing that he will help you when you are sad he will hold you no matter what and it to me seems like that it's about someone that loves another and is scarede that they are going to loss them and never be able to find someone else like them that you will now that he is the one if you are gided to go back to him and you don't want to loss him no matter what problems come your way

  12. anomalicious
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    Jul 9th 2009 !⃝

    I thought it's about loving someone who is so weak to love you back and the only thing you want to do is fix him.

  13. anonymous
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    Jun 19th 2009 !⃝

    i think the song is about a realsioship where one person of the couple is having a rough time like drug addiction or maybe just a bad day at work.its saying that the one person will always be there for you.no matter what theyw ill always try to help you

  14. Soupy81089
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    May 30th 2009 !⃝

    This past winter my father left my mother. There was no talk about a divorce he just needed a break. He lived at a friends house. One night he unexpectedly tried to commit suicide but failed because a group of teenagers found the car he was in and called the cops just in time. He needed to get the carbon monoxide taken out of him immediately, he was in intensive care at the ER.
    "When you try yout best but you don't succeeed" ( My father feeling like he is doing his best to be happy but feeling depressed)
    "When you feel so tired but you can't sleep" (Hes an oil truck deliverer and works all overtime in the winter, hes tired)
    "Tears stream down your face" (his depression and emptiness)
    "I promise you will learn from my mistakes" (God giving my father a second chance.)
    "Lights will guide you home" ( the light of life, and the street lights he passes by to go home)
    "And I (God) will ignite your bones" (bringing my father back to life)
    "Will try to fix you" ( having God give my father a whole different aspect on life and make him realize how much he is needed, loved, and cared for and without him it wouldnt work... he just needed to be fixed

  15. anonymous
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    May 26th 2009 !⃝

    As someone said, there are so many interpretations to this song and that's how it is with poetry/songwriting. One can identify on so many different levels.
    My take on this song however, is relationship-wise. The relationship I'm in is not all that I hoped it would be. It's so one sided and it's as if I'm trying to make things work and my boyfriend doesn't seem to care if it does or not. Hearing this song did bring tears to my eyes because I'm identifying on a level where the verses are what I'm feeling, the heartache I'm going through and the chorus is like me telling him that the 'lights' maybe memories or some revelation would guide him back to me and that I would try to fix him.... although I know that you can't change anyone unless they themselves want to change.

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