What do you think Hotel California means?

Eagles - Hotel California Meaning

Album cover for Hotel California album cover

Song Released: 1977

Hotel California Lyrics

On a dark desert highway
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance
I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy, and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the...

  1. anonymous
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    Sep 20th 2010 !⃝

    the original song never came out. It is said to be satnic. Now this song, these lyrics dont mean anything. theyr words which can mean a whole range of things. But what the writer wanted to mean one can never know.
    Lines like "Stabbed them with the steely knives but just cant kill the best" and then you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave" "his could be heaven and this could be hell" are suggestive of"please bring me my wine" is supposed to be "please bring me my wife" and people who no alcohol no that wine is not a spirit, is it?? its a fermented drink.

  2. anonymous
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    Aug 13th 2010 !⃝

    You retards.




  3. anonymous
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    Jul 27th 2010 !⃝

    About prisoners being trapped in hotels and crazy people wont let them leave, even though they try.

  4. anonymous
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    Jul 10th 2010 !⃝

    I'd always heard that the song was about the 1960's hippie era being over and the people in the hotel were trying to live in the past.

  5. anonymous
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    Jun 21st 2010 !⃝

    I have never read so much dribble, Hotel california, is the whole state of cal. the seen man, the way life was being lived in hate-ashbury frisco,area, the whole hippy movement,The reason you could never leave is because, after you had your fun and went back home so much happened to you out there it changed your life forever(plenty of room at hotel Cal.) the whole state.

  6. bagel
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    Jun 3rd 2010 !⃝

    Thought this can only be a very general interpretation, I believe a Napoleonic union exalts infidelity and closure in the earth as primary elements. Before her marriage binding tryst with the French commander, the Caribbean party princess embodied every scared creed of excess and mystique. The "mission bell" might symbolize a union of traditional wedlock and let possibility exist in the division of the practical and the passionate. Phone books are universal confessors to the enterprise of prostitution and every escort who's left behind the pipe is left with the aesthetic luxuries to contemplate or capitalize on. Anyway, gambling on a lady's intentions might be the troubled kingdome of a traveler whose gonads and catecholamines suffer from curiosity. A marginally dangerous judge may exist in the grace of a lady whose fortunes are well calculated, opportunistic and hopeful. "Her mind is Tiffany twisted, she got the Mercedes Bends. This is a clever if not spiteful diagnosis of wealth and the illness associated with new horizons. Of bound and hungry beginnings , the wild suitor's muse might quiickly claim the lion's assets' and rising to the gasping breath of resurrected life, fall into the suviving 90% of liberty's children. Whether the coin free Mercedes or complementary free radicals are benign seems like just a question of nature. The "pretty, pretty boy's" though seemingly the pawns of a woman seeking closure are eventually granted a certain locust like significance. When Don Henley wrote "Boy's of Summer" they seemed like greek archetypes on the run, daunted only by the necessity of leaving no trace. This might have been a considerable concern for Napoleon, who upon discovery of his bride's adultery, forgave her with the heart and drive of the guided reckless adulterer. The California state flag empowers an enormous brown bear to watch over this land of forgiven liberties and ill-speaking eternal commitments. The Judas change seems to exist for the cautious infidel content to let an accountant, a few "friendly" motherfuckers and possibly a syphilis ridden thousand year sentence behind.

  7. LeesburgFLAtheist
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    May 29th 2010 !⃝

    First off, before I start with my interpretation. I would like to say this. All you christians with your hell and satan interpretations need to quit! The Eagles were not singing about hell and satan and sin, that's just what it means to you. You see what you want to see in those lyrics.

    I would agree with most others that.It seems to be mostly talking about the music industry and material possessions, the wild party atmosphere lifestyle in California,long lost is the innocense of the peace and free loving 60's generation gone forever,thus, we haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

    It also seems to be making refrences to drug addiction as well,then she lit up a candle,she was not literally lighting up an actual candle, come on. In the music industry it almost always goes from mild drugs into usuing much harder drugs, all part of that insane lifestyle/world, when you sign a contract with a record label. You have basically signed your life away.

    You have to spend a lot of time on the road constantly touring and this often leads to many musicians needing something to get them going before the show, uppers, coke, whatever, then afterwards a downer so they can get some sleep before they have to do it all over again and again and again.

    At first the whole rock star image seems so glamorous and alluring and it seems like it's all nothing , but partying and having lots of money, material, paradise and fun.

    However it's also a very destructive lifestyle and eventually tiresome having to spend the majority of your days on a tour bus and being around the same people all day and night everyday and having to keep playing the same songs over and over.

    This is why so many bands wind up breaking up. When you're around the same people all the time because the record label you signed your life away to says so. All part of the contract. Anyway, when you're constantly around the same people on a tour bus day in day out. It gets old real quick.

    As big and fancy as those busses may seem, it gets small when you're basically living on that bus having to go from town to town with the same people. You wind up having disagreements and fights. You realize being a famous rock star is not all it's hacked up to be. It actually does have just as many cons as it does pros.Once you get so caught up in that insane lifestyle with all, the drugs, partying, etc.

    It's really hard to leave that insane lifestyle alone, thus you can check out anytime you like,( you can quit the show biz, but trying to quit the lifestyle that goes with it is another story ), but you can never leave. Even when you know it's all becomming self destructive ( all the hard partying, touring, etc ), but you just can't ever seem to get away from it once you go down that road.

    Really though this song can take on more then one meaning. The question is. What does it mean to you???

    I just hate the christians comming on here trying to preach their religious dogma and tell you that the song is all about hell and satan and that if you " SIN" and don't repent to their jesus this is where you go. Reading the christian comments pn here, reminds me of when the christians went around telling everyone that all rock music was satanic. They were trying to find hidden satanic meanings that arent really there. They just read into it and saw what they wanted to see.

    If that's what it means to you fine, but please keep that stupid B.S. To yourselves. I that's NOT what the band ment by the song. The Eagles were NOT a christian rock band anymore then they are a satanic band, they're were just a talented great rock band.

  8. redgirl
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    May 17th 2010 !⃝

    Hotel Catalina in Acapulco. This is where Leary, Alpert and others stayed after being kicked out of Harvard. Lattin hints at this in The Harvard Psychedelic Club, chapter Trouble in Paradise. People from all over came to drop acid (LSD) and explore. One can never leave the new state of consciousness. The intitial beautiful spirit was lost by 1969 with Altamont etc. There are other specific references which Eagles have acknowledged such as steely to Steely Dan. But viewed from this primary reference, everything falls into place.

    And, with this consideration, it is great that LSD made it to a hit song without people freaking about it and censoring it, though the backlash had cooled when they recorded and distributed it.

  9. anonymous
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    May 8th 2010 !⃝

    Look, people will interpret this song in a million different ways, whether it be rehab, divorce, or even purgatory. The writer had his own image in mind which actually was materialism and excess such as the underbelly of L.A. make it what you want it because this is a truely powerful song and has spoke to may people through the option of multiple interpretations. Just listen and enjoy.

  10. minniemouse
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    Apr 15th 2010 !⃝

    I think all the interpretations posted are considerable.

    We don't know what exact idea the song writer is trying to convey, since it can be interpreted into different meanings. But whatever it is, we just know that this song is SATANIC

    This is the Illuminati, Freemasonry that lies behind Hollywood and the music industry.


    In Masonry, every thing has a DOUBLE MEANING. Thus, the candidate is practicing occultism throughout his degrees without knowing it. False interpretations are given to keep him from suspecting the institution to be anything less than noble and upright in purpose.

    This deception, this false interpretation is called allegory. Allegory is defined as; something where the language is one thing and the meaning is another.


  11. anonymous
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    Apr 9th 2010 !⃝

    When i asked someone what it was about, they said it was about a crazy person in a place for crazy people. When i read the first one about Hell, i thought it fit better than the crazy people thing.

  12. anonymous
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    Mar 9th 2010 !⃝

    This song is clearly about recovering from a drug addiction and how you can try to quit but you are never really able, hence, "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave." And dancing is a euphemism for taking the drug, hence,"Some dance to remember, some dance to forget." Its beautifully hidden in the words of the song, but when you look at them closely it's easy to see.

  13. anonymous
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    Jan 21st 2010 !⃝

    This song is not literally about California, although it was written after the Eagles went there. It's not about hell, it's not about a certain hotel, or place for that matter. It's about deceit, addiction, & sin (lust). I don't mean to sound like a holy roller

    "warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air"
    colitas is spanish, it means small bud/flower
    if you're Mexican like me, you know its slang for marijuana

    "my head grew heavy, and the light grew dim, I had to stop for the night"
    when your in a weak state or feel over whelmed, any road but the road your on looks appealing

    "I heard the mission bells"
    he felt like this was his savior

    "and I was thinking to myself, this could heaven or this could be hell"
    theres something disturbing about this amazingly perfect place. (deception)

    "Her mind is Tiffany twisted, She's got the Mercedes bends"
    she's deceitful & fallen for this vision of "amazement" because of the addiction

    "She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys,That she calls friends"
    obviously about sex, lust, casual sex

    How they dance in the courtyard, Sweet summer sweat, Some dance to remember,Some dance to forget"
    some dance to remember this fun part of the high, their at the climax of the high, this is the only part of the addiction worth remembering. Some dance to forget, forget that they are a slave to drugs and sex, forget their addiction

    "So I called up the Captain, Please bring me my wine, He said, We haven't had that spirit here since 1969"
    okay now this part is tricky & has many different meanings, to me it translates to mean that he still doesn't see the lie in this vision, he calmly calls the captin for wine & the captin laughs at his innocence, lack of knowledge , pretty much still the new guy

    And still those voices are calling from far away
    Wake you up in the middle of the night
    Just to hear them say

    "Welcome to the Hotel California
    Such a lovely Place
    Such a lovely Place (background)
    Such a lovely face
    They're livin' it up at the Hotel California
    What a nice surprise
    What a nice surprise (background)
    Bring your alibis "
    he's fallen into the addiction.in his high he hears what they have said, over over in his head but at this point he knows it is lies

    "Mirrors on the ceiling
    Pink champagne on ice
    And she said
    We are all just prisoners here
    Of our own device "
    seeing his own reflection I believe shows him there is no heaven only "hotel California" because when he looks up he sees no god only himself. The last two lines she talks about their addiction, whatever it may be, money, drugs, sex, power.

    "And in the master's chambers
    They gathered for the feast
    They stab it with their steely knives
    But they just can't kill the beast "

    they face there addicition (smoke crack, have an orgy, bathe in money) trying to feed their need for it but they can't get enough

    "Last thing I remember
    I was running for the door
    I had to find the passage back to the place I was before"
    he wants to leave his addiction, he's coming off of his high, he wants to be sober, live the life he lead before

    "Relax said the nightman
    We are programed to recieve
    you can check out any time you like
    But you can never leave"
    The addiction doesn't care that you leave, knowing you will come back, you can't escape it

  14. anonymous
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    Dec 13th 2009 !⃝

    It is a perfect piece of poetry. As my English teacher said, even the author can not truly know what it all fully means.
    Anyone who has ever written poetry knows that it is almost subliminal, even to the author.

    I think you are all right.. it is the sense of being caught in the grips..of..

  15. anonymous
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    Dec 9th 2009 !⃝

    I believe the Hotel California is about hell and what will happen to you if you listen to it. Like one post said, Anton Lavay's picture is on their album (Satan worshiper). It just happen to get there, yea right, the eagles wanted it there. Lavay was a devil worshiper and the eagles know it. Someone on here said Don Henley said it really wasn't about anything, do you really think he`s gonna tell you what the real meaning of the song is? No he's not, he's just glad that you can't figure it out..

    Satan tells nobody how his schemes work. Every time I'm in a store or restaurant and that song is playing I cover my ears or leave, I don`t listen to anything they sing, or the Beatles, the Stones and Elton John, all of these people are homosexual.....and if you don`t know what the BIBLE says about homosexuality, look it up, your eternal destiny hinges on it. One verse says, if a man lies with another man as like with a woman, both shall surely be put to death, and there are more verses about it, look it up...........by the way i`m not saying any of the Eagles are homosexuals, because I don`t know, I was just stating some that I know are.

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