What does How to Love mean?

Lil Wayne: How to Love Meaning

Tagged: Sex [suggest]
Album cover for How to Love album cover

How to Love Lyrics

Cut the music up
A little louder
You had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love

You had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it...

  1. anonymous
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    Sep 19th 2011 !⃝

    In the video it is clear that its rape stripping and aids its about being able to love ur self and realize ur true worth even through everything this person has gone through they are beautiful

  2. anonymous
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    Sep 16th 2011 !⃝

    I think it's basically talking about the decisions that one girl made in life (keeping the baby of her abusive lover) and then bringing up that child in the broken family environment. As the child grows up, she has no positive male influences, she is raped by her step father, she becomes a stripper, gets HIV etc.

    Then it talks about what could have happened if that girl was brought up in a happy, secure family environment with parents that she can trust and love. She goes to university, and is shown as being much happier and more confident because of the circumstances of her upbringing.

  3. anonymous
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    Sep 14th 2011 !⃝

    The Chris Robinson-directed clip tells the story of an abused mother, who unintentionally leads her daughter to relive her own vicious cycle. “I have a daughter, Wayne has a daughter, and he really wanted to tell the story,” Robinson told MTV News.

    “We were talking about statistics of abuse in our community. We were talking about really telling this story for every young woman in the world.”

    The video follows a mother who is beaten by her boyfriend all in front of the little eyes of her baby daughter. As the girl grows up, she visits her father in prison and as a young lady is molested by one of her mother’s lovers.

    From there, the girl grows a little older to become a stripper and eventually a prostitute who contracts HIV.

  4. anonymous
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    Sep 13th 2011 !⃝

    omg! why dont yall watch the music video... maybe yall will actually know what the song means then... just sayin.

  5. anonymous
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    Sep 10th 2011 !⃝

    guys.... its about 2 options..
    the mother almost got an abortion because her boyfriend is abusive. but decided against it. therefore the baby had to grow up without a dad because he was in jail. so she never had a great male roll model. she didnt trust them. and since she has a bad family background aside from her mom, she had to strip in order to survive. she was ashaimed but it paid the bill. she ends up with HIV. but if her parents would have gotten married, she would learn to trust men and end up getting pregnant. hence the rewind part. basically thepoint is to think more of yourself.

  6. Kylie Burrows
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    Sep 8th 2011 !⃝

    When I went to his concert he told the audience that he made it because guys usually don't appreciate women but he thinks women are the greatest creation god made he wanted to tell the word he respects women and without women this planet wouldn't be turning.

  7. Kylie Burrows
    click a star to vote
    Sep 8th 2011 !⃝

    When I went to his concert he told the audience that he made it because guys usually don't appreciate women but he thinks women are the greatest creation god made he wanted to tell the word he respects women and without women this planet wouldn't be turning.

  8. anonymous
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    Sep 6th 2011 !⃝

    it is about a girl who started off as a baby and she growed up as a teen and then she was grown and groweg up to be the stripper asthe wrong thing in her life................

  9. anonymous
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    Sep 6th 2011 !⃝

    I PERSONALLY think this song is about how the daughter grows up and sees a bunch of dysfunctional relationships in her moms life & it messes her up in the head so she doesn't see the value of love. who knows. this video has a bunch of confusing parts, i feel sometimes it's about the daughter then other times the mom....because they show the daughter grow up...confusing as hell...i want lil Wayne to tell me what this songs about ..no biased opinions.

  10. anonymous
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    Sep 4th 2011 !⃝

    That if you now to love you wont end up a stripper and with h.i.v

    when you know how to love you can achieve very great thing in life

  11. anonymous
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    Sep 4th 2011 !⃝

    I think Lil Wayne is talking about his ex Toya in some parts, because he broke her heart, she got pregnant and had Reginae at 15 yrs old. He was in jail for a bit of her life and stuff and in the end she got married the other day the Mephitz. I don't know but thats my opinion on the song! If u haven't a clue what I am on about its called Toya or Toya and Tiny or the girl from Escape (Toya)! Tya Carter and isn't that what his album is called Carter 4?? :P

  12. anonymous
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    Sep 3rd 2011 !⃝

    This song is about his daughter and some of the troubles she's been (drugs) some of the bad relations ships with (one with a bartender) and jobs she had (she was a stripper) it also talks about how her looks were so cute as a youngin. His daughter was his first born and the child he is most proctive with. he says his three sons know how to handle them selfs. He keeps his daughter very close and under strict watching.

  13. anonymous
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    Sep 2nd 2011 !⃝

    Lil wayne is saying to all the girls tat you are beautiful but tis girls doesnt know how to love cuz in the past alot of guys broke her heart now she is a stripper and bartender cuz she doesnt know how to love so lil wayne tryin to tell her she beautiful.

  14. anonymous
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    Sep 1st 2011 !⃝

    the video is about a young mum who never had love with someone and therefore couldn't teach her children the meaning of love as she didn't understand, the child growing up had no confidence or loveable interaction with men expect sexually but at the end of the video it shows what would of happen if the mum did know how to love and could show it too her children to trust men.

  15. anonymous
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    Aug 29th 2011 !⃝

    ): im going through the same thing but i dont strip or on the corner. The meaning of this song is a girl who has been heartbroken so many times and just dont know what to with herself. she think she is ugly she insecure and dont know how to love shes scared to give her heart to someone.

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