My Chemical Romance - You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison Meaning

You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison Lyrics
In the center of a restaurant
They say come with your arms raised high
Well they're never gonna get me
I'm like a bullet through a flock of doves
To wage
This war against your faith in me
Your life will never...
Ok #1 yes this song is about prison and all the bad stuff that happens there!
#2 Everyone who put up a message saying that Gerard is nont "Gay" you are some what right....Gerard Way is Bisexual!!!! NOT GAY!! BISEXUAL!!!! -
he is gay did anyone here him gas bag on at the BIG DAY OUT 07! he sounds it to still he could be a metro
My idea is Gerard might've want to show his true sexuality in the song. Think of it as someone in prison AND the consequence of it getting "out of the cell." Got my point?
There is a sense of fear that something that makes him different would ruin his personality if it is revealed.
Nevertheless, whatever makes him different should be respected. Look on what his "POSITIVE" side. The more you look into his abnormality will give you a higher chance of ruining his personality... -
satanlilwhore, I don't know what the heck you where thinking when you wrote that, but that is 110% wrong! It's about whatever that anoumus guy said is true.
well I think that he is not gay, but I herd that he was bi, but I don't belive it. I think that the song was about being raped in prision. either way mcr still rocks hard, gay or straight.
This song is about Gerard's homosexual side "I kiss you lips again" and being in prison. But Gerard is not gay, this was some stupid truth or dare thing.
why is everyone so obsessed with whether gerard is gay or straight. no offense but get over yourselves. This band is about the music not whether gerard like guys or girls. no matter what the band members are, their music kicks ass so stop worrying about what their sexuality is
whatever it means (and whoever's gay or not) I LOVE THIS SONG!
This song is about them {mcr} going to prison and having to push ups in drag and all the crap that goes along with that.
who cares if they are gay!!!! we listen to their music we are not people to judge. Its not our place. If you spend your life judging other people then you will never really understand them, we listen to their music because we like the way they sound not because of the way they look or their sexuality, you know what..... you would be gay if your lil J-14 magazines told you it was in style or that brittney spears told you "yes I'm gay and proud" you girls would go out and get your hair cut really short and you boys would go buy tight shirts and pants. YOU KNOW IT. I have met gerard way and he is very nice whether or not he is gay he rocks....oh and the only person that knows what the song is about id gerard sooo yeah go ask him yourself
heyyy bitches.
...sorry I'm a little addicted to William Sledd right now.
bahaha angelmisty.
its GeraRd babe.
ok c'mon why doesn't everybody just stop talking about hte whole gay thing?
i mean everyones repaeating what the person before just said. I don't think anyones arguing much.
k well, ThatGirlsaMisfit, I believe is her name, yeah that's pretty good. I couldnt do any better.:] -
Why do you you guys talk about the most stupid shit that anyone could possibly talk about ... Is gerard gay? Do I care? No!!!! and I don't think any of you should either.They play freaking awesome music so listen to it and if you can't stand that then maby My chemical Romance just isn't for you. So please put the subject down and leave it where it is. And plus this is a lyric interpreting website not a let's say stupid crap about poor gerard I really think you should just write what you think the song is about not the person who is singing it and also ,a few other people said this too but stay out of gerard's pesonel life that's his don't touch it that's his buiseness if he's gay or not.
Demoltionlovers6606 makes sense but there's one problem...
He had an alcoholic problem AFTER Revenge came out... Sure he drank and took pills but it wasn't a big problem untill after Revenge. -
First I wanna point out: WHO FUCKING CARES! if any are gay, it really doesn't matter. And if you do care if they are or not, you might wanna reconsider you're priorities
*Second: *Claps* ThatGirlsAMisfit's interpretation makes sence. I think every song has two meanings. One for the album and one with a personal story behind it.
*Example: Famous Last Words. -
well this song is about prison and how horrible it is.
gerard way is not gay he is bi and he was not now or was he ever "dating" bert McCraken they WERE friends w/ benifits.
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