One Direction - Over Again Meaning

Over Again Lyrics
Cause her hand fit like my T-shirt
Tongue tied over three words, cursed
Running over thoughts that made my feet hurt
Body’s intertwined with her lips.
Now she’s feeling so low since she went solo
Hole in the...
#1 top rated interpretation:I believe that Over Again is about a couple who have a relationship that purely physical more than romantic because it says "BODY'S INTERTWINED WITH HER LIPS". But they really do like each other, apparently the guy wasn't able to tell the girl that he loved her "TONGUE-TIED OVER THREE WORDS. CURSED" So they decide to break it off. But later he realizes the girl is really sad about the break up and knowing that he really likes her, he wants to give it another try "AND IT'S NO JOKE TO ME. SO CAN WE DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN?" He really does want to try. But when they start it off again it seems that the relationship is the same as it was before "AGAIN WE TAKE THE SAME ROAD..." And he knows the girl isn't putting her heart into it but he isn't either, because both of them have been hurt before and they're afraid to do it again. In the chorus the boy says how he knows she isn't giving him her heart, but he wants her to he wants to have a real relationship with this girl, "THEN MY KISS CAN MEND YOUR BROKEN HEART" And then he admits that he's been hurt before too "AND I CAN LEND YOU BROKEN PARTS" and says he will give her his heart and she's willing to try and do the same if she's willing to "START IT ALL OVER AGAIN".
I got this from some one who commented on a different website all credit to them -
#2 top rated interpretation:I feel like Over Again is about a boy who desperately loves a girl but the girl isnt sure how she feels about him. they start to get close and she gets scared and breaks it off, but thats when she realizes she does love him. She is just scared of what might happen and is hesitant to love him back because she may not know what it is to be loved, or maybe she was broken by someone she thought she loved or loved her.
#3 top rated interpretation:I think the song is about two people who started a relationship when niether of them were ready.
They were broken to begin with, but after being in the relationship they started to fall in love, but since they were so damaged in the beginning they ended up breaking up. Once they broke up though, she began pretending that everything was okay and tried to be strong but she was even more hurt than before (Or they both were).
However, the guy would rather give the relationship one more chance than be alone and he believes she feels the same way.
In some way the fact that they are both broken allows them to fit together perfectly.
Just my thoughts... -
Just because they cried in the concert it doesn't mean the song is related to larry Stylinson. The lads actually cried because they knew it was their last show with Zayn.
The lyrics hold so much. This song is about a fallen relationship. The girl loved the boy but the boy didn't... He just loved what she had to offer. The girl broke it apart Thinking he only cared about how she can benefit him. But soon after she left, the boy realized it was soo much more than that. He was in pain... like a hole was in his heart. He looked at what he had done to the girl. She was pretending she is strong. She was trying not to show him she was hurt.They were both broken. He asked if he could lend her his broken parts. And maybe there is a chance to do it all over again. But this time he will give her is heart, and he will show her how much she means to him. The girl kept pretending to be strong when she really was breaking. He kept asking her to restart and being loney isn't much better than a broken relationship that turns into happiness. He ends the song with "do you really wanna be alone?" So he still didn't fix the relationship and they are still trying to fix it. To be honest, this song holds a special place in my heart. No one knows how painful it is if you try to look strong when you don't. It's so sad. Be strong you guys. And stay alive |-/
this song is about a couple who took each other for granted while in a relationship, but after they broke up, the guy finally realizes his mistakes and tries to get her back but the girl pretends that she is better of without him. the guys basically trying to persuade the girl to come through with her feelings about him.
This song is about a girl and a boy who broke up.they were in love with each other but they took each other for granted then they decided to break up.but the boy realise that he is not over her.then he tells her that he wants to give their relationship another shot.she also realise that she still loves him and she also wants to give it another shot . they decide to try again.but the boy sees that the girl is still making the same mistakes as before she is still not taking their relationship seriously.that is when he said,can we stop this for a min you now i can tell that your heart isn't in it or with. it.
The guy wants another chance and he will fix the girls heart and doesn't want her to feel alone and wants them to just start it all over again and he'll give her all his heart and treat her like he should have at first.
Try to interpretation this song from a boys point of view, my brother listen to this and try to explaned to me. Also my guy friends. .. Let's see..
"Said I’d never leave her 'cause her hands fit like my t-shirt,
Tongue-tied over three words, cursed."
I think its about the reliationship between a cool "cold" guy and a girl
He said the girl fit like his tshirt means that he think that he stay in this reliationship JUST because he feel comfort with that GIRL (like a tshirt.. Only.), no love involves. He try to deny the 3 words. the boy was to pride go admitted that he's in love with the girl. In the middle of fact that he is!
"Running over thoughts that make my feet hurt,
Body's intertwined with her lips"
He was to SCARE to event think that he need her. He wants to run from that thoughts! He wanted to deny it! In fact he's getting ATTACHED with her (not only psycally , lyric : Body's intertwined with her lips" was an expression to say how much he's really attached to her)
"Now she’s feeling so low since she went solo
Hole in the middle of my heart like a polo,"
Realize / thinks that the boy would never love her right, she cut it off! She's alone, but she's look so low. She's broken...
And since the girl gone, the boy feel something missing inside him, there's a hole (that only her can fit in). this reliationship is not only like friends with benefits or no love involves! This getting seriouse. He reallize something missing,.
"And it’s no joke to me, So can we do it all over again?"
And now he thinks that this is not a game anymore, its not fun to see the girl hurts and feel empty on his heart., so he's asking to start it again.
"If you’re pretending from the start like this,
With a tight grip, then my kiss
Can mend your broken heart
I might miss everything you said to me"
Now is the Girl is to PRIDE to show that she's hurt. Pretend that she's strong, and she is not in love with this guy, same like this guy (she thought) is not in love with her. But more she try to hide it, more it shows that she's broken. The boy said his kiss (or love) will fix her broken and he miss her (or he said anything she said, its kinda expression like i miss to hear you shout everyday, to say that someone miss that person)
"And I can lend you broken parts
That might fit like this
And I will give you all my heart
So we can start it all over again"
Because the girl is hurt so much, theres something broken inside her.. And to proove that he really want her back, he said (an expression) i can lend your broken part.. (Like if your heart hurts, i'll give you mine. But he's a pride boy so he said lend than give), and if the girl wanna give him a shout, it might fit! (It will be fix) (like this is was expression to show that the boy feel he's the one who fit her)
And i will give you all my heart .. The boy now wants to do it right. With heart involves. With love. So thay can give their reliationship another chance..
"Can we take the same road two days in the same clothes?
And I know just what she’ll say if I can make all this pain go"
The girl is to scare to do it again. She dont belive its gonna work. The boy said can we at least TRY?! (Can we take the same road two days in the same clothes?)
The boy know that the girl doesnt sure! And he's so sure that its gonna make it! (And imagine what the girls said when its works!)
"Can we stop this for a minute?
You know, I can tell that your heart isn’t in it or with it"
The girl keep pretend.. The boy said.. Stop pretend. Stop to think about the pain. I know if you dont love me.. Or if you realy Do! (The boys real sure the girl is still love him)
"Tell me with your mind, body and spirit
I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British"
The boy wants the girl to tell the truth about her feeling. With a her soul. Dont lie. Dont pretend!!
It was so sad or so romantic ornao hard to tell and might make her cry.
"Whether we’re together or apart
We can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start"
He ask whereever they are they need to be honest, removes all the masks (lies) on them, dont prettend.
Be honest that he regrets that he lose her, that he dont admitted he loves her.
Be honest that she's prettend to be strong, that she's regrets to let her self hurts so much
"You’ll never know how to make it on your own
And you’ll never show weakness for letting go"
The boys try to ensure the girl that she cannot be on her own! she needs him. Even thou that she's always act like strong. And she's strong!
"I guess it's still hard if the seed's sown
But do you really wanna be alone?"
The boy said "we will never now whats gonna happen, what would this seed(love) become... (By meaning that it might be hurt... It might be happy... But its better than lonely (alone).. At least they try!
(If the singer is a girl.. You just reverse the story ;) )
(Queensounti) -
They didn't have an emotion based relationship before. It was completely physical. They both love eachother. They won't admit it. He breaks it off because he knows he is falling for her. By the sound of things he promised never to leave her. She is taking their sexual relationship as a joke because she doesn't want him to know she fell in love with him. The both admitted it to eachother, but they didn't know how to act around eachother so they fell into their old ways. He realises they have done that so he asks to "Start it all over again"
1-"Said I'll never leave (her) cause (her) hands fit like my t-shirt. Tongue tied over 3 words. Cursed. Running over thoughts that made my feet hurt
Body’s intertwined with (her) lips."
(He)'s kind of broken-hearted and it's like (he) found a light on (her) but (he)'s afraid of saying that (he) loves (her). This causes trouble. Even though (he) loves (her), (she) doesn't feel this love.
2-"Now (she)’s feeling so low since (she) went solo.
Hole in the middle of my heart like a polo.
And it’s no joke to me
So we can we do it all over again"
(She) decides to finish it, but then realizes that (she) was into it more than (she) though. (He)'s broken, again. (He) tries to mend it promising for a better love.
3-"If you’re pretending from the start like this,
With a tight grip, then my kiss
Can mend your broken heart---
I might miss everything you said to me"
(This one is hard lol. I'm gonna put it into a duet) (She) makes (her)self the strong and tries not to fall again. They both get angry. (She) gets all cynical and (he) gives up very upset.
4-"And I can lend you broken parts
That might fit like this
And I will give you all my heart
So we can start it all over again."
(She) notice how broken (he) is and (he) promises (her) love, anything that can keep (her) from aparting. They give another chance.
5-"Can we take the same road two days in the same clothes
And I know just what (she)’ll say if I make all this pain go---
Can we stop this for a minute?
You know, I can tell that your heart isn’t in it or with it"
There it goes again. (He) just doesn't know how to love and (she)'s very sad, she can't love someone who doesn't loves (her).
6-"Tell me with your mind, body and spirit
I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British---
Whether we’re together or apart
We can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start"
(She) doesn't loves (him) as much as he wanted, and (he) notices this but doesn't want to see it. They're tired. They love eachother so much but they just can't be together, they knew it from the beginning but they were blinded by love.
7-"You’ll never know how to make it on your own
And you’ll never show weakness for letting go
I guess you’re still hurt if this is over
But do you really want to be alone?"
Even if they are too proud to stay together, they know they can't be apart. (She)'s the one (he) loves and (he)'s the one (she) loves. And nothing can come between that.
This was really hard for me, not in a mentally way but in an emotional way. I love this song very much, I cry when I hear it.
And for the parenthesis... it's because this doesn't necessarily needs to be about a girl and boy *cough* Larry Stylinson *cough* but Modest made sure it was about a GIRL. -.- This is a truly Ed Sheeran song because it makes my head and my heart hurts xD -
This is most definitely a Larry Stylinson song, it became obvious when the two of them got teary eyed while looking at each other and singing this during a concert.
Just because the song lyrics have 'her' doesn't mean they are actually talking about a girl... do you think modest would have let them release it if they have put 'him'. -
I think its just about a girl who has been abused, and the guy of the history -that the boys write the song- want to help she for ``lend her broken parts´´
I think It means that the guy really loves the girl but shes just pretending for like the fame 'if your pretending from the start' or that shes had a bad life and they break up and he wants to help her 'and il mend your broken parts'
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
The song doesn't have to be about a boy and a girl. It could also be about a girl, who has been in some awefull shit, and the boy tries to help her out of it. tries to make her life happy again. "I can lend you broken parts" - He might have a rough start to, and together they can be better.
I think that the song's about a guy and a girl that have been going out for a long time, but their relationship isn't very strong and seems fake. The girl doesn't put a lot of effort into the relationship and seems like she doesn't want the relationship. But the guy really loves the girl and tries really hard to keep it going. Like the song lyric, "Can we stop this for a minute? You know, I can tell that your heart isn't in it or with it."
i'm not sure if this is right but when i first heard it i thought of when Liam and Danielle broke up. They thought they were perfect, and then broke up.Then they realized that they did have feelings still and they were too strong to stay apart. One of the reasons they split was because they were apart too much, and Louis sings 'wether were together or apart'. don't think its right but there are several other opinions.
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