What do you think Bluebird means?

Christina Perri - Bluebird Meaning

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Album cover for Bluebird album cover

Song Released: 2011

Bluebird Lyrics

How the hell does a broken heart get back together when it’s torn apart?
Teach itself to start beating again?

This little bluebird came looking for you
I said that I hadn’t seen you in quite some time
And this little bluebird, she came...

  1. anonymous
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    Nov 19th 2011 !⃝

    I think that the song "Bluebird" is about a girl who Christina calls a bluebird because it was this little girl who was free as a bird.

    And this Bluebird comes along and wants Christina's guy but Christina says no.

    "This little bluebird came looking again" I think that later Christina and her boyfriend get in a fight, when this happens the bluebird comes back. "I said we weren't even friends, she could have you" Christina says that the bluebird can have him.

    "Don't you think it was hard?" Though it WAS hard on Christina, Christina let the bluebird have him and he thinks that Christina was being mean and careless. But she said that it WAS hard on her.

    The bluebird really loved the guy. "This little blue bird wouldn't give it a rest. She swares that you may be better then all the rest"

    But then, Christina seems to really care until the line where she says "I said no. You've got it all wrong. If he was something special,I wouldn't have this song." Christina and the guy weren't soulmates, she said that if he was special, she wouldn't have givin him to the bluebird.

    Then there's that line again "But don't you think it was hard?" Christina did still really want the guy. Seeing the bluebird with him, only made her desire grow stronger.

    "How the hell does a broken hart get back together when it's torn apart...." Christina realizes after all of this, that she loves him. She said that her hart was torn not broken.I think she means that her hart went through alot. It wasn't broken evenly, it was torn into bits, making it harder for her to get over him.

    Then Christina fantasized "What if when she comes over, I am in your arms?" Christina wants him back. Then Christina decides to go find the bluebird and confront her. "I went lookin for her and I found... you" Christina didn't end up finding her. She ends up finding him, looking him in the eye.

    I think that it's up to the listener to decide what happens. Christina's point is that Christina gave her boyfriend to this other girl, realizes it was a mistake, then goes back. I think that this song tells a story of having somebody, giving them away out of anger, and then regret. A very beautiful song.

  2. anonymous
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    Aug 11th 2011 !⃝

    To me this song is about the breakup of a couple. The boyfriend leaves for another girl. The significance of the bluebird relates to the sadness that comes to visit her after the breakup. This sadness (Bluebird) comes to visit often and makes her think about the good (he might be better than all the rest) and bad points (he's not wonderful and that is why she has this song) points of their relationship. Towards the end of the song the lyrics talk about how the bluebird doesn't come around anymore-meaning she has moved on but will at times still think about this ex occasionally until she found (you) someone else.

  3. anonymous
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    Aug 9th 2011 !⃝

    i think that the bluebird is her friend who has a thing for perris ex and keeps asking about him. and perri says yea you can have him bc him and i arent even friends. but perri still has a thing for him and her friend brags about how great he is bc she loves him too and perri says "no you've got it all wrong if he were something special i wouldnt have this song" trying to convince herself and her friend that hes not that great even though her heart is still broken for him. when she says "what if when she comes over i am in your arms taking all i want from you again" its bc what if she slips up and runs back to him but her friend comes over and sees it, it would ruin everything. then her and her friend werent that close anymore maybe bc they just drifted like some friends do so she goes looking for her and they're still together

  4. anonymous
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    Jul 31st 2011 !⃝

    This is a song about losing someone to somebody else and not wanting to accept it.

  5. anonymous
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    Jul 24th 2011 !⃝

    I think Perri had previously broken up with the guy, but she still loved him. Her friend ("bluebird") had a thing for him and asked Perri if it was okay, and being the good friend she is, said yes (despite her true feelings). Bluebird asked him, but was suspicious of Perri and him even though they weren't together. Bluebird then stopped talking to Perri, and Perri went to go talk to her but found Bluebird and her ex-love together and it broke her heart to see that he moved on with one of her friends.

  6. anonymous
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    Jul 8th 2011 !⃝

    I have to agree with the interpretations that say it was a friend or someone talking to the girl who has had her heartbroken by this boy. She says she doesn't care if anyone else sees him, which was hard for her- as hard as it would be if she was saying that he was dead. But ultimately, it wasn't okay because she's struggling with the idea- trying to mend her broken heart. And then she wonders what would happen if that friend came around to see her with him again after she had already said that him and her weren't even friends. The friend would be upset and "not come around anymore", but when she'd go looking for her friend the bluebird, she was with him ("So I went looking for her, and I found you")

  7. anonymous
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    Jul 2nd 2011 !⃝

    What if I said I was the other women? I look at it like this guy cheated on his gf, having all these feelings inside about "the other women". But yet trying to mend things back w his gf. He soon finds himself/herself who ever the speaker is! Thinking, wondering, about this "other women". He can't help himself but to finally realize that there is nothing else to hold onto w his gf so he let's this "bluebird" back into his life. He is finally happy and doesn't have to wonder anymore.

  8. anonymous
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    Jun 30th 2011 !⃝

    ''Don't you think it was hard? I didn't even say that you died'' is the part that everyone seems to have trouble with. I believe that she is saying to the guy (her ex) that she didn't even say something stupid like that he was dead so that this other girl couldn't have him. No one is really dead.

  9. anonymous
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    Jun 25th 2011 !⃝

    well i think that bluebird means hope because that is another name for hope so a guy broke up with her and was dating someone else and she still loved him. she wanted to forget him but 'hope' told her that he was still the one for her and he realized it too. at the end of the song it says that 'i found you'. 'you' could be either her ex boyfriend or someone else however you want to interpret it. thats just what i think and i really like her song.

  10. anonymous
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    Jun 15th 2011 !⃝

    I think that its talking about a girl (christina perri) who is broken up but still in love with a guy but theres bluebird, who she is friends with that likes him and asked her permission to start hanging out with him and because they are broken up and not talking she says its okay even though she is still in love with him, it was hard fr her because she was trying to convince herself that the guy she loves died just to make it easier on her (christina perri), and then bluebird talks about how great the guy is which makes her(christina perri)miss him more, so she thinks what if i go back to him and tell him how i feel then bluebird shows up.. and in the end she goes to find bluebird and it brings her to him.

  11. anonymous
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    Jun 13th 2011 !⃝

    I think Bluebird is about a girl that's in love with a guy and they aren't together. Another girl is looking for the guy because she likes him and it's killing the first girl inside. She tried to hide how much it hurts by saying they aren't friends. Then she says that she didn't tell "bluebird" that he'd died, but she cried ensuring that if she Had said that then "bluebird" would assume she was telling the truth. Then "bluebird" is trying to convince the girl that the boy is who she's (bluebird) is supposed to be with but the girl denies it by saying that if he was so special her heart wouldn't be breaking at the thought of him with another girl. She goes on to wondering what "bluebird" would think if she found the girl and guy together and the girl was getting everything she wanted from him. By the end she realizes that "bluebird" hasn't come by recently and when she foes looking for her she finds the man she loves with "bluebird". It's truly a tragically beautiful song.

  12. anonymous
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    Jun 9th 2011 !⃝

    I feel like this song is less of a "he's cheating on her with another woman" and more likely that she as the speaker is actually the "other woman". The reference to "this little bluebird" and how he kept asking if the speaker had "seen him around" followed by her denial that they were even friends, and then in the bridge when she says, "what if when she comes over, I'm in your arms" it sounds like she is the one who is supposed to be the secret. And then in the final verse it sounds like when the "bluebird" stopped coming around looking for him that she decided to look for her and found him back with her. Overall, the chorus is both sympathizing with the "bluebird" because she knows that he's cheating on her with the speaker, and also foreshadowing the fact that in the end he did end up going back to her, thus breaking the speaker's heart. The phrase, "I didn't even say that you died" at first made me think that he did die, but the more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to think that his death was also assumed by the "bluebird" and the speaker was crying because she was still looking for him, which coincidentally helped the assumption.

    All in all, I think it's about a woman talking about being involved in an affair with an otherwise taken man, and his open girlfriend/spouse coming around looking for him, only to eventually discover he is back with her when they both stop visiting her. No death, just heart-break.

  13. anonymous
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    Jun 4th 2011 !⃝

    It's about a girl who has suspicians that her boyfriend is cheating on her, because she sees a girl often who he cares for. Then at the end, when she finds the "bluebird" (or the other girl)with her boyfriend, it concludes her suspicians as she knows he is cheating. As to the part where he died, it's more of a metaphorical lyric. He is dead to her, not actually dead. In songs and music the artist usually doesn't say outwright that someone died, because there is a great metaphorical potential in death when writing.

  14. anonymous
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    Jun 3rd 2011 !⃝

    I think that the song is about she broke up with this guy of her dreams and so they have fallen out 'there not even friends' then a girl comes along who is interested, everyone has figured that out. The 'i didn't even say you had died' and the last line 'she was with you' don't match up, so I think either the guy was dead and she is regretting everything and now this other girl loved him and therefore killed herself another is that she is referring to him as dead because that's how much she hates him but then she breaks down crying because she doesn't really mean it or I believe the song could be saying that 'I didnt even say that you had died' meaning to her, he had died and she said saying he was dead wouldn't of been such a lie because she started to cry because he had left her so thinking he had died was an easier option for her than accepting the truth.

  15. anonymous
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    May 27th 2011 !⃝

    I think it's about this girl who's friend starts talking about wanting to be with the girl's ex. the girl says she doesn't care but in reality she does and still sorta loves him. she still thinks she might have a chance with him and is afraid her friend might come to the guy's house and the girl is back with him, leaving a split in the friendship. at the end it says, "This little bluebird don't come 'round here anymore," meaning she probably talked with her friend about how she didn't want her to go out with the boy and they got into a fight and now they're not friends anymore. but then she goes to the friend's house and finds her and the boy together, which leaves her very hurt and upset with the friend and unsure of what to do about the boy.

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