What do you think Distance means?

Christina Perri - Distance Meaning

Album cover for Distance album cover

Song Released: 2012

Distance Lyrics

The sun is filling up the room
And I can hear you dreaming
Do you feel the way I do right now?

I wish we would just give up
'Cause the best part is falling
Call it anything but love

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say I love...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Feb 13th 2014 !⃝

    I think the two are friends and have falling in love. Neither one wants to say anything. So they/she puts distance between them as a way to help move on. Moving forward because you want something you can not ever have and it is to painful to remain close to them. Even though silently you love them.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Jul 5th 2011 !⃝

    She loves someone, and he loves her. But neither will admit it to the other, both afraid of what will happen. She wants to be with him but they won't say anything and she just wants to give up. It breaks her heart knowing that her and him aren't together. Wondering how long they can keep this up, how long til' it will be considered love.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Jul 27th 2011 !⃝

    To me, this song is about a casual relationship that she wishes could be more.

  4. anonymous
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    Jan 11th 2016 !⃝

    Its truth. A girI loves her best friend but cant say. She knows that he will nt understand and might be she knows that he has another love. The song encourages strenght and confidence. This song has two aspect. Before and after. Before : she has a feelings but cannot say as she fears rejection.after:she has proposefd but the guys says know cause of another girl so she vwwwant to cope up and be like she was. The point 'consider love ' mcan mean that either it is before or after she knows that her best friends has an attraction for her and needs her always . But as everybody says its better for her not to stay in touch. But this song always promotes being you even after facing situation which may depress you. You are self sufficient and can love youself. This song is also in my fav list which truly includes a thousand years.....

  5. anonymous
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    Aug 23rd 2014 !⃝

    This song relates to me and how I love this girl back I was in high school but I am afraid to tell her how I feel about her and I keep thinking I would make a fool out of myself. I just keep my distance until I have the courage to tell her "I love you".

  6. anonymous
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    May 18th 2013 !⃝

    This song is about a guy and a girl, and I perceive that they are in a serious relationship. They could have been friends, best friends or just newly acquainted lovers, it doesn't matter. She is madly in love with him, and she thinks he is too. I think they are both in love with eachother, but none would admit it, so they try to keep their "distance" from eachother by not saying I love you, they might show it in actions, but both are afraid to say it. She's scared to say it to him because he hasn't said it to her. It's like a love game. When she said, "how long do we have to wait to say what WE have." They both are in love with eachother, just both are scared to say it because both are scared of the consequences, good or bad.
    (Yup, sounds like my relationship right now *sigh*)

    Call it anything, but LOVE.....

  7. anonymous
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    Feb 10th 2013 !⃝

    I don't know why but I feel that this song speaks my heart. I am so close to being in a relationship with this guy I know at school in the U.S. We really like each other but problem is, we come from different parts of the world. He's supposed to go back to his country this summer and me too next year. I like him a lot but I'm so afraid because I know we're going nowhere. I don't know how long we can keep it up...

  8. anonymous
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    Feb 1st 2013 !⃝

    I was tired of reading "speculations" of what this song means, so I searched for an interview with Christina Perri to hear HER interpretation of the lyrics.


    She says that it's about the process of falling for someone but not being able to tell them yet. The song explains that she is keeping the secret and the tension is building inside of her and she's swimming in the feelings of love being brand new and you can't call it "love" yet. There's a paper wall in the video that is slowly being poked until they just rip it apart, which symbolizes that moment where you just risk it and let go.

    GREAT SONG! (I'm there.)

  9. anonymous
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    Jan 16th 2013 !⃝

    this songs somehow relates to me and actually the full album lovestrong makes me feel it was meant to me.the song is about her loving someone but can't get close to him,she doesnt know exactly how he feels about her and look like a fool if she tells him about the way she feels while he doesnt think about her like that.but she somewhere inside her she knows he loves her but maybe right now it is not meant to be,she will stay away until the right time comes and dreams they will be together one day ,it feels desperate at times and full of hope in the other hand,she wont give up on this love,it is love with its both side:the dark side and the light!kind of lost,u dont know what to do when u are around someone u love but just cant show it,not because u dont want u,but u just dont want to fall in a disaster and loose the friendship or what she already has with him......
    the only difference between my story and this song is that i still love my ex and maybe him too,but we are both in a relation and i struggle to forget about him,just wanna move on but how the hell can u turn off the fire and the passion in your soul for someone u are craving to get or to move on coz u just can't take the right choice since he didn't show you his feelings.the real question is like:should i stay or go?but i wont lose a thing if i stay so it i will stay around but a little more further!
    anyway,my birth day is 18th January and i hope getting a special gift,maybe forget him or just be in his arms one more time...

  10. anonymous
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    Dec 16th 2012 !⃝

    To me, this song is that she loves someone, but can't let them know because they will treat her badly. So the only other option is to "keep my distance"
    This song relates to my life so bad :(

  11. anonymous
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    Dec 1st 2012 !⃝

    i see this song being about someone being in love and the other most likely feels the same way too, but she cant bring herself to do anything about these feelings because she is afraid. she wants to keep her "distance" because of how he makes her feel. maybe there is something about them that is keeping them from moving forward in their relationship?
    =( i love this song

  12. anonymous
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    Nov 28th 2012 !⃝

    i think this song is saying that the couple knew that there relationship has already ended and they're just waiting for each other to officially end it though one of them still hopes that they can still work it out.. hmm

  13. anonymous
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    Sep 21st 2012 !⃝

    This song speaks to me....currently going through something & this song describes it perfectly.
    She has feelings for someone she shouldn't (she's already in a relationship); she thinks he may possibly feel the same but isn't completely sure. She doesn't want him to know how she feels, it could ruin what they already have, which means so much to her. So, she keeps her distance, not bothering him. She tells him she loves him when he's not listening - she doesn't want him to hear/know. She won't ever tell him, she can't. She also is aware that he may never tell her how he feels. "Please don't stand so close to me, I'm having trouble breathing, I'm afraid of whay you'll see right now" She's afraid that being in his prescence, he'll be able to read her, he'll see it on her face, he makes her nervous/butterflies, she's afraid of revealing her feelings. "I wish we would just give up 'cause the best part is falling, call it anything but love" She's telling him (mentally), wish we we would just give up trying to hide our feelings, falling for someone is an awesome feeling. She's trying to tell him that they don't have to call it love but just openly admit they share the same feelings. "How long until we call this love..." She is asking, how long can we go on pretending we have feelings for each. When will we ever admit to each other that w.e have fallen in love

  14. anonymous
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    Sep 11th 2012 !⃝

    Its about a girl who loves a guy and wants to be with him, but she won't tell him how she feels, because she's afraid he won't love her back. He leads her on and makes her even more crazy, and the girl wants their relationship to be more. But she wants it to stop all together if it isn't going anywhere.

  15. anonymous
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    Jul 7th 2012 !⃝

    it took me a while to figure out the meaning of this song, but if you listen closely, it isn't too hard to figure out.

    i thought it was about a breakup. trying to keep your distance from each other, so it wouldn't be as hard. but that isn't it.

    it's about friends. she loves him, & thinks that he has feelings for her too, but she isn't sure. she doesn't want to say anything because she's afraid it will ruin the friendship. "i will make sure to keep my distance, say i love you when you're not listening.<--- the "say i love you when you're not listening" gave that away. "how long can we keep this up?" <-- she's wondering how long until they finally just give in to their feelings for each other.
    "i keep waiting for you to take me"<-- she's ready to be in a relationship. "you keep waiting to save what we have." <--- he won't say anything because he doesn't want to ruin what they have now.
    "how long till we call this love?" <-- she knows it's going to happen, but she's tired of waiting.


  16. anonymous
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    Jun 12th 2012 !⃝

    i think its about loving a best friend or a close friend but shes scared of how he would react and does not want to loose their friendship so she says "say i love you when your not listing"

  17. anonymous
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    May 16th 2012 !⃝

    I think this song is about a girl who likes a guy, but she's afraid of what the result will be if she goes too fast into the relationship. She likes him, but is not sure about him liking her back. She wants to say she loves him even though he's not listening.

  18. anonymous
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    Jan 23rd 2012 !⃝

    She's in love with this guy who she is friends or friends with benefits. She wants more and he doesn't (she'll make sure to keep her distance)but she continues this casual relationship because she can't let go of him and she's hoping that maybe he'll fall for her too. She's not supposed to feel this way for him, so she'll say she loves him when he's not listening.he takes her breath away and she wants to give him all of her(all her broken heart beats)..she'll just keep waiting..

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