What do you think If I Could Fly means?

One Direction - If I Could Fly Meaning

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Song Released: 2015

If I Could Fly Lyrics

If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you
I think I might give up everything, just ask me to
Pay attention, I hope that you listen cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless

For your eyes only, I show you my...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Aug 18th 2020 !⃝

    If I Could Fly is definitely about Larry. While Harry was writing it, Louis was on the other side of the world writing Home. In the beginning, Harry says, "If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you". We know that Harry and Louis are at home with each other. They're "thing" is the aspect of Home. Louis has the tattoo of a compass that points to "HOME" that matches Harry's ship tattoo. H and Lou used to share a house in Princess Park and once when asked in an interview they said, "no it's not really going to be a party house. It's going to be a home. A family home." The word home also obviously means something to them considering Louis named his song "Home". "Home" is known as Lou's "coming out song" and it touches on subjects like being away from your physical home, that you'll always be at home if you're with that one person. It also starts with she/her pronouns and ends in no gender specific pronouns. So this line plays a key detail in the Larry/IICF theory.

    I have more Larry song analysis too, I am making an entire Larry encyclopedia lol so I might publish it idk haha :)


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    May 20th 2019 !⃝

    Missing someone who is just so far away. Long distance relationships are so hard. At the end you just have to say goodbye.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 20th 2020 !⃝

    listen to their apple music radio interview about the album, when Liam admits to shedding a few tears to the song when he first heard it, you hear Louis ask Niall if he cried too and also admits that he cried. Also when the interviewer asks harry what it's about Louis interrupts jokingly saying its a Craig David cover song and diverts the attention.

  4. anonymous
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    Feb 13th 2022 !⃝

    Well after reading all the interpretations, I'm still not convinced. This song isn't a larry song. Idk why but since the day I heard the album, it gives me vibes that it's about Zayn. This song was written in 2015 (H started writing it in March) and it's more like a 'i really want to but i can't' thing. I've seen theories about Zayn and Harry deciding to leave the band together and stuff, but i guess all of the boys planned it. Yeah the break was planned but Zayn left early because he couldn't wait. Zayn was just at 1 show after the Bangkok Fallout with harry, and then he took a break from tour (he technically left). Harry really wanted to be with Zayn and leave the band but he couldn't do it. Idk if you know about this, but harry was the one who first thought about the hiatus. Sorry if I offended you by saying that it's not about larry, but please don't make everything about them. One direction has other members too, not just louis and Harry. Y'all need to change your perspective for once.

  5. anonymous
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    Jul 1st 2021 !⃝

    I can’t be bothered to write a whole factual analysis so here’s some separate lyric proofs that it is in fact about Larry.

    1. If I could fly - Harry is basically saying “If I were free from management to be who I am”

    2. I’d be coming right back home to you - So, if he were free from management he would be able to go home, which in his case, his home is Louis

  6. anonymous
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    Jun 22nd 2021 !⃝

    YUP this song has to be about larry, but like larry aside I feel like this song is kinda saying your my comfort person like my home, and I feel safe with you. BUT this song has to be about larry like there is no way its not so yeah guys take care <3

  7. anonymous
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    Nov 23rd 2020 !⃝

    If I Could Fly is so clearly about Larry I can't even explain it.

    Louis was on the other side of the world writing Home when Harry was writing this.
    Louis has a tattoo of a compass that points to Home. Harry has a ship. That's a matching tattoo. (Also a lot of people consider Home as Louis's "coming out song".)
    Louis was always in a beard relationship (whether it be with Danielle or Eleanor or whoever) because he's trying to protect Harry from having to go through that, but it also means Louis can't be "home" a lot.
    IICF is about how they wanna escape from management to be with each other.
    By the end of the song, they stop using pronouns.
    "I'm missing half of me" is one of Harry's lines. I read somewhere that Louis co-wrote Half A Heart. We know damn well these boys don't pull coincidences like that.
    "For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart" is another one of Harry's lines. Harry has said, on MANY occasions, that he loves Louis's eyes (who wouldn't they're gorgeous), not to mention, in Harry's music video for Golden, we all know that his suit was literally what this fandom calls "Lou Blue".
    T H E S E A R E N O T
    C O I N C I D E N C E S
    I rest my case.

    If you don't think this is about Larry, I'd like to know the reasoning behind why you think it's not.
    That's all, tpwk :)

  8. anonymous
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    Sep 11th 2020 !⃝

    If I Could Fly was written about Louis. Larry is real. Louis was in America at this time writing home and Harry was in the United Kingdom when he wrote this. And Harry kept insisting that the song should be called If I Could Fly when some argued that For your eyes only would be a better title for the song. And If I Could Fly and Home could be merged to form "If I could Fly Home" meaning that they want to be with each other. And for your eyes only indicates that only for each other Louis and Harry can be themselves because of their management closeting them. I really hope that soon Louis and Harry can be themselves and come out since Louis' management with Syco ended and the Syco record label is no longer in operation. And also September 28 is coming soon. And so is October 2 and on Oct. 2 2011 Louis sent out the Always in my heart tweet tagging Harry in it. I hope that Harry and Louis can be together soon. LARRY IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!

  9. anonymous
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    Jun 16th 2020 !⃝

    From what I see this song is about *Zayn* not larry.

    -This song was written *Days* zayn left.
    -Harry always talks about how he loved zayn's eyes "For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart".
    -He wants him to be there with him "And I hope that you don't run from me" and "I'm missing half of me when we're apart".
    -He will go back 'home' with\to him,"I'd be coming right back home to you".
    -He will also do anything for him and anything to be close to him, "I think I might give up everything, just ask me to".

    -Its not about louis in my opinion because they still see each other when this was made they were still in the band.
    -They had said it was not real MANY times, and tried to get rid of it many times.

    OR it could be about someone else...

  10. anonymous
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    Apr 30th 2020 !⃝

    I think that this song is about Larry. I have not always thought Larry was a thing. But now I do because of some footage, and “proof” that I’ve seen recently. I think the song is about how if they could “fly” or in my eyes be away from management to be their true selves that they would. The song was written by Harry. Which makes it more hinting towards it. Louis is his home. He wants to be with him but they are kept away by management and others. But if they could be together, they would. I think that he’s saying he’s completely defenseless as in even if it’s wasting time because they can’t be together that Harry won’t hurt Louis. He’s saying “for your eyes only” because other people can’t know! There is obviously pain in the song, and pain in the two boys. I think that this song is about Larry, but I respect other opinions too.

  11. anonymous
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    Apr 7th 2020 !⃝

    I'm pretty sure this song was meant for Zayn. After all Harry did write this with another artist after Zayn left the band. I believe "if I could fly, I'd be coming right home to you" means that H wishes for Zayn to be together with him and the band - Zayn and Harry had a very close relationship in the band. He longs for Zayn. "for your eyes I'll show you my heart" refers back to when H would always compliment Zayn's eyes and lashes - he loved Zayn's features. H and Z were also inseparable - in interviews, concerts, and 'home' times they're always together, they were best mates, Zayn shared everything with Harry as revealed in one interview and they were almost lovey dovey as represented in the lyric "I'm missing half of me when we're apart"

  12. anonymous
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    Mar 31st 2020 !⃝

    This song is dedicated to Zyan.. Harry has always been an admirer of Zyan's eyes.. after Z departed from 1D H was lonely and how he wishes he could fly and be near him.. H missed the best and biggest part of his life and makes him incomplete...Zyan...
    Thak you all...

  13. anonymous
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    Mar 31st 2020 !⃝

    This song is dedicated to

  14. anonymous
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    Apr 8th 2019 !⃝

    Larry is real. Harry is Louis' home and he's calling him back to him from the beards (eleanor,Danielle,etc) and they can fly away from management. It is very emotional and always makes me cry my eyes out. I hope larry can be out someday :(

  15. anonymous
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    Sep 9th 2017 !⃝

    A lot of people say this is about Larry but I disagree.
    I think it's about their family's and how they don't ever get to see them.
    "If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you"
    THey hardly ever get to see their family's and It gets hard
    Louis-"I've got scars even though they can't always be seen, and pain gets hard but now you're here and I don't feel a thing"
    For the boys their family will always be comforting because they've been there through it all so when they're with them they forget about the stress of touring and the famous life.
    So they're saying if they could fly they'd go home back to their family's where they feel safe.

  16. anonymous
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    Jul 26th 2017 !⃝

    As fellow directioners, I hope you all know that when Harry played/sang this song for Liam, Liam started crying. People can say that it's about an ex-gf of Harry's, but he's never really been in an invested or long-term relationship, so who else could it be about? Louis. This entire song screams Larry. It's about wanting to be with someone so badly, and how Harry put his entire trust in this person (Louisssss) and loves them without end, yet cannot be with him.

  17. anonymous
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    Apr 14th 2017 !⃝

    A very emotional and troubling song. This song is and always will be about Larry. That's the reason for the song's meaning not being discussed. Lastly, I'd like to just say I can't wait for my idols(H&L) to be free from this management mess and be able to come out as they truly are. And for you dumb antis suck my ass you know damn well this is about Larry.

  18. anonymous
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    Mar 14th 2016 !⃝

    While Harry was writing If I could Fly, Louis was on the other side of the world writing Home, this song is about Larry, that is all.

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