What do you think Sugar, We're Goin Down means?

Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Goin Down Meaning

Album cover for Sugar, We're Goin Down album cover

Song Released: 2005

Sugar, We're Goin Down Lyrics

Am I more than you bargained for yet
I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that's just who I am this week
Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum
I'm just a notch in your bedpost
But you're just a line in a song

  1. anonymous
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    Nov 7th 2006 !⃝

    If someone has a god complex than they are very arrogant and not literally, but think they are a god of somesort.

    I don't think "a loaded god complex cock it and pull it" actually means anything, although it could be talking about someones/ or the girls arrogance which is just waiting to explode. Also you said that he's jealous of the girl, the song also contradicts itself by saying "I'm just a notch in your bedpost but your just a line in a song"

  2. anonymous
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    Sep 11th 2006 !⃝

    "Am I more than you bargained for yet?? I've been dying to tell you anything you wanna hear - cause that's just who I am this week."

    Meaning - you don't know me, I tell you what to think of me.

    "lie in the grass next to the mausoleum. I'm just a notch
    in your bedpost but your just a line in a song"

    meaning - see I've already got you confused. You think I'm talking about death, sex and denial... Let's see how
    far I can go.

    "drop a heart break a name. We're always sleep in and sleeping for the the wrong team."

    Meaning - here is the formula.... Break a heart drop a name. It works, look I'll flip it, cryptic huh? Think what you will of us (me).. Sleeping for the wrong team lol whatever.

    "we're going down down in an earlier round. And sugar
    we're going down swinging. I'll be your number one with
    a bullet.. Loaded god complex cock it and pull it"

    meaning - doesn't this boxing reference sound cool. They are going down... Not us lol.. I'm the number one with a bullet.. I'll always be above this sh*t. Loaded god complex. It sells, so use it.. But I'll never be that.

    "is this more than you bargained for yet, oh don't mind me I'm just watching you two from the closet. Wishing to be the friction in your jeans. Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him."

    meaning - this reference to freud is placed perfectly.
    Wishing to be the friction.. Lol great sh*t. But I dun
    wanna be him or his "friction".

  3. anonymous
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    Sep 2nd 2006 !⃝

    I really think this might be about a guy who's gay but doesn't want to be. The lines that make me think that are:

    The line about watching them from the closet. Don't tell me you guys don't know what the closet means. I really think it might be that he sees the guy he loves with another guy and feels jealous about it, and starts to think he might be gay.

    The line about "friction in your jeans". I don't know any girls that get friction in their jeans.

    The line about sleeping for the wrong team. Have you ever heard the expression "batting for the other team"? And the wrong part just enforces my opinion that he's gay but doesn't want to be.

    The line about how it's messed up that he wants to be in the other guy's position. He really doesn't want to be gay.

    I'm probably wrong, but that's just the impression I get.

  4. anonymous
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    Aug 15th 2006 !⃝

    This song is about jelousy not suicide or fantasies about their mothers. "oh, don't mind me I'm just watchin you two from the closest wishing to be the friction in your jeans" and "isnt it messed up how I'm just dying to be him" a loaded god complex is not a gun, it does not mean he thinks he is god but rather he is so arragont he thinks may as well be doing what god would do. So the line "a laoded god complex cock it and pull it" means that he realises that he is this way and he is ready to confront the girl he wants (who is with someone else). "cock it and pull it" is a metaphor for a gun that is ready to shoot as he is ready to confront her.

  5. anonymous
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    Jul 24th 2006 !⃝

    I think that he likes a girl but he's different or ugly so the girl doesn't want to be with him so he considers commiting suicide every day and then he gets the girl and everyone is against her.

  6. anonymous
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    Jul 5th 2006 !⃝

    Sugar we're going down is about a guy who slept with this girl,who already has a boyfreind and he never meant to fall in love with her but than something happened and now all he wants to is be the guy who is with her

  7. anonymous
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    Jun 19th 2006 !⃝

    What most people don't realize about this song is it's many hidden shakespearean like messages that ultimately lead to "Sugar We're Goin Down"'s true meaning. If you look at the first line of the song -Am I more than you bargained for yet- If you take the first letter of every word in this line it spells, AIMTYBFY. For most people it is difficult to interpret such a clue as this, luckily I have solved it. Fall Out Boy doesn't like to make solving their song meaning easy, that's why an additional step to unscrambling AIMTYBFY is needed. It becomes MY BF TAIY, (TAIY probably being the BF's pet name in bed). According to Dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=Tai) "Tai" refers to *A member of any of the Tai-speaking peoples of Thailand* giving us the detail of the BF's race. So to sum it all up, this first line is a question to the lead singer's BF, asking if sex with a white man is all it's cracked up to be in Thailand. So now, after this careful analysis of the first line we understand the song is about mostly talking about racial sterotypes.

    The sedond line -I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear- only futher supports this theory, as the lead singer talks about how he wishes he could tell his Thailand BF how he feels, but they don't speak the same language. Futher down the line -We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team- talks about the issue of being in a relationship with someone from the different race, and how when this happens it is as if they were on their own team, the "wrong" team because most people date someone their own race.

    All these lines are important because they introduce how these two men feel like outcasts and looked down apon because of their multi-cultural love. This is why they decide to rob a bank together, the line -Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum- proves it. "Mausoleum" is not a common word, Fall Out Boy used it for a specific reason. Again, if you refer to the Acronym Attic search (http://www.acronymattic.com/results.aspx?q=MAUS) you will see MAUS stands for "Million Accounting Units" or millions of dollars. The grass is a metaphor for a "safe place", and when put all together this line talks about them in their safe place with the loot they stole.

    So now put all these important clues together. This song is about two men, one being the white lead singer and the other his Thailand lover. They are frustrated about how they aren't treated well because they are two different races in a relationship, so they rob a bank. The majority of the rest of the song is about them sitting with the money, they thought they had gotten away and were safe or "on the the grass". Then they find out they're surrounded, hence the -We're going down, down in an earlier round- which means they thought they would get away but now will "go down" or be arrested "eariler" than they thought. The next line, -And Sugar, we're going down swinging-, shows they decide to go to down with a fight. -A loaded God complex cock it and pull it- talks about how they believe they need to die for racial persecution, therefore are cocking the gun and running out at the police officers hoping to die for the cause.

    I know it's a sad song. ytrapkoobeton

  8. Driver69eryaz
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    Jun 16th 2006 !⃝

    wow...i can't believe no one has got it yet....

    this song is in coorelation to "my heart is the worst kind of weapon"

    the song is about getting revenge on his old girlfriend for cheating on him.

    "I'll be your number one with a bullet"
    -that could mean that he is as big as he can get to her. and she doesn't mean that much to him anymore
    "a loaded god complex cock it and pull it"
    -that means that he has so much power now that his band is big and he's gonna use his popularity to get back at her....he is using his lyrics to bring her "down"

    everyingthing makes sense....especially the line

    "i'm just notch on your bedpost"
    -i'm just one of the many guys you screwed
    "But your just line in a song"
    -all she is to him is a line in a song.

    Pete even said,in an interview,that this song was about his old girlfriend who is becoming a local celebrity because she brags about he role in the creation of "take this to you grave"

  9. anonymous
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    Jun 12th 2006 !⃝

    It is evident that "sugar we're going down" is speaking of a whirl-wind adventure that a small rabbid dog took while he was but a pup. During this oddysey, he was searching for a bitch which he called sugar. When he found her, they fell off a cliff, hence the "going down". In case you didn't know, complex is another name for an over-sized russian mother. If she is loaded, she wants to shoot the rabbid pup. Therefore, a loaded god complex. but please my friends, don't cock her and pull her.

  10. anonymous
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    Jun 2nd 2006 !⃝

    That misspiggy chick is completetly dumb. What is wrong with her she calls herself a fan her intrepretation is a digrace to the song. Her dumb behind may think that life is fun and games or cutting chickens heads off but she needs to get a life and grow up and also relize sotimes you have to be serious and love is serious.this song is obvious abot the darkside of love. Misspiggy is an idiot and probably know this song isn't about chikens but she wants attention whether it's good or bad. Once again misspiggy please grow up, dumbass. Now I'll stop wasting my time talking about such an attenion whore.

  11. anonymous
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    May 30th 2006 !⃝

    Is it not possible for the song to have two meanings? meaning 1, wanting to be with someone you can't be with. maybe you've previously had a relationship, whether it was a one night stand or just a short thing, with them, or maybe you're just friends and want it to be more than that.
    meaning 2, about fall out boy and where they stand.

    I like the masturbation interpretation ^.^

  12. anonymous
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    May 28th 2006 !⃝

    Good lord people! Can't you see that miss piggy is completely 100% right?? It's obviously about boxing and chickens...gosh...

  13. emvob123
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    May 25th 2006 !⃝

    The song is about a guy who wants to be with a girl that he can't have. He had been using this girl for a sexual relation bu then realizes he truly wnats her.

    'We're going down, down in an earlier round and Sugar, we're going down swinging' means that they've been been together, but now are swinging between partners.

    When he says "I'll be your number one with a bullet; a loaded God complex, cock it and pull it" He's saying that he wants more sexual realtions, she just has to want him. ( 'I'll be your number one with a bullet' is him saying he's the best and is ready to be set off', 'A loaded God complex' is referring to reproduction, and 'cock it and pull it' is her getting him.)

  14. anonymous
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    May 23rd 2006 !⃝

    The song is this; This guy is in love with this girl and is trying really hard to get her attention. And the girl pretends she doesn't mind. So he asks her if he's more than what she really wants yet: "Am I more thatn you bargained for yet?" He wants to say everything she wants to hear, and says it's like an elementary school crush, and that'll only last a week or so, but inside he knows it's love: I've been dying to tell you anything you wanna hear cause that's just who I am this week." The next line took me a while to figure out. Lie in the grass next to the mausoleaum". A mausoleaum is in a cemetary, and there are grave stones next to mausoleaums, and beneath the grave stones there is grass, beaneathe the grass there are dead bodies. This obviously means he's planning on death. Then he says that he's nothing to her, "I'm just a notch in your bedpost," and he's saying that she's nothing to him, but he's twisting words around, saying she is very important. A certain line in a song is very important. In every song. "I'm just a notch in your bedpost but you're just a line in a song." "Drop a heart, break a name, we're always sleeping in and we're sleeping for the wrong team," He basically means that he can't do anything right anymore. The Chorus means, that they messed up a long time ago,and they won't give up. They'll be the first to volounteer for death, and if not they'll do it themselves with a gun to the head. The next lines mean he sees them ( The couple) all the time and he just wants to be the person in the dude's place. Besides that, it's all repeated. Then there are whispers in the backround that say he wants to shoot himself if the girl doesn't take back saying she doesn't love him. Then it just ends. You can all asume what happens.

  15. anonymous
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    May 22nd 2006 !⃝

    I'll try to explain this as easily as possible, but for some of you, this may be difficult to understand.

    A few people here posted the real interpretation so far (although they didn't explain it thoroughly). Well, here it is: The song is not about a relationship at all. The lyrics symbolize something totally different. The intro lines set up the whole theme of the song.

    "Am I more than you bargained for yet
    I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
    Cause that's just who I am this week"

    "Am I [the "I" being "Fall Out Boy", the band themselves] more than you bargained for yet [am "I" worthy of this #1 position on the billboard charts, and did I meet your expectations of having lyrics that only sound cool or humorous?]
    I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear [I've been adding in these nonsense words just to make the song funny, comical and more attractive to people who don't understand that it is supposed to symbolize something completely different]..."

    As a few have already mentioned, this refers to Fall Out Boy being the #1 song on the charts, but still having a bullet by the song name, which basically means, Fall Out Boy's choice of words in their lyrics are not heard the way they want them to be heard, and they don't really deserve the #1 spot going by their own terms. They have always sufficed by adding in useless lines just to make the song sound more attractive to listeners, so yes, to the common music listener, it deserves the spot! But to Fall Out Boy, the message they are really trying to get across is missed, and they don't think they deserve it.

    The whole song and the analogies within it are basically a self-fulfilling prophecy in the fact that what the song symbolizes in it's lyrics are misunderstood by the simpletons who listen to it. The majority of the interpretations posted here are a perfect example of how the lyrics are misunderstood! The misunderstandings of their lyrics are exactly what the song is about! They are misunderstood because Fall Out Boy uses words just to make it humorous/cool!


    Hope everyone understands now...

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