What do you think Clint Eastwood means?

Gorillaz: Clint Eastwood Meaning

Album cover for Clint Eastwood album cover

Clint Eastwood Lyrics

I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine, in a bag
I'm useless,but not for long
The future is coming on
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine, in a bag
I'm useless, but not for long
The future is coming on
It's coming...

  1. anonymous
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    Sep 20th 2012 !⃝

    You're talking about the meaning of this song like Damon Albarn is some sort of Messiah!! He was a massive drug user and please i don't mean no disrespect but the guys not the brightest person!! The Songs about Heroin as i mentioned above!! Sunshine is Brown!! Which also means Heroin!! TRUST ME I KNOW!!

  2. anonymous
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    Sep 20th 2012 !⃝

    WTF Guys. Come on be serious!! This track is about Heroin!! I'm Happy I'm Feeling Glad (I Just Scored) I Got Sunshine In A Bag (I Got A Bag Of "Golden Brown") I'm Useless But Not For Long (I'm Clucking And Sick, But Not For Long)
    Sunshine IS a Slang Word for Heroine!!

  3. anonymous
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    Jun 27th 2012 !⃝

    Just focusing on the verse for now (hard enough as is) and leaving the chorus:
    First off,he mentions that "time for him is nothing," which means that the messages could be all mixed up within the verses, with no apparent linear order (wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey....). In the second verse he seems to identify himself as rhythym itself, in which case the intro to the first verse makes more sense. rhythym is rhythym, regardless of time period, so how could you date or age such an abstract idea? Del also makes several comments about how he is intangible and "couldn't be there;" but at the same time, "you shouldn't be scared" because he is "in them, every sprouting tree...every cloud you see," and that the idea that rhythym is something one person has and another doesn't is completely ridiculous, as is the idea that any one person or band can create a "new" rhythym ("picture you gettin' down in a picture tube like you lit the fuse"). He goes on to point out just how much rhythyms/patterns are "the essence/ the basics" of everyday life: "when the law is lawless" and none of the old rules apply, people naturally seek order and an understandable pattern("without it you make it"). Del also mentions that rhythym was the cause of this lawlessness ("I brought all this"), especially referring to the dynastic cycle and the idea that every "golden age" is followed by unforeseen corruption (you see with your eyes, I see destruction and demise). On the other hand, those perceptive enough to recognize these patterns ("Y'all can see me now 'cause you don't see with your eyes; you perceive with your minds") will have a "clearer view" but be considered "too crazy" by the rest of the world, which generally ignores doomsayers and insists that "it's all in your head." Even so, Del/Rhythym has all the time in the world to get through to the general population, so he's "gonna stick around with Russ and be a mentor" for as long as it takes people to realize who is "really kickin' tunes."

  4. anonymous
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    Jun 27th 2012 !⃝

    Here's my interpretation of the chorus:
    In "Romeo and Juliet," the friar uses the word happy to mean lucky or fortunate; and in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," Clint Eastwood's character uses "sunshine in a bag" to refer to his gold.So here's what I think the verse boils down to: I'm down on my luck, but better than I could be; I've got a bit of money saved up, and I'm glad of that. There's no jobs right now, nothing I can do; but I know if I just sit back and wait that opportunities will arise.

  5. feelgoodincftw
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    Jun 22nd 2012 !⃝

    I believe that the song is about the influence of money, since there is a reference to gold or valuables (sunshine in a bag), and this symbol is shown to be the future, the hope of the person with it.

  6. anonymous
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    Apr 11th 2012 !⃝

    This song is about how 2D has to take pain killers because of his punched eyes. He is high on the pain killers.

  7. anonymous
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    Jul 11th 2011 !⃝

    .... i thought it was about drugs which is really cliche of me to say but i dont care. ive always thought it was about drugs. Sunshine in a bag (DrUgZzZ) useless but not for long the futureee (Gonna take them DruGZzZz) then he takes the drugs and Del is his "Guide" while hes trippin. "remember that its all in ur head"
    Idk thats wat i always thot it was... it makes sense... and i like druggzzZzz

  8. anonymous
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    Jul 6th 2011 !⃝

    to each thier own, I guess, but I've never done drugs, and don't see the song as any sorta "drug trip" anthem...here's a no-drugie view of it
    The chorus:
    "I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad,
    I got sunshine in a bag,
    I'm useless,but non for long
    my future is coming on"
    Simply put, 2-D isn't happy with his current state of life, but is glad he stil holds on to hope, or his "sunshine in a bag" (Also a clever Clint Eastwood reference, not a heyyyy drugs one. lol), and while he feels hopeless in his current state, he is hopeful that the future is going to be better.
    Meanwhile, the ghostly Del, raps about guiding him as a spirit, a conscious that has already delt wih his destiny.
    "Time for me is nothing cause I'm counting no age, no I couldn't be there, no you shouldn't be scared", and the "intangible" part...all references to the gorillaz storyline that Del is a Ghost that communicates through "Russel, not his muscles, but the percussion he provides", and that he is guiding the newly formed Gorillaz "Mystical maybe, a spiritual hero who appears to you to clear your view when you're too crazy", as well as "Who you think is really kickin tunes", and that "lifeness to know the definition of what life is", that there's noway of knowing your future or destiny until it's over with, and since he's a ghost, he knows what his life was now.
    So imo, it's about 2-D having hope for a brighter future, and the gorillaz spirit friend trying to guide him through a time where even "law is lawless", and not in any way a song about drugs or a drug trip,though it's easy to see how some people get that meaning. Didfferent storkes for differnt folks, I guess...whatever floats your boat.

  9. anonymous
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    Jul 5th 2011 !⃝

    They saw clint eastwood on acid I think...

  10. anonymous
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    May 30th 2011 !⃝

    "Sunshine in a bag"... heroin comes in bags duhh

  11. anonymous
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    May 2nd 2011 !⃝

    Agree that sunshine in a bag probably throws back to the bag full of money as indicated by song's title of Clint Eastwood. But that doesn't have to be the exclusive meaning. Money is really just a means to an end, useless in and of itself. The main character is "Useless but not for long" just like the money he's got. Thinking about putting sunshine in a bag is like taking something that could be awesome, and storing it away where it's not really doing anything for you. Could be in the form of money, could be in the form of drugs, but what I really think is that all the different possible meanings are intending to point us back to the big underlying meaning, which is the fact that most human beings keep their potential "stored up in a bag" and never really put themselves to their highest possible use.

    It gives us something to "feel glad" about. A temporary moment of hope that we have something amazing in us. But until we take that sunshine out of the bag, until we let ourselves out of the cage, we aren't really happy. I think the verses make it pretty obvious that while this song may have references to being high, it's about a lot more than that. Parts about being high leading to a spiratual awakening "Gunsmoking righteous, with one toke your psychic" Other parts about being high getting in the way of being complete "I see destruction and demise, corruption in disguise from this fucking enterprise"
    But either way, there's this higher power (call it spirit guide or call it God) using your flaws, using the very thing that's getting in the way of your potential (getting high) to lead you to a place of understanding. "Bet you didn't think so I command you to" the "spiritual hero who appears in you to clear your view when you're too crazy" forcing you to see that big picture panoramic view when you need it most.

    All the drum references "under the snare" and the stuff about Russ's percussion and the rhythm that's in everything... it's the underlying truth of the universe that there is something bigger and more powerful than you, calling the shots, "kicking tunes" and that rhythm will either be pounded into us like a snare drum, or we can accept it and dance to the groove of it When we allow him to make it childlike in nature.

    There is clearly an other that actually lights the fuse (not us). "remember where the thought is, I brought all this" reminds us not to be so arrogant as to think we're in control. We're just the characters on someone elses TV (imagine you getting down in a picture tube.) When we "pick and choose" (try to control things outside ourselves - through money, power drugs, we lose out) Doesn't matter who we are "chicks and dudes different crews" we are not in charge. But there's no need to fear that... because the one who is in charge is good at repairs and can make it all manageable. We can see it when we decide to see with our minds.

  12. anonymous
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    Apr 18th 2011 !⃝

    Sunshine has two meanings in the US.In the past it was slang for LSD but no one fucking says that anymore!Nowadays sunshine refers to Cocaine.I don't care what anyone says on this post its cocaine. If you google sunshine it will say its slang for LSD. Trust me though, I am a heavy drug user and have been apart of the drug culture for a long time.As for the rest of the song feel free to interpret it however you like.

  13. anonymous
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    Apr 6th 2011 !⃝

    Totally about acid. Sunshine in a bag? The drugs. I'm useless but not for long? Anyone who's taken acid knows that you are quite useless, but only for your trip, the trip you learn from for the future that's comin on. The vereses totally show it, time for me is nothin, time is sooo irrelevant when you trip. I'm not gonna get into super detail on the verses, but the end of the second one where it goes remember that its all in your head all whispered and crazy, that sold me, cause its so true. The trips is all in your head.

  14. anonymous
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    Apr 3rd 2011 !⃝

    the chorus is obviously about weed. "sunshine in a bag" is weed. The rest of the chorus has to do with waiting for the high to start. "I ain't happy, I'm feelin glad" reefers to feelin the buzz, but not the actual high. "I'm useless but not for the future is coming on" means they're useless waiting for the high; just sitting there, but not for long because the "future is coming on" which is the high.

  15. anonymous
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    Apr 3rd 2011 !⃝

    What does the actor Clint Eastwood have to do with drugs? this is most likely from good bad and ugly:
    "i aint happy" had to shoot someone/or how tuco was at the end of the movie

    "feeling glad" have a bag of gold
    "sunshine in a bag" gold

    and the rest would be mostly talking about how people change there lives and turn on other people for money like in the video it shows gorillaz in a graveyard "where the last scene in good bad and ugly took place" and are zombies. showing how people can turn on one another, 2d also wears a t virus t shirt from resident evil

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