What do you think You Found Me means?

The Fray - You Found Me Meaning

Album cover for You Found Me album cover

Song Released: 2008

You Found Me Lyrics

I found God
On the corner of First and Amistad
Where the west
Was all but won
All alone
Smoking his last cigarette
I said, Where you been?
He said, Ask anything.

Where were you
When everything was falling apart?
All my days

  1. anonymous
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    Jan 23rd 2011 !⃝

    It's a man who commits suicide and blames his girlfriend for not being there to help him through the hard times. "You found me lying on the floor...why'd you have to wait...just a little late." He was waiting for a call from her, for encouragement but it never came. When he mentions how he found god, he's talking about going to heaven.

  2. anonymous
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    Jan 21st 2011 !⃝

    To me, this is a song about someone who has lost someone; the "her" mentioned in the lyrics, who meant a lot to them. This person is angry at God and how life has treated him and it's only at the very end, when he's desperate, that he finds God who has been waiting for him all along.

  3. justagirl
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    Nov 10th 2010 !⃝

    To me this song is about possibly someone who felt trapped, like there was no way out. They didnt know what to do so maybe possibly they took the wrong way out and ended up doing things they regret such as becoming and alcoholic and being depressed. They wonder why no one will save them from this and end up starting to doubt God. This song is the story of their struggle in believeing in God again and people also and being saved from the breaking point in their life.

  4. anonymous
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    Oct 26th 2010 !⃝

    This song made me fall in love with The Fray as a group. I previously only listened to "Never Say Never", but "You Found Me" is incredibly deep and compelling. I decided to analyze the song line-by-line for a complete literally song analysis on my blog. Summary of my findings is below:

    I’ve seen dozens of interpretations of this song, including that of the songwriter himself. Some say this song is about faith and religion and God and Christianity. Some say it’s a song about a man who commits suicide. Others say it’s a song about a girl a man has lost and how it’s led to his loss of faith. Before we go any further, let me draw one conclusion: What this song is not about is suicide–I’m totally ruling out any suicidal interpretations. Yes, the speaker “finds” God, and yes, the speaker is desperate–but there’s simply not enough support in the text to substantiate the idea that the speaker kills himself. This is a song about finding hope-–not death.

    So what is this song really about? It doesn’t take a genius to see that this is at least partially a song about intense grief, loss, and desperation. This is a song about the suffering that occurs when you lose the person you’ve formed your strongest, closest bond with. Losing that person leads to emptiness and a feeling of being totally “alone” and “lost” in life, which in turn results in a loss of faith in the world and people and God and everything else. But this song isn’t just negative–it’s about finding faith and hope again and having your trust in life restored. The speaker finds his faith in everything again once he’s hit the nadir of his life and not before. Even after years of suffering, even after hitting rock-bottom, even after losing his great love, even so–the speaker finds that which he needs to continue on living. In the end, this is an upbeat song, this is an inspirational song, this is a “never give up” song. Don’t stop living. Don’t lose faith. Things will get better. This is a song about having been lost, but it’s also a song about being found.

    Check out my full, line-by-line song meaning and music interpretation of "You Found Me" on my Wordpress blog here if you're interested: http://wp.me/p10Lte-cG

  5. anonymous
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    Oct 19th 2010 !⃝

    I think that this man has hit the bottom (i think his gf is in the hospital or something too, he music video hints that and so does the second verse - no way to know how long she will be next to me). He's tryed everything. Well, everything but Jesus. FInally he finds Him when he gives up his so called "freedom" (i believe that's what amistad means). He's complaining to God saying, why didn't You help me before now? Why did You wait until I hit rock bottom?

    In the bridge (early morning, city breaks, and i've been calling - for years, and years, and years, and years etc. etc.) I think it's God turining it back on the man. He's saying I've been calling you, but you have been ignoring me. You've been looking and looking and looking in all the wrong places. Why did YOU wait until now to finally try Me?

    And the ending is amazing to me - why did you have to wait? to find Me, you found Me. Basically I believe God's saying, it would have been better if you had excepted me in the beginning. BUT - you finally found Me, and I forgive you. It's the fact that you found Me that I care about. I will forgive and forget. Let's move on, you found Me, so let's start afresh.

    This song has touched me SOOOOO much!! I love You JESUS!!!!

  6. anonymous
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    Dec 30th 2009 !⃝

    It's about how God reaches out to you, and that God's plans are different from yours. You may feel bitter in the lowest points in your life and feel that God has forsaken you, but actually He is there, reaching out to you and drawing you closer to him. When you feel God's presence in your hardest times, you will understand the lyrics of this song. For me, this song has a lot of meaning to me, because God found me when I was in my most difficult times.

  7. jaida
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    Oct 21st 2009 !⃝

    I think this song has two meanings so I combined them to make it all fit together. I think it is talking about the suicide that happened on first and amastad and the person whom died was probably thinking where was god and how come he never answered my prayers I've called and called so why is he not there for me. So the person took there life out of lost faith.

  8. anonymous
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    Sep 7th 2009 !⃝


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  9. anonymous
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    Sep 1st 2009 !⃝

    To me this song is about the writers struggle with beliefs in god to make a miricle happen to help he was not doing so well he kept praying (I've been calling) and nothing in his life changing (You never left me no messages and you sent me no letters) And toward the end of his life finally makes peace with god.

  10. anonymous
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    Aug 12th 2009 !⃝

    My Interpretation, is this voice singing could be someone who had just died n is asking god all these questions, or a family going through pain after losing someone.

    "Where were you when everything was falling apart" - In this verse.. Asking god where was he when times were tough. It could be when this person is lost or have lost someone. A metaphor for like God finally came.

    Or in another Interpretation
    "Losing her, the only one who's ever known" A girl/wife or mother. They turn to god for a light as their girl mention on this song is gone.

    to me if I relate it to a young boy who passed away
    He could be saying "Losing her" meaning his mother. Just a little late. You found me - When the boy who drown was missing for days, he was finally found.

    in relation to that Ive been calling years and years on the family/ person have no messages or letters from god. This song could relate to families or people that have lost someone and God has finally found them.

    Song was used for George Sandford Tribute, 16 year old who went missing after drowning but was later found days after

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  11. almightybong
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    Aug 4th 2009 !⃝

    My interpretation of this song is somewhat different. It appears as it is a conversation between God and whoever the man is. I think it is about the times we only see God when we've hit rock bottom, and we are in our lowest low.

    If you try to think of it, it would appear as if the one questioning the man. God has always been just around the corner, but only when the man is lost and insecure does he find Him. Only when the man was already lying on the floor does he find Him. "Why'd you have to wait to find me?" can also be taken as God's questions, and not the man's. Looking at the song, it is more like a conversation, and God is asking why only at a low time does the man find Him.

  12. anonymous
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    Jul 28th 2009 !⃝

    I think this song is about something everyone goes through at one point or another. But for the narrator, this is the breaking point, the last straw on the camel's back. He reaches out to God, tries again and again to find guidance as 'everything fell apart.' But God isn't there, and the man sinks deeper into insecurity. As he sinks, he keeps trying to find God, but God works in mysterious ways and the man finds, once again, no help. They never specify what his problem is, though. It could be addiction to alcohol or nicotine or drugs, or a disorder like depression or bipolar disorder, or something else. All we know is that the man sinks and sinks, feeling more lost with every time he reaches out for guidance. And when he says, 'Just a little late,' we know he means that whatever the problem is, be it addiction, disorder, or social troubles, it had reached past the breaking point and spiralled out of control as the man wasted away, still not within reach of the lifesaving arms of God, as he had been his whole life, we can presume. And the song is a sad, angry song of a misguided man demanding answers, and I don't know about everyone else, but this song strikes a chord in my heart for the lyrics are haunting and frightening and if you look deep enough into the heart of the song, then you can tell that the songwriter and the narrator and you yourself have endured, are enduring, or will endure that misguided insecure pain of not being able to reach God.

  13. anonymous
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    Jul 9th 2009 !⃝

    i think the song is about a man who killed himself when he lost someone he loved - "losing her, the only one who's ever known, who i am. who im not. and who i wanna be."
    when he dies, he meets god - obviously on the corner of first and amistad. i dont think he meant to die, just a cry for help. - "why'd you have to wait, where were you, just a little late."

  14. anonymous
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    Jul 1st 2009 !⃝

    Simply put, this song is about the singer losing his girlfriend to a car accident. He questions God. Pretty simple. Google it.

  15. anonymous
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    Jun 26th 2009 !⃝

    I think you people are missing something, what about the lyrics:

    I said, "Where you been?"
    He said, "Ask anything".

    still don't get what that means....

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway

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