What do you think You Found Me means?

The Fray - You Found Me Meaning

Album cover for You Found Me album cover

Song Released: 2008

You Found Me Lyrics

I found God
On the corner of First and Amistad
Where the west
Was all but won
All alone
Smoking his last cigarette
I said, Where you been?
He said, Ask anything.

Where were you
When everything was falling apart?
All my days

  1. anonymous
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    Jun 4th 2009 !⃝

    This song is about suicide from the point of the person committing it.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  2. Aileen
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    May 31st 2009 !⃝

    In an interview, Isaac Slade expressed his meaning behind the lyrics of the song:
    "You Found Me" It's about the disappointment, the heart ache, the let down that comes with life. Sometimes you’re let down, sometimes you’re the one who lets someone else down. It gets hard to know who you can trust, who you can count on. This song came out of a tough time, and I’m still right in the thick of it. There’s some difficult circumstances my family and friends have been going through over the past year or so and can be overwhelming. It wears on me. It demands so much of my faith to keep believing, keep hoping in the unseen. Sometimes the tunnel has a light at the end, but usually they just look black as night. This song is about that feeling, and the hope that I still have, buried deep in my chest.
    In another interview Isaac Slade declared that:
    "I kept getting these phone calls from home - tragedy after tragedy... If there is some kind of person in charge of this planet - are they sleeping? Smoking? Where are they? I just imagined running into God standing on a street corner like Bruce Springsteen, smoking a cigarette, and I'd have it out with him."

    But i Like to think of it in a religious way cause ..sometimes you start losing hope in god..and yur thinking "where are you now that i need you" but then he always makes you believe again

  3. anonymous
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    Apr 18th 2009 !⃝

    To me this song isn't about faith so much as it is about how when bad things happen they are meant to make us stronger, and a godly being isn't going to intervene and bail you out. It's about how when you do have faith in the end, you end up finding your belief but it's too late because you went through the experience with your own strength. Its a really sad song and has me near tears everytime but it represents that feeling we get often as we realize we have to tackle our issues alone.

  4. anonymous
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    Apr 2nd 2009 !⃝

    A little to late- Meaning that he found God in time., and was saved but what he means by a little too late was if he had his faith before the tragidies in his life it would have saved hima lot of heartache

  5. BBeck0101
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    Apr 1st 2009 !⃝

    I almost feel as if this songs speaks to anyone and everyone. We all struggle in our lives on a daily basis; seeking truth and wondering why terrible things happen when we do not think we deserve the heartache. We've all been to that dark place, or at least did not believe there was light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we want to curse God for not answering out prayers, and we start to give up that he even cares about us.

    I believe this song is different to everyone who hears the lyrics, and the fact that it so powerful. a different level is what makes it so powerful. There was a time in my life, and this is why this song means so much to me, that I wanted to give up. I had just gone through some major BS in my life, and decided to move to Costa Rica for a little bit. I though running away from my problems would help, but I learned that running away sometimes magnifies he problems because we have too much time to think, alone, in a place that gives us temporary relaxation. The longer I spent away, the more I knew that I needed the people who loved me... and I didn't come to know that God was really a part in my life until I hit rock bottom.

    I had no prior history of any kind of partying ways, but Costa Rica make me feel free... and I drank myself into an oblivion many nights, thinking about what had gone wrong. One night, I was in a place called Dominical. I don't know how, but I ended up miles away from my hotel in an abandon house. Some parts of the night are clear, but I don't know how I got there. I woke up in a bed- a blow up type of bed, in a house ontop of a hill. I remembered a guy taking me into this room. He told me I would be safe, and that he would be there if I needed anything. Well, I woke up early, and was so afraid. There was a Tico (Costa Rican) sittng next to me on the bed. He was fully clothed, but he was about to touch my body. I knew I had not been sexually abused of anything, so I can only assume he was trying to take my jewelry (which were fake, but very flashy to someone that doesn't know). I got up and told him to get away from me. He didn't speak English, and made his fist into a gun... and kept saying "shut up, shut up"...! How did I get in this situation???

    I ran out of the room, and saw my surroundings. TALK ABOUT FREAKING OUT. A few months before this I was planning a beautiful wedding, and looking for houses with my fiance... and now I was lost in Costa Rica, with no ID because my purse was no where in sight, my shoes were gone, and then I saw one of three other people in the house. It was a guy- the guy that gave me his bed the night before, and he was sleeping on the floor. He woke up and told me everything would be okay. His name was Isaac (though I am sure that he was not Isaac Slade).

    I was lost and so scared that I would never see my family again. There was no way this was how I wanted to end my life, but then Isaac told me that he was going to help me. The Tico guy, Isaac, and myself went down the stairs and got into a car. I was so happy to get out of there. We dropped the Tico guy at the beach, and Isaac took me back to my hotel. We talked for a bit over breakfast, and he told me it was so nice to meet me. He then looked at me and told me that God would help me if I would let him back into my life. I thought about that for months, and finally understood that God was always there for me... I just wouldn't let him into my life.

    I know this sounds stupid, and it is all by chance, but when I was lost and insecure... I found a guy named Isaac...lying on the floor...!

    That is why I love this song, and how I found God in Costa Rica.

  6. anonymous
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    Mar 30th 2009 !⃝

    The song is talking about how people THINK God is sometimes not there and ask why isn't he there when you need him when really he is always there
    what I don't like about this song is they could've used another way than "smoking his last cigarette"

  7. anonymous
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    Mar 20th 2009 !⃝

    Okay. For those who are tired of "ThIs Is WhAt It SaId On ThE ArTiSt WeBsItE AbOuT ThE SoNg!" Well this is for you. The whole primis of this website is to tell viewers what WE! WE!! Not the artsist because its there job to write the that WE Can relate to! And to ME! I think it's about somebody who has disbeliefs in his own religion. Thus "I found god." And it seems that he was walking and it and he I don't know stopped at a street corner? lol. Thus the "Corner Of First And Amastad"...And He depicts god as smoking a cigarette(figuratively). But literally I think in his mind somewhere he thinks god just relaxing and what do some people do when they relax??? (smoke a cigarette...). Any way, picture this poor guy with his head low saying in his most sorrowful voice "Where've you've been?..." And God's like "Really?! Thats What you wanna REALLY want to aske me?!?!?" Thus the "...He said ask me anything!". Then the poor fella just pent up with rage and sadness falls to his hands and knees and starts whalin and asking him all this questions thus the "Where were you! When everything was falling apart!?" And he states in that same verse "All my days spent by the telephone!" This is another figurative message when really you can picture the guy praying and praying and waiting for a blessing and it never comes his way and he thinks god must not be listening to me or maybe there isn't a god. Thus the "It never rang! All I needed was a call! It never Came..." Then god seeing in his time of sadness comforting him the guy realizes this what god wanted! All his pain and all his devastation everything that went wrong preparing him for this. God put us through trials and tribulations to learn from them. He puts through heartbreaks, losing a loved one, Or jus being alone to show you that no matter how hard you got it that he always there. You just have to be wise enough to believe it yourself. Thank you for your time.

  8. anonymous
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    Feb 23rd 2009 !⃝

    It's definitely something very very common for people to doubt God. David did it. Saul did it. Peter, Judas, Adam, Eve, Moses. The list of names goes on and on. Lucifer did too.

    The song speaks to me about our expectations of God's timing. Our faith can be so fragile, a kind of transaction "pay God his price of prayer and obedience, and He'll leave us alone". That's not the God of Love that He is, that, Isaac is speaking about here.

    Check out of the book of Job. It's the same, pains, the same cries, and the same thanks to God at the end. (I hope I'm not crafting this out of nowhere, but the final repetitions of "You found me!" are the most bright and positive sounding in the whole song, and the "why'd you have to wait." sound more hopeful and curious than painful and incriminating.


  9. anonymous
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    Feb 14th 2009 !⃝

    I definitly feel this song is slightly more positive than some see it. I feel it deals a lot with GOD and how we as humans are so impatient and expect a response when we want it. But it isnt our schedule when we're 'lying on the floor' or brokendown that neccessarily matters. Everything happens for a reason and when it is supposed to. instead of the title being YOU DIDNT FIND ME it is YOU FOUND ME. Lost and insecure = found. It is a very emotional song dealing with loss and breaking down but when its time and when we are ready there is a light at the end of the tunnel and all of our questions will be answered.

  10. anonymous
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    Jan 27th 2009 !⃝

    I agree that he had had enough with it all and that he committed suicide on the corner of First and Amistad, because he also says "smoking his last cigarette."

  11. jgrega27
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    Dec 21st 2008 !⃝

    This song starts by talking about how he was wandering in confusion, and reached out to God for answers as to why, why he was so lost. he wanted to know "where were you when everything was falling apart? all i needed was a call." it never came, noone was there to rescue him. sooner or later everyone will fail at some point and loose something good. they will reach out for hope, faith...in the end, after the suffering and confusion, someone finally realized he needed help, but it was too late, because the damage was done. "you found me, lying on the floor, lost and insecure. where were you?" it was too late to rescue him. "why'd you have to wait? you found me." this is saying that he could have been found from the beginning, it shouldnt have gone so far. this song is about reaching out and acceptance

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