What do you think Even If She Falls means?

Blink-182 - Even If She Falls Meaning

Tagged: Love [suggest]
Album cover for Even If She Falls album cover

Even If She Falls Lyrics

And she was, like a starry night
Like a ferris wheel, full of blue-green eyes
And a heart of steel, always on her own
Almost never real

When the night will begin, the pain it won't end
Even if she falls in love
Back, you want to turn...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Oct 11th 2012 !⃝

    For me, the song is about a guy who can never be with this certain girl, even if she falls in love with him.

    "And a heart of steel, always on her own" suggests that she is an emotionally strong, and independent woman.

    "Almost never real" suggests that she's "perfect", possibly the combination of brains, beauty, and benevolence.

    The first stanza explains the situation of the guy.
    "When the night will begin, the pain it won't end even if she falls in love"
    -It means that even though she cares for him, there will be hardships that will plague their relationship, and eventually ruin it.
    "Fact you wanna turn back, your heart will attack even if she falls in love"
    -It means he wants to stop liking her, to stop the relationship, because he know despite all the problems, he just might fall in love with her.

    "Like a lonely road, clearest day alive"
    -Though she may be single, she still manages to be happy, going against the stereotype that people must have partners in order to experience true joy.
    "Always sharp and cold, always beautiful'
    -She might seem cold to him because she is not used to affections and love since she is so independent. This independence and distance from society makes her beautiful.

    "Try to look in her eyes, the light is just right even if she falls in love"
    -Emotions can be seen through a person's eyes. Maybe he is trying to know how she really feels about him during this special moment (the light is just right)
    "It isn't so bad, it's driving you mad even if she falls in love"
    -See, this is contradictory. It isn't so bad yet the situation drives him insane, though he knows that she just might care about him.

  2. anonymous
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    Sep 21st 2022 !⃝

    I honestly think it's a story about these three kids who are out in the woods and one of the kid's feelings rises for the girl in the group. the kid is afraid yet curious about whom the girl wants. "When the night will begin the pain it won't end" can be about when they are all sleeping at night he sees this girl lying either by herself, with the kid who singing, or with the other boy in the group. "And she was like a starry night" might mean that he sees the starry night in the woods they are in and thinks it's so beautiful, just like the girl. "always on her own, almost never real" might mean that he hasn't personally talked to the girl before this moment and he notices he's always out on her own and she's so perfect it's like she isn't real.

  3. anonymous
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    Nov 13th 2012 !⃝

    For me this song represents a relationship that will never work out, but has every reason to. Both he and she love each other in a way, but something is holding them back. Parts in this song is signify that she is held up on a past/current relationship with someone else, which causes the problem. He is trying to love her, but its clear she can't love him due to her emotional state of mind.

  4. anonymous
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    Sep 29th 2012 !⃝

    It sounds to me more like a guy who does not want to "taint" a girl knowing exactly how innocent she is and refraining from that. It seems he is aware that she is in his trap, yet something holds him back. It is a mockery in a way in that he would know what to make a girl love him and he assumes the typical of the girl, but he realizes that she isn't easily duped and does not know how to confront that.

    He knows that if she truly did fall in love with him, HE is the one who couldn't handle it and is afraid to face it because he is used to the game.

    This is truly an objective thought...reread it and see what I mean.

  5. anonymous
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    Sep 29th 2012 !⃝

    i always thought it was about a guy who loves a girl who loves a different guy. but i must be wrong

  6. anonymous
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    Sep 17th 2012 !⃝

    I think in my opinion it is a guy who has feeling for this girl and he doesn't have the courage or strength to make a move. Each verse he makes comments about her beauty but then he makes comments that are negative. I think it's his way of justifying the fact that he hasn't made a move yet. It's as if he doubts himself. "Even If She Falls in Love" it's like stating that even if she falls in love with me it won't last. Everyone interprets it in a different way so there's mine.

  7. samantha.j.schuler
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    Aug 26th 2012 !⃝

    I think this song is simply about a guy trying to be with a strong, independent girl. She's used to doing things on her own and its hard for her to let her guard down and show how much she cares for him. He can tell by the look in her eyes that she does, but sometimes he feels like a fool because of her reactions towards her.

    Blink-182 is my favorite band, and this is by far my favorite song of theirs. The music and lyrics are perfect.

  8. anonymous
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    Apr 2nd 2012 !⃝

    I think this song is about a guy who knew this girl not very well at uni or something and he never looked at her in a love interest way until one night they went out.
    So the first verse is about the qualities he notices of her, so pretty like the starry night, fun like a fairground ferris wheel/energetic? her bold eyes that he notices. but he knows that something is going on in her life from his friends and that she doesn't let people in (has a heart of steel). As well as keeping everything inside and not letting anyone know anything thats making her sad or stressed (always on her own).
    And the guy finds her interesting as he never has seen someone who is like her before (almost never real).

    The first chorus is kinda split between the two (observation of the girl and the thoughts of the boy) so when she goes out she still keeps her thoughts to herself even if she gets drunk and those thoughts make her sad which he can see every now and again when she thinks no one is watching her (when the night will begin, the pain it won't end) and the boy thinks that even if she fell in love with him she might not be happy and still be like she is which he is worried about.
    then the second part is the boy thinking that he should stop thinking about her already and run otherwise his heart will fall for her even more and it will be too late to stop it, but he still thinks about it anyway(back, you wanna turn back, your heart will attack, even if she falls in love).

    the second verse;
    the boy starts to get to know her more by talking to her and he finds out that she is really dismissive and says things in a mean way that she doesn't necessarily mean meanly, thats just her defense (appears cold) (and she was, like a blade of ice).

    the next part is contrasting i think as he says something that others can see (common) then what he see's and thinks.
    so she is reserved and goes through life on her own, but he thinks that is nice as she knows her own way without someone helping her and he can see that clearly (like a lonely road, clearest day alive).
    Then he says about her demeanour again then what he thinks of it, so she is always sharp and cold but still beautiful even when she says something mean to the boy himself, he still thinks shes beautiful just the way she is.
    Then the last bit is when the guy starts thinking of asking her out/or has already asked her out and she left him hanging so he feels like a right fool (i am such a fool)

    so the next chorus is more of the boys thoughts rather than what the girls thoughts might be;
    so the pain of not having an answer to his question makes it harder when he sees her around (when the night will begin, the pain it won't end)
    then he wishes he went back and never said anything as he thinks its messed everything up, but everytime he wishes that his heart sinks (back you wanna turn back, your heart will attack).
    then when the boy catches her gaze when he sees her around he notices how perfect she is still and it makes him long for her even more (try to look in her eye, the light is just right)
    and he knows its awkward but his feelings don't feel that he only feels tingly because she looked at him back, and everytime that happens it makes him happy and makes him lust for her more (and it isn't so bad, it's driving you mad).

    Then the last repeated chorus to me is;
    the boy finally got an answer and they are going out now and he is happy and she appears happy too, so he knows that she might feel down on nights out but he is there to bring her up again (when the night will begin, the pain it won't end even if she falls in love)
    and he always wants to go to her and be there everytime she is sad but he knows he can't always be there for her so his heart calls out everytime he is away from her wishing he could be there by her side (back, you wanna turn back, your heart will attack even if she falls in love)
    Now he can look at her and in her eyes (gets lost in them), and he forgets everything anyone has ever said about her and what she appears to be like, he knows her and she is beautiful to him (try to look in her eye, the light is just right even if she falls in love)
    To him he realised that everything he's gone through to get to where is now was worth it, and loving her is driving him more in love and he doesn't care if she falls in love because he knows now that he will never hurt her and he is equally in love too (and it isn't so bad, it's driving you mad, even if she falls in love).

    but yeah thats what i think the song means, sorry its uber long :P

  9. anonymous
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    Mar 6th 2012 !⃝

    Their love (friendship) change him, he is starry eyed, but he soulds be himself.

    "Try to look in your eyes, the light is just right even if she falls in love"

  10. anonymous
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    Feb 28th 2012 !⃝

    I think that the entire Neighborhoods album leads into this song. Ghost on the Dancefloor is about this girl, and the main character looking back on the events in the neighborhood. Even if She Falls to me is the "hail Mary" of a ton of things. For the band, it's then holding onto their youth. For fans it's about the old vs new blink. For the listener it's about the story. It ends with the guy watching the girl from a distance knowing that the pain in his gut will never go away.

  11. anonymous
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    Feb 7th 2012 !⃝

    I think the song is about a guy falling for a girl and telling her that he is in love with her but she has been hurt in the past so is very guarded and doesn't fall in love easy and even if she falls in love with him she wouldn't tell him. The whole situation is driving him mad as she is too good to let go but at the same time is bad for him, so he is torn on what to do about it. yeah, that's what I got out of it, great song.

  12. anonymous
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    Jan 29th 2012 !⃝

    I take the song to mean that a guy is in love with a girl, but no matter what happens it won't work out.

    He's put so much into it, and she's not in love with him, but their problems are so much bigger that even if she falls in love with him, it still won't work out.

  13. DearGicela
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    Jan 23rd 2012 !⃝

    My interpretation towards 'Even If She Falls' by blink 182 is a little different than what most think:

    I think it's about a guy who doesn't know how to breakup with his girlfriend. Like it says "Back, you want to turn back, your heart will attack"...meaning he's having second thoughts.

    I think this line has the deepest meaning to my interpretation:
    "Try to look in her eye, the light is just right, even if she falls in love"...to me it means that he's trying to see how he's going to let her down easily.

    'the light is just right'...this line means the girl will fall in love with the moment and with what she's seeing, yet doesn't know what he's about to do....

    "And it isn't so bad, it's driving you mad, Even if she falls in love" ....don't be afraid of your decisions, life goes on.

  14. DearGicela
    click a star to vote
    Jan 23rd 2012 !⃝

    My interpretation towards 'Even If She Falls' by blink 182 is a little different than what most think:

    I think it's about a guy who doesn't know how to breakup with his girlfriend. Like it says "Back, you want to turn back, your heart will attack"...meaning he's having second thoughts.

    I think this line has the deepest meaning to my interpretation:
    "Try to look in her eye, the light is just right, even if she falls in love"...to me it means that he's trying to see how he's going to let her down easily.

    'the light is just right'...this line means the girl will fall in love with the moment and with what she's seeing, yet doesn't know what he's about to do....

    "And it isn't so bad, it's driving you mad, Even if she falls in love" ....don't be afraid of your decisions, life goes on.My interpretation towards 'Even If She Falls' by blink 182 is a little different than what most think:

    I think it's about a guy who doesn't know how to breakup with his girlfriend. Like it says "Back, you want to turn back, your heart will attack"...meaning he's have second thoughts.

    I think this line has the deepest meaning to my interpretation:
    "Try to look in her eye, the light is just right, even if she falls in love"...to me it means that he's trying to see how he's going to let her down easily.

    'the light is just right'...this line means the girl will fall in love with the moment and with what she's seeing, yet doesn't know what he's about to do....

    "And it isn't so bad, it's driving you mad, Even if she falls in love" ....don't be afraid of your decisions, life goes on.My interpretation towards 'Even If She Falls' by blink 182 is a little different than what most think:

    I think it's about a guy who doesn't know how to breakup with his girlfriend. Like it says "Back, you want to turn back, your heart will attack"...meaning he's have second thoughts.

    I think this line has the deepest meaning to my interpretation:
    "Try to look in her eye, the light is just right, even if she falls in love"...to me it means that he's trying to see how he's going to let her down easily.

    'the light is just right'...this line means the girl will fall in love with the moment and with what she's seeing, yet doesn't know what he's about to do....

    "And it isn't so bad, it's driving you mad, Even if she falls in love" ....don't be afraid of your decisions, life goes on.

  15. anonymous
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    Jan 9th 2012 !⃝

    I always imagined this song to be about a guy who loves this girl, however he knows that it would never work between them, hence "even if she falls in love".

    "When the night will begin, the pain it won't end"
    everynight when you go to bed, you always look back on your day or life and have deep thoughts running through your mind. i imagined this as when your alone looking up to the ceiling, thinking about her and it hurts you so much cos you know that a relationship would never work with her.

    "And it isn't so bad, it's driving you mad"

    things are going great being friends with this girl but its driving you mad cos itll never work.

    great song by a great band (best on the album :P)

  16. anonymous
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    Jan 4th 2012 !⃝

    i think it's about a girl who got dumped by someone she really loved and she can't stop thinking about him, and "even if she falls in love" again she will never forget him and "even when the night begins, the pain it won't end, even i she falls in love" ..

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