What do you think Hear Me Now means?

Hollywood Undead - Hear Me Now Meaning

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Hear Me Now Lyrics

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I wear my crown of thorns and pull the knife out my chest.
I keep searching for something that I never seem to find.
But maybe I won't, because I left it all behind.
Now I'm stuck with...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Jun 6th 2013 !⃝

    (long, but i think its a decent interpretation) I agree that it's about the kids that are outcasts or ignored. "Where to go from here, what road to travel on...I spent my whole life choosing and I always chose wrong." They're saying that they had to decide everything on their own and got no help from everyone else, and made bad decisions because of this. "Will I try to have the will to be alive? Will I try 'cause I've never seen the light?" They're depressed and are contemplating suicide, but they want to keep trying because they've never seen the light of a good life. "Blow it to the ground and it's now you see, you spent your whole life taking the best of me." They're talking to the people that ignored them, bullied them. They're saying that people spent their whole lives making them feel bad about themself and bullying them. The chorus--"Where'd you go? Where's your home? How'd you end up all alone? Can you hear me now?" They ran away, and somebody found them and are asking them where they came from, why they ran away, and why they're alone. "There's no light, there's no sound, hard to breathe when you're underground." The person that found them tries to convince them not to kill themself, saying that when they're buried, "there's no light, there's no sound, hard to breathe." The 2nd verse--"Walking these streets so absent of hope, a pillow of concrete, a man with no home..." they're returning home and are seeing how bad people's lives can be. "Leave the virtue of pity, but we live with the shame." People that are sad and alone don't pity themselves, but are ashamed. "So scared to dream in a world with no sunlight...when you wake up, you know it's darker than last night." They're scared to dream and have nightmares, but when they wake up, reality is even worse. "Quickly we forget, sacrifice gone by. Born to walk away, been walking my whole life." They forget about their problems and ignore them, saying that's what they've done for their whole life.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Mar 2nd 2011 !⃝

    me personally i think its about someone thats had it hard in life. feeling lost and lonely they're calling out to God to help them out and be in their life. i know hollywood undead isn't christian but it's possible they could be going christian because they write their parts and its obvious they are trying to help everyone thats having a hard life through their music.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    May 31st 2011 !⃝

    i think that this song is a life saver and is about someone that has made many mistakes in there life moving on from them because they are in the past,asking god to help them through wondering if anyone can hear the cries for help. There alone and scread with no one careing, they go on wondering if there is going to be a helping hand long the trip.

  4. anonymous
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    Jul 13th 2019 !⃝

    About depression.

  5. anonymous
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    May 20th 2015 !⃝

    i think its about some one in trouble

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  6. anonymous
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    Sep 21st 2014 !⃝

    i agree with all of these things, but the only way to find true purpose in life is through Christ. Other than that this world tells us ur r an accident, a product of time matter and chance, nothing, one in a sea of faces. But guys, God has called everyone to him. God hasn't called the chosen, He's chosen the called. If you follow Christ you will be with Him in Heaven Forvever!!!!!! I know that's hard for us finite beings to grasp, but if everything we can see, feel, taste, touch, and smell is all that there is 2 life..... what's the point?

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  7. brandon.mcbride.391
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    Nov 16th 2013 !⃝

    Some one who's unnoticed in their life, and have no hope of ever being noticed. No reason to life as they know it, with no will to be alive, or to be acknowledged in their life by or with anyone else but themselves, and only themselves.

  8. anonymous
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    Mar 15th 2013 !⃝

    I believe differently. From my point of view, I surmised that it isn't about people that are having trouble--though it could be situated to that--but that it's about how this God gave them something what is deemed false with a disillusioned promise of love and forgiveness and hope. Nor is it about Deuce. ^^; It's difficult to put my ideas into words and I totally broke all of the "forbidden" ways of the...ermmmm...documentation barrier...meaning that I used all POVs...but this is my interpretation and it was difficult to write it down.

    Interpretations are difficult to write...just in general. So...here it goes.

    "As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I wear my crown of thorns and pull the knife out my chest."
    From my interpretation, I believe he's starting with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; this is shown from the allusion Valley of the Shadow of Death which is affiliated many times in the Bible. "Knife out my chest" ((because we all know about the crown of thorns)) When Jesus died, there was a prod ((? maybe a pole??)) that was stabbed into his side and water flowed out as a proof of his death. It could also mean pain that's in one's chest throughout one's life, but is ignored or shaken through determination, resentment and/or other factors.

    "I keep searching for something that I never seem to find.
    But maybe I won’t, because I left it all behind."
    That "something" could be anything spanning from love to forgiveness of sin to the God that many look up to in times of trial. But it is difficult if one already turned their back against religion and the thought of an existing omniscient God. Especially referring to the fact that maybe one's friends or family might turn their back against them because of their views. That something might have been with them in the beginning, but it's gone when they get older and see the world from their eyes. A false sense of hope, security and many other things could be thrown into that "something."

    "Now I’m stuck with this, and that’ll never change
    Always a part of me, until the very last day."
    The thought that maybe the uplifted and ideal God might not be there or might not care about His people can rot in someone's mind, especially when it feels like it's true--which it might be, though we'll never know except by a collection of written works gathered to make the Bible.

    "Where to go from here? What road to travel on?
    I spent my whole life choosing, and I always chose wrong."
    Choices are difficult. It could mean that he's wary about the choices he'll make in the future due to bad ones in the past, making it more difficult to chose something will have meaning in his life in the future. To take the road less traveled is a difficult thing, but it might also be the right thing. What seems right to you?

    "Will I try to have the will to be alive?
    Will I try because I’ve never seen the light?
    Blow it to the ground and it’s now you see,
    You spent your whole life taking the best of me"
    The Will to be Alive by most standpoints is a very common and instinctive trait--pointed out by the scientific belief of Natural Selection by Charles Darwin--but to others, it is difficult to have the thought of being alive when everything that's going on is not going in their favor and dark thoughts are rotting in their heads and they feel like they can't breathe. The Light is God ((/Jesus)) that is never seen, but is believed in existence. A strong belief can be a folly if something goes terribly wrong and everything feels like it's crashing down. It seems senseless to try to even believe in a God that forsakened His people. People can throw their opinions at someone, but it doesn't mean that he or she has to listen. "You've spent your whole life taking the best of me." This can refer to the people around him that shunned and left him in the times trial and that he felt that didn't try to help him at all. It could also be referred to the disillusionment of the God that is believed to be there waiting for one to ask for His forgiveness and to the people who had them do something that he or she doesn't agree with at all. That person would be unable to live to their own opinions about the world and everything around it; they have their own choices to make about the world, not the biased ones of their family, friends or peers. It says to live to your own expectation, not to others.

    "Where’d you go? Where’s your home?
    How’d you end up all alone?
    Can you hear me now?"
    It can be discerned that the person that this is referring to are the ones who died--whether by natural death, homicide, accidents or suicide. "How'd you end up all along" is pointed at both the living and the dead as people are left behind and the people who died are leaving people behind, rising the question "Can you hear me now?" which is asked when someone ((especially one who has lost a loved one)) needs that person right then and there.

    "There’s no light, there’s no sound.
    Hard to breathe, when you’re underground.
    Can you hear me now? Hear me now"
    Lonelyness can be translated from the first sentence here. "Hard to breathe when you're underground" is referring to the dead and to the living who find it hard to live when the people that they knew or love died. Again, the question is asked, and the second time it sounds more like a demand.

    "How long can I keep pretending to be?
    That all the stars in the sky could mean something to me.
    Heaven will open up if I live on my knees.
    A man of many words, but a man of few deeds."
    Lies. Everyone makes them and quite a few live a lie everyday to cover up the pain, sorrow, regret and/or resentment welling up inside their chest. It's easy to try to believe in something meaningful, but when one knows that it's not true is a stab in the chest. "Heaven...knees" is referring to the sole belief that one can only be forgiven and graced by the glory of God which is only given through the expected motions that many people have to only get to the Kingdom. "A man...few deeds" can be translated that it's easy to say that one did something, but in reality they did little of what they said.

    "Walking these streets, so absent of hope.
    A pillow of concrete, a man with no home.
    Lend him a hand, then we’re walking the way.
    Leave the virtue of pity, but we live with the shame.
    The first two sentences are easily translated but the third is saying that one is only able to get into Heaven if they help the poor--which is a horrible belief. Sure one should help the needy and the broken, but it shouldn't be the only gateway to God. Shown to the downtrodden is a shower and a ray of pity, but the givers are disillusioned with the sense of completeness when if fact there's really an invisible veil of shame.

    "So scared to dream in a world with no sunlight.
    When you wake up, you know it’s darker than last night."
    It's scary to live in a world that has no controller--it's the society that everyone lives in. They hate rules, but they know that it would be complete chaos if there isn't someone who lays them down. But everyday, the world becomes darker--not literally but spiritually and mentally ((subconsciously or consciously))--from everything that is done. There's a belief that people are inherently evil, giving into the context that everyday we make our lives darker and harder to live.

    "Quickly we forget, sacrifice gone by.
    Born to walk away, been walking my whole life."
    The sacrifice is Jesus, and many believers take in vein the covenant and promise of forgiveness that is shown every Sunday in Church. "Born to...whole life" can be translated that people say something that they would/wouldn't do, but they don't/do do in the end; hypocrites. It's human nature to become thrown in and addicted to the human life and to the physical world; by doing this, humans stray from the "path" or the "way" that was given to them in the beginning but never followed through throughout life.

    "Look into my eyes and I see
    What do I see? Nothing at all
    Take another look around me
    What do I see? Nothing at all"
    This could be the hope that died out from all of the chaos and the disillusionment before us. You could still be looking for something, but never find it in the end for the answer might be: Nothing. One can look for something that is placed as a belief and a well known idea, with the subconscious knowledge that it's not there and that they'll never find it in the end.

    I simply love the song and all of HU's lyrics allude to something in real life. XD This one is a bit depressing, but ironically it's comforting. It's really difficult to put one's interpretation into words--it's more of a feeling and an idea swirling in one's mind.

  9. anonymous
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    Dec 29th 2012 !⃝

    i beleive this song means that everyone is born with a chance to be PURE! make the right decisions, no matter what religion, we know right from wrong. and someone who has made the wrong decisions, is dead, but there alive,

  10. anonymous
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    May 19th 2012 !⃝

    As I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death (This life is DEATH, and ruled by DEATH)......

    I Wear my crown of thorns and pull the knife out of my chest......
    (Acknowledging the need for Jesus, and pulling out the condemning judgment of this world and the cruelty of cold humanity that just walks by)

    I keep searching for something that I never seem to find, but maybe I won't because I left it all behind... (This life is bull****, and the world that matters is unseen! A person that has turned to Jesus Christ doesn't walk by site but by faith)

    Now I'm stuck with this, and that'll never change... (The TRUTH and TRUE Repentence to Need of Christ)
    Always a part of me, until the very last day...... (Until death and Spiritual rebirth in the Glory, we live in sin as sinners, only saved by the "SACRIFICE"

    So much to this song!!!!!! Maybe more later....

    But my favorit part is by Johnny 3 tears:

    "A pillow of concrete, a man with no home" (A man a his last, homless and in need, also us that are living in Jesus, cold and hit with this concrete world as we struggle to love, and get judged by people that claim to walk THE WAY, and people that HATE IT!)

    Lend him a hand, then we're walking the way.... (The Way is the name of the true Christian walk. "I AM the Way, The Truth and the Light", also if we've done it for the least of these, we've done it for Jesus!)
    Leave the virtue of pitty, but we live with the shame............. ("James 2:15 If a brother or sister is without clothes and lacks daily food 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you don’t give them what the body needs, what good is it?".......... In other words.. It's fake as H@LL to say I'll pray for you, and not help all of mankind.... We are the f*#@ing body of Christ, and if we don't do as He did, we ain't walking the WAY, and we're destined to bear shame, and slip into nothingness....... ) No more room for judgment and condemnation.. It's time to walk the way or shut up and hang our heads in SHAME!

  11. anonymous
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    Mar 18th 2012 !⃝

    I think it's about "invisible" the ones that people ignore. No one cares about how they feel, they're alone. So possibly when they make rash decisions such as suicides they're screaming out to people asking if they finally have their attention. Suicide would be easy to see from "there's no light there's no sound hard to breathe when you're underground." suggesting death ended by a funeral

  12. anonymous
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    Feb 27th 2012 !⃝

    I think it might've been about a friend that died and got buried underground. "Hard to breath when you're underground."GOOD SONG HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD

  13. anonymous
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    Jan 18th 2012 !⃝

    i think this song is about questioning things you are led to believe your entire life like between heaven and hell whats real and whats not,and how they are just lost and dont know what to do or where to go.

  14. anonymous
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    Sep 21st 2011 !⃝

    I think this song is a beast! Anyway I personally think that it's about a hard life. Making mistakes, wrong choices and losing everything. And the chorus is clearly someone who HAS lost everything...where'd you go? Where's your home? How'd you end up all alone? Can you hear me now? There's no light, there's no sound hard to breathe when youre underground. And by underground I think it means like...up to your eyeballs in problems and you have sunk seriously low.
    Love you HWU!! Blue_Bree x

  15. anonymous
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    Sep 20th 2011 !⃝

    maybe its about duce? A diss, like kinda mockig him? Whered you go? How you end up all alone? Can you hear me now? Danny is saying this cuse he replaced him.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  16. kferg
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    Jul 11th 2011 !⃝

    Hear me now by Hollywood Undead is about the physical and mental rock bottom, and saving somebodies life from the consequences of their situation.addiction, depression, whatever their flavor of kool aid. the song begins base upon a personal downfall/as your life spirals out of control, fading into a mindset that you believe nobody understands-depression. just listen to the chorus, because it defines the ground zero for what the rest of the song is about. the rest just follows behind. "Can you hear me now..." defines time to wake up and come back to reality, its a person screaming out to a close friend because they're at rock bottom and on the way to their grave and/or death "theres no lights, theres no sounds. hard to breath when your underground." although according to what the song is about it couldve been named,"this is your fucking wake up call." although i still prefer Hear me now!

    Theres my 2 cents. if it helped then great. if not then inperpret it yourself like i did. i heard the song and it touched my heart and life. cheers to the 6 guys that do it. rock n roll

  17. anonymous
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    Jul 4th 2011 !⃝

    i think it means awesomeness lol

  18. anonymous
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    Jun 22nd 2011 !⃝

    That a person lost and in the need of help is asking for help from the higher power after all the wrong things has happened to the person, but things aren't getting better cause he turned his back and chose the wrong path

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