What do you think Paradise Lost means?

Hollywood Undead - Paradise Lost Meaning

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Paradise Lost Lyrics

So watch my chest heave
As this last breath leaves me
I am trying to be
What you're dying to see

I feel like "Fuck man,
Can't take this, anymore,
This heart, break this."
This is life that's so thankless,
How could he just forsake...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Jan 24th 2011 !⃝

    its how a man loses faith in god even though hes trying to be what he thinks is god perfect person.. but hes not sure what that is. by the last verese he loses all faith. first veres he questions it...and second one he trys to understand, and just let god lead him... but by the end of the second verse pepole are religion. and god probly dosent exsists


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Dec 7th 2012 !⃝


    ''As this last breath leaves me
    I am trying to be
    What you're dying to see''
    (He is trying to be God perfect person but he is giving up on it.)

    ''This is life that's so thankless,
    How could he just forsake us?''
    (He is thinking about everything in his life, thinking about why he suffers if he is a good person?)

    ''He break us he makes us
    Hate us he gave us
    Nothing but no trust''
    (We are made, and with life we get disappointed with all around us, we learn to hate everyone and trust no one.)

    ''Lets hide by this lust
    And once we are just dust
    He'll know that he left us.
    (In the Catolic relegion, when you die and go to purgatory where you are judged by God, he look at everything you did in life, and God will realise that the man have tried to be a good person at all but God abandoned the man to suffer, and God will realise that he was not fair... So the man says he will enjoy life, that won't care about sins or nothing else.)

    ''Let it all burn
    I will burn first
    God I've tried, am I lost in your eyes?''
    (The man gives up, and he asks to ''let it all burn'' he means ''If no one is good lets all burn in hell together'', he even insists to burn first. He says that he tried and make a question to God if he had forgot him, because he can't believe that living can be so cruel.)

    ''Just let me burn, it's what I deserve.
    God I've lied, am I lost in your eyes?''
    (He says that he deserve it because he won't stand it anymore, he lost his faith. He makes a refference when he says ''I've lied'' because all Catolic man promise to have faith no matter what is the problem, and again he question God.)

    ''So take me and make me
    Weakened and save me
    This hate that you gave me
    Keeps saying the same thing.''
    (He still can't believe that he isn't heard, he think God is testing him.)

    ''To sing when you hurt
    To sing when you cry
    To sing when you live
    To sing when you die''
    (He makes a irony, people usually pray when they are with problems, they are never heard, but when the problem appears again, people come back to pray having hope to something happen and save them.)

    ''And here at the end
    At the end of the hurt
    All the pain ain't the same
    When it's your turn to burn
    We're the heart for the heartless,
    The thoughts for the thoughtless,
    The lies for the honest,
    We're the gods of the godless!
    (He means that other people don't have to count on god, they have someome to always help them, and that someone is the own man from the song, he is always there to help people no matter what but when he need those people help, he was alone, so he has to pray for his problems, it's a critic about how people are good when they need something, but when they need to do something for someone they are selfish.)

    ''So cry three tears for me,
    When it's all gone,
    Sing me this song''
    (He still tries to asks those people to cry for him when he dies and sing this song to show the ''Saint Trinity''[Father,Son and Spirit] that they failured with him, never rewarded him with nothing no matter how good he was.)

    ''I can not stand
    Who I am, I'm this man
    With this blood on my hands
    In this blood I am damned
    So watch my wings burn
    As they burn in the fire
    Don't scatter the ashes
    No need for the choir.''
    (He tries to be a bad person, but he can't he still insist to be a good person and still gets disappointed with people, he says he is cursed for being good, he finally gives up and become a bad person when he says ''burned wings'', he don't want to count more on people, don't even ask to people sing for him as he did before.)


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 22nd 2011 !⃝

    I think that Mr 1st poster guy is right, and Mr 2nd poster guy needs to keep his religious beliefs in mind.

  4. anonymous
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    Apr 29th 2018 !⃝

    It's possible this song was/is partially about a individual that had a schizoaffective and spiritual psychotic breakdown. Thinking that he should die, all the while losing his place in the God created paradise. Thinking that in order for us and the others to live instead and have life. He might had felt the guilt and shame of being a member of the human race, who's not measureing up to God, when trying to live in this confusing world that's full of conceit and based on sinful lies. This could be about the time when the worlds collide in the mind of the individual, when he's going through a very sad, terrifying and painful transformation towards wanting and obtaining a better place for oneself and for the others to live in peace. It's difficult and sad to say this was/is or may have been the period in someone's life when God was crying with empathy and sympathy for the individual's soul and thoughts of wanting to sacrifice himself and burn in hell. In order to be acknowledge by God that hey You i'am a good person down here, but why am I suffering so much and who can't live down in this way anymore. Where all the while Satan was laughing, but also meeting his defeat at the same time.

  5. kooljohn176
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    Sep 4th 2016 !⃝

    I vision this song from the point of view of the fading Hollywood Actor[s] that feel he[they] gave us his[their] all in vain playing god[s] or devils in anger to entertaine us as food for our thoughts in need to appreciate them. Eversince the time Paradise was lost to satan for God creating man and not obeying Him according to the Bible. Man eventually became lost,confused,dissapointed,disillusioned and off course angry with himself away from God to be confused with satan throughout time. Where furthermore he has been trying in vain many times religiously to create a Paradise[HEAVEN] on earth realistically eversince being cast out of the garden of eden that was ment for them and for all humanity that would follow, but we lost out. For the most part ''Hollywood'' itself was[is] a man made creation with this idea in mind eversince the hollywood undead man made gods and goddesses of the silent movies from their beginnings that we keep alive, watching their silent re-runs, followed up by the many ''talkies'' that use to hangout with the silent ones at ''the garden of allah'' that was a man made paradise on earth ''gathering'' for intellectual poets and stars in the making, with the ones that were already made and some that were lost to burn out on the Sunset Bullivard.

  6. anonymous
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    Aug 14th 2014 !⃝

    I think it's not as religious as all of you seem to think.
    It could also be a political song with the religious stuff as a stylistic device. About how everyone tries to make it right and to be a good person, but in the End there just pretending to be righteous. So he calls out to enjoy you unperfectness, celebrate your sins and just "let it all burn" befasse there is Nö point in beeing a good man

  7. anonymous
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    Apr 29th 2012 !⃝

    If u listen closely it sounds like it's satan's point of view in the song. "god i've lied am i lost in your eyes" it sounds as if he feels somewhat guilty for what he did and is isolated into hell.Counting the fact that the name comes from one of John Milton's poems called "paradise lost", this is the best explenation that i have.

  8. anonymous
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    Mar 11th 2012 !⃝

    OK, Guys, Lets not offend each other. Please respect us Christens and keep you're comments to yourself. (First or second guy on the list!) Your all entitled to an opinion, but seriously. This page is going to be a religious debate pretty quick.
    BTW, I think the guy feels so bad he thinks he deserves the worst.

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  9. anonymous
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    Jan 8th 2012 !⃝

    (I think this song not only talks about God but people in general.)

    So watch my chest heave
    As this last breath leaves me
    I am trying to be
    What you're dying to see
    (About a man trying so hard to please everyone including God.)

    I feel like "Fuck man,
    Can't take this, anymore,
    This heart, break this."
    This is life that's so thankless,
    How could he just forsake us?
    (He can't take acting like something he's not just to please people and he's asking how could God just give up on him.)

    Racist he makes us
    Hate us he gave us
    Nothing but no trust
    And I am so fucked up
    So let this gun bond us
    Lets hide by this lust
    And once we are just dust
    He'll know that he loved us
    (He's confused. He thinks that God is making him feel all of the bad things when in reality it's the Devil making him think all these bad things. So in an attept to make God notice him he let's his sexual desire lead him and considers shooting himself.)

    I will burn first
    God I've tried, am I lost in your eyes?

    Just let me burn, it's what I deserve.
    God I've lied, am I lost in your eyes?
    (He thinks he deserves to burn in Hell. He's trying to apologize to God and admitting to his sins but he still doesn't think it's enough.)

    So take me and make me
    Weakened and save me
    This hate that you gave me
    Keeps saying the same thing
    (So he thinks this is all a game of power that God is playing with him.)

    To sing when you hurt
    To sing when you cry
    To sing when you live
    To sing when you die
    (Refers to how the Devil was the one in charge of the music in Heaven before he fell. Also about how he doesn't really care about people anymore. He is completely unaffected by someone living or dying.)

    And here at the end
    At the end of the hurt
    All the pain ain't the same
    When it's your turn to burn
    We're the heart for the heartless,
    The thoughts for the thoughtless,
    The lies for the honest,
    We're the gods of the godless!
    (He decides he is going to kill himself and one of the people that made him feel this way but it doesn't feel as good as he thought it would when he is about to do it.)

    Let it all burn
    I will burn first
    God I've tried, am I lost in your eyes?

    Just let me burn
    It's what I deserve
    God I've lied, am I lost in your eyes?

    So cry 3 tears for me,
    When it's all gone,
    Sing me this song

    So cry 3 tears for me,
    When it's all gone,
    When it's all gone
    (He' saying cry 3 tears because of the three archangels and for the more obvious reason it's Johnny 3 Tears. And when he's gone he wants people to now his pain.)

    I can not stand
    Who i am I'm this man
    With this blood on my hands
    In this blood I am damned
    So watch my wings burn
    As they burn in the fire
    Don't scatter the ashes
    No need for the choir
    (He's completly giving up on any chance of redemption and hates himself and thinks he deserves to burn in hell.)

    Let it all burn,
    I will burn first
    God I've tried, am I lost in your eyes?

    Just let me burn
    It's what I deserve,
    God I've lied, am I lost in your eyes?

    This hate that you gave me keeps saying
    Just let me burn,
    Just let me burn

    This hate that you gave me keeps saying
    Just let me burn,
    Just let me burn


    Just let me burn

    (By the end he's convinced that he deserves to go to Hell.)

  10. anonymous
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    Jan 5th 2012 !⃝

    cry me 3 tears is obvious johnny cus he is 3 tears but the general "3 tears' on johnny may be the trinity idk i'm not him just a guess hu solider

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  11. anonymous
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    Nov 10th 2011 !⃝

    cry 3 tears for me-

    one tear for each member of the trinity

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  12. anonymous
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    Nov 10th 2011 !⃝

    "to sing when you hurtin, to sing when you die, to sing when you livin, to sing when you die"

    Satan is rumored to be the archangel in charge of music before the war in heaven before the earth was made. there were 3 archangels, each corresponding to a member of the trinity.

    Michael-God the Father
    Gabriel-God the Spirit
    Azrael-God the Son

    Azrael is a name of Satan. Azrael corresponds to Christ. This corresponding is why in the Bible Jesus and Satan are always pictured as opponents. Satan was virtually Christ's servant until he rebelled.

  13. anonymous
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    Nov 10th 2011 !⃝


    Here is a link for the comment on "Paradise Lost" above.

  14. anonymous
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    Nov 10th 2011 !⃝

    It is about the 12 part book "Paradise Lost." This song isn't about a man singing to God. It's about Satan feeling that God has wronged him. "I will burn first" refers to Satan's venture through outer hell and into God's new world, where he seeks revenge.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  15. anonymous
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    Nov 4th 2011 !⃝

    i think its about a girl that he either broke up with or she dumped him and now he wants her back.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  16. anonymous
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    Sep 24th 2011 !⃝

    I think that he is singing to the Devil.
    God gives no hate and lust, and no trust. He loves us all.
    And, he is blaming the Devil for making him a horrible man, and he is begging to God to let him burn in h*ll, 'cause of all the things he has done.
    The comment above this one is a good one, though.

  17. anonymous
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    Sep 23rd 2011 !⃝

    This song is about a man, who is losing faith in God because of all the bad the man has done, and he doesn't know who to turn to.
    Finally, he makes up his mind and says: "Just let me burn! It is what I deserve!" Obviously he means that he doesn't deserve to go to heaven, or percatory, he wants to go to hell.

    What the fans don't realize, is that the man will eventually die or kill himself, and then God will confront him.
    He will learn that God loves him, and that he never left him. The man heart is broken because of how horrible he was being to the lord, and he begs to go to hell. The lord answers his wish, but send him to percatory. After a period of time, after cleansing his sins, he takes the man to heaven.
    My happy ending.

  18. anonymous
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    Jun 12th 2011 !⃝

    I think it's talkin bout him trying to be a good person but he still thinks he deserves to go to hell. He says he's tried, but cant be accepted by god.

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